The Three Musketeers

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Glad you´ve caught up with us. They really are three great little guys. They´ve had their ups and downs and their fallings out but they are doing really well together and they really do love each other. I love catching the Snowy and Houdini when they are hiding out and grooming. One minute they´re chasing each other round the room and fur is flying and the next they´re cosying up and cleaning each other. Used to worry about their high spirits but I think it´s just brotherly playing; they lived with each other since birth, don´t know if they were from the same litter.
I just loved seeing the pictures of your trip! If it's possible to feel homesick for somewhere you've never lived but just visited, that's almost how I feel. I just love the UK. I hope I get to go back there one day. I'm glad you had a nice time with your mom and sister. It looks like you got to do quite a bit despite your mom getting injured.

Your boys are as cute as ever. Snowy flopped with his feet in the air is just too funny. I used to have little bunnies that would do that. They would flop completely onto their backs, feet sticking up, and sleep like that.

It's good to hear your mom is recovering from her injury. It can be difficult when they're older, but it doesn't sound like she is letting it hold her back any :)
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Jenny, thanks it´s funny but when you look at somewhere you lived, you never really notice the lovely architecture and the great features until you start taking photos. Leeds has changed tremendously in the last 20 years for the better and I just love going back and enjoying everything it now has to offer.

Mam is the same as ever, she is quite stubborn in some ways and will do stuff you tell her not to but there´s no stopping her.

The boys never cease to make me smile. I did laugh when I saw him like that as you think it must be uncomfortable but he seemed quite happy. They are all getting on so well, I often catch Snowy and Houdini cuddled up in front of the telly now and it does make me so happy to see them like that. Hope yours are all doing well, it´s ages since you´ve posted pics of them and I do so love seeing your ever so cute buns :big kiss:
Well haven´t been on my blog for a while but wanted to just catch up with everyone. Boys are doing great although Snowy and Houdini are getting used to being together again, I was away over the weekend and they don´t seem to like not being together for a few days so have a bit of head butting when I get back and let them out. I´m sure it will sort itself out. Bandy is wondering what the heck is going on.

Houdini has suddenly discovered he loves digging and his mission in life is to make as much mess as possible on the terrace by digging up the plant pots and the planter. I suppose it´s their nature so if he´s happy, who I am I to stop him.

I´ve taken some cute photos of all three and a great video of my little digger which I´ll probably download over the weekend. I now have a new computer which I just can´t get used to...Windows 8 sucks, give me back my Windows 7. I have to download photobucket on this so I´ll get with it and update in the next few days.

Mam arrives tomorrow for the Christmas holidays, she´s so looking forward to it and to seeing the boys again.

I´ll catch up with everyone over the next few days, good to be back

I'm way behind on catching up with everyone too, so you're not the only one! Good to see you around again :D

Sorry the boys are being little buttheads, but I'm sure they'll settle back in before you know it.
Jennifer, good to see you on here. Just watched your video of Nala and Gaz on another post and really loved seeing them, such cute bunnies.

Yes, the two of them are doing my head in. They´ll sit quietly for ages grooming next to each other and then suddenly off they go again. The worst thing is Houdini is pooping everywhere, I call him my little poop dispenser. I just wish they´d just get over this and back to normal. They will but I want them to stop NOWWWW.

Funny thing is they are so smart and when they are about to run towards each other, I just have to shout their names and they immediately run in the other direction. And Bandy was chewing the wall tonight under the table and I just shouted his name and didn´t even get up and he stopped. How good is that, I have three beautifully trained bunnies, mostly trained to stop doing things they shouldn´t be lol.

My mom arrived today and she´s still fascinated by them and they came over to see here and have a sniff. I´m sure in the next few days, they´ll be jumping on the sofa to say hello.
Lol! That's better than my buns. Jake starts digging and pulling on the carpet, I yell at him to stop and he just keeps on going :pullhair:

It's great to hear things are going well with you, and mostly ok with your boys. Silly rabbits :) I can just picture them trying to have a go at each other, then running the other way when they hear your voice. Somehow I picture Houdini feeling like he is the one in the most trouble

Glad your mom got there safe. I hope she has a great time.... And nice weather won't go unappreciated as well I'm sure :)

I meant to post some pics of my buns for you, but then I forgot after I started looking around on my different devices trying to decide which to transfer and post. Oops, sorry :) So I have some I can post for you. I don't know if you want me invading your blog. Keep in mind there will be quite a few pics, as I have 11 rabbits now.... Ooor, I suppose I could break down and start my own blog :ponder:

Looking forward to seeing pics of the boys, and your adorable mum :)
You're lucky to have good rabbits! When Ellie is doing something bad, I yell at her to stop, she looks up at me and then continues to do what she was doing. LOL I have to threaten her with never getting out of her cage again for her to stop being bad, thats pretty bad.

I hope your mum enjoys the stay! I bet the weather is a little bit better there than it is in the UK!
I agree, you're **** lucky! My bunnies (Nala, especially) will stare me right in the eyes and continue to do whatever it is I'm yelling at them to stop doing. No shame, no fear of consequences and their moral compass always points towards "naughty."
Lol, yep. Bandit is exactly the same. Most times I have to physically push him away with my hand to get him to stop from being naughty. He has no morals my boy.

I hope they can get over their altercation soon, I can understand it must be frustrating when you know they can get along. :)
My naughty little boy, he is just like the Duracell bunny, he goes on and on and on......his energy has no bounds.

