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    • TheBuns
      TheBuns replied to the thread Staphylococcus aureus.
      Thank you for the articles I’ll be reading them. I read the first article so it can be contagious to other bunnies I think I’m going to...
    • TheBuns
      Hello everyone, my bun that had a head tilt got a culture sensitivity test of his right ear and it should that he has a moderate growth...
    • TheBuns
      TheBuns replied to the thread e cuniculi.
      Update my bun had an appointment Tuesday (different vet i decided to give them a try) they did blood test but I am waiting for the...
    • TheBuns
      TheBuns posted the thread e cuniculi in Health & Wellness.
      Hello my bun has been on and off sick vet thinks he has an ear infection or e cuniculi. He’s been on antibiotics but things are not...
    • TheBuns
      TheBuns replied to the thread Rabbit not eating and pooping.
      Hi, no I was not given no gut stimulant. They were going to prescribe me a some type of stool softener but changed their mind and said...
    • TheBuns
      Hello everyone, my rabbit has not been eating since last night or pooping . It is now going to be afternoon since she hasn’t ate by...
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