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Rabbits Online Forum

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  1. Usagi_Chan

    Lots of Bunny Memorabilia

    I have a large collection of bunny things, lamps, figurines, banks, teapots, plush dolls, musicboxes etc. I took photos of a lot of the items and they may be seen here: I am downsizing, planning on moving onto a sailboat and then traveling...
  2. Usagi_Chan

    Nigel, my beloved 3 yr old baby

    Just two months ago my Pegasus died from a cancer in his front leg. Thumper, his partner then became receptive to bonding with Nigel, a grey Jersey Wooly with a black face. They've been bonded now for about 1 1/2 months. I have been forced to move to a new home. I took Nigel and Thumper and had...
  3. Usagi_Chan

    broken bond? Is that possible?

    Pegasus and Thumper were well bonded and never fought. I tried to introduce Nigel to the two but Thumper hated him. She chased and they fought, one time even requiring a vet visit to sew Thumper up. Pegasus recently died (Feb 15) so I tried bonding Thumper with Nigel. By March 1 they were...
  4. Usagi_Chan

    Pegasus, Dearly Loved and Horribly Missed

    Pegasus died Februrary 15th. He had cancer that had attacked and immobilized his right forepaw. The saga is here: On the 15th I came home from work in the morning. Pegasus had been going in his cat-tunnel and then quickly going out of it...
  5. Usagi_Chan

    Bunny Sailors

    I have three bunnies and I am in the process of finding a boat to do some traveling. I lived aboard for about ten years but I didn't have any rabbits then and I never encountered anyone who had rabbits aboard. I posed this question on a cruising forum and a member posted a picture of his...
  6. Usagi_Chan

    Thumper weight loss and ileus

    Thumper hasn't been quite well lately. She's an 8 1/2 year old mini-rex. I feed her hay, some fresh veggies, 2 tbsp pellets and a bit of fruit. She also has taken a liking to salt-free pretzels, which I give her sparingly. She seems to waste most of her hay. She has been weighing in at...
  7. Usagi_Chan


    I'm not new but Nigel is. I volunteer at the SPCA and one Saturday this last April I came in to do my Saturday shift and found a cute little grey bunny who had terribly matted hair. I wasn't sure of the breed but later looked him up and figured out that he's a Jersey Wooly: He's just a tad...
  8. Usagi_Chan

    Three-Way Bonding

    I haven't been here for a while. I still have Thumper and Pegasus. I have a new bunny and I want to bond him with the other two. I got Nigel about a month ago. For a few weeks I had him in another room that is separated from the room that Pegasus and Thumper occupy by a fence. I figured seeing...
  9. Usagi_Chan

    Can Rabbits catch Flu from a person??

    I woke this morning with a severe sore throat and the general feeling that I've been run over by a truck. I'm not positive it's the flu but it sure seems like it. Thumper now has cold ears which is always an indication that she's sick. Could she have caught my sickness? Pegasus is fine so far.
  10. Usagi_Chan

    Broken Toe ?

    Thumper is a female mini-rex, about 5 1/2 years old. I have noticed that Thumper seems to have one toe or toenail that may be broken. There is no blood and the toe shows normal resistance to up and down movement. Laterally when I move the nail it moves quite a bit freer than the same toe on the...
  11. Usagi_Chan

    Bed Bugs on Rabbits?

    I don't know where it came from but I found a bed bug in my place, on my futon. Pegasus has such thick fur that it would be just about impossible to see if he has any and Thumper is black so ditto to check for any on her. I do have some Advantage on hand so I called Bayer and asked if Advantage...
  12. Usagi_Chan

    Rabbit Adoption Day

    Our rabbit meetup group - - is sponsoring the second annual Rabbit Adoption Day at Animall. Animall is a non-profit organization that helps place animals. They are located in the airport mall, on Airport Blvd, near (you guessed it) Raleigh Durham Airport. The event...
  13. Usagi_Chan

    Incredible video - MUST SEE

    A friend showed me this and I just had to share:
  14. Usagi_Chan

    A Must See Blog

    A friend of mine sent me this link.
  15. Usagi_Chan


    I've been thinking of getting my two bunnies microchipped. There are local clinics that claim to do it for $10. From what I understand that's the chip and inserting it. I believe that you also have to register the chip number with a database which often costs another $15-20. That part is...
  16. Usagi_Chan

    Overly Anxious Bunny

    I've been volunteering at the SPCA. I have done clicker training with my buns and I'm working on clicker-training the SPCA buns to hopefully make them more attractive to potential adopters. The buns are quite co-operative but they are also far more anxious to get their treat than my buns are...
  17. Usagi_Chan


    Usagi - Your name means "Bunny" in Japanese. You were tiny, only 1 lb 14 oz of pure joy. Usagi, you were my first bunny and loved as much as any bunny ever could be loved. I got you in January of last year and you died May 29, 2007 in the wee hours of the morning. I still wish I could have...
  18. Usagi_Chan

    Thumper's not well

    This started last night about midnight. I noticed Thumper was hunkering in a corner of her cage, sphinx position. Pegasus seems fine. Her ears were also cold which has always been an indication that something's wrong; so far it's always been gas which I treated successfully with simethicone...
  19. Usagi_Chan


    I haven't been on in a while so I'm making several posts to share what I've learned lately. My house has been getting filled with shed hair. I tried to brush Thumper and Pegasus with several different combs and brushes and still there was hair everywhere. Finally I gave in and spent the big...