My Bohemian Bunnies

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well, I have batteries for the cam so new photos later today!! Hopefully santa will take my STRONg " won't let it go" HINT about a new camera.

I'm also going xmas shopping today. I don't think I've ever mentioned it but I HATE shopping. crowds, noise, people..however when I have a goal in mind, I will do ok.

I have my human kiddles all figured out but my furbabies.. what to get..Kitties are pretty easy. I got BunBun baby toys the last few years and a blankie but he didn't like any of them, not even the blankie!! little ingrate.

He looked at me like, " ok, so what did you REALLY get me?"

So any ideas??
CHRISTMAS SHOPPING YAY!!.....not really i hate it too..hehe

bunny treats are the best for Christmas presents:)..heres a couple of links u might like

dried flowers i have a bunny safe dried flower list for ya if u need it too.i really want to order from this place soon:)

mini hay bales and willow rings willow rings are 1.00 wayy cheap and the mini bales are a great great size and they have all dif kinds of hay to chose from..i really liked when i ordered from Barbie bRown..and check out her website too she is the all knowing guru of bunnies...AND she loves to talk to anybody on the phone if u have a question about bunnies...shes basically a free knowledgeable bunny advisor..and shes super kewl too.

i have tons more if ur interested..:)
and any of ur local Rabbit Rescues carry all kinds of healthy bunny treats and the best part is alot of the money goes to help the bunnies..
awesome!!! I like the cranberry timothy hay thingie ( my memory sucks) it looked so GOOD! lol thanks for the tips :) I won't get a disgusted look this year lol
I am still too shocked to go into detail. Tahli died unexpectedly, suddenly an hour ago. I can't even speak. I don't even know what to say and I've never known this much pain since my grandmother died.

Tahli. all this time I have worried about BunBun and it was Tahli who died without warning.

A hug for u......cuz i know u need it.
My 19 year old daughter and I were together when Tahli ( aka Tiny to my 4 year old) died. We both blame ourselves. We had gone to my son's apartment to be with him because he is ill.

We were there most of the day and into the night. I called hubby a few times and the last time I called him I said, can you check on the bunnies , make sure they have their hay and water.

When we finally got home, My daughter went to check the bunnies. She said " Tahli is wet mom" I went to see and Tahli had a wet face and a partially wet side.

We dried him off and wrapped him in a towel and when he was all dried and warm, we went and asked hubby what happened. He said he had been running in his larger enclosure and had banged into his water.

The only I can think of is shock. I spent all night online searching causes for sudden death in rabbits. He was fine before we left for my son's. He was eating some greens up on the bed with me.

My daughter is hysterical. She said if we hadn't gone over and stayed that late, this wouldn't have happened. I blame myself that I didn't run home and take care of the bunnies myself and then just go back over.

She said her water dish was put in the wrong spot, right next to her litter box. She thinks Tahli must have jumped out and into the water.

We don't know how long he had been wet before we got home.
I am still in shock but I'm so relieved you guys are here. I have to thank you again xo
As easy as it is, you guys can't blame yourselves :(
It was just Tahli's time, as sad as that is. I don't think it had anything to do with the water....

