Luvmyzoocrew's Furries

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Luvmyzoocrew wrote:
JadeIcing wrote:
Luvmyzoocrew wrote:
ha ha ha dont tempt me i think i have your address somewhere on my computer,lol, i will put a stamp on his head and put hinm in the mail box,lol!!!!!!!!!
Fine send him as an easter bunny. :p Don't want him to travel during the cold.
:whistling        dont collect your mail around Easter,lol :bunnysuit:

it's getting closer.
Haha..this picture is so cute...i love watching bunnies sleeping!..

I love your bunnies...they are just adorable


Alli I had him all packed in a box but he ate his way out,lol, i will have to think of something else to get him there,lol.

Cheryl thank you , i love to watch them sleep and Charger is too funny sometimes i will wake him with the flash and he pops his head up then you see the eyes slowly closing and h is head gets lower, and lower, and lower,lol.

Also one of the rabbits snores!!!!! i can hear it from the couch while the tv is on,lol. I think it is Belle that is the snorer lol
I am playing the waiting game, and it sucks!!!!!!!! Waiting to see if the meds for my cat and dog are working. For those of you that might not know i was taking my dog to have his teeth done and a lump on his hind end removed but test results came back and they were thinking possible Cushings , but upon an ultrasound, and xrays , it is more likely to be Cancer of the liver or Hepatitis in dogs, neither of which have great results. His liver is three times the size it should be so in either case he doesnt have very long. Time line i was given was if it is cancer 6-12 months and if it is hep 12-18 months with the way things look, it sucks. The cat had blood work done, and xrays and they saw a spot on her hock, she has muscle mass loss in her leg and her leg is lame. They are pretty sure with the way it is presenting and the spot that it is cancer , most likely on her nerve.

Treatment for the dog, he is on something to help his liver function better, and a steriod, and then we go back for blood work to see if the liver values got better, worse or stayed the same. I can put him through a biopsy, mri, and another battery of tests, but at this point i want him to just live out the rest of what he has, and not be poking and prodding at him, if i were to do all these tests and still find out it is cancer then i wont be doing anything about it so i dont see the use in it.

Treatment for the cat, she is also on a steriod, in two weeks we will take her back for another xray to look at the spot and we will see if in the mean time she regains use of her leg. If she doesnt gain use of it back i have to options, one leave her with a lame leg, or AMPUTATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :shock: if the cancer is in the leg i could pro long her life alot , if not then the leg is weighing her down and her life expectancy could be shorter, now this is of course if the cancer is in the leg ONLY. A MRI would be able to tell for definte but i dont have the money for a MRI, and surgery!!!!!!!

DECISIONS, DECISIONS!!!!!!!!!! with sam we are just making him comfortable until his liver stops working then i will have a definte answer as to what to do, but with Willow i dont know how this is going to play out.

On a happier note, and thank you if you got this far in the post,lol. We are getting chicks!!!!!!!!!! i have to call Tractor Supply on monday to see when they are getting them in, we will be getting 6 as that is the min that i can get. My dad and hubby are going to build a coop for them, and they will be living in my house till they are old enough to go out!!!!!!! This is my first "farm" type animal that i will own and my first animal that will live outside, this will be a big one for me,lol.

Second happy note is May or June i will be going to an information meeting about doing foster care again, for a child,lol. I did foster a while ago and i want to do it again with the hopes of adopting !!!!!!!!!!! so we will see , i have things that have to get done in the house before we can bring another c hild into it, like the one bedroom being finished,lol.
What a fab ending of sooty's story. it started poorly about the condiction he was in but I'm happy there was some one like you to take care of him and also having a play mate too.

There pictures are adorable to see thanks for sharing them with us.

I have to do one shortly about Pepper.
Crys Belle always has that disapproving look about her,lol, dont know if it is because she is a Dutch,lol or what.

Thank you Lorraine, I still miss my Sooty :( but am glad i got to spend what little time i did with him.
Have fun with the chicks! We had baby duck 2 summer ago and had them in the house since they were still young to be outside. We even let them swim in the bathtub which was their favorite!
ha ha ha Helen that is cute , having them swimming in the bath tub,lol. I have almost everything ready, i have to get bedding, which i dont need right away cause they will be on newspaper with paper towels on top for the first week. I have to get marbles of some sort to put in the watering thing for them, and then all i need is the CHICKS,lol. I have to laugh , like i dont have enough to do with the animals that i have, the kids and the medical problems with my two animals,lol, i have a hole in my head,lol.
Our chicks are here!!!!!!!

