Introducing Yofi :o)

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Wabbitdad12 wrote:
Yofi, where you been hiding you cute boy!

Daisy Mae
Yofi's here! Yofi's here! (And if he'd seen Daisy Mae's post sooner, he'd have been drooling at the computer screen, I'm sure! ;)

Now onto my first mission of the day: humiliating the bunnies (with a cat n' dog tossed in for good measure).

Here they be, Yofi and Anna, the New RO's elf bunnies:









(The elf hat wouldn't fit The Dog's fat head, so I tossed in a pic of her wearing her favorite stuffed triangle toy.)

Personally, I think Anna makes the cutest Elf Bunny. However (and you can't tell from the photos) getting a picture of her in it was more than a challenge. Yofi...he reacted as usual, ol' Mr. Grumpypants attacking the hat, grunting and lunging and trying to defeat the wicked multicolored enemy. Once on, though, he settled down and posed, deciding it was better to give in since he knew he'd be rewarded with copious amounts of 'Good Boy' and some banana (of course we all know which of those two he prefered). Anna, on the other hand...she was royally miffed at the thought of having to dress up in anything that resembled a rabbit in a clown suit, even if it really was an elf, and she let me know it. Anna's specialty is 'whirly-dervishing'; spinning and sproinging and darting in ten directions at once, even after the offensive uniform was donned. So to get her to hold still long enough for one picture (especially since I was using my rather slow digital, not designed for taking pictures of anything moving faster than a tree growing) was a challenge. But in the end I won out, and the result is now captured for my "forever humiliation" file. ;)

The cat has that patented "kill me now" look. I love the first picture of Yofi, and all of the pictures of Anna. :) Kaya looks funny with her face smooshed in the toy! :D
Yofi-man just got back from looking at Miss Daisy's pics, and now I am anticipating e-lop frenenergy for the rest of the day. Imagine if he ever met the gorgeous girl in person ( bunnyson?). well, there'd be no living with him after that.

Of course he has to try and contain his excitement from Miss Anna (still queen of the bunny hive here), because she will readily put the Yofster in his place if he oversteps any boundaries with her. Thank goodness for Anna and her zen-like qualities!

It seems that Yofi cannot wait for Christmas. The other evening I'd wrapped several presents and had placed them under my (considerably undersized) Charlie Brown Christmas tree, and then went to catch up on other neglected duties - including, and not contained to - long-overdue dishwashing. A few moments later I thought I heard the sound of paper being shredded somewhere, and it took me a moment to put two and two together, but finally I did, and ran for the living room. Yes, there was The Boy, deeply nestled amid the boxes of gaily-decorated, ribbon-festooned gifts, caught mid-tear with a corner of wrapping paper dangling from his mouth. The evidence, as they say, was hard to ignore. Yet Yofi, a rabbit who somehow manages to deny ever having anything to do with the broken rules of the house, didn't miss a beat. As soon as he spotted me spotting him, he dropped the paper and, tore...past me, out of the room, around the hallway and into his cage, possibly breaking land-speed bunny barriers as he went. I followed a few steps behind him, ready to chastise not only his illegal attempt to open gifts before The Big Day, but also to reprimand him for attempting to open gifts that definitely weren't his (I'm quite certain that a woman's extra-fleecy pink set of pajamas, size large, would not fit his rotund little rabbit physique), but by the time I arrived in the room, he was already stretched innocently across Anna's dozing body, silently feigning bunny sleep. So I sighed, shook my head, and walked away.

Two hours later, I was sitting on my sofa and was watching tv, when the same 'I'm innocent until proven guilty...and even then I'm innocent' rabbit sauntered into the living room. This time he headed for the Christmas tree, with it's tempting, open-me-now presents resting quietly beneath, when The Boy spotted me. So he stopped in mid-hop, looked at me, looked at the gifts, looked back at me, and finally decided that taking a chance at Christmas-present thievery just wasn't worth it with me sitting there watching him. Either that, or it just wasn't fun enough. Either way, good choice on his part.

However, never underestimate what a Yofi can do to generate even more excitement in the home. I sat silently, not moving a muscle, just to lay witness to exactly how his curious little brain worked. Of course this is something I may never figure out, but hey, no harm in trying. And I didn't have to wait long to see just what he had been planning.

