Luvmyzoocrew's Furries

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Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2007
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, Pennsylvania, USA
Well I decided to start my blog about my buns, now I cant say for sure that I will keep it up because downloading, or up loading pics is as quick as plucking your eyebrows as oppose to waxing.

An introduction to my buns, Belle is a female Dutch who turned 1 in fed 2007, and Sooty was 3-4 years in 2007. Belle was found on craigslist , her owner could no longer keep her due to allergies that her husband was having. To tell you the truth my craigs list posting would have read.........."free to a good home, one husband who is allergic to rabbits , so home that he goes to should not have any buns" :laugh:. They had her only four days when they posted about her. We emailed a few days until I could get there to pick her up , and we traveled 1 1/2 hours into the heart of Downtown Philly. I lived in Philly for 28 years and would not travel to center city unless my life depended on it, I would litterally have panic attacks thinking about having to go down their, so needless to say my hubby drove,lol. We brought her home and she was in a store bought cage. We , well I , teetered back and forth what kind of houseing she was going to have, one option was a cage with a pen around it, or a NIC cage? She stayed in the cage at night and then I opened it during the day and she had the run of the pen, but I saw all the rabbits on RO with their cool cages I had to build one.

This was my Belle when she came home, she looks ssssooooo little.


This was Belle's first home a cage with a pen around it.


This was my first attempt of a cage, dont ask me what i was thinking with no coroplast on the bottom????? I dont know if i was just waiting to get the coro or I thought "my" rabbit would be different,lol.


We had Belle a few months and decided to get her a MAN :wiggle I was on Petfinder, or craigslist looking and looking and looking. I answered a few adds but nothing "felt" right, I decided to just sit back and wait for "THE ONE". While on Petfinder one day I saw the most pathetic picture of a black lop, with his head hung low, on a wire bottom cage, with a description that said that he had a hard start to life, I would later find out how hard. I spent the next one to one and a half months looking at his pic, and pulling it up every morning to see if he finally got adopted. Finally I called just to ask if he was still there, and he was!!!!!!!!!!! Well within two days i was bringing him home, I had to go fill out an application and wait 24 hours, to make sure that I still wanted him, and OOHHHH I did. While at the shelter talking to the girl who was in the small animal room I found out the vet office that had him and brought him in, so when i went home i called them and asked what his story was. Here is what I learned. Someone was driving by and out on the curb with some home furnishing that were out on the trash was a rabbit hutch, with Sooty in it. A sign on the outside that said "Likes pop corn, pizza and ice cream" :headsmack The vet office took him in cut his teeth, got him back to Sexy Sooty status, and spent a while trying to find a home for him with not much luck. They did find a home, that in hind site they should have never have let this woman take him, the woman brought him back saying that he wasnt acting right. She was housing him outside in a hutch, in the dead of summer :nerves1. When he came back in to them he had mites , so again they worked on my baby got rid of his mites and got him all better. After looking for another home they had no luck so off to the shelter they took him. Now that is where I come in. He came home with me and it was like he knew he belonged thier, he was ssssssoooooooo comfortable, he wasnt afraid of anything. The vaccum didnt bother him, the cats peering in at him did not bother him, the kids and dogs didnt bother him, and he flopped like he lived here all his life.

THis was one of the first couple of days home, could he be anymore relaxed.


This was his first pic, I dont know if his head is just too heavy to hold up?


Then after Sooty got nutered it was bonding time, ugh i was :nerves1

This was the begining, Sooty looks llooonnnggg in this pic.


And this is the end result, it is not always this lovey, Belle is a little aggressive and we are working on that. Sooty is obnoxiously submissive, to the point that he is annoying in wanting her to groom him. I see why he humps her,lol, hence the nickname HUMPERELLA.


This leads us to today my buns are nic cage with pen attatched bunnies, I often get jealous of the free range bunnies. Due to my house it is not possible for them to have access like that. My dogs, my cats, my paparrazzi kids. So today we let them out in the living room for some roaming time and I enjoyed it so much , it was so nice to see them exploring and looking around, and I even caught Sooty doing a binky, and if you know Sooty he doesnt Binkie often. It was a little hairy at first because the kids where like the paparazzi is to Brittney Spears, so they went upstairs after a little bit and my older son sat downstairs with us. Here are some pics of them outside int he living room.

