Yofi, Anna and the Crew, 2010

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Bassetluv wrote:
Come to think of it, maybe Yofi's been rabbitauging it so I won't have any evidence to incriminate him...:ponder:
Probably right, well, wait, it could be Anna, as she's using Yofi's prior lessons to be sneaky...:brownbunny

Bunnies! Stop messing with the camera, pleeze?:p
I'ze here! (and laughing at the suggestion that Yofi might've locked me in the basement, since he did once try to do just that!)

Been a rather rough few months lately, and my health went all wonky as well. Yofi and Anna are still just as good/bad as ever (with the Yofometer's needle ever-pointing to the latter), and I was hoping to update the blog a few days ago with new pics of the two. Unfortunately, my little digital (which, unbeknownst to me, was teetering on life support) decided to flash it's last. I couldn't even download what photos were already on it when it left for the heavens of the Kodachromatic. So then I went on a quest for a newer, better version...and there was a great little Olympus SLR on sale at Future Shop. However, after taking half a day to travel there by bus, find the camera, purchase and take it home, only to discover that (a) the salesman had sold me a memory card that didn't fit the camera, and (b) the camera was defective anyway, which then entailed a looong trip back to the store, a refund, etc., I am still without a new camera. Apparently I'd purchased the last one left in the entire city that had been on sale, and the store(s) don't know when/if any more will be in stock. (This camera was at a REALLY great price too!) So I can't let Yofi know that I am sans camera, otherwise he'll get it into his little furry head that he can get away with murder and not get framed.

Speaking of His Royal Hareness, this morning I think he decided to try his paw at styling. I was leaning over him as he sat there giving my hand little Yofi-kisses (his specialty alone, since Anna does NOT give kisses...she is above all of that nonsense), and hadn't really noticed that Yofi had stopped licking my hand. Then I felt a little yank, and that's when I realized that Yofi was giving me a ha(re)cut! The rotter managed to trim back several strands before I caught on. My HAIR!!! argh. Thankfully the hare-trim isn't noticeable; I'd feel a bit foolish if I had to go to work explaining my new uneven 'do to co-workers. :grumpy: Guess the Yofster thought if I could save money going to the stylist, those pennies would instead be freed up for karrots.

Oh, and my sister and I (and our dogs) almost became criminals on the weekend. Here in Ottawa we have an old military base, it's 43 acres of land (mostly forested, along with roadways and abandoned paths and trails), and it also had a few hundred houses that used to provide temp. homes for soldiers and their families. The base shut down a long time ago, but up until last August, a few of the homes were still occupied. However, the gov't finally decided to remove the remaining residents last year, and all of the houses were boarded up. In the meantime, for the past 10 years the land has been in the middle of a huge dispute between the gov't and a native band, whereby the gov't had been planning to sell the land off for development, and the natives claiming it was their land and the gov't had no right to sell it. So for all those years, people have been enjoying using it, taking their children there to learn to ride their bikes, taking their dogs for off-leash romps, and generally enjoying nature. (I'll include a few pics I took of the area 2 years ago, at the end of this post) Anyway, despite nothing being resolved in the dispute, and a suggestion that it could continue on for at least another 10 years, the gov't has decided that since they can't use it, no one can. They installed fencing at all roadway entrances to the area, and have erected private property signs on the fences.