Jenny, feel free to put your bun´s photos on here, I´d love to see them, they are all so cute.

They do take notice of me most of the time but they do do the opposite sometimes just to show me that they can if they want...sort of I´m the bunny and I call the shots lol.

They seem to be nearly back to normal today so that´s a relief although I caught them boxing through the bars, I do laugh at that like, what is going on.

Mom is loving the buns an it keeps her occupied checking to see where they are.

I went to the thrift shop today where I haven´t been for a while and the lady who runs it said she´d been keeping something for me. She gave me some tiny little candles which are porcelain rabbits, they are just so cute. How good is it of her to remember me. She asked me how the boys were and I, of course, showed her the latest photos.

I also saw a toy in the big department store. It was so cute, a little furry bunny that hops over to you and makes cute noises...goodness knows who decided on what noises but I´ve never heard my three make any of them.

Took my old laptop to get fixed today but probably won´t get it back until the new year. I´m now getting used to the new one, still have to download some stuff on it but it´s getting easier now. I was also so pleased as I was talking to the IT guy and he said I got a bargain with my new small laptop so I was even more pleased. I must get some photos on there and post, have some good video as this space :yes:
I really must start going to your blog. Somehow I keep missing all of this posting on your blog. Granted I usually just go to today's posts but yours never seems to be highlighted.

You are ever so lucky that the boys listen to you. Thumper has gotten lazy as he has gotten older so he no longer does things he shouldn't but my those girls drive me bonkers. The other day while trying to finish their new shelf and all Laverne kept attacking the carpet. It doesn't matter what noise I make whether hollering or clapping or banging something. those two ignore it. So I had to keep leaving my work every few minutes to chase Laverne away. She waits till I'm almost on top of her and then would run off binking as she went past me. I'm sure she was laughing an evil little laugh as well.

I'm glad your mom gets to visit with you again.

I agree with you that windows 8 sucks! I spend more time on my laptop dealing with issues with windows 8 then I do what I come on here for.
Haha. I'm pretty sure that AJ had a toy that made rabbit noises and it made weird sounds that I've never heard a rabbit make. They don't really make any sounds, other than the occasional grunting. LOL

Glad your mum is enjoying the boys! I bet they love having extra hands to love on them.

Good for you being able to fix your old laptop and getting a deal on the new one! Thats pretty good!

And how nice of the lady at the thrift shop to remember you! I like getting bunny related items!
I'm glad your boys are settling back down. How have they liked having your mom there? How's her visit going?

That was sure sweet of the thrift shop lady. You need to post pics of them! They sound cute!

Ok Chris. I finally did it! I gave in and started my own blog. So no more invading other people's with my pics. Thanks for always letting me do it before though :)
Yay, Jenny has a blog. I´ve just gone over there, couldn´t resist and I just love it. Great photos and love the stories of how each one ended up with you.

My boys are doing fine, I caught Snowy grooming Houdini just now.....looks like they may have sorted themselves out at last.

Am so tired as I was up at 5.15am this morning as had to pick someone up to go to the airport and then I was working until 4 so am ready to sleep but it´s a bit late now so I´m going to try and stay awake now.

Jenny, I took a photo of the little ornaments so I need to upload them and post. I have a new laptop so am still getting used to it.

My mom loves the buns and they love going up to see her. She recognises each one now although she says Houdini is brown and white when I keep telling her he´s grey and white.

Do all your buns get into a routine. It always makes me laugh how when I let them out, Houdini is straight through the door but Snowy always races to the other end of the cage and then comes back and Bandy is always the last one out. They are just so funny.
Wishing everyone on here a very merry Christmas. Hope you´re all having a great day, we´re now well into the evening and am here enjoying the TV waiting for Dr Who to start.

Bit disastrous this morning. Had all the meat ready to put in the oven and the darned thing wouldn´t work. I felt like either crying my eyes out or screaming like a banshee. I rang my friend and she let me do it in her oven, well she did it for me. Good job she´s Spanish as they had their big night last night so she was eating leftovers today. However, I ended up having to do the roast potatoes in a frying pan as well as the sausage wrapped in bacon and the stuffing. But we got it all done and it was lovely, we all enjoyed it.

Got some lovely things from all my friends and have had a lovely day.

Also my birthday although now I try and let it pass without too much fanfare. The years are flying by now.

Happy Christmas to you all
I rang my friend and she let me do it in her oven, well she did it for me.

That sounds like a win to me! :p

Happy birthday! Mine's tomorrow. I was supposed to have been born around my mom's birthday (the 14th) but I was significantly late - I've always asserted that my birthday is proof I've never been a fan of Christmas, lol.
Jennifer, I was late as well, my mom´s birthday is the 10th and I was due around then but arrived at Christmas, the only time I´ve been late. I was laughing yesterday with my mom and saying that on my tombstone it will say "She was always there first". I always have to wait for everyone.
Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas!

I'm sorry your stove wasn't working but glad you got everything cooked after all. It all sounds delicious. I remember years ago cooking a big Christmas meal and losing power during. I got lucky that it didn't stay off long but we didn't get to eat dinner till 9pm so about four hours late.

I'm sure you will enjoy your Kindle Fire. Hubby got me mine for my birthday earlier this month. I have used it a little but the girls have used it more than me. They have more free time than I do though.

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