You're HOW old?!?

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What age category do you fit into?

  • I'm under 21

  • I'm 21-29

  • I'm a 30-something

  • I'm 40+

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I'm 27, my birthday is coming next month. I'll allow 28, but when I hit 29 I plan to stay there for about 30 years :p
Sorry this might be a very stupid comment :pand I could be being completely blind, but isn't there already a 'date-of-birth' or 'birthday' section in the profile?

I've noticed that some members have put dates that are feasible birthdays, but some have put things like 2002, so is that the birthday of the rabbits, the date you joined or, in fact, birthday?
Lol sorry. Just confuzzled :) cos if it is, surely you do not need to add 'age' to it as well cos people could just work out from the date of birth?

Yep, there is a birthday line, though it's your own choice if you fill it in or not. ;)

What people were thinking was that your age was displayed below your username with every post I think, like it says Posts, Bunnies, Location. I'm against the idea though, I don't thing us teenage members will be respected and we won't be taken seriously by new members.
Ahhhhh i see :D:agree:p

Hmm.....personally I like knowing how old people are when I talk to them- I do go to people's profiles to see. But I completely understand some people not wanting their ages to be shown- that's quite a private thing to some people.
But I completely agree with the younger members (like myself) not taken seriously or even patronised by older members (not saying this has ever happened, but I guess it is a possibility).

I disagree with you younger ones (LOL), I have total respect for all members on here no matter what age they are. I have learnt alot from all age groups.

I honestly think the age should be on, I have seen some posts to younger people that I felt have been VERY HARSH in the way they were written. I think if you know the age of the person you may think twice on HOW things are said.

Just my :twocents

It's never happened to me either. I'venever felt disrespected here because of my age. :)But then, it's not all that apparent - more than once people have been a bit surprised to learn that I'm 15.

But I can easily imagine a new member who doesn't know us asking for advice, then seeing and age of 15 and completely disregarding what was said. :?

I think it's hard enough for people from countries other than the US and Canada to get recognition (because things are done so differently), we don't need to be discriminated for our age too. ;)
I need to put more of my 2 cents in here, I also find that sometimes younger people don't take advice from any age group on here. If someone asks for advice of needs help with something and it is given maybe they should take the advice and not be sarcastic with their replies.

I just read a blog and noticed the exact problem, I sometimes feel why bother answering if you are going to get sarcastic replies.

Sorry If I offended anyone.

SOOOSKA wrote:
I need to put more of my 2 cents in here, I also find that sometimes younger people don't take advice from any age group on here. If someone asks for advice of needs help with something and it is given maybe they should take the advice and not be sarcastic with their replies.

I just read a blog and noticed the exact problem, I sometimes feel why bother answering if you are going to get sarcastic replies.

Sorry If I offended anyone.


I quite agree.

But I don't think it's age related, I think it's maturity related. And also possibly people being scared of the truth/advice?
I agree with that too Susan, seems no matter what you do some people won't listen to advice even if they ask for it. :?It's sad because it's always the rabbit that ends up suffering. :( (Although this can be true for any age group, I agree it's most common in younger members.)
I've never experienced anything to do with my age on here, but other times in my life I have found that age has been an issue for some people. Some older people feel they do not have to listen to a younger person's view and feel the respect only goes one way. But I don't really expect it on here-not at all- everyone is so nice and helpful. It's hard to believe someone here would be deliberately rude or sarcastic.

I completely agree that it is a maturity thing- i know 13 and 14 year olds who are so much more mature than some 17 and 18 year olds- maturity plays a big part in this.

I think age should definately be an option on here to put, becuase i don't believe it will change people's view of people for the worse- just for the better. Like if a younger person is asking advice, the older ones may phrase it in a way that is less harsh, when they might have been harsh to an adult.
jcottonl02 wrote:
Hmm.....personally I like knowing how old people are when I talk to them- I do go to people's profiles to see. But I completely understand some people not wanting their ages to be shown- that's quite a private thing to some people.

I think it can be interesting, too, to know the age of people you are talking to. Age is never a determining factor for me about whether or not I will consider someone's advice/opinion. I know some adults behave that way, but I think that I've not really seen that on this forum.

Sooska is correct, most of the "harsher" words on the forum have been because someone asks for advice and then won't take it. And I agree with Moominmoo that that is probably much more of a maturity issue than an age one.

With that said...

I recently joined another forum where you had to input your date of birth, but then you were given options of what would display with your posts & in your profile. You could choose:


-month & day of birth only

-age only

-both birthdate and age

I though that was pretty neat. That way people could share whatever they felt comfortable with. More than knowing people's ages, I think it's a great idea to know their birthdates. As I get to know many of you here at the forum, I would love to extend happy birthday wishes to you. It's just another neat way for us to connect on a level beyond being bunny lovers.

Speaking of which....

TOMORROW IS SOOSKA'S BIRTHDAY!!!! Please join me in inundating her with wishes for a great year!


(Hope your day and year are healthy and "hoppy"!:rabbithop)

-Mary Ellen
If you want to find out who's Birthday is coming up, click on "Calendar" at the top of the forum, will show you them all. :) (Two weeks today til mine ;))


[align=center][scroll=left]Happy Birthday Susan!![/scroll][/align]

My last post was to Michaela btw lol :D
Cos it could have been my reply to Mary Ellen. This is mine lol!

That does sound quite neat actually.
Yeah I've seen some things where people dont take the advice, but some things are said quite harshly when not needed. Although with the people not taking advice thing- maybe they are just looking for comfort and get harsh words back? Its a possibility- but they should look to recieve some constructive comments back too, rather than getting annoyed by things they dont want to hear- that is immature.
Michaela wrote:
If you want to find out who's Birthday is coming up, click on "Calendar" at the top of the forum, will show you them all. :) (Two weeks today til mine ;))
Really? When I click that I just get a blank calendar where you can input events.

Am I missing something?

(My birthday is next week. :shock: Wonder what my hubby's got up his sleeve?)
I just didnt realise that was something that happened and wondered why. Sozzy- i confuse myself sometimes :D

I think it's hard enough for people from countries other than the US and Canada to get recognition (because things are done so differently), we don't need to be discriminated for our age too. ;)

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