As I sat there Yofi began circling the small table I have which - though technically it is an end table, passes in my home for a coffee table - sat in front of the sofa. He hopped around it once, twice, not really looking at anything in particular. His ears dragged softly on the carpet as he padded around, and around, and around again, almost as though he were imitating a small version of a basset hound seeking something to chase. Then on the fourth pass I noticed - just for a moment - that his head periscoped up as he hopped by; and I knew that this was the telltale sign of a Yofi seeking entertainment. In that moment he spotted the eclectic clutter of various items which rested on the table, items that included a pair of scissors, odds and ends of wrapping paper, and a Christmas card or two. But none of these things, it seemed, are what his rabbit radar decided to zone in on. As The Boy completed his fourth - and final - pass of the table, he suddenly switched gears. That feigned idle bunny curiosity gave way to his true intent - to steal something worthy of true rabbit treasure.

Full gear rabbit theft is actually a true pleasure to watch, if one is lucky enough to be on hand when it happens. And on this particular evening, I was fortunate enough to be there. One moment Yofi was Mr. Casual; pretending not to care, pretending not to have any mission in mind....and then suddenly he switched gears right into active thievery mode. The head flew up, ears surpassing him completely as they sailed skyward from the furious upward thrust; his body arched and periscoped as he surveyed his target, and then...whooosh...he was gone, exiting the room with head held high, eyes huge and in full GPS mode, and mouth firmly grasping his prize.

I realized at once what he'd snagged from the mixed array on the table, and I too, switched gears and flew out of the room; only I was now in hot pursuit of this rabbitine robber I'd been housing. Straight into the rabbit room I dashed, past a now no-longer slumbering, confused Anna, and right into the rabbit cage, where Yofi'd ended his charge, and now sat in the corner, still hanging onto his stolen possession. Before I could give him a chance to do whatever it was he'd planned to do with it, I grabbed one end and yanked it from his greedy maw, cursing under my breath and wondering, not for the first time, how I'd wound up with the Baby-Faced Nelson of the bunny world.

What was it this little thieving Yokster stole, you may ask? On the table, amid all of the ribbons and papers and other assorted odds and ends, there had been a 'Cash For Life' lottery ticket. I'd picked it up earlier in the week and had scratched the required areas to see if I would wake up the next day no longer needing to go off to work in the frigid Canadian cold, and alas, as it turned out I still did. I didn't win the coveted $1000-a-week-for-the-rest-of-my-life prize. I had, however, won a small amount...$4.00; enough to trade it in for another ticket. In Yofi's small rabbit mind, though, I suspect he saw that the ticket was a winning one, and, no doubt reading the 'Cash For Life' moniker incorrectly, he'd stolen the prize and ran with it, hoping to claim the winnings for himself.

And even after the chase, along with the momentary tug-of-war over who really owned the ticket (possession is not, nor ever has been, the rule of thumb in my home, even when it does come to Rabbit Rulez), I did still manage to feel sorry for the little rotter. After all, I'm pretty positive he'd read the ticket, misinterpreted it as saying, "Carrots For Life", and thought he'd hit the mother of all bunny jackpots.

Never a dull moment with Yofi!

I am amazed at the speed of e-lops. I will look and see Daisy across the room trying to dig a hole into the wall, as soon as I open the bunny gate to go fill water bottles, I will see this blur of fur going past my feet down the hallway.
I am amazed at the speed of e-lops. I will look and see Daisy across the room trying to dig a hole into the wall, as soon as I open the bunny gate to go fill water bottles, I will see this blur of fur going past my feet down the hallway.

Sometimes I have the impression that the true front end of an e-lop is a large white flag of white, raised high in the air as legs and feets scramble over slippery surfaces in their getaway mode.

Yofi, like Daisy (as seen from the great pics of her in Wabbitdad's blog), seems to be enamored with the Christmas tree; or rather, what lies beneath. He attempted (successfully with one, not so successfully with the other) to open two different presents earlier in the week; he had literally attacked one gift that was for my son...a framed photo of The Dog. The wrapping paper was in ruins, and it took me a while to paste it all back together to pass as somewhat presentable. How he knew that it contained a photo of The Dog, and not of him, is beyond me; regardless, The Boy certainly was able to express his disdain at the thought of being trumped by his canine nemesis.

