Blog for the Bun-Buns!

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Yup! Those are "Hemo-clips" from his neuter. I'm hoping the palm oil and Cosequin help, too. Maybe I can get the red palm oil from the hippie food store down the road from me. ;) I hope his little binkies come back soon. I miss his sassy little antics. He does still "invite" me to play chase with him, though. So, at least he's still got his cheeky little attitude.

Toby is about 5 1/2 years old. His birthday is in March. Speaking of birfdays, it was mine yesterday. :p I feel old. lol
kherrmann3 wrote:
Speaking of birfdays, it was mine yesterday. :p I feel old. lol

Okay... when you get to AARPage then you are allowed to complain!!

:balloons: Happy Birthday!!! :balloons:

Did you get to do something fun?
Thanks, guys! You know, turning 23 is sooo hard (lol!) That means... *counts on fingers* ...only 7 more years until 30! :cry1:


I got to watch the Packers vs. Lions game with my mum, Will, sister/brother in law/nephew and my friends, Mary and Meredith. It was a nice, semi-quiet day. It was scary close with the game, though. That wasn't much of a win for the Packers. :(
Uh oh! I forgot to post on this (I actually forgot since the 3rd and didn't remember until this morning!) but it was Regiford P. Piggypants' 1st Gotcha Day yesterday! So, we're celebrating it this morning. I think that yesterday would have been the paperwork at HAWS day, so today would have been the "actual" day when he would have come home with us. Regardless, Reggie and I are sitting on the couch together. Reggie is in an upside-down "Pigloo" with lots of towels and blankies. I've been giving him some extra petting time. I have to go to the store for veggies today, but he will be getting a super-dee-duper salad later tonight. :)

Here's what the snuggle-pig looks like right now:
**Gasp!!** My Piggypant's first Gotcha Day?!!!!

:balloons:Happy First Gotcha Day Regiford P. Piggypants :balloons:

What all comes on a super-dee-duper salad? I might want one also.... :p
Wow, it's been awhile since I did an update! I will do a quick one this morning!

Toby has been doing well. He hasn't done any binkies since we added the red palm oil to his diet, but I think the cold is making his arthritis kick-in a little. To make matters worse, we need the windows open at night. We have our heat turned off, but because it's radiant heat, our apartment stays a nice 75[sup]o[/sup]F. That's way too warm for me or Will. We like it down in the mid-to-high 60's. Yeah... Toby gets a towel draped across his pen near the window to keep the draft out.


Sammi has been fine, she's gradually getting a little more comfortable (it only took over a year!), but she's turning into quite the nice little bun-bun.


Regiford P. Piggypants has been doing fine, as well. He stopped sleeping in his snuggle sack, so he is back to his pigloo for now. I think the pet bed is OK for summer, but he likes the enclosed area for the colder months.


New Addition!!!
Introducing Noodle the dwarf hamster! She is one of Boz's little herd. I picked her up on Friday. She LOVES her cage. As you can see, she's in a wire cage, and she is always climbing about halfway up and squishing her face through the bars. She has Yesterday's News as a base little with Carefresh over that. Then, she gets unlimited food, water, cotton-balls/toilet-paper for bedding in her igloo, some hay, and a little bit of veggies at night when the rest of the herd gets their salads.


Thanks again, Boz!!!

Fish: Just to show that I love Halloween and try to decorate everything...


Bonus picture: Here are my jack'o'lanterns for this year. Will and I carved them last night. So, here are my two. I will post Will's... eventually. :D Happy Halloween, everyone!


Great job on the pumpkins, I wish I had the patience to carve like that!

Your piggy is so adorable, I love cavies :heartbeat:
I have a hamster and fish as well, haha I think we like all the same pets ;)

How old is Toby? Your babies are all so cute!
It's okay that it took Sammi a year to settle in. That's pretty much the time it took Callie to become a good girl. I think she kind of likes the attention of being in a duo. The girls will have a chance to pick out a bachelor-bun if they want, or stay a pair-bond. We just have to wait for the right boy to submit to Zappa's feminine powers.

Regiford!!!! More pics of that sweet little guy!!! I don't know what it is about those sweet little piggie faces, but I would smooch every one if I could!

And more Toby-whiskery pics! Toby whiskers are the best whiskers. I bet he would like to bond with my girls.... :p

Congrats on the new addition. I had seen the posts in Boz's blog. I was wondering what happened with that...

Nice pumpkin carvings! I haven't carved a pumpkin in years. Might have to buy a sharp knife and a few band-aids this year.

Thanks for the update. Started to worryabout you....
myheart wrote:
Regiford!!!! More pics of that sweet little guy!!! I don't know what it is about those sweet little piggie faces, but I would smooch every one if I could!
I bet Reggie would just LOVE the attention. I took him out and plopped him on the carpeting in the bedroom while I cleaned his cage, but the little booger never wants to explore. I had placed him a few feet away from me, and he waddled over and "sat" on my foot. I guess he just isn't a very independent piggy...

