Things that are really ANNOYING!

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Pro Plan, whom I have been purchasing cat food from for the last 11 years has decided to discontinue the only food my cat will eat!

And it's too late to find ANY on the shelf.... :mad:

I have been to every Petsmart and Petco within 50 miles of my home and NO Turkey and Barley formula to be found. Grr
In the home:
I get so annoyed when people leave wet towels all over the bathroom floor, don't take the empty tube outta the toilet and put a full roll of toilet paper in, boil the jug then don't make a hot drink, walk inside with dirty shoes, leave lights and Tv's on but they are in a different room/gone out, and most off all eat an important part of a recipe so I can't cook dinner.

Out in public:
I hate people that tail-gate, people that shove me around in the mall, and condescending shop assistants.
Another thing that bugs me SO Much.. Sales People.. I was looking for a bed yesterday and the stupid pushy sales man was getting so badly on my nerves!! Let me look.. "WELL THIS IS A GOOD MODEL OVER HERE, EVERYOBODY REALLY LIKES IT.. DO YOu WANT ME TO PUT YOU ON FOR FRIDAY FOR THE DELIVERY". GOOO AWWWAAAY! Pushy sales people.. grrrrr!

What's worse then pushy sales people, sales people that are sickly sweet. Like they have such a fake niceness about them trying to sell you something? It's like, thanks but no thanks, my:censored2 is for sitting, not kissing!


We have a shoe store in town that I refuse to go in because the weird little sales man lurks around the corner of the shelves and if you even LOOK like you might pick up a pair to look he POUNCES! I know it's weird...but I will walk in circles till he gets tired or bored! Everytime I go in if he is working...I just turn around and go right back out! He even had the temerity the one day after following me around for 20 minutes or so to tell the girl I did ask for help that I was HIS customer...even though I had been avoiding him like the black plague! Grrr!

I hate it (and believe me this happens to me a lot)..people who call me with their problems and I listen and listen and listen and listen but when I call them about myself they will interrupt and say they have to go. I am a good listener and therefore a sucker for this.
Laura wrote:
Maherwoman, you must be my long-lost sister! You sound just like me!

I was legally blind in both eyes until I had Lasik surgery in March.

Repetitive noises make me insane, too - like nails on a chalk board!
wow maherwoman & laura.. you two sound like me.. repetitive noises drive me crazy! and i hate it when people move my stuff! it takes me forever to find it!

laura.. im legally blind w/o contacts:(
I hate it when I have a schedule or a plan for something and it changes, or just dosn't happen. I'm very particular that way. Especially when it involves food, like, I'll get all hungry for, say, Mexican, then we'll go to Italian and I'll be all distraught. Of course I'm just weird like that.
my brother, chester pooping all over when shes knows she susspoe to poo in her box (she is litter trained), my computer messes up.... can't think of anymore.
Things I cannot tolerate (I dislike the word 'hate'...maybe that would be one of them? LOL):

Telephone solicitors - they always tend to call at dinner time, which in itself is annoying, but I also keep thinking of homes who may receive these calls whilst they are in the throes of pain...divorces taking place, a loved one being sick or just having passed away, extreme financial stress...I'm sure anyone going through any of these things doesn't want to receive a call from a stranger who is hawking a product or service, or looking for donations. And while I don't blame the people doing the calling, I do deem telephone solicitation as an invasion of privacy.

Parents or childcare givers who are too rough with their children...yanking them brusquely by the arms (almost hard enough to dislocate a joint), or picking them up and shaking them, or screaming in the little ones' faces.

Children who are not introduced to manners. I have several relatives and friends whose children are allowed to do whatever they feel like doing, no matter where they are at. In stores, I've seen them rip open packages to play with a toy, only to toss it back on the shelf again; they will run through someone's house, helping themselves to whatever they want in the fridge or cupboards, without asking; they will play with expensive electronics (again, without permission); at dinner time, they constantly get up and run around or leave the table and go to watch tv instead of eating; they never have to pick up toys, clean their rooms, etc.; they constantly interrupt when someone is talking (and all attention goes to them when they do, so it is actually encouraged)...and on and on. Very annoying!

Cars and cyclists who run red lights, or don't stop at stop signs. I'm a cyclist, and can't tell you the number of times I've almost been struck by a driver who is in too much of a hurry to slow down. I also see drivers who seem nervous when they see a cyclist approaching an intersection, and I understand that completely, because so many bike riders go straight through without stopping. (For the record, I have been struck twice now; once by a driver who didn't see me as he was merging into traffic from a side street, and once by a cyclist who was in front of me swaying and swerving all over the road. He finally turned off onto a side street, only to suddenly swerve back...and he struck me full-force. Wound up with separated pelvic bones from that one. Ow!)

