Brandy's Nut House

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lol :D I love this series. Unfortunately we watch through Polish cable which so long to wait for it. Once a week :sigh:
Anyway, we talk too much about popcorn. Now I really do have taste for it ! Hahahahaha. :hyper:
I think it's only on once a week here as well ;)

I'm eating Pizza :eats:
I have caramel, butter & salt and cheedar popcorn here, my boys are selling it as a school fundrasier and I think I've bought most of it :shock2: Oh but it's just so yummy, LOL
Adavantage. NO Frontline! Treat frontline like it is the f' word.
Revolution is fine. Should work the same. Maybe ask in the infirmary to see. :)
Well I searched the forums and it seems Revolution is usually the one recommended, I can only get it tomorrow since none of the vets are open today.

I just set up his crate downstairs on the cement floor, I coated the floor under his crate and all around it with salt (this will dehydrate/kill the fleas if any jump off and out of the crate) and I am putting him on blankets, I will wash them daily and hopefully I can keep them contained and gone before any of my other pets get them.

Pray nobody else gets them, I will cry if they do :(

I hate the thoughts of keeping him in the basement but I don't have any other choice, I can't wait to get him flea free and fixed and bring him upstairs.

I am so mad at his previous owners right now I could spit!!!
Your doing the right thing for all of them including him.
Poor bun. I just had a bun with a bad flea infestation and I used advantage. Probably came in on me from the dogs. Like Ali said both will work fine. I placed on drop on behind her neck and within a couple of days saw a great reduction in the flea population. I did noticed that most moved to her rump then, so I put a drop on back around her hips.

I flea combed her everyday. When I did, I had a cool whip tub with water and dish soap in it. When I combed her and found fleas I would push them off the comb into the water. I didn't dip the comb in the water, the soapbreaks the surface tension of the water and the fleas sink to the bottom.

Between the advantage and the flea combing it cleared up within a couple of weeks.

Good luck.
I know just sucks :(

Thanks Dave..I don't have a flea comb, I guess I will have to get one of those as well.

Did you just have to give the one dose? If I buy Advantage, I have to buy a 6mth supply. The vets here won't break it up but you can buy Revolution in the single dose. Do you get flea combs at the vets office as well? Or do you just use a fine tooth comb?
:( Oh, Brandy. Sorry to hear that but you did the right thing. It's good for little new guy and all of your pets. :soapbox YOU ! stupid fleas. Leave our boy alone !
I know but it's breaking my heart leaving him down there.

My new baby is home and he is big and beautiful :heartbeat: and he is COVERED and I mean COVERED, when you sit and watch him you can see them crawling all aroun d his eyes and going into and out of his ears :( It's awful.

I can't wait until tomorrow when we can start getting rid of the little buggers.

I'm also VERY mad that his previous owners didn't love him enough to treat him...I just don't understand people at all.
aww cant wait for pictures.

so sad he is covered in fleas, i hope it doesnt spread to much in the house. i dont get it how anyone could let a rabbit get that badly flea infested when rabbits dont get fleas to easily compared to cats and dogs. imagine the flea bites they probably had...maybe wanna look into deworming him too? cause fleas carry worms.

if you have some listerine the original yellow stuff i have heard of people using that on the coats, too, until you get some revolution. which i dont know about advantage...but revolution works great for me love it. and a lot cheaper.
Thanks Brenda but I don't have any listerine here and everything is closed where it's Sunday so unfortunately he will have to wait until tomorrow :(

I never even thought about treating him for worms, I will ask the vet about it tomorrow.

I'll grab some pics of him tomorrow once he's settled in a little better, I have him some romaine lettuce and he LOVED it, she told me he didn't like veggies!!
whoa did i slack on some posts...ok let me catch up...
popcorn popcorn popcorn,,,doesnt seem as important now that fleas are the subject..:)
u gotta do a couple rounds of flea medicine cuz the ones u kill will have layed eggs and those eggs hatch after i think like 2 weeks...dont quote me on that ill research and let u know..but thats why people cant get rid of em the first time..they dont kill the eggs..
it wud drive me nutso to leave him downstairs when all u wanna do is show him luv that he obviously didnt get enough of...poor little can u NOT see fleas on a white bunny...idiots....
id say something to the previous owners...when we dont speak up thats when these kinda people think its ok to keep doing embarrass them and say either this bun wasnt looked after or ur whole house is louded with fleas....that wud embarrass anybody.
yup, you can definately see them on him :(

He is a TOTAL lover, I just went downstairs and hung out with him, he loves attention, he closed his eyes and laid his head on the blanket when I started running his head and his cheeks, then I started rubbing the base of his ears and he was just getting flatter and flatter.

I told him I had to go to work and I would see him in the morning, stood up, closed the cage door and started walking away and he just sat there and stared at me...poor boy, his nails are sooooooo long, man people disgust me!

And his previous owner hasn't responded to my email!
Oh and Revolution and Advantage works for 30 days so it gets the eggs as well.

I just sent her an email this afternoon and all I said was "You could have told me he was covered in fleas."

I don't know if she'll respond or not, but she's on my Facebook so I'll know if she deletes me, LOL
People are absolutely ridiculous. It infuriates me when people treat animals like that ):< You feed and take care of yourself, so why can't you do the same for your pet? When you're hungry you feed yourself, when you feel dirty, you wash yourself, you want some company, you go hangout with friends. Animals can't do that. Pets depend on you to take care of them. I'm so glad he's with you now :) He's going to be so happy!

By the way, when I said "you" it was towards people who neglect their animals.

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