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My cottontail cottage may need to be retired. I looked in it last night and they tore a hole in the 2nd floor. It doesn't look very sturdy anymore. One of the shelter buns fell through her cardboard box last night and got the box caught around her hip, scared the heck outta me. Yeah I think it's just about time for me to seek out a new toy to clutter my living room with.

Good thing Chloe was just being naughty :)
Myia: I have been eyeing the maze, but I have no clue where I would put it. The cottage will fit in her cage after I get rid of part of her balcony, but the maze is so big she probably wouldn't get to play with it as often. Also, I didn't notice till just now, but thebunnybasics has a ton of really cool toys! I'm always on the lookout for treats made out of untreated or dyed wood because dyed wood treats just kinda skeeve me out somehow. The unpeeled wicker tunnel for $19 is the lowest I've seen it for!

Baci's Helen: I don't know if neuters are cheaper than spays, but they gave me a price. I also called about four other vets for quotes and they were all pretty much in the same price range. Oh tri-state area, how I loathe thy steep cost of living....

Kirby's Helen: Chloe's pretty much destroyed the floor to her top level. :rollseyes: She slipped a paw through it yesterday and has been giving it a wide berth since, but I ran to Petco to get a grass matt to cover it for now anyway. I REALLY need to get crackin on those wooden floors for her Majesty...

I also have a sad announcement.
Mango the snail has passed on, sadly. The tank will remain empty for a week. Federigo will live on alone.
Mango dying was pretty depressing. I have no confidence in my ability to care for non-mammals. :/ I'm leaving the tank empty for one more day, and then Federigo will move in. Hopefully he'll be alright....

In much happier news, I am making this post from my new Blackberry! And it's awesome. It's my first phone that didn't come free with a two year contract. XD

Also, I emailed Cindy Stutts again. I sent her a message last week but she didn't respond, so I decided to let her know I'm available tomorrow and tuesday. I hope she gets back to me in time to volunteer this week! I'm really excited about it. :)

Princess Chloe is doing much better, and I've heard no more sneezes since I got a new vacuun just for my room...the amount of fur everywhere is still kinda shocking me.
Sorry about Mango dieing, maybe he was ill when you got him or something like that? Rest In Peace. You are a great Betta mom! I have one too named Paz that I got from Petco. Congrats on your new phone, it sounds awesome. :)
Well, a wrench has been thrown in my plans yet again. Didn't I say yesterday that Federigo was moving into his tank today? Yeah, well....apparently the fact that I spent $150 setting up a tank, conditioned the water, and let the tank cycle for three weeks wasn't enough indication to my family that I was planning on using it.

My HUGEPAININTHEFLUFFYBUNNYBUTT father decided that it was ridiculous that I leave a tank running for three weeks with no fish in it, so he took it upon himself to buy two goldfish for my brother and just dump them in my tank, dirty bag-water and all. I'm pretty much furious. All that work to get the tank ready for Feddy, and the DAY BEFORE HE MOVES IN, they buy two crummy goldfish and just toss them in my tank. And use MY bloodworms and brineshrimp to feed them. No one felt the need to do any research on them whatsoever. I'm fairly certain goldfish aren't supposed to have the same diet as a betta.

Not only that, but when I had the audacity to get upset that my fishtank was stolen and contaminated, my father told me I was ridiculous. Because I left the tank empty for three weeks anyway. The fact that I left it empty for three weeks for a reason apparently never occurred to him.

THEN, this morning, I wake up at the ungodly hour of 7:30 (I work nights, I know 7:30 isn't ungodly to most people, but it is when you fall asleep at 2) to find my dad and brother going through all my fishtank stuff, just randomly using crap. When I let my facial expressions show I was annoyed, my dad told me to calm down because of course, Kathryn's just being ridiculous again.

And to top it all off? They leave the room and my dad gives my brother an entire carrot to give to Chloe. So I stupidly decide to say something, and tell them to stop giving her whole carrots before they get her sick. My dads compassionate response? "Oh my god, you're making ME sick. It's a -badword- ANIMAL, they live in the WILD, you think anyone runs around in the woods making sure they don't eat -badword- like that?"

The fact that the lifespan of a wild rabbit is 1-2 years and the lifespan of a house rabbit is 9+ seems to have escaped him.

He acts like this about all of my pets. Aiden does something bad and my dad screams or aims a kick at him. I step in to protect him, and I'm ridiculous because he's a bad dog and needs to be punished. I build Chloe a perfectly sized condo, and I'm ridiculous for spending money to give her more space because there was nothing wrong with her 1 1/2 by 2 foot cage, even though Chloe herself stretches out to about 1.4 feet. I buy a fishtank, and I'm stupid for spending money on a tank when the fish has a perfectly good cup to live in. AND THEN HE STEALS MY &^%*&$#&^%(*^% TANK ANYWAY TO PUT TWO GOLDFISH INTO IT, AND THEY HAVE NO IDEA HOW TO CARE FOR GOLDFISH!!!!