Parents who belittle their children, whether they realize they are doing it or not...I guess this was a biggie for me when I was growing up, as my brother and I - the two middle children - were the target of our father's constant verbal attacks. I was constantly told, 'You're too stupid to learn that', 'You'll never amount to anything', 'No one would ever love you', etc. etc. etc. And while I love my dad dearly, and now realize that my he simply didn't know any better - he was repeating the same things he'd heard as a child, before his father abandoned him - the damage that negative comments make can be enormous, and have lifelong effects. How I wish this sort of thing didn't happen.
And I guess it's along the same lines as physical child abuse and animal abuse...both are the most horrific things that can happen in a little soul's life.

On a lighter level:

Just missing the bus - literally by seconds - on the one morning when you have an important meeting to attend. The next bus doesn't come along for another half an hour, and when you look at your watch, you realize that the reason you missed the bus in the first place is because it arrived five minutes early.

Purchasing a new electronic item and finding that the instructions on how to set it up and operate it almost requires a degree. 'So simple, a six-year-old could do it'. Suuure...

On the same topic, purchasing a piece of furniture that has to be constructed, only to find that the instructions are 22-1/2 pages long, and when you finally get it all figured out (five days later) there is always a) one screw/panel/wheel/rung missing; or b) there is always one screw/panel/wheel/rung extra...leaving you to wonder what you did wrong, and how long will it be until it suddenly falls apart (or spontaneously combusts).

Being woken up six or seven times in one night by a dog who has diarrhea...because she somehow managed to raid the garbage bin while her now sleep-deprived owner (who has to get up at six in the morning) was at work. (On the other hand, I suppose the alternate would be worse...a dog who doesn't bother waking the owner and simply goes all over the place; so there are small gratitudes in these annoyances.)

Silent dog is famous for this, esp. in a car. She doesn't make a sound if her stomach is upset and she is about to lose her cookies...the only way you know is if you are looking directly at her (she tends to get that 'green around the gills' look on her face).

And my final gripe of the day:

Being blindsided by a certain testosterone-rampant bunny as I walk past the raspberry bushes - the buns' favorite hideout, where they make all their insideous plans together (hear that, RAPH???)
I totally agree on the kids with no manners deal. I drive a school bus and these kids will, and I"m NOT kidding you, spit on the floors, dump their garbage, talk back and refuse to follow rules. Many don't know the meaning of the word no.

And I hope this one doesn't offend anyone, but parents who will open a package of crackers or cookies or worse grapes and feed them to their children as they do their shopping. Hello people this is STEALING. Especially with a weighted item. Don't people realize that yes maybe your kid only ate 30 cents worth of grapes, but if everyone does that it adds up and then the rest of us have to pay for that. Sorry that is my number one aggravation. Plus it's not teaching kids anything. I actually told a woman that one time. She told me well I am going to pay for it. Yes, but you haven't paid for it yet so therefore you are feeding your child something that is not yours yet. Ok off my soap box. :elephant:
How about "adults" that do not put children who should obviously be in carseats??:growl: That just gets me so irritated! Not only is is a MAJOR safety issue but if the parents do this at such a young age, where do the kids learn to respect the laws of the state/country they live in?!?!

And then there are the "adults" who are dropping off/picking up kids from preschool or school and park and then leave the vehicle (actually it is a HUMMER) parked in the RED ZONE (as in no parking?!) right next to the parking lot exit??!! Unfortunatly I see this almost every day when I take my daughter to preschool. It really gets me annoyed to see parents doing this day in and day out, absolutly NO RESPECT for the laws there...ok, I feel better now:rant
i Hate people who pop gum, im sorry for:growl:

anyone who likes gum, but i just cant stand it,:tantrum:

i see people taking it out of their mouth and the:growl:

popping sound is extremly annoying!:tantrum:
I hate when people bite or pick at their nails, because my father and my little brother do it constantly, and it really grosses me out. They have stubs for fingernails, and they're always all inflamed and gross looking.

I also hate when people bump right into you, knock things out of your arms, and then look right at you but don't say sorry or anything. I mean, how long does it really take to say one word?

My last pet peeve is parents who don't listen to their kids. Like, their child comes home all excited about making something, and they just nod their head and say "that's nice, honey. Oh, wow." clearly staring at the TV or thinking about something else and then send them on their way "tell me about it later, go play."
Bassetluv, a big ditto on your list.

Except for instructions. I love figuring out a gadget or assembling furniture. There's such a sense of accomplishment once you've figured it out.

And also, I've never experienced being attacked by a 10 pound bunny with long ears ;). But I'm sure I wouldn't like it.
"Yins" -- I find that word very annoying and hadnever even heard it until we moved to Western Pennsylvania 4 yearsago. The new teller at thebank used the wordearlier this week and I find it very unprofessional. (Whendaughter Steph worked at a local restaurant, the printed waitressinstructions specifically prohibited using the slang "yins").

Hi Pam, OK maybe us Canadians (ok I'm speakingfor myself)are slower than you Americans, I've never heardthat word YINS used before. Please translate. Thenagain maybe it's an age thing. LOL.


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