So last weekend when I asked my sister if she wanted to walk the dogs, she suggested we go there (take note: her idea, not mine :p). So off we headed, canines in tow, and we enjoyed an hour-long leisurely walk through the base, not another person in sight (well, save for one older fellow who we crossed paths with at one point, who told us he still goes through there every day). But, wouldn't you know it...just as we were about to leave the area and head back to the car, along comes a security patrol car, with the second-most-ancient security guard I've ever seen. After giving us a warning about trespassing on private property, he let us go...but that means it definitely was the end of my walks there with Kaya. I used to go there with her every weekend throughout the summer and fall; it was great, since she's a dog who cannot be off leash at a dog park, this place was perfect for her. And I always loved going there for the peaceful feeling it invoked. Last summer I was thrilled to have three turkey vultures silently gliding overhead; and hawks, snakes, beautiful wild flowers were always a treat. Even last weekend, when we went, we were treated to a show...as we walked down an abandoned road, we spotted a hawk sitting in a huge old pine tree. Suddenly he dove straight down to the ground and landed on top of 'something' - we couldn't exactly see what it was - but we walked over to where he was and were surprised when he didn't take off right away. Unfortunately we did get to see what he caught (and eventually flew away with), a young squirrel...however, even though I felt terribly for the little guy, it still was quite something to see nature in action. Something you don't get to witness too much any more in the city.

Anyway, no Yofi/Anna pics for a while, but here's a few of the old military base, back when The Dog and I could still traverse it without becoming fugitives from the long arm of the law.

(And I WILL post new pics of the bunnies as soon as I'm able to get a camera, hopefully within the next month or two!)













(No idea why these turned out so tiny...)

The last pic shows how happy The Dog was every time I took her to the base for a run. These photos only give a glimpse of what the area is like, but to me it was like my own private getaway. We'll both miss it...
Hey Di! Glad to know you are okay. We've all been wondering what you and the crew were up to.

LOL on the Yofi ha(re) trim...I've actually had that experience myself, compliments of our Diva Bun, Velvet the blue flemmie. It is quite disconcerting to hear a slight snipping sound and realize that it is big bunneh teeth restyling your hair!

You've got some awesome pictures of the old base. I really like the one of Kaya-in-the-mud. She looks like she's having fun...and the last picture shows how happy your romps together made her.
haha...it's good to know that my bunnay isn't the only one who thinks he's Edward Scissorbuns! I guess those big teeth do come in handy, since they don't have thumbs it'd be kind of hard for them to hold onto the scissors very well. (And I still think there's a bunny conspiracy afoot; the rabbitauging of human hair is most likely payback for one of many items on their ever-growing list (one in particular I can think of at my end: dressing up the Yofster as a bunnybee...). Good thing you noticed your hairtrim before Velvet got carried away...those whopping big bunny teeth could slice and dice huge chunks out in no time!

Oh, that picture of Kaya in the water was taken on a particularly hot summer day. She's normally not a dog who takes to water (if she goes into the river and her little tootsies don't touch bottom, she 'ews' and 'icks' her way back to shore, pronto). But on that day the temp was probably in the low 30s (C), and so when we happened to walk by a drainage ditch that was filled with water, she dove right in. Never saw a dog enjoy batheing so much as she did that day. And I'm not sure why the photos came out so tiny here, unless I'd sized them down at one point before putting them in Photobucket. You almost need a magnifying glass to see them!

As for me being locked in the basement, if Yofi ever does that he will be grounded for the next 5 years! I forgot to mention earlier that *something* appears to have taken up residence in my cellar..and it certainly is not an invited guest. I was in the basement a couple of weeks ago doing a wash, when I happened to notice a big box of chips and cheesies sitting in a corner (leftovers from last Halloween's handouts). Well, not having eaten dinner yet, my stomach got the best of me and I decided to try a bag, just to see if they were still edible (heck, I was so hungry the wrappers were looking pretty good). So I picked up a bag, and quickly noticed it was empty. Hhhhm. I tossed it back, picked out another bag and...empty too. Thinking I must have raided the box not long after Halloween was over, and just tossed the empties back, I started to root. And the more I dug, the more I came to the realization that there wasn't a chip to be had. Or a cheesie, for that matter. That's when I decided to inspect a bit closer...and saw that each and every bag had a perfectly round, 1"-2" hole right at the bottom. And that's when I dropped the remaining bag I had in my hand and slowly began to back away. Something had eaten over 40 bags of chips and cheesies and had not left a crumb. I know it wasn't The Dog, because she would never have created such perfect holes to access food; she would probably have eaten the bags as well. Ditto for Yofi. And The Cat is far too finicky for President's Choice No Name brand junk food. Mice? Perhaps, but I'm thinking...nah, not so much. I've seen mice and their leftovers before, and they tend to chew tiny little holes, crawl inside, and get out just as quickly once they're done. No, my suspicion: a RAT.

