UPDATE motherless babies... at my house

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Well, she's still with us. We've been keeping her snuggled on us since I last posted, lots of fluids and some milk. She was pretty much leaking like a sieve when James checked on her and found her sick. Urine, diarrhea. It seems to have slowed down now although that might just be because she's empty.

She's still responsive, definitely better than Gir last night. She has enough spunk to argue with us sometimes over taking fluids or sitting still.

I'll be staying up late with her, James is going to bed soon. That way he can get up early to care for her.

Wish us luck. It's going to be a long night and the odds are still very bad.
Holymarymotherofgod she's EATING HAY!:shock::shock::shock:

And too darn squirrely to handle. I had to put her back in the cage. She kept wanting to run around!
And an older pic of Dora we hadn't posted yet:
She's just precious! Come on little girl! Hang in there!
Today's feature presentation is Dora happily munching on alfalfa hay after hours of diarrhea and incontinence.

I went to give her more milk but she was still eating hay and refused to drink! Little booger.

I'm going to bed now. James will be up in less than three hours. Hopefully she'll still be this good.

Dora is still here and strong enough to squirm during feeding. Only got about 1cc of milk in her in the last two hours, but I did get most of the milk that I laced with a cecal from the other bunnies into her. I hope it helps her. Vet opens in one hour, hopefully they can get her in soon.

Oh, by the way, I feel like pure crap. I got only three hours of sleep because while naturestee climbed into bed, I woke up and laid there with knots of worry until I said screw it and got up.
Oh, I'm so glad Dora's still with us! I was really afraid to check today when I logged on... that's brilliant that she's eating hay! :D

And that video is sooo cute! :p
naturestee wrote:
Holymarymotherofgod she's EATING HAY!:shock::shock::shock:

And too darn squirrely to handle. I had to put her back in the cage. She kept wanting to run around!

LOL ... I guess that is a good sign, huh?

Still doing ok, her poops are better formed but she really doesn't want to take fluids any more. She is nibbling a little fresh grass now though.

It seems like just about every rabbit vet in the area is gone. I got Dora an appointment at Lakeside Animal Hospital on the north side of Milwaukee. That was after going through like 5 other clinics from here south and they kept referring me to other clinics as their rabbit vets weren't in today. Gah!

I really hope we can get some competant help for her without stressing her too much. TreasuredFriend has a great vet but that's all the way in Brookfield.:?
(Checking in after several hours of errands.)

Will await word on what the Lakeside Animal Hospital vet says, her background about being squirrely/less enthused about takin' more fluids, plus if Dora gravitates to nibbling moistened grass some more? Sending tons of well-wishes for all you are doing for orphaned D!!! :hearts
hard to type with one hand. dora in other hand. vet gave subq, didn't want to try antibiotics etc as her poops are nearly normal now. still eating grass, interested in alfalfa but mouth too dry.

decent rabbit vet,for future reference. my vet should be able togive fluids tomorrow if needed.
naturestee wrote:
Holymarymotherofgod she's EATING HAY!:shock::shock::shock:

And too darn squirrely to handle. I had to put her back in the cage. She kept wanting to run around!
I'm glad that she's doing beter .You're so funny:roflmao:
Angieluv, that is the tame version of what I actually said! My actual language was not fit for the delicate eyes of our forum members.;)

Dora is still doing well. She is readily eating fresh grass (when she is not too tired, it is hard work!) as well as some alfalfa and grass hay. And when she is alert instead of snuggled up she will take a milk and Critical Care mixture from a spoon. Woot!

If she lives through all this, she is going to be the most spoiled rabbit ever. She pouts when put back in her cage and is eager to be picked up so she can snuggle with us again. And it is not just the warmth as she has a Snuggle Safe and a rice sock. Booger.

Oh! Future reference in case I forget: Doras weight was 56 grams before fluids and was given 7 cc subq fluids.

And my apostrophe key is not working right. Blah. Good night everybody!
It is morning. Dora still doing good. Took in a teaspoon plus some in milk/critcal care mixture (probably 6-7 cc's) and a few stubs of grass. pooping, running around, even thumped at the cat.
Just got back from an appointment with our regular vet. Dora is doing good. He saud she has the right amount of hydration right now and that she should be old enough to start the weaning process. I was a little worried about her not peeing for over twenty-four hours, but she peed after the vet poked at her bladder for a bit. He said that was just the dehydration and that she is producing urine, so should be fine in that respect for now.

Taking the proverbial tiger by the tail!
(Lily in really good with Dora, its Eve we have to watch)

What secrets a bun could tell if ever a bun could speak.

The new favorite snack. "What do you want punk?!"


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