Mimzy's Blog!! ((and Fallow))

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YA!!! thats my baby girl, Charlee going on 18 months!!! o goodness...crazy to say...shes growing to fast. UGH!

and ya...time does heal everything eventually...just the waiting game for now. lol
The pic's of Charlee playing & climbingin the cage are

socute. :)Fallow seems like a great bunny. Looks like you two

have a great bond. :D
lol Charlee colored on the cardboard to. she made the bunnys floor prettiful!!!

And Fallow is my maybe heart bunny (i dont know how to tell...im afraid if i say he is my one true heart bunny it;; jinx something))...he is my acclaimed bf and he cheats on mimzy often and comes and cuddles with me when she isnt around lmfao...he does get upset wit me easily and has a lot of attitude. i think Mimzy may be rubbing off on him
NIC cages are best when they are 'kid-tested & bunny-approved' ;) New design looks like the buns will have a lot of fun with it.

I am sure that others have different means of knowing if a bunny is their heart-bunny. For me, I know that deep in my heart if something happened to my heart-bunny, my heart will literally stop and fall to pieces. I have had two heart-bunnies, Maggie and Luna, and with both losses I felt like my life ended the moment they left me. Sheesh... in tears again thinking about them. Yes, time heals such losses of the heart, but you are right that it is a waiting game sometimes.l

LOL yes, i think it passedthe kid testing. it withstood her 29lbs so will be fine with Fallows 12lbs :)

I think my Dalton was a heart bunny then...i had that rabbit for 6 months and we never bonded...but then i got dumped and my heart shattered and i lost my best friend to cancer all in a week..and i laid in bed and cried till there were no more tears just i went into shock. no getting up to eat...just drink whatever i could find to not feel. then Dalton, for the first time, laid IN bed with me...not touching me...but just by me. he nudged me every now and then...he saved my life...he gave me hope.
anyways fighting back tears ive been fighting all day.

today was rough...

I went to lunch with my brother...we talked about a lot of things that were very personal and i bit back tears all day and when hugging him it turned into us holding eachother and i honestly was terrified suddenly of loosin him. him and i both lost our loves...i could have been there more after jesse died...i could have spent more time in the hospital and not been so afraid to loose aaron as jeremy sat there watching him die...while i ignored it.

so many things about the situation bother me now that i look back
im so scared of hospitals
im cryin now
i have no one to hold me now and say its ok
i need this right now...to just get it out
i was afraid to loose aaron after i lost jesse
i knew aaron was dyin...yet i avoided him. cause i figured itd make it easier if i wasnt around so much...that id not care as much
i miss them so much
i lost my fiance...
i lost my best friend.
and my brother got me a stupid rabbit.

now im really cryin...

he gave me a little box and told me merry christmas. inside was a little bunny...he has blue eyes...i don't know what he is...hes cute. i cant think of a name...i keep wantint to name him baxter. but my ex was brandon baxter...who broke my heart.

im still crying

now i have a rabbit that i dont know what to do with...charlee is holding me brushing away my tears...

i miss dalton
i miss jesse
i miss aaron
and all i have is my brother left.
and my daughter...
and fallow and mimzy...
and now a stupid little adorable baby bunny i dont really need...but hes from my brother...so hes staying...

now to fix my make up before my dad sees ive been crying.
Wabbitdad12 wrote:
Great pictures, looks like a pretty protective puppyof your daughter.
Thanks. And Daisy can be very protective which is nice. Their around 8 months apart in age so they'll grow up together...which I think will be really nice for Charlee
Ok...new bunny still has no name...I was really upset earlier so I guess I didn't say much..I talked to my brother a bit about the bunny. All he'd say is...it had blue eyes.
He is really rabbit stupid...animal stupid in general.

I have a couple pictures...will take more tomorrow...I'm guessing some sort of lop cause his ears are fallin. Age I don't know...He's tiny though...I know I should find him a good home. I know I can't have another bunny. I can take care of him, but my parents won't allow it...but he's from my brother...all him and I have shared is death. Now we have a bunny...I know these posts are depressing...I know not many people read this...I NEED SOMEONE TO TELL ME IM GOING TO BE OK...please...im crying again. im a strong person...but not right now...all because of a bunny...dangit.



girl i work with giving him bunkisses



OMG...How SWEET!! Awww:)Adorable... :inlove:(the new bunny) Is it male? female?

