Ash's adventures!

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Good to see you back on here and hope it all clears up soon, it really is no fun feeling pretty awful for quite a while.

Can´t wait to see more pics of Ash, I´ve missed him.
Hi there!

I just read your blog and I wasn't sure I knew you started one before i left. But glad you did. ash is so handsome. His coloring is just exquisite.

So I saw at the beginning of your blog you live at home with your parents and brothers and sisters. I can't remember.....are you in school? I think we talked before about this but I have so much to catchup on from leaving :)

Sounds like the fact that your brother stayed with a friend for the summer worked out good for you so you could finally get a bunny. Funny how things work out sometimes!

I sure hope you are feeling better. I had influenza before Xmas and boy was i SICK! I hadn't been that sick in awhile. If you have plugged ears you should be close to the end. Mine moved to my ears too.

Would love to see more pics of Ash!! I'll watch for more :)

Hi Lisa, I think I started my blog after you left. I can't remember lol. But its good to see you back!

Yes, I'm still getting my education. And your right I do live with my parents.

Yes I was sooo happy when we got Ash, I had always wanted a rabbit since 3 years ago anyway.

Yes, I think I read that you had influenza in your blog, boy it must have been tiring to have influenza. Usuallly when I have a cold my ears plug up, so this is nothing new anyways I think my this flu is clearing up.

Ughh, I don't even want to think about pictures lol. I should probably sign off and go look for the cord.
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Good to see you back on here and hope it all clears up soon, it really is no fun feeling pretty awful for quite a while.

Can´t wait to see more pics of Ash, I´ve missed him.

No kidding. Its quite annoying to be sick for a long time, I've been sick for almost two weeks now.

Also I will probably find my Iphone cord soon so I can start uploading pics, but I will probably also buy the camera cord because I have pictures of him in the snow and he's quite adorable in it :).
Ash must be looking adorable! His coloring is amazing, although I'm not going to hound you for pictures because I clearly realize that you're not uploading them yet :p
Ash must be looking adorable! His coloring is amazing, although I'm not going to hound you for pictures because I clearly realize that you're not uploading them yet :p
Actually Michelle, I finally found out a way to put pictures on my computer without my camera cord. So my next post will have pictures :).
Elise, you´re a star. Now I have something to look forward to tomorrow :goodjob
Oh yes, well it´s tomorrow for me as it´s already 12.40 am but the sooner the better......
Oh, he´s just adorable. His colour is fantastic and he looks great in the snow, I love the harnes. Seems like he enjoyed himself, was that his first time out in in. It must be a bit strange for them the first time they step on it, sometimes wish they could talk. Thanks for the pics, it´s great to see that handsome fella again :heartbeat:
Oh, he´s just adorable. His colour is fantastic and he looks great in the snow, I love the harnes. Seems like he enjoyed himself, was that his first time out in in. It must be a bit strange for them the first time they step on it, sometimes wish they could talk. Thanks for the pics, it´s great to see that handsome fella again :heartbeat:

Thanks! :), actually this was his third time in it but he enjoyed it.

I'll take some more pics tomorrow.
Ash is just a beauty. I want to take my two out in the snow too! Nervous about doing it safely though.

You blog is so nicely written and you are so mature for just 11 years old. You should be proud of how great your writing style is :)

Can't wait to see more of Ash!

I read that you should first get your rabbit used to the harness and then you can take them out whenever you want to. A great website for harness training:

Oh and actually I'm not 11. I guess I have some explaining to do, you see I am actually in college. And me and a friend got into a fight and I guess I forgot to log out (I forget to log out sometimes) because I remember the five questions thing where you would answer how old you are and who is your favorite singer and all that. So my friend knew that my favorite website was RO, and I guess to get revenge on me she posted that I was 11 years old with a (I don't even remember how old) brother, but at least she didn't do more damage.

Hopefully tommorow I will have more pictures of Ash. I hope Agnes and Archie are doing okay they are such pretty buns :) espescially Agnes with her beautiful long black coat.
I bought a harness to try out on mine but sort of stored it away again as they freaked out when I put it on and did not like it at all. Maybe I should give it another go. Ash looks so comfortable on it.

And that sounds like a mean thing for your friend to do, did you make up ??
I bought a harness to try out on mine but sort of stored it away again as they freaked out when I put it on and did not like it at all. Maybe I should give it another go. Ash looks so comfortable on it.

And that sounds like a mean thing for your friend to do, did you make up ??

Well at first Ash was a little freaked out. But later on he was more comfortable. As it is, when I try it to put it on him he tries to chew it apart.

And yes, thankfully we did make up.
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Ash is SO pretty! I just love his color and big ears. The chinchilla color is my favorite rabbit color.

Hahaha. I'm going to be honest, I really laughed at your friend filling out a survey thing saying you were 11. Thats pretty funny. I didn't see the survey but I sort of figured you weren't 11. haha. Well, I'm not 11 either, but I definitely just watched the Hey Arnold movie.
Glad to hear you´ve made up although it wasn´t a very nice thing of her to do but quite funny. I also guessed you were young but not that young. Morgan, think we´re all kids at heart, the last film I went to see was THe Rise of the Guardians with my friend Moses. Think we were the only adults in a cinema full of kids where there were no kids with us but I loved the film.

Must have another go with the harness with mine again.
Ash is SO pretty! I just love his color and big ears. The chinchilla color is my favorite rabbit color.

Hahaha. I'm going to be honest, I really laughed at your friend filling out a survey thing saying you were 11. Thats pretty funny. I didn't see the survey but I sort of figured you weren't 11. haha. Well, I'm not 11 either, but I definitely just watched the Hey Arnold movie.

I know, when my friend first told me that she filled out the survey, I laughed and said I thought it was a funny thing to do. I never watched Hey Arnold movie, is it good?
Its good if you like 1990's cartoon movies about foot-balled shaped head boys. hahaha. It was cute, my son watched most of it, but I grew up watching Hey Arnold. It was one of my favorite shows as a child, lol.

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