Adventures in Coexisting!

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Hey Kitty, sorry for taking over! lol

Yeah, I know bettas are as low maintenance as fish get. I just don't want to "forget" about him, you know? Sometimes I really get so caught up with the buns, nothing else even exists! When I travel, I have to get my brother to bun sit. I think if I get 1 more pet of any kind it'll be over his limit! He's a college kid in his final year, he loves my buns but he does have his attention span limits lol

Honestly, I took Mr. Fish's death so badly... I have no idea what I'm going to do when one of my buns crosses the bridge. I know it'll happen one day. I cried over Mr. Fish for like days. Sometimes I think about him and I still feel empty inside. I didn't have much of a resource back then so I don't even know what killed him. I think he may have developed some kind of tumor or maybe he wasn't pooping -- I can only tell you that he had this giant bulge near his tail. He had it once earlier in his life and then he got better after I tried to treat his water with something. The second time though, he never got better. It was so sad watching him. He had such a hard time swimming up for air and he just didn't seem to enjoy life anymore. I watched him go through it for many weeks, looking sadder every day :(

Anyway, sorry again for posting my sad Mr. Fish story :(
Awwww Chloe is so pretty! I can see why you fell in love with her! I've never petted a Satin, how does her fur feel compared to other bunnies?

Also, I love your writing style :D
Myia: I know, I sent that pm after I posted that. King Federigo is going to stay where he is until Monday, when I can go to petco and get him properly set up. You should've seen my boyfriends face when I told him, it was like "another one?? Really?!?!?" he needs to get used to things like this happening when we live together, anyway. XD

Helen: no problem! I like when people take over. LOL. But yeah, jeter's death hit me pretty hard, too. And I remember when my Akita, Kito died...he was three months older than me, my mom used
to leave me sleeping in the front yard in my carriage while he guarded me. I broke down for years every time I thought about him. He's been gone ten years. :/ I'm sure if anything happened to Chlo or Aiden, I'd lose my mind.

Shiloh: Thanks! I tell Chloe she's pretty all the time. XD she feels super silky! Her fur is so light and soft that if you run your hand over her lightly, you can barely tell you're touching her. I can't get enough of it, I snorgle her daily. Also, your buns are adorable! I especially love Phoebe's coloring, she's such a cutie! But so are Rory and Ned. :D
Aw, thanks for the compliments on my bunnies! I think they're pretty cute and special too :) I honestly can say that I love all bunnies, but I sometimes wonder if I've just been really lucky because all 6 of my bunnies have been sweet, cuddly little lovers and I know not all bunnies are like that. My friend (who is a huge animal lover) actually said that my rabbits are the first "nice" ones she's ever met!

Their fur is interesting, too. All of my bunnies have had different fur types, even though none of them are/were Lionheads, Rexes, Satins, or any breed with a special kind of fur (well, Phoebs is half Mini Rex, but her fur is regular). I would be able to tell who I was touching just by feeling fur. Rory's fur is like what you're describing- super silky, can't tell that you're touching him. He may not look like it, but his fur is very fine and long and dense... so nice to pet :D I wish I could pet Chloe too! She just looks like a big, snuggly bundle of bunny love! Give her some kisses from me and sorry for hijacking your blog...
Rory is such a cutie! Yeah, chloe's fur is really dense too, and it's like superfine. I have a couple of pics of cross sections of fur that show it really well. I'm actually hoping to get Chloe a sister soon. She needs a bud, and I need another bun to spoil so I don't make chloe too fat. XD
Oh, plus, I think the way a bunny is raised totally has an effect on their personality. Chloe's come out of her shell a bit, but she's still pretty shy. She just recently started hopping up onto me when I lay on the floor to play. However, I think she came from a house with a dog or dogs, because she allows my neighbors lab mix to lick her every time she sees her, and the other day she presented to my beagle, Aiden! Of course, he didn't lick her because he's very jealous, but still!