Then when I sat back and thought about it, the hints began to surface. A few weeks ago I'd been getting ready for work one morning and had heard fierce, LOUD scratching noises in a corner of my bedroom ceiling. At the time it kind of freaked me out, but I only heard it the one time, so I kind of forgot about it. And before that, I can recall two or three times going to the basement at night to do a wash, faithful hound following me down the stairs...and then I'd notice that she would be in one of the far corners, staring, as if she was hearing - or perhaps smelling - something. I recall the faint thoughts of something being in the basement way back then when I saw her do this, as it wasn't normal Kaya behaviour, but then had brushed that too off, thinking that The Dog was probably going a bit senile.

And so now I suspect I have a critter of the not-so-finest kind taking up residence downstairs. Not that I mind rats...I actually adore them, personally...but it's the domestic ones I tend to take to, not the ones who wear leather jackets and have tattoos etched into their little rat biceps. I am wondering though, if the rat(s) decided to move on since that night, because The Cat accidentally on purpose locked himself in the basement last night, only to emerge this morning, eyes blinking in wonder, looking for all the world as if he had no idea how he'd ever wound up down there. And since I didn't see any new rat friends in tow, I am assuming they have decided to find better digs.

However, if they (or IT...it'd have to be one pretty big muther of an IT, after eating all of those chips and cheesies) do turn up again at some point, then I shall be going after them, guns loaded and hackles raised. Mess with me and my house?? I think not....I will set up a Hav-A-Hart humane trap and show them just who's boss. And that'll teach them to be messin' with MY chips....:grumpy:
Happy to hear from you! I wasjust looking the other day to see if I had missed the latest stories on Yofi!

I also have had a few free trims on behalf of a few of my rabbits! Now if I could just teach them how to cut (eat?!)with style!!!

Enjoyed the pictures of the old military base, and yes, that is one very happy dog in the last picture! Its nice that you had (had = :() such a wonderful spot to take your dog.Unfortunate that the government decided tolock it down.

LOL...Karen, you and my son would get along great! He too doesn't care for rats. Or snakes. Or even worms. (Don't ask.) And ever since the great squirrel debacle of last year, they too are on his 'avoid at all cost' list. Me...I grew up collecting or admiring just about anything that ran, walked, or squirmed. You know, if I hadn't been there for my son's birth, I'd swear he was adopted. ;) At one point in my young life I had a rather admirable collection of salamanders that I kept in a large glass jar, which unfortunately came to a demise (the jar, not the salamanders) one afternoon when - in an effort to hide them from my mom, who also did not share my love of quirky pets - it fell off the top of the dryer in our basement. Salamanders and dirt flew everywhere, and I never did recover any of them. For all I know they may have lived happily ever after in teeny tiny salamander condos, erected in the dank recesses of my dad's unused workshop. Neither was my dad impressed a few years later when I was the proud teenaged mom of 32 mice, all assortments of colors and patterns, living in glass tanks and complicated wire cages within the disaster that was my bedroom. Or when I took to collecting toads, dressing them up in elaborate wedding gowns made of toilet paper and string, complete with tiny little wedding ceremonies in the long grass of our backyard. I never really did know if I was marrying boy and girl toads, but then I guess it didn't matter...they didn't seem too happy either way, at least until I released them back into the wilds of their real home.

Never2manybunnies, wouldn't it be nice if we could teach our rabbits to cut hair properly? I am kind of wondering if Yofi actually could do a good job at it; since I tend to leave my hair to the last minute before going for another trim, I wind up trimming my bangs two or three times on my own. Having a permanent hair trimmer at home who'd be willing to 'werk foar karrots' (in Yofispeake) might just not be a bad idea.