BUNNY BUTT, not only bunny butt but running bunny but,lol.


Sooty coming out of his cage looking at me wondering why I was taking a ton of pics.


Taking a break from exploring and hanging by the front of the cage.


Sooty went over and sat next to my oldest, thought that was so cute.


Sooty hopping around the floor.


so that sums it up for now I love taking pics, but hate uploading them so i dont know how often i will .
Wow, I'm so glad you got Sooty, poor baby. Sounds like it was meant to be too:).

Belle is so much smaller than him, hee hee. Too cute! Good for you for getting Sooty, he's adorable.

This is a precious pic of them!:inlove: How is it going?


IT is going pretty good. Belle still humps him when their is excitement ,like when i am bringing pellets, but i have been using a squirt bottle to squirt her,lol, and she will stop. The bald spot he use to have on his back is all grown back in.

I love that picutre too.
she is absolutely gorgeous. Is she an opal dutch? she looks in the pics like she has blue running through her. I am totally in love with her she is the most beautiful colour dutchie I have seen :inlove:
polly wrote:
she is absolutely gorgeous. Is she an opal dutch? she looks in the pics like she has blue running through her. I am totally in love with her she is the most beautiful colour dutchie I have seen :inlove:

:run: Runs to get locks for doors so Polly doesnt bunny nap Belle :duel lol

Well I dont know anything about color but she looks like grey and beige all mixed in together, so i dont know if that is an opal or blue,lol. Thank you for the complement about her, but if you knew her meanie personality you might now want her :crazinesslol, just kidding we love her.:bunny19
Aww, what a great blog! And SUCH cute buns!

Sooty is such a big bunner lol, he does look a bit like my Barney though with his squishy nose!:pSuch a sad story though, I'm soooo glad he's found a great home with you!

And I agree with Polly, Belle's colouring is BEAUTIFUL!!


Jen xx
Well we did it again last night it is looking like we will do this every night from 830 to 900-930. I will send hubby up with the kids and dogs and me and the buns will hang out together. It is so fun to watch them, and so fun to see Sooty doing his awkward Binkies,lol. The cats are ok with the rabbits in the pen but when Belle is tearing but around the living room they get freaked out, so I lock them in the wash room.

My dearest Sooty loves to scare the crap out of me, as cute as I think it is, I dont find it cute till i check to see if he is still alive,lol. I find out he is alive and I just want to touch him,lol, he looks so peacefull and cute. Then I go and grab the camerea and snap pics and he is completely unphased ,lol. He is one relaxed bun.


Look at those feet how cute, and if you could see how chubby his little face looks, so kissable,lol.


And then there sitting above his body enjoying some hay is the culprit, the first one i would look towards if he was really dead,lol. Poor Belle gets blamed for everything.


Today Sooty goes for blood work for his dental surgery, where i will ask some more questions and then schedule the appointment for good friday, almost two weeks away. It is so stressful wondering if he is going to make it, or if he is going to be better off, if he doesnt make it i will forever blame myself. Please pray bunny prayers that he makes it through it and that i make it through it,lol. I will post alot more right before the surgery because i will need to stress to people who understand.

What a cute couple. I hope all goes well for sooty. I thought he was dead when I saw his first picture. I have never seen a bunny so relaxed.
Ha Michele he does this to me a few times a day, before i run to get the camerea i make sure he is still alive,lol. The first time he did this to me he had only been in my house for a couple of days andwhen he did it i thought he died on me,lol, i thought the stress from coming to my house killed him.

Well everyone his appointment for the removal is on Friday, I wanted it next week but i forgot it is easter weekend next weekend so that was out cause we have to go somewhere. I will have the vet show me how to sub q fluids, I have almost all the supplies i need i just have to get a better syringe feeder and baby food.

