Yofi, Anna and the Crew, 2010

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Yofi and Anna say 'hi' back! :biggrin:

All critters are fine and thriving here; it was just me that went awol - I think stress finally overwhelmed me, and my body decided to say 'whoa, enough already'. Wound up sick for the past 3 weeks or so; two days ago I finally started feeling better, though I do still have to watch things. However, my son is the one who had an even bigger health scare. Four days ago I got a phone call from him while I was at work; he told me that he'd spent most of the previous night in the hospital. Apparently he had picked up some food earlier that evening for dinner, and about an hour later began not feeling well. (Thankfully!!) he was with friends, who at first suggested he go to the clinic down the street, and when he kept resisting, they finally forced him to go. When he arrived the doctor took one look at him and called an ambulance, where he was rushed to the hospital. He was going into anaphylactic shock, brought on by food allergies. His head swelled, he was nauseous and breathing funny, had a bad rash on his skin, and at the hospital he passed out. Thankfully they managed to treat him successfully, and he emerged several hours later...toting with him a bad headache and exhaustion, but a much smaller head. ;)

Now he has to go and see a specialist, and he has to carry an epi-pen with him everywhere. Frustrating thing is, I've known he's had allergies to dairy ever since he was little, but doctors kept insisting he didn't...one even told me that food allergies don't cause giant hives, which is one of the symptoms he used to have. I even had him tested for allergies, and they did several skin tests and determined he had none...though I didn't realize until much later that food allergies often don't show up on skin tests. At any rate, I think they'll believe him now. :expressionless I just thank heavens that his friends were with him, because had he passed out while alone, he could have stopped breathing and...well, I won't even go further.

As for bunnies, Yofi is pretty laid-back these days, as is Anna. The dog days of summer have them both transformed into semi-permanent muffinbunnies on the floor of their room. Yofi still comes out and follows me around in the morning, but I think he's also sulking a bit because I purchased a new refridgerator a little while ago, and it has a bottom-mount freezer...which means the Yofster can no longer rummage through the green goodies whenever I open the door. He can't reach. Though somehow, it wouldn't surprise me to some day go into the kitchen and find the door wide open and goodies snagged, stepstool propped up in front of it as the only bit of evidence.

I'll try and catch up with some pics a bit later...
:shock: Scary!! I'm glad everything turned out okay with your son! The swelled up head...I hadn't heard that symptom before, but I can see how it would mean big trouble.

Fortunately, I haven't had anaphylaxis despite years of allergy suffering...but I did have a case of giant LIPS once (brought on by consuming too many fermented items - vinegar, cheese, etc.)! I looked so redonkulous! It was way before the time of botox...but I often think the celebrities spend way too much money to have FAT lips...I could tell them how to do it for free, lol! :biggrin2:

Miss Daisy has been pretty laid back lately also...I wonder if she and Yofi are quietly plotting some mischief? And now that TinysMom (Peg) has 3 ELops, we could have mayhem from Texas all the way to Canada...with a brief stop in Indiana, of course.
Scary!! I'm glad everything turned out okay with your son! The swelled up head...I hadn't heard that symptom before, but I can see how it would mean big trouble.

Fortunately, I haven't had anaphylaxis despite years of allergy suffering...but I did have a case of giant LIPS once (brought on by consuming too many fermented items - vinegar, cheese, etc.)! I looked so redonkulous! It was way before the time of botox...but I often think the celebrities spend way too much money to have FAT lips...I could tell them how to do it for free, lol!

Miss Daisy has been pretty laid back lately also...I wonder if she and Yofi are quietly plotting some mischief? And now that TinysMom (Peg) has 3 ELops, we could have mayhem from Texas all the way to Canada...with a brief stop in Indiana, of course.

LOL! While I haven't experienced giant lips (I have dairy 'sensitivities'), Stephen certainly did when he was little. So imagine, you got free botox, which may have made you feel a bit redonkulous (love that word!), but picture those same giant lips on a 7-year-old boy.

As for the bunnays, I'm beginning to suspect they are telebunpathic. Hey, maybe THAT's what those ginormous ears are for :ponder: ...telecommunication via ears large enough to pick up bunny thought waves, thousands of miles apart. Poor Peg's probably going to wind up with major television interference once her e-lops' ears kick in...:shock:
Bassetluv wrote:
Poor Peg's probably going to wind up with major television interference once her e-lops' ears kick in...:shock:

Man....and I thought it didn't work cause we had the cable disconnected last year to save money...