And yeah, I am very sad about the base, especially since it will be sitting there unused for who knows how long. That's why I took a ton of pictures last summer, after I heard about the impending shutdown...at least I can look back and remember all of the great times The Dog and I had there.

Oh, one thing before I'm off to bed...I'll relate what happened a couple of summers ago when I decided to take both my dog and my sister's up to the base for a romp. (I was dogsitting at the time, as my sister was off to Washington/Vancouver/Maryland/whoknowswhichcity on one of her many conferences.)

After we reached the base I let the dogs off their leashes so they could run and explore, which is exactly what they did. I hung back and strolled quietly along one of the abandoned roads, watching as the two tailwaggers headed off into some brush. A few moments later, however, I was startled when I almost stepped on a rather large garter snake who'd been sunning himself on the hot asphalt. He barely moved a muscle, so I stood there for a moment admiring the beautiful patterns along his body, and how elegant he looked (of course many would not agree with me in stating that a snake can look elegant, but he did to me). The dogs, in the meantime, had emerged from the bushes a few yards up ahead, so I called to them, wanting to show them the snake, wondering if they would even notice it was an actual creature and not just a big stick lying in the road. Well, Kaya was the first to respond to my call, trotting down the road toward me, and right toward the snake. At the very last moment she happened to look down and see it, and her response - if put into words - would probably have been something like, "Whoa, dude!! Did you see that stick? It just moved, Man! I swear to you, it did! All on its own!" So she poked around and sniffed the snake (from a reasonable distance, of course), then quickly lost interest when she thought she heard a SQUIRREL!!!...and off she went.

Lassie, in the meantime, was lagging behind; but when she realized that she had become separated from Kaya, she came barreling down the road, and straight into the path of the moving stick. Now, I do have to say this about Lassie: She is probably one of the world's best escape artists, able to squeeze out of cages that no dog should ever be able to squeeze out of, able to leap 5-ft fences with ease....but she definitely isn't one of the brightest crayons in the canine coloring box. When I yelled at Lassie to "STOP!", lest she steamroller the poor snake and hurt it, she did come to a complete halt, and wound up standing right over it. The snake, now aware that something was invading its tanning space, raised its head up to look around, and began to slowly coil its body, ever so slightly. Lassie, standing there with tongue hanging halfway to the ground, smile on her face wider than the infamous Cheshire cat's, hadn't noticed a thing. So I pointed to the ground and said, "Lassie...look out! There's a snake right at your feet!"

Lassie just stood there, staring at me with that stupid grin on her face, and wagged her tail.

So I yelled again. "Lassie, move! You're going to step on a SNAKE!!" And again I pointed.

Again she looked at me, wagged her tail, and that absurd grin grew even bigger.

So I yelled once more. "LASSIE, MOVE!!!" Even the snake got the idea at that point and I guess he decided he'd had enough of the dramatics, as he suddenly began slithering excitedly back and forth in an effort to vamoose outta there.

And that's when Einstein-dog exploded. The tip of the snake's tail just happened to touch the tip of one of Lassie's toes, causing her to (finally!) look down between her legs. And when she did, I swear, she flew about six feet straight up in the air, looking for all the world like she'd be stuck with a red-hot poker. Legs were flailing frantically as she attempted to single-doggedly rewrite the laws of nature and somehow, spontaneously sprout wings. Her eyes were as huge as dinner plates, a look of terror written on her face that I'd never before seen on a dog, and never have since. And to this day I will swear on a stack of Yofi's carrots that, if any dog could ever successfully take flight, Lassie almost did. She literally hung suspended in the air for what seemed forever, by the frenetic dog-paddling of her feet...combined with the sheer terror of having seen, with her own two doggie eyes, a lifeless stick arising from the dead. To get her.