This is Willow, she was testing out the brooder , everytime i went in there she was sitting under the heat lamp.



Here are the girls. 6 Golden comets, and 2 Amber links. This is the afternoon that they came to my house



Here they are today, with there stuffed animal that i catch them snuggling up with and sleeping


Today I took Sam, the dog, and Willow, the cat, back for check ups, reruning of blood work for Sam and re xray for Willow. I will get Sam's blood work back tomorrow, if his liver levels come back and stayed the same or went down we will keep him on the meds he is on now, if they are higher then we will switch the meds. Basically at this point we are just trying to make him comfortable. Willow's news is worse then i wanted, i had resigned myself to the fact that I was going to have her leg amputated, so just when i had absorbed that fact they redid the xrays on her leg and they took one of her chest and that is when they saw a tumor in her chest. So the prognosis is we will not put her through the amuptation, and just make her comfortable for however long she has left :tears2:. So with the way things are looking i will have to make "that" decision two times this year, how much does that SUCK. I will do it but i dont know if i can keep doing this, why do we put ourselves through this? At the rate the animals are dropping in my house i would be afraid if i was any animal coming into this house,lol. It looks like 2010 is going to suck as much as 2009 did :( oh well it is what it is , and i have to deal with it
I am so sorry about your news. I know you were hoping for better. :hug:
Thank you Ali, yes i was, it sucks but they are all around the same age so it is probably going to be like this for the next few years, or at least it is going to feel like it,lol. I was hoping for this year to be better and less sad then last year but i guess not.
I am sorry you have to go through this.
I am thinking about you talk to you tomorrow of you need me I am here.

Kat:hug::pink iris:
You chickies are cute! Do you have names for them yet? I should have just grabbed some at work for you. We get a shipment every week, I'm sure they wouldn't miss a couple!:p

Sorry to hear about Willow.
Thank you Kat, Helen and Ren :) It is amazing the difference i can see in the chicks, i mean just the size difference already with them.

Just got off the phone with the vet about Sams blood test results and the two levels that he was most worried about are better, his one levels are 50% better and the other one got better. One level that was real high got a little bit higher but he seemed more concerned about the other levels. We are putting him in another medicine and we will recheck his levels in another month or so to make sure we are going on the right track. So there was a little bit of better news from the visit yesterday,lol
Lol Dave at the Featheries, it sounds good together though,lol
Well my girls are now 2 weeks old, and boy oh boy do they grow fast!!!!! These pictures where taken at 1 1/2 weeks, they are getting their big girl feathers, some are friendlier then others, and there feet are even bigger. I had to build them a NIC cage for them, and they can fly up. But they are cute!!!! I cant wait till they have all their big girl feathers so i can start to try to tell them apart,lol



These two are the Amberlinks, right now they are getting alot of big girl feathers in they have these feathers coming in that are hard, sort of.



you can see the thermometer on the left side, well my girls like to hide it on me cause everytime i put it somewhere it is gone later,lol.




some are very curious, one has a spot with darker feathers on the top of her head, i am hoping that when her adult feathers come in it will be an identifiable spot on her,lol.




so cute look at her little face!!!!!



Well they are my girls, getting super big , super fast,lol. I am panicking because my hubby still hasnt gotten the material for the chicken coop!!!!!!!! i am going to have full grown chickens running around my house laying eggs,lol.

Cat and dog update - they are holding their own, no better , no worse. Willow's leg is still no good but she is getting around. Sam is skinny, i am suppose to take him in a few weeks for follow up blood work, we will weigh him again and hopefully he isnt loosing any more weight. on a good note he just loves to get his medicine cause i put it in a pill pocket thing and he loves them,lol.

Rabbits- Benny and Belle are doing good, nothing to report. I tried checking Bennys feet today but he wasnt having it so i will check them tomorrow, i check them to keep an eye on the hair loss on the bottom of his feet, i want to make sure they are ok and he doesnt have any sores or anything like that.

Charger , well what can i say about him? he is still a booger and some days he is more aggressive then other days, i do feel bad for him cause i dont get to take him out as much as i would like and i think that makes things worse. he is still charging at me, today when i was putting his pellets in he charged at the cup that i had the pellets in and the pellets went flying, anyone have any suggestions?

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