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Becky does NOT like her eye drops. I have to close her house door so she doesn't hide in there, then steal her hideaway so she doesn't hide in there. She flips me off as soon as she sees the bottle. :tantrum:She has learned how to make her lower eyelid come up as far as I pull the upper eye lid so the drops go down her face. Now I have to pry open her eye with one hand while dripping with the other. It's going to be a long 10 days. The tearing is going away though, so it's nice to see it is working.

I wish I would have been faster with the camera. I walked in earlier on Andre stuffing himself intoBecky's house. Becky was in the play-pen looking at him like he was nuts. Think of it as an english lop trying to stuff into a mini lop burrow. Andre is so long and tall that it just didn't work well. He did manage to get himself turned around and out before I got any pictures though. Silly cat does not belong in a bunny bed.

Becky and Andre are being so cute tonight. He is on the inside of the fence, she is on the outside. He will bat at her through the bars and then they take off running down the hall as fast as they can. I think the cat is trying to get her to run more, good exercise for them both. For some reason they also want to play with the toys that are on the opposite side of the fence. He is playing with a stuffed chipmunk and keeps banging his head on the bars trying to get at it. She is playing with her paper towel roll, but from the wrong side. Apparently it is just more fun to try to get what you can't have even if you just walked around the other side. Sometiems I wonder why I leave the door open? LOL way too amusing.
I hate to break up the fun to put her eye drops in. Tomorrow is going to be rough. I'm glad I'm not going to be home while she's gone because Andre cries when Becky goes to the vet. My husband is going to have a long day with the cat. I'm going to stay home on Thursday to give her the pain medication and make sure she is eating. I know it is silly, but I am so nervous. The vet works with three local rescues so they average 1,000 bunny fixes a year, they know what they are doing. But this is MY bunny and baby. I'm going to pack some of her favorite foods, her own hay and water. She will have her favorite blankie and baby monkey (stuffed). I can't think of anything else that will make her more comfortable while she is there. I will have her house set up, or more torn down, before she gets home. I'm taking the levels out so she can't hop up and hurt herself. Poor little girl.
I'm sorry I haven't been on here more to comment on your awesome blog!:D
Best of luck w/ Becky tomorrow. Sounds like she will be in great hands, which is most important.

Keep us posted! Give kisses to Becky for me.;)
LOL @ Joshua's responce to the spay! :biggrin2:Becky is such a riot.I'm very sorry to hear about your cat though. :(I'll be thinking of you guys and wishing Becky a speedy recovery! :rose:Keep us posted :)
Thank you for the warm wishes for Becky. The vet just called and the surgery went well. She's still groggy, but that is to be expected. I will pick her up tonight after work. They are going to send her home with pain meds and some critical care in case I have to force feed. She tends to be a bit of a little piggy, so I'm hoping she eats on her own. :eats:

Then again, she only ate about two mouth fulls of her pellets before romping with the cat. I got her up early thinking she would have time to eat before she went. Nope, just more play time! Andre keeps looking for her today and crying to my husband who is at home today. It will be hard to keep them from playing for a few days, but at least they can still be together. :hug1

I am so relieved to have this over.
I just finished reading through your blog and love it!
Well, the spay was an ultimate success, but it was a little frightening for a while. For details see pre/post spay thread in the rabbit room:

As a summary, Becky wouldn't eat when I brought her home and we needed to force feed critical care and give some simithicone. She's now back to eating and pooping with gusto. It is such a relief! :eats:

She has been banging the bars and throwing her toys around so I finally let her out into her play-pen. She wants all the way out, but I'm not going to let her run and jump too much just yet. :run:

She is much happier with the additional space. For some reason she prefers to munch hay under her covered stool in the play area. :hiding:

Perhaps she doesn't like people looking at her when she eats? I noticed if I obviously looked at her, even from a distance, she would stop eating. So in order to keep an eye on her I would have to pretend to be reading and look past the edge of the book. I felt like a secret agent spying on the target bun. :coolness:
Now that she is back to eating with gusto I am starting to switch her from the echotrition (upon more bunny nutrition review turns out to be high priced junk food) to oxbow/T. I am happy to report she likes it. I thought I might have a fight on my hands to switch, but she really ate it well this morning. Perhaps she didn't notice it mixed in with the other food, but I will gradually change the proportions until she's only eating the new food. :popcorn2