When Lassie finally did come back to the ground, she hit with all four feet running, and she bolted halfway across the base before I could call her back. The snake, on the other hand, had slithered quickly off in the other direction. If he'd been contemplating selling his house for new digs elsewhere, this surely would have convinced him to do so, as the neighborhood was obviously getting just a little too weird for his taste.

And so that was the highlight of my afternoon at the military base that day; I know I never had enjoyed such a hilarious moment in quite some time. It almost even topped some of Yofi's antics...and that's saying a LOT. So now I know to never ever tease Lassie about the "SNAKE!!", and of course I wouldn't be so mean as to do so...but oh, sometimes I'm so tempted....just to see that dog dance in midair once again....

wabbitmom12 wrote:
Hey Di! Glad to know you are okay. We've all been wondering what you and the crew were up to.

LOL on the Yofi ha(re) trim...I've actually had that experience myself, compliments of our Diva Bun, Velvet the blue flemmie. It is quite disconcerting to hear a slight snipping sound and realize that it is big bunneh teeth restyling your hair!

You've got some awesome pictures of the old base. I really like the one of Kaya-in-the-mud. She looks like she's having fun...and the last picture shows how happy your romps together made her.
If Zeus wants my attention in the morning while I'm sleeping...he has been known to trim my hair too...

Now if he had studied styles first - I wouldn't be so upset.


Poor Lassie! Evil stick/snake, creeping up on her like that! :p

You'll get a laugh out of this, Di. Our now 18 year old, Joshua, was always the nature lover, science-nerd from the day he was born. His favorite books from ages 2 to 8 were anything describing (with full color pictures, of course!) weird bugs, snakes, spiders, poisonous tree frogs, etc. He can still, to this day, tell you waaayyy more than you've ever care to know about the Giant Dung Beetle of North Africa.

We always loved to read together, but he would invariably pick a book with pictures in it that made me shudder...literally. So, I would say, "Okay, I'll read this one, but you have to hold your hand over the pictures of the tarantula (or reticulated python, or wolf spider...etc.) so I don't scream. And then I'd read all these facts and descriptions of these horrifying little beasts....

...until we got half way through the page. Then the little snipe would take his hand off the page while I was in mid-sentence, just to hear me yelp! (I swearhe just wanted me to wet my pants!) More than once I'd have to practically peel myself off of the ceiling, while the Angelic Child would plead, with a devilish glint in his eye, "Come on, Mommy. Keep reading!!" And 3 or 4 pages later, when my heart rate was just beginning to return to normal, and I was least expecting it...he would do it AGAIN!

LOL Karen, Joshua sounds like he was quite the little rascal! (A child after my own heart :biggrin2:) It seems that one of the most fun things for a child to do is be able to get back at their parents in some way...and the bigger the reaction the better. But I bet as much as he managed to freak you out, you wouldn't trade those memories for anything. ;)

You sound much like my late step-mom, only her fear was confined exclusively to snakes. An image in a book would send her dashing from the room, and she wouldn't come back unless she was promised that the book would be removed first. Funny how certain things can trigger that; for me it's bugs with hard shells, especially roaches and (EW....even worse)...June bugs. I will - and have - been known to run screaming down the street when one accidentally landed on my clothing, or brushed against me. This morning (actually, about half an hour ago) I just got back from walking my dog, and right before we turned to come down our street, I saw something lying on the sidewalk. When we got closer I realized that it was a dead cicada, probably around 3-1/2" long. I hear them all the time in the summer on hot days, but rarely ever see them. I have to admit he was fascinating to look at, with large feathery antennae and dark, distinct black eyes...but he still gave me the willies. Kaya was much braver than me; she sniffed him over and then stuck her paw out and gingerly touched him, then lost interest. So my phobia tends to be confined to 'as long as they don't touch me', but if they do, then you'll most likely hear me screaming all the way to your house.

