The lavish lives of Lopsy and Lulu

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I realised I didn't include the interesting details... Lopsy's neuter was not quite the usual, because the vet discovered that he had one testicle that was still inside him, and one normal. Presumably because of his deformity, the testicle on his bad side where his leg isn't right, it couldn't get out somehow. But the vet was able to go through with it anyway, it was just a bit more complicated.

So it wasn't just me, I thought at times I could only see one testicle. I probably should have trusted my instincts long ago and asked the vet much sooner if Lopsy was desexed (or not). In some ways I think the timing was good though because I have some money now after selling my car. I am also very glad that I didn't quite trust enough that Lopsy was desexed to put him with Lulu before she was desexed. If I had taken their word, I could have had baby bunnies a few months ago.

Anyway I thought some people might find that interesting. He is a very special boy. He seems even more energetic today, and even more eager to eat the supplement which I find fantastic because I don't need to try and force feed him! He gobbles it down like it's his new favourite thing.
crystal wrote:
Lopsy update: he seems to be doing really well since his neuter two days ago. I have been leaving the critical care supplement in the cage for him and he eats it in his own time. at first he wasn't interested but he is eating it by himself so I am pleased with that. He even seems excited by it... weirdo haha. He is also eating normal food anyway so I'm not worrying too much about the supplement. He is munching on hay right now, I can hear him :)

Yay!! :bunny18
In news unrelated to rabbits... I had my first proper day of placement today. It went really well and I am very pleased! I am basically helping with fundraising for a program for recovering gambling addicts. I started out as a volunteer because I know the project manager and then it turned into my placement. I get to organise a garage sale which I think is a pretty awesome placement job :)

Rabbit news: Lopsy has got more and more active in the last few days... after 3-4 days of his neuter. He seems like he is doing very well indeed.

Tomorrow will be one week since his neuter, in another week or so I will be starting to get the bonding process happening again! I hope it all goes smoothly and pretty fast. I've gotta work out what my approach is going to be and what I can set up in the space I have in my room... I am excited to hopefully have bonded bunnies soon!


Handsome boy.
It's been three weeks since Lopsy's neuter. I think I will wait one more week until I start the bonding again. I am on the one hand excited, but also nervous. I hope it will be quick and smooth.

In other rabbit news, Lopsy has been molting a lot. constantly, for 2-3 weeks. I just had him on my lap for maybe 5 mins and by the end I had a bit handful of fur in my hand. His molting seemed to begin just after his neuter, I am wondering if hormones have anything to do with when rabbits molt... he is otherwise well, apart from a few mats where he can't reach. he is still as lovely and uncoordinated as ever lol.

Lulu is well too. she has started thumping when I am feeding Lopsy if I haven't fed her yet haha think I will upload some more pics soon.

Miss Lulu always goes for the carrot first. And I promise I don't make her have a cage with the bare plastic floor, she arranges it that way. Which is different to Lopsy, he doesn't move the blankets around at all. I do wonder what will happen when they are husbun and wife and move in together, they might have to come to a compromise!

ps. is anyone still reading? I get a bit lonely talking to myself haha
Hi Crystal I'm reading. Miss Lulu sure loves those carrots. :) Am interested in chatting to you about your placement sometime in real life
Love Jo
Crystal, I'm in love with Lopsy and Lulu! I'd never seen pictures of them before. I expected Lopsy to be a girl and a lop... how wrong I was! He has the same markings as my first bunny :) I'm a complete sucker for otter/marten markings because of that. How big is he? He looks like kind of a big guy, but Lulu looks little. Lulu is beautiful! She does look like a Holland Lop with uppy ears. I think her ears are darling and she's such a pretty gray color. My baby girl, Tallulah, was a Holland Lop too and her ears stuck up a lot, especially when we first got her. We called her Lulu too :)
Thanks for stopping by! haha Lopsy got his name because he is lopsided... not because he is a lop. Actually his first owners called him Foxy Loxy or something like that. My friend who had him for 2 weeks thought Lopsy was better, and I thought that suited him better than Foxy :p

He is my special lopsided boy


Lopsy and Lulu are actually pretty similar in size, I can see how you'd think he was bigger though. Lulu is a bit stockier/ Lopsy is a bit longer but I think he might fill out a bit since he has been neutered now. Lulu has got fattier since she was spayed.


Sorry about the evil looking red eyes!

One more, just because I can. Then it's back to homework for me!

Some might say that this is his less flattering side. His legs cross over, as you can see haha not all the time though, just sometimes. his back leg is really long and straight and his front leg isn't quite right either. He's a funny bunny :)
Awww look at his legs sticking out. I'm glad he has a good owner like you :D It's hard not to love special bunnies like Lopsy and Ned! I can see that Lopsy and Lulu are similarly sized, but Lopsy just looks more petite/babyish and Lopsy looks more manly. Or something.
Yeah I swear Lulu puts on a sweet face for the camera! She often looks much smaller than she is too, although she is pretty small compared to the flemish giants I keep seeing on the forum! She is 1.5 years old now, and I'm not sure about Lopsy but he could be 3-4ish so she is younger indeed. She looks more feminine doesn't she, like she needs a pink bow hehe

I hardly notice Lopsy's legs any more, that's just the way he is. Maybe especially since he was my first bunny too. Do you find the same with Ned and his missing ear? I know he is different but it's in the back of my mind not whenever I see him... not sure if that makes sense haha
I just had to say that I just watched the video about Lulu's ears, and I was cracking up. I startled my boyfriend. XD
Also, you and your brother look so alike!!

crystal wrote:
I have been meaning to update for a while. My mum and dad let Lopsy and Lulu out at the same time to begin their bunny dates. The first time they lasted 5 mins before circling, when my parents then separated them. The next day they last 15 which is a good improvement. Unfortunately I am too chicken to supervise them myself and with my dad doing shift work we hadn't done any more dates at this stage (apart from months ago). Will try and work on this soon when dad is around to supervise.

