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I second the "don't worry" statement. The more calm you are, the better it will be for Fluffball. You sound like you're on the right track with everything - trust your instincts AND Fluffball's. She'll know what to do.

Good luck. I'm keeping my fingers (and toes!) crossed for you that everything turns out okay.
No Babies yet :D

Oh thanks I didn't realise they didn't make their nest until just before LOL!!

I have taken some pictures of her - I know they don't always get fat but I think Fluffball may be giving us a sign I mean look how fat her bottom half is!






So what do you think?

I dunno, but my female rabbit had always been a bit "bulgy" at her bottom half (and she was perfectly fine)you would be better getting a pic of her when she is just walking about, sometimes there bottom half does look a LOT bigger when they are backed up against the cage/wall.
I've been reading this post Becca, but as I don't have any experience of breeding rabbits, I've left the advice giving to other RO members.

Whether there are babies or not, I hope all is well with you and your buns :bunny22::)

Jo xx
Her bottom half is fat even when she stretches out though thats what I meant but I havent't got any pictures of it!!!
How many days late can a rabbit be?
How many kits could they have?
BabyBunnies wrote:
Her bottom half is fat even when she stretches out though thats what I meant but I havent't got any pictures of it!!!                                                                             
How many days late can a rabbit be?
How many kits could they have?

Usually they can be up to 10 days late, later then that and I would get concerned, whether I knew if she was preg. or not.
There is usually beetween 2-8 (I have heard of there being more then 10 in 1 litter)
hard??!?! that sound like babies to me. can you feel like, lumps or anything? feeling lumps would make me even more sure, but that's just me:biggrin2:. hows she doing?
i think palpating (sp) is the only way to find out hun this can only really be done by a breeder as they know what their feeling for if you do it yourself you may feel a kidney instead. as for the weight she could just be abit overweight if theirs no babies within the next7 days my guess will be there isnt going to be any at all. i think theres a few people on here who are building up your hopes by saying that it sounds like she is pregnant but to be honest no one knows for sure its awaiting game hun please dont build up your hopes because you'll only end up more disappointed if there is none (believe me i know the feeling)

I just wanted to say real quick that rabbits should not go 10 days late by then the babies have died and could be causing her problems my does would be goin to the vet once they hit 34-35 (they usuually deliver anywhere from 28-32 after being bred). And on one more note does do not move there babies back into the nest .

I have just phoned the breeder we got dippy and fluffball fro and tomorrow we are going to him to get fluffball palpated
At least we will know for sure
Hope all goes well! That is good that you are getting her palpated by a breeder who knows what they are doing. Even I, who has had several litters, don't know how to properly palpate a doe. :biggrin2:
If she is pregnant and you are sure of her due date, then only wait 5 days past (36th day) NO LATER. I wouldn't wait 10 days as that is a 41 day gestation and way too long. If she doesn't have them by the 36th day, then you need to take her to the vet.

But the problem is we counted 31 days from we we first SAW them mating they could of been doing it before - she might not even be pregnant thats why we are going to get her palpated today.

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