Peg, about rabbits and haircuts...sometimes I wonder if bunnies can trim hair better than some of the hairstylists I've been to! I recall one time going to get a perm (back in my not-so-great decision-making days) and the girl who was doing my hair left me in the back of the room with the solution and rollers in, and it felt like she had been gone forever. When she did finally come back she was apologizing profusely for forgetting about me, and then she rinsed my head and began taking the rollers out. Suddenly she got really quiet, and then sort of whispered, "uh-oh". That's when I began to worry...and finally she told me, "Well, there's sort of a bald spot at the back here, but don't worry, I can style your hair so it gets covered." Yep, she'd left the solution in so long that it burned off some of the hair at the back of my head. :shock:
Bassetluv wrote:
LOL Karen, Joshua sounds like he was quite the little rascal! (A child after my own heart :biggrin2:) It seems that one of the most fun things for a child to do is be able to get back at their parents in some way...and the bigger the reaction the better. But I bet as much as he managed to freak you out, you wouldn't trade those memories for anything. ;) Absolutely! Reading with each of my three kids are some of my most cherished memories of their childhoods. But, he hates it when I tell stories about him when he was little. He's in the process of becoming an adult, you know!;) But, I tell him, that'sWHY I tell the stories! He was such a cute little stinker, and these days I see that little boy in there...wrappedup in this 6 foot tallbody. I KNOW he's grown up, and I wonder to myself: How did this HAPPEN?! ;)

You sound much like my late step-mom, only her fear was confined exclusively to snakes. An image in a book would send her dashing from the room, and she wouldn't come back unless she was promised that the book would be removed first. Funny how certain things can trigger that; for me it's bugs with hard shells, especially roaches and (EW....even worse)...June bugs. I will - and have - been known to run screaming down the street when one accidentally landed on my clothing, or brushed against me. This morning (actually, about half an hour ago) I just got back from walking my dog, and right before we turned to come down our street, I saw something lying on the sidewalk. When we got closer I realized that it was a dead cicada, probably around 3-1/2" long. I hear them all the time in the summer on hot days, but rarely ever see them. I have to admit he was fascinating to look at, with large feathery antennae and dark, distinct black eyes...but he still gave me the willies. Kaya was much braver than me; she sniffed him over and then stuck her paw out and gingerly touched him, then lost interest. So my phobia tends to be confined to 'as long as they don't touch me', but if they do, then you'll most likely hear me screaming all the way to your house. LOL, yep! I can definitely relate!

Peg, about rabbits and haircuts...sometimes I wonder if bunnies can trim hair better than some of the hairstylists I've been to! I recall one time going to get a perm (back in my not-so-great decision-making days) and the girl who was doing my hair left me in the back of the room with the solution and rollers in, and it felt like she had been gone forever. When she did finally come back she was apologizing profusely for forgetting about me, and then she rinsed my head and began taking the rollers out. Suddenly she got really quiet, and then sort of whispered, "uh-oh". That's when I began to worry...and finally she told me, "Well, there's sort of a bald spot at the back here, but don't worry, I can style your hair so it gets covered." Yep, she'd left the solution in so long that it burned off some of the hair at the back of my head. :shock: Oh my gracious! That's awful!! My most recent hair cut ranks up near the top of my bad hair decisions...I went to one of those cheapie shops, Great Clips, where they do the cut for like $12. But, one of the "stylists" (snort!) had the exact cut I wanted, and it's only been THE most popular style in this area for the past year. A basic bob, with layering up the back, and blending in from the sides. So, sillee me! I figured the gal could do it...she had a real live model in the next booth to look at, she didn't even have to rely on my poor description. Oh, she screwed it up good...then said, "Well, if you can't work with it at home, come on back and any of us will fix it for you, no charge." Yah, right!!! When you know what FREEZES OVER!!!
It might be a squirrel eating your chips as well. We have the occasional squirrel scratching away in our attic (Florida...no basements), and we have to get them out so they don't chew the wires.
wabbitmom12 wrote:
[Absolutely!  Reading with each of my three kids are some of my most cherished memories of their childhoods.  But, he hates it when I tell stories about him when he was little.  He's in the process of becoming an adult, you know! ;)  But, I tell him, that's WHY I tell the stories!  He was such a cute little stinker, and these days I see that little boy in there...wrapped up in this 6 foot tall body.  I KNOW he's grown up, and I wonder to myself:  How did this HAPPEN?!  ;) 