Leave it to the rabbits!
Some today pics :)

Anna, zooming:




Pudgie face:


Cute girl:






Yofi, enjoying the coolness of shade:


Doin' what he does best...nomming:



"Ai has a mussta...mushta...ai has a hairy lip.":


"An' now, ai has an itch.":


Profile of a Yofi:


Both at once:


It's hard to take bunnay pictures when The Dog is loose:


And speaking of The Dog, this is what I discovered when I went outside this afternoon:


The culprit (not the least bit sorry for the mess (and hole) she made:



And showing me just how much she cares:


THanks for the smiles today! Anna is such a sweetheart - I love her! and how she puts up with Yofi's antics..... well. she's an angel! :)

He always looks to me as if he's been caught or he's at least guilty and needs to be caught! LOL!
Those pics are GREAT!:shock: Love the Yofster ones, but Anna and Kaya, lol, too cute too!

Can't wait to show the Yofi ones to hubby, he loves him, it's weird, lol. He wouldn't want to "own" one cuz they "trip over their ears". Haha.
Maybe dress him up on Halloween as like Darth Vader, lol, he has that sly stare..:p
Di, I need need need a photo of Yofi in his Yofi pose from behind. Please? It would really help me for the RO t-shirt :)

I was just going to grab one from photobucket and post it, but can't access the website. (Can't access my email account either...I'm at work right now, and the computer's being persnickety.) Once I have access I'll upoad one. :)
Can't wait to show the Yofi ones to hubby, he loves him, it's weird, lol. He wouldn't want to "own" one cuz they "trip over their ears". Haha.

Well, Yofi doesn't really trip over his ears, but I do have a Yofi-ear story for ya. Yesterday I was vacuuming the bunnies' room and decided to groom Yofi at the same time, and leave the vacuum running so the loose hair would automatically get sucked up. (The Yofster has been going through some seriously major moulting ever since summer began, and his fine, fine hair gets into (and on) everything!) So I held Yofi down with one hand, was brushing his body, using a Furminator, with the other, and I'd left the vac hose next to him. It was working great too...his hair is so ultra-fine that as soon as it left his body it would fly right into the nozzle. Yofi didn't really mind the sound of the vac too much, especially since he was getting brushed - while he doesn't like the grooming aspect, if done gently enough he thinks it's a massage, and melts into the floor. All went well for the first 5 or 10 minutes; Yofi taking in his body massage, me getting all the extra Yofi off of him, and Anna lying in the cage, sound asleep.

And then it happened. In the middle of a brush stroke I suddenly heard a sickening, warbly "FFLLLBBBBLLLLBBBBBBBFFFFBBBBBBB" sound. I dropped the brush and looked around, not quite sure what it was...then I noticed Yofi. He was no longer happy as a bun in clover; his eyes were huge and dilated, almost - but not quite - reflecting that same look of terror he'd had over the terrifying cow incident a few months back. I was perplexed...what the heck was tha...and then I saw it. Apparently the vacuum cleaner hose had taken on a life of it's own asIsat therebrushing Yofi, and it had crept up on himlike a predatory snake ready to attack. When I wasn't looking, it struck...and three-quarters of the Yofster's left ear became devoured by this plastic, non-venomous demon. The "FFLLLBBBBLLLLBB"ing went on for another few seconds as I frantically dove for the Off switch, and only after the monster fell silent did Yofi begin to relax. He looked at me and I looked at him, and even though I really did want to apologize, I just couldn't help myself...I began to laugh. After all, Yofi's face was pretty comical, not to mention that indescribable digesting sound the vacuum was giving off as it choked on his giant ear flap. Of course I must have hurt his feelings in doing so, because the look Yofi gave me could not have been any more cold. Off he fled to be with his console-mate, Anna, where he continued to eyeball me suspiciously for the next hour or so.

Can't say I blame him either; this will be yet another addition to his "Mom did it to me again" list, right up there with the rabbit-eating cow in the livingroom, the humiliation of having infected feets doused and treated daily when he had sore tootsies, and the swandive into the toilet bowl, face first.