My son and his girlfriend came home for the holiday again this year. Their visit was all too short, but it was certainly what made my Christmas a wonderful one. They brought with them backpacks and and suitcases, filled to the brim with clothing, personal items, and gifts for the family...much more than I thought they should have spent, and probably more than the driver of the Greyhound bus would have anticipated for two young people. I can just imagine the look on his face upon seeing Brooke and Stephen approaching the depot ("Please, not my bus...not my bus!"). It was quite a long ride for them to get here - around 5-1/2 hours in total - and must have seemed even longer considering everything they had in tow. However, they've done it before, and don't seemed to mind the travel time or the cramped quarters.

***oops...lost my train of thought there...had to run and pull Yofi out of the garbage can...

At any rate, we all had a wonderful time this year, our family getting together at my sister's house for Christmas dinner and games (Taboo, which my brother Ken fails at miserably; and a card game called Speed, that is guaranteed to raise excitement and heart rate levels).

As for gifts, well...I am sitting here typing on the one my son bought for me. Yes, he surprised me with a computer! He's been an advocate for years about Macs vs. PCs, totally convinced that Macs are far more user-friendly and efficient than PCs. I swear if Justin Long ever quits those Mac/PC commercials, my son would be more than willing to take over for him...he even fits the persona. I had been balking at his advice to switch to a Mac for a very long time, despite all the woes I've had over computer viruses, slow functionalities, etc.; but now, after using this one for the past couple of days, I must admit that Stephen has taken me over to the dark side...the side of the Mac. This gift, I'm sure, was beyond what he ever should have spent, but as Brooke later told me, once he decided and made the purchase, that was all he could talk about, was anticipating seeing me open it. And when I finally did, I was shocked...well, once I realized what it was. He bought me a Mac Mini, so it was in a very very small, square box; and even after I'd opened it and saw the Apple logo and 'Mac Mini' written on the top, Stephen said to me, "Well? What do you think?", and seriously...I looked back at him and said, " looks nice but...what is it?" It took him several minutes to convince me that this tiny thing, smaller than a lunchbox, was a computer. It was only once he'd unhooked my old PC and connected this to my monitor that I was finally, completely, convinced.

Anyway, with Christmas and all of it's happiness (seeing my son again was the best present I could have received), comes a bit of anticipated sorrow. Stephen told me that he may have a chance at an editing job out in Vancouver sometime early in the new year. And while I am crossing fingers and toes in the hope that he gets it - this is something he's been wanting for years, to get into the industry out west - with it comes the knowledge that if he does go, our visits will be fewer and farther between. Right now he and Brooke live in Toronto, and are roughly 280 miles away. Vancouver, on the other hand, is around 2200 miles. And while the phone and internet are groundbreaking in closing any physical distance between families, that distance still is there. However, as I said, I am also hopeful that he does go, since it is what he has wanted for so long get his feet wet in Vancouver, and perhaps someday head on to the U.S. and get fully into the film industry.

And on that note, I am off to clean my now messy (again) house, take down the tree and appease a rabbit who was busy getting into trouble as I typed. I'll try and download a couple of rabbit pics I took in between writing this post, and will post them here in a couple of minutes...then it's off to the broom and vacuum.

I hope everyone had an awesome Christmas!

I love all of your mischievous Yofi stories. :) House bunnies definitely keep our houses from being dull!

That was awesome of your son to buy the computer for you. Don't tell my hubby, but I love Macs just as much as I love PCs. My first computer was a Mac. :) I hope you have fun with it.

I wish your son luck to break through in the industry. I know much of the filming is going on in Canada these days, so I'm sure he has a good shot at it!
Thanks Elf Mommy! So far this computer is doing wonderfully (it's simply the user who needs to get used to the differences).

I hope you had a great Christmas this year! And I must admit, I've been an admirer (from afar) of your drawings for quite some time now...awesome talent! :D
Thank you, Diane. Christmas was good. I didn't want anything with my whole heart, so it was just nice to enjoy the presents people chose for me. :)
I am glad you had such a great time with family.

WOW what a surprise with the Mac, but I sense good in you, its not too late to turn from the darkside! ;) I am glad you enjoy it, that was very nice.

That is quite an opportunity for him, would be hard one to turn down. There is another positive of him getting that editing job, when he's rich from the film industry, he can buy a house for you out,just a small 4,000 sq. ft cottage at the back of his estate.

I love those last two pics of the bunny's. Anna looks like she is asking "do I look cute with this on?" and Yofi "get your picture please, I disapprove of this humiliation"

Miss Daisy wanted to add she loves :inlove:the close up of Yofi.