How do you play with your rabbit

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Scold him. You don't whant a spoiled bunny. Tellhim "No!!" And stomp your foot. When you see him on or begining to hopon there repeat this action and he will learn to not jump on the bed.Or take a water bottle and spray him if he ignores you. You can alsotake a rolled up news paper and smack the bed to scare him off. I don'tcare if Bun-Bun is on my bed - but if he starts chewing at the sheetsthats when tell him NO!! If he ignores me I smack my hands, get up, andpoint my finger to his cage and say "Get into the cage -NOW!!" Andhe'll go into the cage cause he knew he did some thing bad. Even if Iturn my head and see him doing it - he'll jump off cause he knows he'sbeing bad.
to a rabbit whats the difference from yelling"stop" and "I love you" I don't think my rabbit will notice if i'myelling at him or not. All I know is that he scared me half to deathwhen he jumped on to my bed.
id say you screaming at him scared him enough....

anyway, Ryo likes to dig in towels or blankets. she also likes throwingthings. one game we play together is where i will hold a toy in frontof her face and she will chew on it hard and yank it from me and throwit. she likes those grass mats alot. she is a big digger!

and Alex likes to jump over things. im actually going to try agilitytraining him. he nudges my arm or whatever to get me to move out of hisway, and i make a game of it by not moving and he will "tunnel" under me
Nothing really. It's moslty just the tone oftheir voice, although some words they do associate with certain things.Like if Pebbles is coming too clost to the top of the stairs I pointdown and say "Down" and more times then not she goes down the stairs.Also if I say 'treat' within 10 feet of Pepsi she'll be on the side ofteh cage standing up and going crazy :D.
I've been training Gretchen to stay off thecouch. She jumps up and I yell NO! and clap. Sheknows and she gets down. Sometimes I squirt her with a waterbottle. Sometimes she runs when she sees it, other times Ican squirt her all day and she doesn't care. Saying NO! seemsto work better.

She also knows before she jumps up. Naughty Bunny!

The fact the Mario jumped up on the bed is good sign though. It says that he wants to be with you.

I wouldn't let him get up there though. Rabbits seem tolike to poop and pee on beds and sofas.
thats true, my mom was using her hand and waving up and down. She want the rabbit to stand and the rabbit did. And when I point and the rabbit the rabbit seem to come closer to me. I guess words doesn't work for rabbits. I only clap to get it's attention. I guess I can't leave mario outside the cage by itself until it learns that it has to stay on the ground.
magicapple wrote:
How do I stop my rabbit from jumping on to my bed. I had a sleep over last night and I left it out of the cage. I was planning to leave mario out all night yesterday until it jumped on to my bed and I screamed. I didn't know he can jump that high.
well, you could get some kind of play area where he is enclosed in where its bigger than is cage.. its much easier so he can roam around at night. or you could lock him in his cage and let him roam when you wont scream.
magicapple wrote:
I'm just wondering how to play with a rabbit. All my rabbit does is sleep and eat. I don't know what I can do with it.

well... what i do with my rabbits is either use a big play area, or i can purchase one from petco, and i set him there and i let him run, i also lay down with him, and throw carrots and see if he goes to them. sometimes i throw soft toys and let him run or jump around em'. you just got to be creative with how you play with your rabbit.
my rabbit's play area is a coner of my room. It's kinda big. I just leave a blanket on the floor and he stays on it sometimes. I bought a cage from petco I thought it was okay. But when I got a litter box I notice it was too small. The cage came from a kit. I spended like 80 bucks on that.
sounds like you are doing good with your bunny. im glad of that.

yeah most if not all of those cages are crap. its tons cheaper to get those mesh cubes from target. and you can always add or take away to them. and at the most it will cost you 40 bucks to make a good cage.
:shock2:aww you guys are making me feel bad. I wasted soo much on that stupid cage. And there is actually more that I noticed I wasted on buying. But it's a long list so just forget it. Umm the measurement is about 27X17 inch. I think I'm might get ride of the cage I have now and go build those mantions with 3 floors for my rabbit. But i don't know how to build. Thats the problem. But I don't want to waste too much, so I'm not sure.
Is it possibel to return that cage? It's way too small. And for $80?I'd return it if possible.

I'm in the stages of making a cage similar to that. So far I've spent $40 for the grids. I just need some coroplast (cheap) but I might get another box.
Spring wrote:
Is it possibel to return that cage? It's way too small. And for $80?I'd return it if possible.

I'm in the stages of making a cage similar to that. So far I've spent $40 for the grids. I just need some coroplast (cheap) but I might get another box.
Can you tell me all the materials that I need to build a cage? And I can't return it. many reasons one main reason is that its heavy, me and my friend bearly made got it home alive. Are grids those things you use as the wall of the cage? Oo yea do you mind telling me where to get the materials? Becuz I don't know much and I saw some very pretty cages that people on this site made. They are soo big!! They are like houses.
I don't know all the materials yet, I'm still looking for cage designs that I like. You can get the grids from Bed, Bath and beyond, Wal-Mart, Target, Costco and a bunch of other places. You can get the coroplast (Base) at mostly any place like Homedepot, Rona, Home Hardwear, ect.

There's a place you can look to find the materials.
i personally built my cages with my family.... we used wood, and dint aint it becuase rabbits tend to chew.... ok. We got some grids, and we are currently added about 10 new cages because i am starting to show my rabbits....

we got our supplies from hardware stores, and pet supply stores... petco...petsmart...home depot...ect.
is this a grid? It's called the white wall grid


Or this? its called a step grid shelf


Or Offset grid shelf?



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