I am going to be stressed for the next two weeks.
ur buns are so sweet - nibbles scared me once with the dead bunny flop :shock:
I have some more pics but this time it is only of Sooty, since he is going in for his teeth removal tommorrow....... :vomit:.............I swear everytime i say that word my stomach flops and i feel nausea, ugh. So of course him and Belle seemed to be real cuddley today, maybe i am just over noticing,lol. I have been prepairing all week, with my lists of what to do on each day and getting my supplies. I have pedialyte, pumpkin, jar baby food, critical care, two different syringes, hugs and kisses. I cleaned the piggies cages so i dont have to worry about changing the fleece out for another week, I washed the sheet i put down in the pen area for them. My plans for tommorrow are to change the two boxes i have for Sooty and Belle , for a few days or until Sooty is doing good, Belle and him will be seperated. She will be in the pen on lock down,lol, and he will be in the pen area. I hope this doesnt stress him out too much because he is a very needy bunny and loves his Belle. He will have a clean box and the sheet will be clean so this way i know if he is peeing and pooping, and eating and drinking. :cry4:I hope he is ok and he bounces back QUICK, after he comes out and wakes up and is doing good i will stress about syringe feeding him, he hates to be picked up , and i am afraid to just grab him, so we will both be stressing about that, and i have never syringe fed anything in my life. The vet that we are going to is a very good vet and comes recommended highly, i had issues with her before as i have taken my bearded dragon to her and we just didnt click, but this time i liked her and we clicked. We still have to talk about pain managment, they do Metacam but i want something stronger or along with it, i dont see it being a problem she seemed pretty receptive about showing me how to do sub-q fluids if i wanted to know, so we shall see.

Tommorrow i will get up at 6 am come down and feed everyone, and then run up and get my shower, get my son up for school, wrangle Sooty up and get him in the cage. He has become wise over the last little while and when it is time to get him in the cage he goes up on the second level,lol then i have to tempt him with crains, SUCKER,LOL. Then i have to get him out in the pen, shut the door, and corner him so the only way he can go is in the crate,lol.

So anyway here are some pics of today, and we of course did some easter pics, you can check them out in the sticky at the top of the messages, and of course when voting time comes around you will scroll down to Sooty or Belles pick and click on them :whistling lol. There are some great pics up against them so it is going to be hard this time,lol.


Woo hoo finally pics where you can see his eyes,lol, i have litterally hundreds of pictures but alot of them he looks like an eyeless bunny,lol.


I also took a pic of his feet, i love bunny feet, but not in the sick keychain kind of way. The same as i like bunny tails and butts,lol. :bunny24

On another note my mom might be taking in a bunny that someone found wandering in a local park. It is a baby, by thier discription, white with a black eye patch. We shall see when , and if , my dad gets it here, it will probablly be an adult brown lop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol. I havent heard from my dad yet to know whether or not she still had the bunny or someone else took it, but if no one was going to take it she was going to take it to the local shelter, so we couldnt let that happen. So I made my mom feel bad :roflmao:, i have enough going on here right now that financially i cant do it, and mentally i cant give my time to another rabbit right now. Between Sooty's surgery and the vet trip i just had with my three cats i have spent ALOT , ALOT, ALOT ,ALOT of money in the last two weeks.

Well i have bored you all long enough and if you have made it to my closing statement then you are a better person then i am,lol.

nighty ,night, and prayers for tommorrow.:pray:
Well it has been a real eventful week here. I was having cat issues with one of the three cats, which cost me an arm and a leg,lol. Then it was Sooty's time he went earlier in the week for blood work and then it was surgery time. Of course i had great anxiety leading up to the surgery, and all of it made me think "maybe i shouldnt do this", but i took it as my worry wart personality. The night before I got no sleep and was up every hour on the hour. 6 am the alarm goes off and i head down stairs and get everyones food together, lol, tricked them because all the piggies were laying down sleeping and suprised to see me. After feeding everyone i was off to shower and get dressed, came down let Sooty finish eating all that he wanted , then got him into the carrier. Go to the vet,8:00 am, sign papers and leave a number for them to call me if an emergency and when he was done, leave him and head home. Once I am home I have something to eat and then get to cleaning the hay box and litter, and putting the nice clean sheet down.9:00 my cell phone rings I look at the caller id and see it is the vets office, at that moment i was scared thinking something had happened but also thinking that one hour could be long enough and they are calling to say he is out of surgery, boy was the second thought wrong.

