What book are you reading right now

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Michaela wrote:
Right now I have to read Macbeth for school, it's killingme, I hate it so much. What's the point in reading a book when youdon't understand any of the words in it?:(

I found one trick when reading Shakespeare is NOT to read it line byline as it's written and formatted, but read it as sentences.

So take this from Macbeth for example...

"Bloody instructions which, being taught, return
To plague th’inventor. This even-handed justice
Commends th’ingredience of our poisoned chalice
To our own lips. He’s here in double trust:
First, as I am his kinsman and his subject,
Strong both against the deed; then, as his host,
Who should against his murderer shut the door,
Not bear the knife myself. "

Don't read it line by line, read it according to the punctuation..

"Bloody instructions which, being taught, return to plague the inventor.
This even-handed justice commends the ingredience of our poisoned chalice to our own lips.
He’s here in double trust: first, as I am his kinsman and his subject,strong both against the deed; then, as his host, who should against hismurderer shut the door, not bear the knife myself."

That's the only way I could understand any of it and actually enjoy it once I figured that out... ;)

Edit: Oh, and I've already pre-bought HP7!! Can't wait.
I just read The Glass Castle by JeannetteWalls. It's a memoir of her life. Oh my goodness,AWESOME book in my opinion. I couldn't put it down.

I just picked up The Memory Keeper's Daughter by Kim Edwards, so far it's good.

Oh and HoneyPot I was gonna borrow Marley and Me from my Auntand forgot it at her place, you gotta let me know what ya think if Ishould go pick it up or if its not worth my time.

And I'm with you tinac, I've read so many Ann Rulebooks. I love them. And I also love JamesPatterson, have some of his aswell. Don't think I've read theBeach House though, but I know its one of his big ones. Haveto pick that up someday!

I just finished 'Stone of Tears' by Terry Goodkind. It was good, but a bit sad during most of it. It had a lot of agnst.

I am almost done with 'Witches brew' by TerryBrooks. I love the series, though I did get distracted by theafore mentioned 'Stone of Tears'. What is with people namedTerry writing fantasy? I think if I ever publish a fantasybook, I'll change my name to Terri Terry, so I'll have extra luck withmy books.
Michaela wrote:
Right now I have to read Macbeth for school, it's killingme, I hate it so much. What's the point in reading a book when youdon't understand any of the words in it?:(
i know what ya mean.... two yrs ago i had to readMacbeth and Beowulf... they were both hard to understand sometimes...the class discussions really helped..its been solongnow i get those two stories confused:?
I was just going through all the off topicforums and found this one. I am a True Crime reader, right now I amreading Bestial by: Harold Schechter, so far so good. Except thateverytime I go to read any farther, some one needs something. Ahhh thelife of a mom.
So, I started reading "The Kite Runner" instead of Marley and Me, and so far it's enjoyable!

Do any of you like fiction-humorous? Areally good one is Devil Wears Prada by Lauren Weisberger. Iread it way before the movie came out. It's lolfunny. I have yet to see the movie, I know it will notcompare to the book.

I like to go to barnesandnoble.com. You can look throughbooks on there and also see the reviews to see what people thought ofthem. Then I go to the library. If they don't haveit, they will get it for me. I had one come from anothertown-45mins away. I don't reread books, so that works greatfor me.:D
AngelnSnuffy wrote:
Do any of you like fiction-humorous? A really goodone is Devil Wears Prada by Lauren Weisberger. I read it waybefore the movie came out. It's lol funny. I haveyet to see the movie, I know it will not compare to the book.

I like to go to barnesandnoble.com. You can look throughbooks on there and also see the reviews to see what people thought ofthem. Then I go to the library. If they don't haveit, they will get it for me. I had one come from anothertown-45mins away. I don't reread books, so that works greatfor me.:D
I liked The Devil Wears Prada - I read it before the movie too. The movie has a happier ending.

Do you like the Shopaholic books? I have read them all sofar, but kinda got tired of the character after the first 3 books.

Can you Keep a Secret by the same author is a cute book too.

HoneyPot wrote:
AngelnSnuffy wrote:
Do anyof you like fiction-humorous? A really good one is DevilWears Prada by Lauren Weisberger. I read it way before themovie came out. It's lol funny. I have yet to seethe movie, I know it will not compare to the book.

I like to go to barnesandnoble.com. You can look throughbooks on there and also see the reviews to see what people thought ofthem. Then I go to the library. If they don't haveit, they will get it for me. I had one come from anothertown-45mins away. I don't reread books, so that works greatfor me.:D
I liked The Devil Wears Prada - I read it before the movie too. The movie has a happier ending.

Do you like the Shopaholic books? I have read them all sofar, but kinda got tired of the character after the first 3 books.

Can you Keep a Secret by the same author is a cute book too.

Ya know, after all the hype, I did read Can You Keep A Secret,and didn't care for it too much. Didn't get the hype aboutit. Dunno...
Ah you were right Jordiwes... Kite Runner wasvery tragic, but SO good! I read it in record time.Finished it a couple days ago.

I just gave up on "The Innocent Man..." by John Grisham. I wasn't enjoying it.

I just started the new Isabel Allende, "Ines of my soul".

I'm already enthralled. I LOVE her books.
'k finished Marley & Me - dog lovers(and animal lovers in general)should read it, it was veryenjoyable and I found myself laughing at several parts of it.

Now I am on to something recommended by Jordiwes:

Daughter of Fortune by Issabel Allende. *excited*


I just read a book called looking for JJ. which is actually a little creepy!! on the back it just says

three children set out from the small village that afternoon, later only two came back.

Its about a 10 year old killer who is trying to rebuild her life afterthe crime(she is 16 at this stage)it is actually very good! irecommend it to anyone who likes a bit of a thriller.

At the moment though i am reading the world according to clarkson...it is great! I think EVERYONE should read it!
HoneyPot wrote:
Now I am on to something recommended by Jordiwes:

Daughter of Fortune by Issabel Allende. *excited*
I hope I didn't raise your expectations too high! But if you liked it, you can be comforted that there is a sequel!

I'm almost done "Ines...". Eek, what next?

jordiwes wrote:
HoneyPot wrote:
Now I am onto something recommended by Jordiwes:

Daughter of Fortune by Issabel Allende. *excited*
I hope I didn't raise your expectations too high! But if you liked it, you can be comforted that there is a sequel!

I'm almost done "Ines...". Eek, what next?
Have you read ALL her books? I noticed she actually has quitea number of them - I didn't know she had written so many.


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