This does make me veryworried about what would happen if she dvergot out somehow. :/ there are some mean dogs on my block, and you can't fairly ask a german shepherd to play nice with strange bunnies.
Update on King Federigo!
I bought a five and a half gallon tank for the little guy today, some pretty gravel, and a cave. I filled the tank halfway with water and I'm letting it sit for 24 hours with everything in there. I still have to get a filter and heater. I was told to get a whisper ten filter, because it has a dial to control the current. I have no idea what heater to get. XD
I don't know why, but I thought tanks would be a lot more. It was only sixteen. I probably overpayed, but I'm ok with that if it means Federigo will have more space soon.
The tank looks ginormous compared to my teeny little fishie. I filled it about 2/3 of the way up so hopefully when he gets in there he won't jump out.
I also couldn't find water conditioner. :/ I'm going to definitely need to go to petco.
So I just gave Chloe a giant paper bag to play with. I gave her a bag stuffed with hay yesterday and it was a HUGE hit. So she immediately set out exploring the new, big bag. She stuck her head in, checked it out...then hopped right in! She looked like a sausage packed into the bag. XD
But THEN, she tried to turn around to hop back out....lost her balance....and totally ate dirt! All I saw was one big bunny foot come out of the bag sole up. She flipped onto her side in the bag and then managed to shove her head THROUGH the side of the bag and escaped.

At this point, I was, of course, laughing hysterically at her as any good pet mom would. She quickly hopped away to regain her composure...and to shoot me a death glare. XD
I'm glad the hay in the bag worked for Chloe. I tried to shoebox but as of this morning it didn't work so I'm trying the bag tonight.

I know when Sebastian used to beclumsy, he would correct his stance immediately and get embarrassed. They do have feelings too!:p
Our royal buns sure don't like to look off their game!!

Glad the shopping bag is such a fun thing for her. Buns find joy in the oddest little things. I spent $30 on a giant plastic with holes (Jolly Ball) so they could hop in and out of it.... and I got no luck at all. Huge waste of money but I refused to throw it out. I saw this pet store in Maui use it in their bun display. 2 baby buns were huddled up inside the plastic ball taking a big ol nap -- cutest thing ever.
Lol, I will reply to you both as 'Baci's Helen' and 'Kirby's Helen". When in doubt, refer to heart bun names! XD
Baci's Helen: I stuffed the paper sandwich bag yesterday with the meadow grass, and she spent a whole half hour picking it up and tossing it, nibbling holes in it, and pouncing on it to make crunching noises. She even ate some of the hay that was getting thrown everywhere as a result. XD Also, occasionally when she's grooming her face, she'll wobble a bit and put one paw down to catch herself, and she always makes this face like "whoa! that was close." Makes me laugh everytime I see it. Silly bunnies.

Kirby's Helen: She really did look mortified! Then again, it's not every day a bunny is in a position to fall and land on their back. XD
I feel you on the Jolly Ball. I've spent so much money on toys that she couldn't care less about, when all she needs to entertain her is some cardboard and a couple of paper bags....there's the igloo that she didn't actually fit into, the ferret balls, every 'bunny toy' involving bells I've ever bought, the two string harnesses I bought to try to leash train her that she ate one day....
Then again, I might have a bunnytoy-buying problem. :biggrin2:
LOL That's a really good system. I like being known as Kirby's Helen :hearts:

You know who has a toy buying problem!? My husband!!! He goes to Japan for business pretty often and for some reason tiny bunnies are a very popular pet in Japan. They have these boutique bunny shops that sells buns, bun toys, bun eats, bun clothes, bun stationery... if you can think of it, it's there. And if you can't think of it, they've already thought of it. My husband threw down $400 buying all kinds of rubbish from Japan the last time... I was mortified because I knew the buns wouldn't play with half this stuff and I'd have to store it in my tiny apartment somewhere! He bought sooo many dried fruit and veggie treats. He bought outfits for the boys. It's hysterical. He couldn't help it, he said. Every time he missed Toby, he'd go and buy more toys for him. :(

Kirby's first toy was a little colorful ball that had a bell in it. Kirby would play with it every morning and it was cute to wake up to that sound. Then one day my husband stepped on it and the ball cracked in two :( I never found a place that sold that exact ball ever again... but I keep looking every chance I get. As far as store bought toys go, that's the only one Kirby ever really liked.
Whoa, how'd that happen?!? :/

Aweh, your husband is a chronic toy-over buyer! And LOL, Kirby and Toby have outfits!?

I actually went to Petco today and didn't even go in the rabbit section! Of course, that's because I was busy dropping $150 setting up Federigo in his tank...maybe I should buy some shares. >.<
Wow it cost you $150! What did you all buy?!

