~The Bunnies of Bo's House~ Bo, Clover and Tony ~ Combined~

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Haha that is too funny! I must've missed that post. I just found your great blog and as I was going throughitI thought those 2 looked so much a like!! I thought to myself I wonder how she tells them apart!Hehe...
Well, it's amazing how very well behaved Tony can be if he wants. Lexi has taught him that he can play in the livingroom if he stays by her, doesn't poo or pee on the carpet and furniture and if she tells him to get in "his chair" which is also the dog's chair....... he hops right up.

Then there is the hard-headed Tony. "ooooooooooo there's a fluffy kitty! must chase, must hop on, must nip!!!" seemingly unable to hear Lexi telling him to get in his chair.

Hmmm I can try again to fit in the box:


I think this bottle has a leak, Mama.




If I close my eyes it will go away, if I close my eyes......


MAKE IT GO AWAY or you'll be sorry!!


They are so cute! I always want to see more pictures of Bo, Tony and Clover. Clover always sort of surprises me with how big her eyes are. How large is she? And how big is Tony? He looks so sweet. I still occasionally think of him as Heidi... I guess I really like that name! :D Bo looks GRUMPY in the cutest way possible.

Tony is a big boy. He's about 9 or 9.5 pounds now and he's just a big goofy lovebug.

Clover is teeny and her tiny feet are so little! omg! it's amazing! I'll have to take a picture to show you. But her back feet are long and skinny. I'd say she weighs about 2 pounds. Her eyes are HUGE! she's so sweet but scared to be touched. She rings her bell to tell me she's ready for breakfast every morning! (banana or oatsies but just a tiny bit)

Bo is a little grumpy thing a lot. He loves his pettings and binkies a lot but sometimes..... he's just like a little old cantankerous man. LOL!

Bo B Bunny wrote:

Tony is a big boy. He's about 9 or 9.5 pounds now and he's just a big goofy lovebug.

Clover is teeny and her tiny feet are so little! omg! it's amazing! I'll have to take a picture to show you. But her back feet are long and skinny. I'd say she weighs about 2 pounds. Her eyes are HUGE! she's so sweet but scared to be touched. She rings her bell to tell me she's ready for breakfast every morning! (banana or oatsies but just a tiny bit)

Bo is a little grumpy thing a lot. He loves his pettings and binkies a lot but sometimes..... he's just like a little old cantankerous man. LOL!
Thank you so much for adding these! I was feeling sooo sick this morning, but these really cheered me up and took my mind off things!

I love Tony! 9lbs? WOW he's so big! Compared to tiny little Clover! I love them all!


Thank you! :hug:

OMG! you should see it tho! There's no doubt that Clover is the boss here! NO ONE overules her! not even the dog! She has thrown Bo out of his own house! LOL!
So this afternoon, I sat in the recliner with Bo. He liked the comforter that I had out and loves to fluff it. Lexi and I decided to get a couple of photos. Here's Bo -

Please put the comb away, I want to fluff, Mama!


Would you like me to take this and go whip the horses? or maybe Tony???


This is getting really annoying now!


I'll give you a kiss if you stop bugging me and let me fluff!


His face is molting AGAIN! this weather is keeping him in full flyin' fur!

He's been laying in the sun and then getting cooler at night tho.... little bugger LOL!

Thanks Crystal. His fur is sort of crazy but I still think he's a pretty boy.
:inlove:I love love all your buns. Tony is growing so much! Beautiful color too! And Clover is gorgeous as always. However, it's Bo who steals my heart. I started bawling like a baby when I saw the pic of him snuggled in your neck. It's was Wiggles' favorite thing to do. :cry4:I love his moult on his nose. Hihihi.
I must say I am completely fascinated with your stories and pictures of Clover! I never knew such a tiny bunny could be so aggressive :). I always assumed that if you raised a baby wild animal, it would automatically be domesticated.

I used to chase after cottontails when I was about 8 years old, convinced that I could catch one someday. Of course they were all just toying with me, prancing through neighbors' backyards before they decided they had enough of this gangly slowpoke and dashed out of sight into the woods :p.

Anyhow, one of my favorite bunny pictures from this forum is the one where Clover has her back arched like a cat ready to attack. I even saved it to my desktop! So...MORE CLOVER PICTURES PLEASE! If you can get them without sustaining injury of course ;).

Thanks everyone! I will definitely try to get more Clover pictures! She's sort of elusive! She sees the camera and hides! LOL.

Some wild bunnies have been tamed. I know Hazel is a western cottontail and very much a lap bunny, but not Clover. I think she's also a bit worse because I tried NOT to handle her. I wanted to release her but then we realized her leg was just too bad and she was a tad wild..... ;) Still, she's a bit domesticated also. I think she's just very confident LOL! It's so funny to see her get all bossy with everyone!

I'll work on a good video of her as well.


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