If anyone happens to be driving around eastern Ontario some day and sees an angry, long-eared rabbit sittiing at the side of the road, carrot-packedsuitcase in tow, attempting to hitchhike a ride, give me a call. I suspect we'll all know who it is that decided to run away from home.
LOL I'm in a terrible fit of giggles over this! SOMEDAY!!! I want to draw a Yofi comic strip, using all these awesome stories you've written. LOL
Geez, I'm not having much luck with computers today! They must have changed photobucket again, because now the links don't show up under the pics. I finally figured out though, that the link will display if you click on the picture first (a bit of a pain, but at least it works).

Anyway, here's a photo of Yofi from the rear; is this the type of pose you were looking for, ElfMommy?

I was thinking sitting down instead of up, but I LOVE it! It will add a little variety :) I may add a little length to his ears just to exaggerate a bit if that's ok?
oops...hey elfmommy, I didn't mean to not reply; I never got back to the forum because I was in the midst of getting ready to go on vacation. (LOL...Yofi would look hilarious with exaggerated ears!)

I just got back from Toronto a few days ago, where I was visiting my son and his girlfriend. It was a bit of a whirlwind visit, as we tried to fit things in - we went to the CNE (saw the Superdogs perform; they were great); went to Kensington Market, where we discovered a unique store called The Blue Banana; went to Allan Gardens; to the Zoo (stingrays are still my favorite!); went to the Eaton Centre (not my favorite, it's just another mall, really); went out with friends of theirs; did lots of walking-tours; and went to the Keg Mansion for dinner on my last night there (food was fantastic!).

Anyway, I managed to take a few pictures of the critters when I came back home, though most of them are Yofi, really. Anna absolutely did not want to have her picture taken! She kept hiding in the shrubbery and giving me dirty looks when I'd try to catch her on film. Yofi, it seems, didn't miss me much either; according to my brother, he schnoozed most of the time. And no wonder...when I came back home and opened the door to the bunnies' room, I saw a room filled with food! Seems my brother decided the rabbits weren't getting enough to eat (an idea no doubt planted in his head by the Yofster), and so I walked in to see two food dishes completely and utterly filled - and spilling over - with pellets; hay aaalllll over the place, and enough greens to feed an army of lagomorphs. So now I think the two of them are kinda mad at me for not following through and continuing with the over-abundance of foodstuffs. But they were glad to be allowed outdoors again...though they certainly don't show me much gratitude, the rotters. :wink

Here's the two pics I managed to get of Anna, before she went into deep hiding mode:



These next pics are of Yofi and The Dog. Poor Kaya...she'd spent the entire time I was away being Yofi-free, and now that I'm back, she's once again exposed to the "annoying little twerp" (that's what I'm supposing she would call him, if she could verbalize her feelings). In these photos, Kaya wanted back in the house, just to get away from him; but of course, Yofi had to turn up just to get under her skin.

"Oh hey, watcha doin' Dog?"


"Mom, let me in PLEEEEZ...!"


"Mom, if he touches me, so help me..."


"That's it, I've had it...as soon as ai get inside, ai'm paking mai bonez an' leevin'"




I don't even remember taking this, but I guess I did (unless a certain rabbit managed to sneak in a self-portrait :ponder:)...


Another reason why e-lops remind me of Basset hounds...droopy eyes


And some pictures of Yofi on the prowl. At first I thought he was going to pull a Sean Penn and attack the camera person, but his rush toward me was just Yofi being...Yofi. (Notice The Cat blending into the shrubs in the first photo; thankfully Yofi didn't see him, or these pics might've been of kitteh-attack carnage. Fritz is becoming quite adept at being invisible to the raging bunny.)





LOL...yep, at least there's no dust bunnies in those big ears of his now! biggrin:

Oh, I had an awful dream two nights ago. Woke up after dreaming that my purse had been stolen; I found it in the woods, tossed aside and everything important gone. When I found it I realized that the thief not only had all of my money, etc.; but he also had info on where I lived, as well as the keys to my house. In the dream I panicked and began phoning 911 on my cell, but static kept interfering and I couldn't get through to the police department. I was terrified that the person would go to my house and do unspeakable things to the bunnies - or I'd get home and the bunnies would be gone - and the desperation to get home to protect them was enormous. I was so relieved to wake up and realize it was all a dream!