Helen..feel free to ship some of that stuff over here! LOL
My list was extensive. :blushan:
I got a 5.5 gallon tank, water conditioner, a water testing kit, a filter, a heater, a siphon, four plants, a couple of decorations, a thermometer, brine shrimp, blood worms...and so Federigo joins the ranks of spoiled pets. >.<
Those water testing kits are usually bad :p you know petsmart will test your water for free?

Did you get the non-plastic plants? And smooth edge decor? You don't want too much takes up all the space :p

You need to post photos! :)
I think I quite possibly might have gotten every silk plant they had. Not that their selection was exactly overwhelming. And I'm doing the tank in a Mayan ruin theme. XD I'd like to have live plants eventually.
Also, no petsmarts near me. :/ at least, none in neighborhoods that are visitable. I also replaced my betta plus nutrafin conditioner with the nutrafin tropical water conditioner. A capful a gallon, or a drop a gallon....hmm, let me decide. XD
I got Federigo blood worms and brine shrimp...and belatedly realized I'm not even sure how to feed them to him. :/
I'm going to get his tank set up all nice first thing tomorrow. I can't wait to take pictures! When I introduce Fedrigo I'll have to get pics too. I'm really excited about the tank being ready to add an apple snail. I like snails. :D
So, in all the excitement of me acquiring Federigo, I haven't made much of an update on Chloe.

She's doing really which I mean she's been out of control and behaving badly. :/

Case in point. I woke up this morning to the sound of plastic being chewed apart. I leap out of bed and rush over to the cage making my Cesar noise, and Chloe stares up at me as I approach. My sleepy, droopy eyes try to make sense of what I'm seeing. There appear to be two litter trays on the floor. Well that's not right, there's only one box on the floor. The other box is up on the top level-EGADS, that IS the box that's supposed to be on the top level!

Chloe waits, peacefully looking up at me, as I work this out in my head. As soon as it looks like I'm ready to hop in there and start cleaning, however, she springs into action, using her huge back feet to flick her litter back and up at me. I ignore her insult, and begin cleaning her mess. I also open the door to her cage, thinking a chance to run around will calm her down a bit.

My darling princess's response is to run right up and chomp on my hand.

I've been bitten by rabbits many, many times. Chloe, my dearest bun, does not have the sharpest teeth I've ever felt. By a long shot. So I gasp and look at her, staring at me with her head turned to the side, tap her on the nose, and continue cleaning.

Chloe comes back to my hand holding the dust pan, picks my hand up with her teeth, and moves it to the side. I tap her nose AGAIN, try to sweep the litter up....and she rips the dust pan right out of my hand, stands it up, and boxes it away from me. Apparently she has a vendetta against cleaning supplies.

I think the long and short of this is, somebunny needs her spay to be scheduled, and sooner than later.

That, or my rabbit is jealous of the fish. Because she also manages to do something to get my attention every time I walk over to the fish tank.
If this is the case, then I have a Beagle who's jealous of my rabbit, and a rabbit who's jealous of my fish. I wonder who the snail will be jealous of?
(deleted the dupe and trip post)

I think Chloe was peeved that you interrupted her remodeling. And when you tried to clean it up she definitely got upset with you touching her hard work. It's a hormonal thing. One of the volunteers calls it accurately "Bunny Feng Shui". Some buns like their place the way they arrange it to the dismay of their humans. If you touch it, they get miffed at you. Kirby has bouts of these moments. The other buns don't so much, but no matter, if Kirby bites me because he is upset with me, doesn't matter if his teeth aren't the sharpest, it pierces harder :(

Federigo sounds like a very lucky boy right now! Can't wait to see your set up!

Furbuster: Yes, it does have a lovely dual way of making satin fur manageable. I use the edges of the teeth to just comb and straighten the fur. Since the satin fur is longish and silky, it more or less stays where you comb it. Once it's orderly, I tilt the furbuster at an angle so the rubbery part is in contact with the fur. Light strokes should gently tug out loose fur in even lines across the body.

I find that if I don't use the teeth of the furbuster to comb and straighten first, the fur gets tangly and you end up yanking the fur off which can't feel good for the bun. And small even strokes with the rubber part at the right angle to the body is most efficient. Don't try to take long strokes down the body because you'll pull out too much in too many spots on the body. Kirby starts to jerk away from the brush when I try to accomplish too much with large strokes.

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