Between reading here and on bunspace it seems like there is a vocal group that hate pellets and a group that thinks vegetables are only treats. I find the back and forth rather confusing. I think with the pellet brand change I have a good balance though and importantly it has been approved by her vet. She lost a little weight from the spay, but I think she will be back to her normal healthy weight in no time. She looks so much skinnier without the fur on her belly though. Before she had a well rounded look, now she looks so svelte like the bunny book pictures. I think fur can hide a lot when it comes to physique, the pet and scale tells so much more. I have a postage scale that I can keep tabs on her weight. Our goal is to stay at 4.5. At the moment she is down to 4.4, but that is up from 4.3 a couple days ago. :muscleman:

Andre is quite pleased to have Rebecca back. He still cries to have her let out to play, but not close to how bad the cried when she was at the vet's. For only having Becky for a month she has stolen all of our hearts. :inlove:

I am so dreading work tomorrow. I missed a meeting on Friday and know I made the director of another department mad. :tantrum:I called in to my director to let him know I was staying home to take care of the rabbit, he's fine. This woman just likes to throw her weight around and I know she's going to give me heck. Oh well, I would do it again. When my babies are sick nothing else matters. I just don't want to go to work to deal with her. I am so glad she is not my boss! :raspberry:
Hey you!

I meant to message you before this. Bah to me. I am glad all went well with the spay and that Andre has his friend back. :biggrin:I myself, try to go as natural as I can with the pets (well except the cats). So I prefer the low pellet, high fresh green diet + unlimited hay and fruit as treats. I'm not well setup for this yet so they get a bit more pellet than I would want. I don't think there is a right or wrong. Just like there are so many different opinions about human diets. I think you need to try things out and see what works for you and your babes. :)

I hope work goes alright tomorrow. I hate confrontations. :expressionless
Nela, thanks for the encouragement. I think we are finding a pretty good balance between vegetables and pellets. I will have to give it some time to see what her weight does once things settle down. I'm just so glad that she is back to playing and being naughty. There's something too cute watching a bunny play peek-a-boo with her blankie.

Today work went better than expected. We had a set of questions we had to get back to the health authorities so everything else was dropped. It was a nice distraction and I don't think anything will be said about me missing the meeting. My one coworker filled me in, it wasn't earth shattering.

Tomorrow evening I have acupuncture and I'm looking forward to it. My legs are sore from the cold weather so a little tune up will be nice. He's also taking a bunch of guppies! I scooped out 30-40 and the tank is still very much full. They have a tendency to get out of hand quickly. I'm tired, going to bed early.
Today was a good day. Work went smoothly and lunch was an extra jovial affair. Normally there's a group of us that eat together and the guys got into all the nicknames they have given people. They have some creative names! I always call them "the guys" because I work with a bunch of toxicologists and pharmacokineticists, all men other than one woman in pharmacology. She's on the other side of the building in another department so she's not one of the guys. Lunch can get interesting when there's only one woman.


After work I went to acupuncture and had a good session. I love my doctor because he's very good and also has a great sense of humor. There's just something so funny about after he cleans his hands and the spots he turns around and laughs like the evil guys in old movies. "This time we're getting out the BIG needles". LOL he's a hoot!


Tonight I have been lounging around and decided to try letting Becky up on the bed. She is now lounging with me. She climbed under the blankets. Her butt is next to my legs and she has her nose and one ear sticking out of the blanket, chin resting on a pillow. I'm going to try to get Joshua to get a picture. If I move she's not going to stay. She's quite the little heat source. I can see how bunnies over heat so quickly. :sickbunny:
I feel like the most horrible, mean, irresponsible bunny owner ever. *sigh* Becky was doing so well and starting to throw things around her cage so I let her into the play pen on Sunday. She was so happy and the cat was happy to have her back. Everything seemed to be going so well and she was healing nicely, so I opened her pen door to let her out as normal last night. Becky and Andre had so much fun playing and they were so happy.

Tonight when I checked her incision there was a little area, perhaps 1/4 inch, that had dried blood on it. Apparently that means she pulled it and it could rupture! She's back in her cage but so unhappy. She thumped up a storm when I shut the door and started throwing things around and banging on the bars. She likes to sleep in there, but shut the door and she's one angry bunny.

I feel so guilty for letting her out too soon, but I feel horribly mean caging her clearly against her will. I'm a bad bunny mommy. :(
Thank you Dave, that is what my husband said too. I checked her tummy tonight and it is doing better, I'm not so worried about it spliting open. I let her out into the play pen because she was so upset being locked in the cage I was afraid she was going to do more damage. It was rather cute though when she held onto the baby key ring and ran it back and forth over the bars. I pictured an old western when the guy would run a tin cup over the bars in jail. She kept thumping and trying to push open the door which is what I was afraid might hurt her. Now she is quietly laying under her blankie on the floor, happy as a clam. As long as I don't let her out to run around the whole room she should be fine. That is when she gets to romping with the cat and gets into trouble.

