Jenson's Rex Blog 2009

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They are beautiful photos of all your gorgeous bunnies! I am looking forward to seeing more pics of the new babies!!
we need more cuteness in our lifes! aka, 10 cute, furry(ish) rex bunnies!!!!!!
Hey everyone!

Sorry for not updating, I've been in Cornwall. I have bad news to share first, I lost Hart suddenly. No clue why, there was no warning and nothing I could find wrong with him. Rayne was very miserable and moved to my room for a few days before I left for Cornwall and we've really bonded so he stays in my room most of the time now, he has to go outside when everyone's out just in case the dogs decide to go up and visit. So yes, something good has come out of something very bad and I'm enjoying cuddling up with Rayne, havn't had a really snuggly bunny since Jay so it's nice. :)

RIP Hart, we'll miss you. :cry1:

The kits are doing great, all up and eyes open and starting to eat solids. They're gorgeous and Darla has been a great mum!

Missy is due on the 11th but I havn't palpated so I'm not sure, but I think she is pregnant. Hana has also built a nest for the first time so I'm crossing everything for a litter from her finally!

omg that great!!!!!!!!!!
dorry about the kit. i sadly know how it feels...
i mght reserve the very bottom on... the white black one....
ps..... its a MIGHT!! il try my dad some time soon...
I'm so sad that you lost Hart :( Binky free little guy...

All the babies are SO cute. I love the bottom left. Reminds me of a Rexy version of Chalk! :hearts: How much do they weigh now roughly?

I hope you had a nice time away :)
That's REALLY gutting about Hart, I'm so sorry. Binky Free Hart.

You'te babies are growing. Guess it was wishful thinking that amde you count more magpies than you actually got :p
Jenson wrote:

Missy is due on the 11th but I havn't palpated so I'm not sure, but I think she is pregnant. Hana has also built a nest for the first time so I'm crossing everything for a litter from her finally!
How are these kids doing? And did Missy have her kids yet??
They look lovely Jenson I really love the one with the magpie markings down one side how gorgeous no wonder its been reserved so quickly :0)
did you have a good time down in Cornwall?
Jenson wrote:
Hey everyone!

Sorry for not updating, I've been in Cornwall. I have bad news to share first, I lost Hart suddenly. No clue why, there was no warning and nothing I could find wrong with him. Rayne was very miserable and moved to my room for a few days before I left for Cornwall and we've really bonded so he stays in my room most of the time now, he has to go outside when everyone's out just in case the dogs decide to go up and visit. So yes, something good has come out of something very bad and I'm enjoying cuddling up with Rayne, havn't had a really snuggly bunny since Jay so it's nice. :)

RIP Hart, we'll miss you. :cry1:

The kits are doing great, all up and eyes open and starting to eat solids. They're gorgeous and Darla has been a great mum!

Missy is due on the 11th but I havn't palpated so I'm not sure, but I think she is pregnant. Hana has also built a nest for the first time so I'm crossing everything for a litter from her finally!
ok, this was posted in febuary.... so...........
how is she, any babies? or was it a false alarm?
any news?
i hope you and the rabbits are keeping well.
ps. how big are the little ones above now?


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