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Here is a picture of Mammy, who has been doing a great job with them!


Looking grumpy


Time-out box for Mammy when the babies start to annoy her!
:inlove: Oh Gracie they're so daughter & I were just sitting here watching them and 'ooohing' and 'ahhing' lol - I remember when my bunlets were that small...such good memories.
anneq wrote:
:inlove: Oh Gracie they're so daughter & I were just sitting here watching them and 'ooohing' and 'ahhing' lol - I remember when my bunlets were that small...such good memories.
They are almost 11 days old :shock:
Time flies!
Just over two weeks old now, very active! They haven't really started to eat rabbit food yet but they have been nibbling on hay. Here is a video of them playing and some pictures.





I'm dying here...the cuteness overload just went right off the meter, lol.
That one baby agouti was really zipping around lol
Sabine wrote:
That's great. You can pair them up then:)
Yup that is the plan :)
Hopefully get Thumper neuteured soon so he can live with Princess and this little guy neuteured when he is old enough for Misty, then get the girls spayed after but I'm terrified about that!
Here are some update pictures of the babies eating, they starting eating solids last week. They eat vegetables with Mammy, from my own research and from the go ahead of some knowlegable members of the forum, it is fine for the babies to eat veggies if Mammy had them while pregnant and nursing. I do keep a close eye on them though just in case ;)

They are just over three weeks old




One of the black babies has a bit of a mane, from Princess' side




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