The vet asks for me and I tell her it is me and she goes to tell me that Sooty was ok now, BUT, his heart stopped on the table and he stopped breathing. They were able to bring him back and he was coming out and getting his reflexes back and was so far doing good. When she started talking my stomach and heart hit the floor at lightning speed, and i didnt hear everything she said i was in such a state of shock. I went at lunch time to see him and he was wobbly and unsteady on his feet, but i kissed him, and told him thank you for not leaving me. After about 45 minutes I left telling him I would be back at dinner to get him. Well since this was the day from heck i was all over. Between visiting Sooty and picking him up i had to take mom to the vet with her new rabbit,and then stop at the feed store for her. While in the feed store I jokingly said to my mom that the doctor was suppose to call between 5:00 and 5:15 and it was now 4:59 what was taking her so long. As the last word came out of my mouth and i put my hand back down to my side the phone went off, IT WAS THE VET. I answered it and it was the Dr. who operated on Sooty and she said he was rammy, shredding up the paper in his cage, and rearranging his cage and wanted to come home!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh boy i was so excited to be getting him home . Drove home and went to the vet and talked to the doc again, she did tell me what exactly she used, and that she had put him under and was filing down his back teeth when his gums turned purple and his breathing was so shallow. His heart rate was at 100 when it was suppose to be over 200. They gave him a reversal, gave him oxygen, and she started massaging his chest and slowly he came back. I feel like this is a smack in the head and unless it is an emergency we will not be having his teeth taken out again, i will learn how to cut them my self to advoid the every three week stress of a drive to the vet. If he has to go he will have to go to the university where i will have to take a second mortgage out,lol, so i wll start putting away money now just in case the situation arises.

I am glad that as he was hopping towards the Rainbow Bridge, that all the RO bunnies were yelling "TURN AROUND, GO BACK , WE DONT WANT YOU HERE , GO BACK TO YOUR MOM!!!!!!!!!!!"





Well it has been a while , I havent felt like dealing with uploading pics on my sslllllloooooowwwwwww computer,lol. I have been dealing with morning sickness in the begining of this pregnancy, I went to the hospital a week or so ago for cramping and spotting. Everything is fine , we saw a wee little tiny heart beat which is always reassuring. Blood work came back good. I had my first appointment after that and i go back on May 8th in which time i should be able to hear the heartbeat , which will make me more at ease and i will be able to relax a little. I was batteling everyday morning sickness but since being at the hospital it has been alot better and only comes off and on, which is ssssssooooooo much better then everyday. I am taking B-6 to help with it so i dont know if it is that or just my body has gotten use to it, but i am too afraid to stop taking it ,lol, so i will do so until 12 weeks. Right now i am 8 weeks along and my due date (ultrasound was measuring smaller then i thought i was , but the doctors said it is ok that the tech could have just measured the baby smaller, but i will have another one at 20 weeks and we will see if the due date changes) was moved to Nov 27. A Thnaksgiving baby,lol, I dont want to miss my Thanksgiving dinner,lol.

Ok so onto my buns. The wheather is nice so my middle son went out and picked some dandelions to feed the rabbits he was so happy!!!!!! Belle gobbled her right down but Sooty took his time i dont think he was exactly sure what to do,lol. Sooty went to get his teeth clipped last week and I got a pair of the clippers to cut them myself but i dont know if i am going to be able to do it my self. The vet said that if i cant do it bring him back and she will do it with me again and show me. She kept telling me to calm down,lol, i think she knows me too well ,lol. I am such a spaz, I am so afraid of cutting them too short, cutting his tongue or lip, oh god if i see blood i will be on the floor crying my eyes out,lol :shock:

Sooty wearing his Dandelion, cant see his face here.


My son feeding his pretty flower to Belle.


Belle looking at me like she is going to kill me because i put a flower on her head,lol, but look how cute she is :inlove:


I have tried to post in my blog twice already , so i am trying to do it with less photos to see if it works.