I had another good day working from home. I have been able to cross out two major tasks that I have been avoiding since December, so that is nice. Joshua dug the car out of the snow today so I have no excuse for not going into the office and gym tomorrow. Some days I just want to give up and become a slug. I think it is about time for another B12 shot. I was hoping to spread them out more, but I'm getting too tired and emotional. I will schedule for early next week to get back on track.

I gave the turtles a nice warm bath today since the house heat is higher. It has a tendency to dry them out and I made the peat moss all moist again. I got distracted by dinner and left the poor things in the tub for two hours! I now know that turtles do not wrinkle if left in the water for too long. They totally did not seem phased, just like "oh, thanks for coming back for us, this was getting a little dull." I'm glad they have good temperments.
I love my crazy little family. I just put out a fresh flake of hay, it over flows the box but it is so much fun to watch Rebecca plow into it I can't resist. Andre is also investigating intently. I'm honestly not sure who is more excited, the rabbit or the cat? After rummaging around a bit together it touched off a couple rounds of chace up and down the hall. Is hay an equivalent to cat nip? I don't think so, but.....

I am trying to decide on the best way to get a husbunny for Rebecca. Joshua is giving in because several of my sources say having a mate gives them happier, healthier lives. One even said the effect is even better than if they play with other species. Andre is a very loving cat who will accept another bun no problem, so we now have to figure out the logistics. We have two more weeks to give her hormones a chance to settle out totally and make sure she is all healed up (which is looking fantastic).

I saw a very cute husbunny possibility on petfinder before I was banned. I have been in contact with Jesse's foster mom who has been a wonderful source of information. I also put in an application to the local house rabbit society since it takes two weeks to be approved to come look at rabbits. Jesse is the perfect rabbit from my perspective, he's a 2 year old mini lop, so very cute, neutered, and litter box trained. His foster mom said he's very laid back and affectionate. What about her perspective though? What if he curses with his ears or chews his food too loudly? Is it better for her to do speed dating at the house rabbit society and pick a mate? I just want to make her happy. I'm going to set up a large x pen in my office with a partition in the middle. Each day they can switch sides to get more used to being in each other's space, then eventually they can be put together. I hope to move them both into the space in our bedroom, but I want to make sure they are well bonded first since that is HER room now.

Rebecca and I had such a nice game of ball. I would roll it to her and she would roll or throw it at me. I can't believe how every day I fall more madly in love with her. Andre got a little jealous I think. I tried to include him in the game, but he informed me that cats don't perform on request and walked away. He's not sleeping on top of the gerbil cage. I'm always baffled that the gerbils adore the cat and try to play with him from their side of the glass. Do they not know they would just be the appitizer?
Hehehe too cute. Andre sounds like my cats, harmless and silly. I trust the lil one's instincts a lot. If they are perfectly unphased by the cat, then I figure it's because they truly feel the cat really has no interest in eating them. Lol. My cat, Houdina, likes to sit with the guinea pigs. I mean, INSIDE, with them, as it is open top. The guinea pigs couldn't care less and actually play with her.She also munches on hay when I give it to the pets. She won't touch catnip though. Lol. I think seeing another pet excited gets them excited as well. It's quite silly really when you have a multitude of pets and then the domino effect takes place and you just end up with one massive amount of hyper pets. Hehehe.

Is Jesse far away? Could you guys try them out together somehow? What I have noticed is that bunnies are quite picky about their mates so it's usually best to have an idea of how they respond to each other. Of course, you have the few exceptions that have no ounce of dominancy and are quite happy with anything. Lol. I like the idea of having help to introduce bunnies really. Introducing rabbits to each other is always so stressful. :expressionless

How is Rebecca doing? Sounds like she is doing great. :)Wishing you all the best in your search for a husbun!
We had some bad news in the husbunny search. Jesse was our favorite pick, but his foster mom decided to decline. She was very nice about it, but the thought stressed her out too much. Apparently she has had bad experiences in the past of bonding bunnies and then having them return into the rescue system. It is very hard to adopt out a pair and she doesn't have the resources to deal with it. I am dissapointed but I understand.

I put in 5 names of possibilities with the HRS since they approved our application already. I'm hoping for an apointment on the 12th. This weekend the plan is to set up the xpens and get all the supplies ready. I don't want to suddenly realize I am missing something.