And more Toby-whiskery pics! Toby whiskers are the best whiskers. I bet he would like to bond with my girls....
I will have to try and get more whisker-y pictures up. Toby has been a sassy little thing lately (between getting out of the cage and peeing everywhere - in and out of the cage). :grumpy: He hasn't been showing much interest in girlfriends anymore. He teases Sammi through her cage bars when he is out and about, but other than that (and sometimes wanting to be groomed by her), he tries to pick fights with her on bunny dates. I guess he'll always be alone. :( (Plus, Will said I can only have the two bun-buns.)

Congrats on the new addition. I had seen the posts in Boz's blog. I was wondering what happened with that...
Yup, I went and met Boz at a mall in Milwaukee and picked-up the ham-ham in the parking lot. :) Very interesting, indeed. It felt like a live-animal "drug transaction". lol

Nice pumpkin carvings! I haven't carved a pumpkin in years. Might have to buy a sharp knife and a few band-aids this year.
I LOVE Halloween! It's my favorite holiday! And, speaking of Band-Aids, there was one year when I cut my finger so bad that I had to go to the hospital to get stitches. I was a kid, though. I stabbed into the pumpkin, and because my hands were slimy with pumpkin-goo, they slid right down the handle of the knife and down the blade. I cut one of them down into the fatty tissue. Oddly enough, I only cut the one finger. Ahh, traumatic childhood memories.

Oh my gosh...!! Leave it up to you tocut your finger in such a way!! Ya know, it almost doesn't surprise me to read about it. It sounded really gross, but at least you came away with all of your digits in tact.

Regiford is way too cute!! He sat on your foot!! I think I need to have him even more now! :p My Harley and Victor don't mind a little cuddle as I walk them to the ex-pen for run-time. Sean is such a fiery red-head and has better things to do that get get snuggled. His brother, Colin, is much more tolerant of snuggles possibly because he is more blonde than Sean. Ah, that "Irish" temperament....

I wonder what's up with Toby pee'ing everywhere? Maybe it's the new place in general, he needs to make it his before Sammi does.

I've picked up fosters in parking lots before. I know the feeling you are talking about. You know your not doing anything wrong because it just happened to be the designated meeting place, but it becomes awkward hoping no one is watching waiting to call the police because they have no clue what is going on.

How are work and school going? Seems like your schedule might be a bit more free with your new work schedule.

Nice pics! The bunnies look sweet and Reggie is so cute. I'm glad you decided to get another hamster. I'm sure she'll be very happy and well-cared for. It can be frustrating with the little guys because they're so fragile, but you do make a good ham-parent. :) My dwarf (russian) hammie Petunia used to climb her bars like that too--is Noodle a roborovski or djungarian/russian dwarf?
myheart wrote:
I wonder what's up with Toby pee'ing everywhere? Maybe it's the new place in general, he needs to make it his before Sammi does.
He's always been a bit of a "marker", so I don't know why he got worse all of a sudden. It's always right next to his litter box when he's in his pen. I don't get it. Plus, we've been in this "new" apartment since July! I think he's peed all over it enough! :shock: I just keep cleaning it up and hoping it will end... Eventually. Silly me, eh?

How are work and school going? Seems like your schedule might be a bit more free with your new work schedule.
Meh, things have been going fairly well. I have school Monday through Thursday. Tuesday/Thursday are my "long" days. I'm there from 0830-1630. Monday/Wednesday I only have one class from 1330-1630, but it seems to eat away at my day. I am trying to get into the online version of that course so I only have to go in for the tests. :D

I pick-up hours at both jobs when they're available and work with my schedule. Example: This week I work tomorrow 0700-1200 at the LAB,and I work at the nursing home Saturday 0630-1430 and Sunday 0630-1030. It will be a busy weekend.

Will is going out-of-town starting this afternoon until early Sunday morning. I told him he had to be back for the Packer's game. :) He is going to Michigan to visit his family and go Trick-or-Treating with his nieces. I'm going to be lonely (thus the picking-up of hours)!

tonyshuman wrote:
My dwarf (russian) hammie Petunia used to climb her bars like that too--is Noodle a roborovski or djungarian/russian dwarf?
She's the Russian kind. Definitely not a little Robo. I seem to have bad luck with them lately. :(

Yesterday, I was shuffling boxes around and came across the bird cage. I want another birdy so bad, but Will said no. :grumpy: He's such a McCrankerpants when it comes to pets. I get my way with everything else, so maybe I'll win this argument, too. :biggrin2:
More smiles for updates and photos. :D
kherrmann3 wrote:
It felt like a live-animal "drug transaction". lol
LOL it did kinda didn't it?!

YAY! I am glad Noodle is settling in!! She is a wheel-a-holic so hopefully she doesn't drive you too crazy! haha! And yes she LOVED to climb the wire of her cage here and squish he nose through the bars. :p

I just call her and the others Russian Dwarf Hybrids, because chances are they are not full Campbell's or Winter Whites!
Here's a quick Toby photo update! I have to run to open LAB time for school, so not a lot of typing now! :) Enjoy!

I have lots of pictures like this. It's like he knows I want a cute picture of him being naughty, so he turns away from whatever he was doing!

Hiding behind a bucket.




Pumpkins are yummy! (He's chinning it)

What a great way to start the morning!!! Toby pics brought me so many smiles already! :heartsI will have to take a look at them again later today.

Thanks for brightening my day!!! :biggrin:


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