OH, you know what else he did that made me hopping mad? He made dinner the other day and somehow misplaced a boiled ear of corn, so what does he do when he finds it the next day? Throw the ENTIRE thing into Chloe's cage! And he did it at night, too, so the next morning I woke up and found a completely demolished corn cob! She didn't eat her pellets that day! ARGH.

I just can't wait to move in with Matt and get my pets the hell out of here.
Oh Kitty, I am so, so sorry your dad did all this to your pets. It's so hard to make people you live with understand why the animals' well being is important to you. They're not on the same plane as us when it comes to animals.

It's important for him to understand that your pets are not garbage disposals because if he's going on about you spending money on them, think of the money you'll spend on vet bills when what HE is doing might get them sick. It's really frustrating, I totally understand that. This is why I could never have a pet in the same home as my mom when I used to live under the same roof. She was like that too. Pets/animals' lives were secondary and they didn't deserve the best, just scraps of whatever they could get. That's not how I treat my animals and we never saw eye to eye on that, it's just deeply rooted in how she was raised.

I hope you do get to live on your own soon. But don't use this event to catapult you into a decision that you might regret later. Take your time, ready yourself mentally and financially, and then choose a good apartment for you and the pets, then you can move out of there smartly.
OOhhh, I can understand how angry and frustrated you must be, Kitty. I guess your Dad isn't an 'animal' person then? Some people just don't get how different pets are to wild animals.

It will be wonderful when you have your own place, but Helen has good advice when she says don't rush into things because of your home situation - but I know you've probably given it loads of thought anyways.

What will happen to Federigo now?

Send hugs your way.

Well, I'm still pretty mad about Feddy's little situation. So I went to Petco and got him a plastic tank yesterday. >.< I'm really mad that I had to do that, but if I hadn't no one would have gotten a new tank and someone would have had to live in a too-small tank. It's a disease, people. I can't have a pet and not give them everything they could need or want. I got a couple of new plants that will fit in the plastic tent and a decoration that seems to have been made specifically for bettas. It's a cute little jar that sits on its side and has broken 'holes' in either side for swim throughs, but the whole jar is really smooth and done in a ceramic finish so there's no scratchy pieces.

Chloe's Cottage should be arriving shortly! I also got her the grass matt set and the wicker ball in the star basket set. All I can say is she'd better love it. XD Not everybun gets spoiled like this. Well, all the buns on here do....

Also, very exciting news! Cindy Stutts got back to me and I will be starting on Monday! I can't wait to meet the buns I'll be working with. :D
That really sucks that Freddy ends up with a plastic tank. Well at least he'll have a loving mom who'll take care of him. Perhaps you can go on freecycle or craigslist. I always see people giving away fish tanks. Sorry to say but I guess you can never ask your dad to bunny sit. We've been educating my mother in law on rabbits, she's our bun sitter. She's probably the only one we trust b/c she knows how we feel about them and she also loves them too.

Did you set a date for Chloe's spray?
Feddy's new tank is kinda crappy, due to it being a glorified critter keeper, but he got the cooler decorations and it's still five gallons, so I'm ok with it for now. Also, maybe the gold fish will be the one who moves into the critter keeper. Who knows? I think Feddy would like it more with no water flow though. He keeps building me bubble nests. :)

I STILL have not set a date. I'm being a bad mommy at this point, because I want her to be able to enjoy her Gotcha day without being in pain. I'm going to call this week and set a date however. It'll probably be in early August. So nervous.....

I'm actually not sure where I'm volunteering. I think it's going to be at the shelter since Cindy said I'd have the afternoon shift on Mondays and the other volunteer who's there on Monday evenings, Jane, will fill me in on what I'm doing. Then again, do the Petco rabbits live at Petco? Or are they shuttled back and forth to the shelter? I guess I'm not going to know until Jane emails me back. XD
Helen, do you know where exactly the shelter is located??? I just heard back from Jane and I will be volunteering in the bunny room at the shelter!!! I'm so excited! Which is pretty obvious, since in my excitement I emailed Jane back and forgot to ask where the building was. >.<

I'll be at the shelter from 2-5. With an entire roomful of bunnies!!! How could anyone resist?
Yeah Jane is at the shelter. Lately it's been hard at the shelter because we got a huge increase of bunny surrenders (as is normal with trend in the summertime :( ) and if you think about it, for 15 bunnies if you give each bun 30 minutes of playtime out of their cage that's almost 8 solid hours of work for one single person. Not to mention you have to do other stuff with the buns like clean their cage, give them fresh food and water, make sure they are healthy by giving buns a thorough check, clip nails... etc. etc. I commend the volunteers who work at the shelter because it has been a long run of work for them. You helping out in the afternoon will give Jane a major break when she comes later in the evening!