As some might know I am a foster mom for the furry kind. I foster guinea pigs for Have a Heart guinea pig rescue, and have been doing so since last summer. So far i have had three fosters, the first was a baby female i had for two weeks, Mr D i had for 8 months, and a pair of bonded boars that i have had for almost a year.

Below is Mr D he has just recently been adopted after spending 8 months with us. He is a biter, and although i have never been biten he was a heart attack with crazy bed head,lol. I use to wear gloves when i would have to handle him to protect my hands and to allow me to handle him without being a panicky mess,lol. The picture below was of him sitting in his carrier waiting to go to his new home.


Mr D looking out at me wondering where his veggies are, he would do this every morning and i would have to give him a piece just to get him away from the door so i could get his bowl in,lol. Look at those piggie lips i could just kiss them.


Mr D lookin like a cowboy!!!!!!!!!!


If this works i will have more pics tommorrow for everyone.

lets cross our fingers and paws

woo hoo the last one worked so lets keep going.

Other then my foster piggies I have three cats, three dogs, one bearded dragon, two rabbits, and god only knows what else has moved in that i havent noticed.

This is Willow and Sylvester, sylvester is pushing willow away cause she is a girl and girls have Cooties???? They are around 12-13 years old. You will notice a theme with my cats they are all black and white, I LOVE BLACK AND WHITE CATS. Put 5 cats in front of me and one of them be black, or black and white and i ooohh and aaahhh over that one,lol. Willow is the most docile cat there is, when my oldest was a baby he would scoot around in his walker, so when he would knock off all the toys she would jump up and lay on the walker. Well being a baby he would grab clumps of skin and hair and she would just jump down, shake it off then jump right back up on the tray!!!!!!!!!! It got to the point that i could not keep her off of his tray so i gave up,lol.

Ok this is Simba, i am hoping that the pic fixes itself and isnt so big. He is the same age of the other guys, and he is best buds with my oldest son. He use to stalk me to the point that i couldnt be outside without him in every window of the house to see me, he has gotten a little better over the years. He is a very vocal cat, if one of the other cats looks at him cross he cries!!!!!!!!!!!

I will try to make sure that these go through then i will be back to post some more of my buns......:shock:............. I mean my rabbits.
Here is Belle looking like she is going to charge the camera,lol.


Belle grooming her man , now if he would do the same to her maybe she would shed so gosh dang much.


Here is a ginormus picture that photo bucket is not resizing for me for some reason. Here are the lovely couple, Sooty is twice the size of her and she is the boss,lol.


Here is Sooty's impression of "lets watch mommy turn 50 shades of white cause she thinks i am dead" You have to love how relaxed he gets in a house with obnoxious barking dogs and kids running around all day.


Look at the creepy tilting of the head, for better effect.


The stiff legs sticking out straight, one of these days he is going to be dead and i am going to be snapping away taking pics of him,lol.


Sooty wishing mommy would take the camera away and stop taking pics


Just recently I let them out to run the living room for about an hour after the dogs, hubby and kids went to bed and ever since Belle has been nuts. She is pushing and pulling the pen around, and standing up on her back legs like she wants to get out again,lol. Some days she is relentless with this behaviour.
Here they are are Small and large,lol.


Now for some groom time. First groom his nose.


Then near his ear.


Then on the back of the neck.


The other eye, my man must have clean eyes.


Oh and the ear, and an extra bonus he has pumpkin on his ear from earlier, yyyuuummmm


Now the other ear, not as delicious as the first one.


OOOHHHH now it is my turn?????? maybe not


Dang what is he waiting for, I am sure i cleaned his leg earlier.


COME ON , now the other leg??? when is it my turn?


Sleep with one eye open Sooty!!!!!


Oh ok we can cuddle if you want.




Now i am all alone.


Oh well i will take a nap now.


"I think she is mad at me"


Belle has been charging the pen when the cats are sitting outside of it and close to it, here is her trying to get the cats tail.


Protecting her man from the big black and white one that likes to cuddle.


Takes a moment to clean her mans head.


Turn and Sneak attack that nosey cat.

Sooty appologizing for Belles behaviour.


The couple.



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