To console Rebecca of the loss of her first choice we watched her first movie together. I thought the movie was bad, she hated it because there were no rabbits in it. However, we had a nice time snuggled up relaxing. She did slide off the side of my leg and almost get eaten by the chair at one point, but I was able to catch her skinny little butt in time to scootch it back onto my lap. She is now enjoying a bit of a game trying to eat a whole cranberry. If she can't get it to stay still by bed time I will cut it in half for her.

I started reading a really good book "Creating a peaceable kingdom". It is all about getting various species to live together peacefully. It has some good tips and things to think about. I feel there is always room for improvement, but in general we have nice dynamics.

Yesterday was a very rough day for me. I have been trying to stop taking my medication for Fibromyalgia in hopes of being able to try for a baby of the human veriety. Unfortunately I don't think it is ment to be. I have been easing off the medicine for 6 weeks. Friday was my last dose. The weekend went fine, but I woke up yesterday morning terrified of everything. I cried when Joshua tried to get me to go to work. I was afraid to go outside. I was afraid to leave the bedroom. I was afraid of the cats and rabbit! Not a good responce to stopping the medicine. I obviousloy started again. I was a bit anxious today but much better than yesterday. I'm trying to focus on finding Rebecca a good husband and starting clicker training with them. Focus on what I am gaining rather than what I am loosing. I can't wait for the clicker training for rabbits book comes.
I have been having a rough time with my fibromyalgia lately. My pain levels are higher than they should be so I end up taking more pain killers which makes me so tired. I really wanted to get a good deal of cleaning done today while Joshua had to work. I basically accomplished nothing. I put Becky in bed with me hoping to play, but she is just hiding under the blankets. I don't think I am forgiven yet for taking care of her after the spay. She didn't understand it was for her best.
Turns out Becky is quite the music critic. I'm listning to a local radio station that "plays anything we want to". It has a wide selection of good music. She does not like "welcome to the jungle", frightning images of jungle animals to eat her? She does like "Adia", perhaps because she is innocent? Her ears are much more expressive than I thought a lop's ears would be. Sometimes she sticks the one up for a little bit, but then seems to get tired and it relaxes back down. Is that normal?

I don't have Fibro but I have a condition that causes something similar so I know how lousy those days can be. Does it have to do with you being off the meds? Can they give you anything more mild that would be safe and just take offthe edge?

I think I saw that you were considering bonding 3 rabbits? Are you sure that is what you want to do? I mean, it can be done but it's usually quite a bit tougher. You might end up with the odd one out. Would that be ok? You are a brave woman :pI'm too nervous to attempt 3. Then again, Ionce let 4 out at the same time and they ended up pairing themselves up. Instant bonds.Lol. Go figure :confused2:

Hehe I love watching bunny ears. You can tell a lot from them :biggrin2:Most rabbits have quite a bit of ear control. Smores could pop his ear down without pulling with his paw when he'd want to clean it... That was always funny to see. :biggrin:

More pics please! :biggrin2:
Nela, thanks. I had to go back on the Cymbalta. I was trying to stop taking it so we could try to get pregnant. Unfortunately that is not going to happen. With the medicine and acupuncture my fibromayalgia is pretty well controlled. Unfortunately if I stop the medicine everything goes to heck. There isn't any other drugs in this class, or even anything that is close that I could take while pregnent.

So, I am just going to focus on loving my fuzzy, feathered, and scaled children. I am thinking about three, but the more I talk to the one's foster mom I am thinking two upstairs and one downstairs. The situation is that I want to give Becky a bunny to bond with.

On Saturday we will be meeting the following 6 rabbits. 4 Male, 2 Female so she can choose a husbunny or a lesbunny. I figure the more choices she has the better the fit will be.

The third comes in that when I was showing a coworker the pictures of the potentials I came across Elvis.

He has been abused and is deaf, potentially blind in one eye. His foster mom is taking him to the vet today to find out if his back leg is broken because he refuses to hop and is showing signs of pain. My heart just aches for this little guy. If they can get him stable enough to adopt out I want to save him and give him a chance to be happy.

So, I'm starting to think that once Becky and mystery suitor bond then I will just take the fence down and they can live in my office. Elvis could live in the bedroom where things tend to be a little quieter (if you don't count my husband's snoring). He would be able to learn to trust on his own schedule.

Am I crazy to think three would be a good idea?

I promise more pictures soon. I have to get my husband to send them to me since I just have a netbook, so no way to get them from the camera with my machine.