question about bedding and litter! please help!

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Active Member
Feb 18, 2008
Reaction score
Kentwood, Michigan, USA
Hi, we're new to the forum and haven't had a chance to properly introduce ourselves, but we'll do that the meantime, we've got a question about bedding and litter. we'd appreciate any advice!

so, here's the deal - we have two bunnies, both are lion-heads with long fur around the head, rear and paws. we currently use recycled bedding (the brown chunkly looking stuff) and shredded paper for the litter boxes.

problem: the bedding, and especially the litter, sticks to them something horrible! they end up tracking it all over the place and it gets tangled in their fur.

does anyone know of a bedding and/or litter that would be less likely to stick to them and still be safe?

there's one other consideration in all this...our little female, Raeka, has no ears...her momma chewed them off when she was a baby...and the pet shop people said we should stay away from litters like corn cob, or things with small pieces, because something like that could get lodged inside her ear stubs if it got kicked around in the cage, as it usually does when they're hopping about or scrambling for the hidey-space (they're both on the skiddish side...we've only had them a few weeks)

so, there you have it...please let us know if you have any advice!


Something like this:

I use a brand called Equine Fresh, but same principal. I find it at Tractor Supply, I've found another brand at a feed store.

If you are worried about pieces in the ear, I would suggest a cover of some sort over the litterbox, we use wire and bend it to fit, but have it laying around and most people prolly don't. You can also use lil plastic grids that are used for craft things, I can't think of what they are called, hopefully someone else will know!! Pee will go thru, poop will stay on top of it, but it'd get them off the litter.

Hope that helps!
i use stuff called yesterdays news. it is recycled newspaper, but they are in pellets, bigger than their feed pellets though. it works well, absorbs real well and there is very little odor.
The wood pellets do a excellent job of absorbing and odor control. Whatever brand you get make sure its kiln dried. That means all the pineresin etc has been baked out so it will not harm the rabbits.

Welcome to the forum!:)
I've used both Equine fresh and Yesterdays news. I mainly use Yesterdays news for three reasons, 1) I like it, it's not messy or dusty 2) I don't have a tractor supply close and can't find the Equine fresh anywhere else, it's awful, I know, I don't know how I live without a Tractor Supply close and 3) It's easier for me to get donated.

yes and welcome to the forum! :)
Using a blanket on the cage is a good alternative to shavings or other types of bedding, but only for litter trained rabbits. Having a bare floor also helps. I also have a lion head and she gets stuff stuck in her hair too, buy it's mostly hay near her mouth.

In the litter box, use a wood pellet. Some other people have posted links. Any brand works but go cheap as long as it is still kiln dried and usable.
If your willing to spend an extra few dollars..for better quality then you should check out Carefresh.

Its like, Little clumps of cotton (I think) and it traps the smell..and virtually impossible to track around the house.

Plus: They come in a rainbow of colours (Pink is a favorite of mine and Babii's)
ok, we decided to go with Yesterday's News litter...but I just noticed Mufasa eating some of it while he was lounging in the litter box (his favorite place). should we be concerned about that??? o_O and if so, how do we discourage him from eating it? (it does kinda look like pellets...=P)

fred eats it too, little bugger. as long as he doesn't eat a whole lot, its fine. its just paper, but lots of it could mess up his GI tract
I still use Feline Pine for my litter boxes and have blankets or even big cloth placemats for the bottom of cages. No bedding covers the "floor" area other than cloth in places.

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