I have been playing with them today, and using my camera, including the video function which I don't often use.

I have noticed that at times Lopsy and Lulu will hop over to me when I call "come here bunny" or some other similar phrase. I'm not convinced that they know their names but I guess they know my voice. I think they respond more to bunny because I say that more than their names. So of course I set the camera rolling and called first Lopsy, then later Lulu to see what would happen....


And the second video is showing off Lulu's magic ears lol. She is a dwarf lop but her ears never lopped which gives her special powers. While she was quite friendly today and happy eating I ceased the opportunity to film what her ears... I won't say too much more or you will all be greatly disappointed... have other people seen bunnies whose ears do this?


ps. sorry it's not quite in focus, was hard to hold the camera and move her ears at the same time. I couldn't actually see what I was filming.

maybe I'll post some pics soon too.
Haha glad you liked the video. I find her ears very funny so I wanted to share. I'm glad she's not a true lop, I think that would be boring haha. What did your boyfriend have to say about it?

Yeah my brother and I do look a bit alike, quite a lot in that photo hey! Same shape mouth nose and eyes maybe? I freaked myself out one time a few months ago when I saw taking photos of myself (as you do), there was one expression that looked SO much like my brother.
Just watched the ears video! Rory is like that too. He can have his ears up, down, helicoptered, half up, whatev. And I can do that ear pushing thing to him too :D He does this thing where if his ears are down, and I tickle his cheek, the ear on that side will pop up and point forward. It is cute! We didn't know about his "magic ears" (great term!) until we had him home because he was on high alert at the shelter had his ears up all the time.
Lulu's ears are never fully down/"lopped" but she does also move her ears if I rub her cheeks haha the ear on the same side will come forward... hard to explain but very cute :)

With lulu it's like her ears are capable of being lopped, it doesn't hurt her, but that isn't their normal position *shrugs*

We suspected that her previous owners (who bred her) were going to keep her except that her ears didn't lop. Not sure... She came to me at 6 months old :)
First I have a story. I can't remember what day it was, but I was working away at my essay in the lounge room with Lopsy out. He was relaxing, lying on either his blue blanket

or on the blanket near the glass door


I was concentrating on my essay and hadn't heard much noise from Lopsy for a while. All of a sudden, Lopsy thumps, and I look up to see a big tabby cat outside the glass door looking inside at us. Lopsy thumped again. I suspect Lopsy knew he was safe because he was on the other side of the glass door. He didn't really move, he just thumped a few more times and I jumped up and waved my arms to make the cat go away. I think Lopsy then moved around a bit and acted a bit funny. After a few minutes he was back to normal though. The cat looked so big compared to Lopsy, and I haven't even seen that cat around here before. I have no idea who owns the big fella... I think he looked like a fella anyway. Hopefully the scare didn't take too long off of Lopsy's life! He takes everything in his stride.


Lopsy and Lulu had their first bonding session in 8 weeks. I'm not sure what to say about it. Lopsy definitely humped less, since he is now desexed. He still tried a few times, but much less. and I understand mounting can be for dominance so it's not surprising. No grooming, but they eat side by side and do what I call the 'head lock' where they put their faces together... like this...


Awww Lopsy has the sweetest face! Just look at him! It sounds to me like the bonding session went well- they're essentially starting over now since it's been 8 weeks and he's been neutered. I'm in the process of bonding Phoebe Mae and Ned, so we're in the same boat :D

When Cinnabun was 2 years old, we moved to a new state. We originally had his cage in the kitchen, but the neighbor's cat loved to sit right on the other side of the sliding glass door and STARE at him. Poor Cinnabun thumped and thumped. We'd chase the cat off, but it would come right back. Needless to say, we moved his cage after the first day! That cat was so tenacious- as the movers were unloading all of our furniture, Cinnabun and I sat in the yard. He was in his cage. Someone had to stay right next to his cage at all times because that darned cat would try to harass him. Even with someone right by the cage, we had to actively shoo the cat away.

Oh I was wondering something. What's up with the black stuff inside Lopsy's ears in the first picture? Are his ears dirty or is it a weird ear tattoo or what?
it didn't seem like they're starting over, they were pretty trusting from the beginning and pretty relaxed. I'm wondering though if Lopsy isn't going to be the obviously dominant one now that he isn't mounting her so much. I don't know. I think Lulu went to nip him a few times which I never saw before he was neutered. so maybe they are starting again in some ways haha I'm confused but I know they need to sort out who is boss.

yeah it's a weird ear tattoo, looks particularly bad in a few of the latest pictures I took. lulu's seemed to fade away over a few months so hopefully his does the same. it doesn't look very charming does it haha

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