Sorry your going thru such a rough time. Sending you hugs from Ohio ((((HUGS)))) :hug:
Thanks April...thank you.

And he's a little boy..I'll take more pictures today. I had to make a make shift cage...

I laid in bed with him last night and he cuddled a bit but he was more interested in running around..he's SOOO tiny compared to Mimzy and Fallow...I'll try to get a picture of all of them for size comparison.

Then Mimzy and Fallow I gave a bunch of cardboard boxes and old old books that were falling apart and oh they went to town all night on them. Loved em! Of course, now I need to clean my room of all the little peices of paper.

I feel a lot better today...I texted a guy last night who really liked me at one time. But I was to big of a b*** to think about giving him a chance...he's one of the good guys that you never want till you've had all the wrong ones. He offered to take me out...I've hurt him twice now. He's a good heart...plus he loves my bunnies...maybe he's wat I need...I love his dog too *sigh*
I love the new bun! :) I have been hurt by so many guys over the last few years, and only just found one that is so sweet that it seems too good to be true. Maybe it is a good sign for both of us, I think you should definitely go on a date with him and see how it goes xx
I'm glad you've found a great guy, Grace!

And problem with MJ is he got extremely clingy and wouldn't leave me alone...

I may be moving...honestly I can't handle it anymore. Beig called a bad mom. My mom threatening to take my kid away. My depression worsens being at home...

i know this blog is about my bunnys. but a move would involve them to...a big move...two states away :)
fuzz16 wrote:
I'm glad you've found a great guy, Grace!

And problem with MJ is he got extremely clingy and wouldn't leave me alone...

I may be moving...honestly I can't handle it anymore. Beig called a bad mom. My mom threatening to take my kid away. My depression worsens being at home...

i know this blog is about my bunnys. but a move would involve them to...a big move...two states away :)

If you could move to a better environment that is gonna be stable for your daughter, I would do it. Sounds like the situation your in, isn't good. I have depression myself and being in that situation isn't gonna help. Plus... it's verbally abusive and your daughter may be hearing this. She don't understand now but one day she will.

Fancy77 wrote:
I love the white on his face...He reminds me of Gizmo from the Gremlins ssooo cute
thanks! im still thinkin of a name for him...i keep coming back to baxter...my sister wants to call him fergie -.-
SweetSassy wrote:
fuzz16 wrote:
I'm glad you've found a great guy, Grace!

And problem with MJ is he got extremely clingy and wouldn't leave me alone...

I may be moving...honestly I can't handle it anymore. Beig called a bad mom. My mom threatening to take my kid away. My depression worsens being at home...

i know this blog is about my bunnys. but a move would involve them to...a big move...two states away :)

If you could move to a better environment that is gonna be stable for your daughter, I would do it. Sounds like the situation your in, isn't good. I have depression myself and being in that situation isn't gonna help. Plus... it's verbally abusive and your daughter may be hearing this. She don't understand now but one day she will.

its a move from kansas to MI...ive never bee so far from any family. ive relied on my family so much too. i wish i could affrd my own place. i was soo happy when i lived on my own. i know my parets will fight me on this cause they may never see their grandkid but once a year...but they wanted me to have an abortion in the first place. i couldnt dream of leaving her though...i would loose my reason to do anything without my baby girl.
Since you have a job could you gethelp with an apt? It's called Section 8 here.

Do whats best for you. Your parents can't stop you. And I know what you mean, I have 4 kids and they're my life. I could never leave my kids either.

Sorry your going thru such a rough time. :hug1
section has a 3 year waiting list. i applied last year
Hey, Brenda, I came here to read about the new baby bunny... and ended up reading every post of the whole 4 pages haha

Your bunnies are adoreable, and your daughter is adorable, precious and beautiful. I have so much respect for young women such as yourself who accept responsiblity for their child (and bunnies). and I hope that doesn't sound patronising, I am only 22 myself and I can't imagine being able to support my own child. You sound as though you are determined to do what is best for your daughter, and you are willing to do what it takes to do that. I hope you are proud of yourself for that. I think your daughter will also grow up to be a strong woman with you as her mumma!