I feel so awful :bawl:
You guys gave Tahli the best gift ever, he was so loved and spoiled that he knew it was safe to cross over, I wish I could bring him back for you :cry4:
I agree with Brandy. For me, water shouldn't be the cause for his death. The sudden death is quite a common thing in rabbits. :( Like Lisa said, some of them passed away without any warning, they just...gone. Will you take him to the vet for post mortem ?
Please Tristana, please don't blame yourself, and tell this to your daughter too. You guys were there for someone who's as important as Tahli. It's just Tahli's time. The time he was with you, I'm sure it was the most wonderful time for him, for you and for your family. We can't avoid death. If it will help making you feel better, even a bit. She now binkies free at the rainbow bridge, and trust me... one day we all will be together again, and will never be apart for forever. For now, be strong, Tristana. :( I know it's hard and my heart's broken for what happened. I still can't believe it). I'm here for you, whenever you need someone to talk to.
Thousands hugs for you and family :hug:
maybe he had a seizure and THEN fell into the bunnies get wet sometimes its not that big of a deal..unless he was OUTSIDE and wet when it was very Flash stands in his water bowl sometimes waiting for his treats....he doesnt even realize hes wet until his "raisin trance" is over....
ur gonna drive urself crazy trying to figure out how he passed....i know ur gonna...ur just like me...
i ended up getting a necropsy done on Redrum cuz i NEEDED to know wtf?? ....
i know exactly how ur feeling right now....guilt...dont listen to it....u cant stop ur life to be home every min. watching the bunnies..
im so sorry this has happened ..i really what u need to do is cry ur eyeballs out..i mean freakin cry HARD..cuz it hurts and ur gonna miss him....then u gotta turn this around into a positive thing...i dont know honor of Tahli plant a bush or tree in ur yard...or donate 20bucks to a rescue in his name.......OR rescue a needy bunny.................................................thats how i fixed the hurt of losing Redrum............................................................we luv u and are here for you..Lis and all the Hiphops.
You guys are wonderful. :big kiss:
It's been a very difficult day.

Lisa, I was thinking all day about rescuing a bunny but feel disloyal thinking about it even though I would be saving a life and spoiling another one rotten. It's just so soon. I don't know if I would be trying to ignore, deny the pain I feel and would that be fair to a new bun or to Tahli's memory.

I'm going to have to try to sort through my feelings. I took down Tahli's enclosure today and that was pure hell because I had just made it the day before and he loved it..but my 4 year old cried everytime she looked at it.

she asked me if bunnies go to heaven and do they come back in another bunny body? I have a deep kid. I told her some people believe that. I told her heaven was his home now and she cried, no mama, we are his home.

She was crying too because she was scared the cats in heaven had claws and would hurt tahli. How do you deal with a child's loss. She adored him more than anything. She told me once, BunBun is yours, mama. Tiny is mine. ( she nicknamed him Tiny)

It's been awful.
My oldest daughter who was with us last night is absolutely lost. she looks haunted.
I'm numb and it comes in waves. Hubby broke down and cried tonight.
I still just can't believe it. I need to grieve but I need to do it here or privately when no one is home. I feel like I have to keep it together somehow but the images of his death won't leave my head. I couldn't leave him to die alone and I wonder if he would have preferred that.

My heart couldn't do it but having to witness that tore me to pieces and I find although I'm trying to think of him licking my toes and peeing on hubby's side of the couch and him watching boxing with my husband, but the images of last night just keep haunting me.

A friend told me she thought another bun would be healing to me. That it could help erase some of the images of last night so I could focus on remembering all the love and spoiling and binkies Tahli did. I'm just not sure what will help.

I feel physically ill thinking about last night. I am sooooo glad that you guys get this and you get the guilt part and the overthinking part. I didn't want him examined after the fact because I don't think I could bear to know if there was something I overlooked or that it had been the shock of the water or the stress of his move to his new enclosure which was just kickass. he chilled out in there on his mat and seemed so happy but did the change kill him?

All these thoughts, I really do have to get a grip.
For Tahli ( Tiny) finally my grief is full out. this song burst me.

oh trist. the water didnt kill him.. the new kickass enclosure didnt either...he had something wrong inside.

ya know when i lost my Redrum i thought the same thing..i wanted another bunny so so bad..but i didnt want it to seem like she was forgotten or replaceable...but after too many days of sobbing in the shower(so know one could hear me)..i got Flashie and Angel,,,,.. my girl passed on the 4th of july and i got flashie and angel on the 15th of july...11 days of looking at her empty cage...and saving some of her poops in a sandwich bag....geez i luvd that stinkin some people 11 days seemed pretty quick..but this is my screw em.:)
Tahlis passing has made me meloncholy....ur little bunny has touched someone many miles away......imagine that:).
big squeeze from me in arizona to you in bumfrack egypt uh i mean Canada.

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