I know! My son, while he isn't 6' tall (hey, he got to 5'10", thanks to his dad's gene pool...definitely not my family's), it really does seem like it was only yesterday that he was turning 5, running back and forth from the kitchen to the livingroom window, anxiously awaiting his friends' arrival for his birthday party. LOL...I can still see him with his little white pants, blue button-down shirt and white tie, so excited he was almost bursting at the seams. And you know what? Today is that little 5-yr-old's 28th birthday, can you imagine that?? :shock: How did they grow up so quickly? The one best thing about it all, though, is that they may grow up and become adults, but that little boy will always be there for their moms. ;)

Oh my gracious!  That's awful!!  My most recent hair cut ranks up near the top of my bad hair decisions...I went to one of those cheapie shops, Great Clips, where they do the cut for like $12.  But, one of the "stylists" (snort!) had the exact cut I wanted, and it's only been THE most popular style in this area for the past year.  A basic bob, with layering up the back, and blending in from the sides.  So, sillee me!  I figured the gal could do it...she had a real live model in the next booth to look at, she didn't even have to rely on my poor description.  Oh, she screwed it up good...then said, "Well, if you can't work with it at home, come on back and any of us will fix it for you, no charge."  Yah, right!!!  When you know what FREEZES OVER!!!

Hehe...what's funny is that my really bad haircut was at one of those places too...a First Choice, where they hire people right out of salon school (or off the street, I'm not really sure which, after the experiences I had with them). I guess we live and learn (although it took me a few times to actually learn not to go back to them; at least you learned faster than me!). I remember several years ago talking to a male friend at work, and he told me - with regard to womens' hair (;)) - "The difference between a bad haircut and a good haircut is about a week". Well, maybe, but I suspect that with those cheapie hair salons, the difference is more like a month and a half. :p
Bassetluv wrote:
I know! My son, while he isn't 6' tall (hey, he got to 5'10", thanks to his dad's gene pool...definitely not my family's), it really does seem like it was only yesterday that he was turning 5, running back and forth from the kitchen to the livingroom window, anxiously awaiting his friends' arrival for his birthday party. LOL...I can still see him with his little white pants, blue button-down shirt and white tie, so excited he was almost bursting at the seams. And you know what? Today is that little 5-yr-old's 28th birthday, can you imagine that?? :shock: How did they grow up so quickly? The one best thing about it all, though, is that they may grow up and become adults, but that little boy will always be there for their moms. ;)
:birthday HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO CHRIS! And this is for his mom, because just yesterday they were sitting on our laps, begging for another story before bedtime: :hug:

Around Joshie's 5th birthday, he said to me these infamous words: "Mommy, when I grow up, I want to be a human, like you."

I guess I should ask him if his wish ever came true? ;)

Elf Mommy wrote:
It might be a squirrel eating your chips as well. We have the occasional squirrel scratching away in our attic (Florida...no basements), and we have to get them out so they don't chew the wires.

Now, a squirrel I wouldn't mind quite so much, even if one did almost KO my son last year (hehe...still laughing over that one!). LOL...every time I even hear the word 'squirrel' now, I think of the movie "UP" and that desperately cute little dog, Dug ("SQUIRREL!!!!"). :laugh:

aww...thanks so much for the birthday wishes! LOL, though I won't tell Stephen you called him Chris...:biggrin2: (You know, I almost didn't even realize it was his birthday today? I was at work and happened to look at the date on my computer, and that's when it finally dawned on me....:blushan:

"Mommy, when I grow up, I want to be a human, like you."

Oh, that has to be one of the sweetest things I've ever read! :inlove:

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