From the little I know about the situation with your parents, it doesn't sound ideal for Charlee or yourself. I don't know what kinds of things you have already done to try and make the situation better, but would there be any point in trying to talk to your parents about how they make you feel when they say hurtful things to you? It's totally your call of course, but maybe if you could come to them as an adult and say "hey, this is hurting me, and I don't want you to critisise me because you are indirectly critising my daughter's DNA". She might not understand yet but she will more and more as she gets older. It seems like they care about her and might be more inclined to see the damage it can do to her, because she is young and vulnerable whereas you are grown up.

Now, again, I have no idea if this is worth mentioning or not, but if you do want to get out of the house and live away from your parents, you could consider living with another young mum and sharing the rent. A girl I went to school with has a 2 year old daughter, and she lives with another girl who has a daughter too, and I met up with them both last year and I just thought it was a great idea. It would provides adult company for you, and you can share resources, as well as emotional support. So I don't know if you know of anyone in a situation like your own, or have a friend of a friend... I guess what I am saying is that you could think about it and look into it if you want to.

anyway I will stop rambling now, once I start I just keep going haha

what are you thinking of doing with the baby bunny? your colleague seemed to like him/her in those pictures, if she is responsible enough you could see if she wants a bunny? just a thought, if you are not able to keep him/her yourself...
crystal wrote:
Hey, Brenda, I came here to read about the new baby bunny... and ended up reading every post of the whole 4 pages haha

Your bunnies are adoreable, and your daughter is adorable, precious and beautiful. I have so much respect for young women such as yourself who accept responsiblity for their child (and bunnies). and I hope that doesn't sound patronising, I am only 22 myself and I can't imagine being able to support my own child. You sound as though you are determined to do what is best for your daughter, and you are willing to do what it takes to do that. I hope you are proud of yourself for that. I think your daughter will also grow up to be a strong woman with you as her mumma!

From the little I know about the situation with your parents, it doesn't sound ideal for Charlee or yourself. I don't know what kinds of things you have already done to try and make the situation better, but would there be any point in trying to talk to your parents about how they make you feel when they say hurtful things to you? It's totally your call of course, but maybe if you could come to them as an adult and say "hey, this is hurting me, and I don't want you to critisise me because you are indirectly critising my daughter's DNA". She might not understand yet but she will more and more as she gets older. It seems like they care about her and might be more inclined to see the damage it can do to her, because she is young and vulnerable whereas you are grown up.

Now, again, I have no idea if this is worth mentioning or not, but if you do want to get out of the house and live away from your parents, you could consider living with another young mum and sharing the rent. A girl I went to school with has a 2 year old daughter, and she lives with another girl who has a daughter too, and I met up with them both last year and I just thought it was a great idea. It would provides adult company for you, and you can share resources, as well as emotional support. So I don't know if you know of anyone in a situation like your own, or have a friend of a friend... I guess what I am saying is that you could think about it and look into it if you want to.

anyway I will stop rambling now, once I start I just keep going haha

what are you thinking of doing with the baby bunny? your colleague seemed to like him/her in those pictures, if she is responsible enough you could see if she wants a bunny? just a thought, if you are not able to keep him/her yourself...

I owe my parents about 4g for them helping with my costs on hospital bills and car payments...which is the only reason I'm here.

And it is hard sometimes being a single mom at this age, but honestly...like I was telling my coworker last night I would rather it this way if I had the ability to redo it...It's who I am. She's my life.

And I try talking to my mom...I truly have no guts though when it comes to confrontation which is why it's easy for people to walk all over me. I did send a text to my mom when I was at work telling her she cannot call me an irresponsible mom and i pointed out bluntly and harshly the things that she has done that has been bad mothering. how she never asks if im ok. how she doesnt even know what kind of music i like. there are other things that involve the past with my family that i brought up which probably hurt her but hopefully made her realize what im trying to get at...she eventually stopped responding after saying i always leave when they try to talk to me...them talking to me is yelling and saying i need to go to school and grow up and pretty much putting down everything i do and breakin apart any dream i have...they say im not smart enough to teach so i shouldnt even bother going to school for that. which hurts...i made A's on tests and the assignments i did complete...i just stopped caring and my grades were bad..im far from stupid...shes avoiding me atm.

And the bunny is staying with me...i beleive in fate and my brother decided to get him for a reason...that reason will soon be known to me.

and id be moving out of state in with a friend until i got on my feet. i had an apartment wit a roomie...and i just dont get along with anyone well enough to live with anyone else and trust them to be able to pay on time and clean and what not

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