Halloween's Coming

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Aw! Chaz has uppy ear envy!



Since I'm back home for Halloween I will beworking, but during the day I will try to spend some time with mymother (as Halloween and her birthday fall on the same day). I can'tever get my rabbits to stay still long enough to dress them up foranything. :(

I hope you all are safe on Halloween, it tends to bring the bad out in people around here.
You can get a rough idea of how I feel aboutHallowe'en by taking a quick gander at my model horse hobby website:http://www.alicebang.com/allhallows/

Yes, that's how it looks all year 'round. ;D

My house is usually decorated year 'round, too. I'm actuallya bit sad right now, 'cuz our living situation has been in a state ofconstant low-grade upheaval for about half a year, & I don'teven know where most of my decorations are (except for the few thathave been destroyed... I know where those are :( ).

Costumes this year? My fiance is going to be a randombohemian absinthe-drinker, & I'm going to be the Green Fairy(not the Kylie Minogue Green Fairy, but my own interpretation of "laFee Verte"). Meat Bunny doesn't know it, but she'sgoing to be a Marshmallow Peep. ^_^

We usually have a party, but I dunno about this year. We might have to just crash someone else's for a change.

Unfortunately, we never get many trick-or-treaters.:( We always have plenty of candy on hand, just in case, butmost of it just goes toward getting us fat(ter). ;P

Here's my eldest, Goblin, from last year:


I love that goblin! How cute!

Okay, Halloween's not even here yet and I just got off the phone withScott - he's on the Cross Bronx Expressway and guess what he justsaw...A TRUCKLOAD OF LIVE CHRISTMAS TREES!! :shock:I'm sorry, it's just WAY too early...
I work in a garden centre the weekends and theyhave had their christmas decs up for about 3 weeks now! Its ridiculous!Annoying christmas songs already! By the time christmas DOES come ithink i will be pretty fed up of it all! lol
Linz_1987 wrote:
I work in a garden centre the weekends and they have hadtheir christmas decs up for about 3 weeks now! Its ridiculous! Annoyingchristmas songs already! By the time christmas DOES come i think i willbe pretty fed up of it all! lol

By then they'll have the Easter stuff out!
OMG Alice! I collected Breyers foryears, but thankfully never got into the whole pedigreething. Thankfully I never even heard of it. All ofmy horses are still at my parents, as it would be a giant pain to movethem all from apartment to apartment.

Did Goblin actually let you put that on?:shock:
HAD to put Gypsy's ghost bunnies in this thread.



They were moving really fast and that's what thecamera picked up. Yes, they are real bunnies.Little babies, actually. It is weird, isn'tit? You can see the face on the one on the top left.

That's what I thought, but people do catch really odd things in their pictures sometimes. That is a really cool picture though!

JimD wrote:
Eeeny, meeny, chili beany, the spirits are about to speak!

Are they friendly spirits?

Just listen!

thats just too funny , too badit dont work , I have afew spirits i would like to tell off .
If you want tosee weird , save this picture toyour pictures then use the magnifier toblow up the sun spot on thefloor , see what you can see .



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