I don't know if I told you this but besides medical care, as far as I know the buns at the shelter are completely in our care. The shelter workers give us that leeway to work with the buns and so they are pretty hands-off, so most of the work falls on us. I guess it's best for the buns to be cared by people who are more savvy anyway. The shelter people are, generally, pretty helpful though, if we do ask for help with anything.

Yes, actually, we have two buns at the Petco location at E86 St and Lexington and two buns at Union Sq. Petco. They live there. Petco gave us cages, space, puppy pens, and they are awesome -- they provide pellets and hay! The Petco rabbit volunteers like myself go there daily to clean the buns, give them exercise in the puppy pens, and basically what they would do at the shelter, we do a mini version at Petco. I would say that at Petco we get a lot more foot traffic so volunteers who work Petco evenings end up doing more Bunny Basics 101 education to random strangers whereas most people who end up at the shelter have an intent to adopt.

This is great! I'm so glad you are joining our group :)
Kitty88 wrote:
I STILL have not set a date. I'm being a bad mommy at this point, because I want her to be able to enjoy her Gotcha day without being in pain. I'm going to call this week and set a date however. It'll probably be in early August. So nervous.....

Trust me, Kitty, you will be shocked at how quickly Chloe will bounce back from her spay. She may be in pain for 36 hours but she'll be medicated for 3-5 days for pain so she won't even be bothered by day 2, maybe 3. Sometimes I think us bunny slaves take it worse than the buns :D
I don't think I will ever understand people 'surrendering' their pets for the sole purpose of freeing up their time to have fun. :( I tend to get really overemotional, so I'm sure I'll tear up a few dozen times thinking about all the bunnies having to live in a shelter because of other people's stupidity. But I can't wait to try to make those bunnies happy!

kirbyultra wrote:
Kitty88 wrote:
I STILL have not set a date. I'm being a bad mommy at this point, because I want her to be able to enjoy her Gotcha day without being in pain. I'm going to call this week and set a date however. It'll probably be in early August. So nervous.....

Trust me, Kitty, you will be shocked at how quickly Chloe will bounce back from her spay. She may be in pain for 36 hours but she'll be medicated for 3-5 days for pain so she won't even be bothered by day 2, maybe 3. Sometimes I think us bunny slaves take it worse than the buns :D

In this case, the slave very might well be taking it worse than the bun. I'm TERRIFIED of needles, and the thought of surgery makes me faint. I am 22, and I've had a hypothetical birth plan with contingencies to avoid surgery planned out for the past three years 'just in case'.
:rollseyes: It's hard being this insane, but hey, somebody's gotta bring the crazy, no?

Jane seems like a really really nice woman, I can't wait to meet her. I'm just so excited about being in a room with 17 bunners. XD
Kitty88 wrote:
Jane seems like a really really nice woman, I can't wait to meet her. I'm just so excited about being in a room with 17 bunners. XD
XD Yeah, it's overwhelmingly cute to see SO many bunners for the taking! Whenever I go to the shelter (sometimes I need to transport a bun to Petco) I feel giddy seeing all the buns but then there's also this sense of gray sadness knowing that each bunny has had something happen to them and that they're hanging in there... waiting for someone to love them.

Some of the buns are pure delight. Some are cute but unremarkable. Every so often we get a heck of a feisty one. But I feel like all the volunteers love the buns so much that we never hold it against any bunny. Sometimes you just have to check the emotions at the door and power through in order to get what's best for the bun's future. That's the kind of mentality you really need when you step into a room of surrendered, dumped, stray bunnies :(
Kitty88 wrote:
Helen, do you know where exactly the shelter is located??? I just heard back from Jane and I will be volunteering in the bunny room at the shelter!!! I'm so excited! Which is pretty obvious, since in my excitement I emailed Jane back and forgot to ask where the building was. >.<

I'll be at the shelter from 2-5. With an entire roomful of bunnies!!! How could anyone resist?

Lol! I can just picture you walking thru the streets of Manhattan asking where the bunnies are! They may end up sending to the Bellevue Psychiatric Ward!

Yeah I would rather be in a roomful of bunnies then some of the "animals" I deal with at work.:p
LOLOL... How'd I miss this post?

Animal care and control is at E110st between 1st and 2nd Ave. You'll see tons of ACC vans parked outside of it. It's the only building on the block that smells like wet dog. :p

The main entrance is renovating. Go thru the back entrance through the driveway. Tell them you're a new rabbit volunteer at the desk and they should show you where the rabbit room is in the 2nd floor. It's hectic at first but you get the hang of it. I hope Janes going to be there with you at least the first few weeks before they have you doing early afternoons alone..? 

Admittedly it feels crazy at first because there isn't much "training" we give volunteers and everyone has their own way of doing stuff but Jane is very nice and very knowledgeable. Good luck! I can PM you my # if you need it.

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