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  1. Kaiah

    introducing new bun to bonded pair - advice please!

    i just posted recently about our house-bun issue (how we'd like our 3 buns to have more freedom, but worry about destructive behaviors because we live in an apartment)........and i was wondering, as far as introductions go, what is the proper method? (we only want to bond them as "play buddies"...
  2. Kaiah

    about being house-buns...o.O

    we have 3 buns and would love for them to be true house-buns with freedom to roam in bun-proofed rooms...however, we live in an apartment with carpeting and worry about pee stains and marking issues. also, digging and chewing of the carpet is worrisome. does anyone have any tips or advice on...
  3. Kaiah

    the 3rd bun arrival...what to do?

    our human parents are insane! they just brought home another bun...which makes 3 of us now. my boyfriend and i live in the same cage, but the new bun lives by herself. her name is Madori and she was adopted from a shelter-place like my boyfriend Muu (i came from a pet store) anyways, mom and dad...
  4. Kaiah

    moving soon...behavior changes?

    my boyfriend and i will be moving in approx. 1 month to a new apartment complex. our buns just started living together recently (3-4-ish weeks ago) and we're wondering if there will be territorial, dominance or other issues we should keep in mind when moving our buns to the new place...
  5. Kaiah

    incredibly picky eater...=(

    i have a v-e-r-y finicky boy who won't eat any of the veggies or fruit that we offer him. he even turns up his nose at canned pumpkin, raisins, and just about everything else buns are supposed to gobble down without a second thought...even pineapple! the only things he WILL eat are bits of...
  6. Kaiah

    dried cranberries safe for treats?

    does anyone know if dried cranberries are safe for buns as treats? i've read that raisins ar ok, but i don't have any at the moment. i do have dried cranberries though...and when i held some out for my buns to sniff at, they seemed interested in them. please let us know! Kaiah:)
  7. Kaiah

    living not potty trained. o.O

    :shock:...ok, so we've been slowly introducing our two buns, Raeka and Mufasa, to each other over the last week or so and everything's been going perfectly - no fighting and lots of mutual grooming, love, etc. yay, happy. so, 2 days ago we put them in the same cage together and they now seem...
  8. Kaiah

    Resolved-snuffles or perspiration?

    i've noticed for the last few days to a week or so that our mini-lion-lop boy, Mufasa, sometimes has a damp area right under his nose. i don't see any mucus, persay, nothing colored or dried under the nose or on his forepaws...just a dampness under the nose. it seems to be moreso when he's been...
  9. Kaiah

    freaking out over chihuahua, what can we do?

    my mom is visiting for the weekend and brought her chihuahua, an old, blind, feeble little thing that's way smaller than our Mufasa, but he's completely freaking out and acting like something's out to kill him. (not just thumping, but running around crazy) does anyone have any suggestions on...
  10. Kaiah

    switching hay brands

    we've been giving our boy, Mufasa, Kaytee brand natural timothy hay, but recently decided to switch him to a brand called Sweet Meadow. It's still timothy hay, but is far less dusty and looks a lot better than the Kaytee stuff. my question is: when switching from one brand of hay to another...
  11. Kaiah

    can rabbits get constipated??

    i'm having issues with my newly adopted bunny, Mufasa, a lion-head lop mix with a really beautiful mane...we adopted him about 2 weeks ago and he's been settling in. took him to the vet because he wasn't eating much, but she couldn't find anything wrong with him at the time...she recommended...
  12. Kaiah


    We're new to the forum, so hello there! ^_^ Um, I'm not sure how this goes, so... As for myself, I'm a busy animation student, but still find time to give all my fuzzies loves and playtime. I have an obsession with exotic pets and haven't had bunnies since I was 4 yrs old (and she was a barn...
  13. Kaiah

    question about bedding and litter! please help!

    Hi, we're new to the forum and haven't had a chance to properly introduce ourselves, but we'll do that the meantime, we've got a question about bedding and litter. we'd appreciate any advice! so, here's the deal - we have two bunnies, both are lion-heads with long fur around the...