The adventures of Peter Cartier Rabbit!

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holtzchick wrote:
Awh so this week at my mothers has been great. The animals are SO well behaved, they're such little angels! (yes... even though they are naughty at my apartment lol)

Today was a stay at home (still at my moms) kind of day since I worked like 14 hours yesterday at the restaurant with my boyfriend preparing some things for catering for a fundraiser today. We decided on making Provolone stuffed risotto balls (DELICIOUS!), small meat balls (since its sort of a grab and go thing)half beef half pork with hot tomato sauce and regular tomato sauce, chicken stikini (I'm not sure of the spelling on this one:S) and a berry mascarpone dessert! It SHOULD be amazing and I got the best dress for it too... but thats for later on today.

So far I have made Pandora some duck soup mix, its not really duck, just a mix of ferret food, meat, egg and water (PLENTY of water to hydrate her, shes a crazy one and has been drinking her water through a blanket :) and in the oven as we speak are some WALNUT shaped bunny cookies, I had special walnut cutouts for cookies that go in the oven and actually give a walnut texture, so I will post pictures when I'm done! Peter deserves these, he's such a well behaved bunny and he's not even stressed by my mothers dog :)

Thanks you just made me hungry! Wishing you luck with your catering job tonight. Sounds like everyone will have good things to eat.

So glad to hear all is going well with Peter and Pandora at Mom's house. Isn't it always the way, best behavior while your out. And you get strange looks because you complain they can be so bad. lol Just like children. Can't but love them though.

K :)
Thanks! I actually didn't end up going to the catering thing, no one had the time to come pick me up and naturally I don't drive... :/ All definitely went well for the restaurant though.

Too bad I never actually complain too bad about my animals lol I guess they're just little angels in my eyes :) They are my children!

Wow, I completely forgot to upload a picture of those cookies. So as promised... You can't really see the walnut pattern to them in the picture, but I did manage to get a raisin in the centre of each cookie :) Peter loves these because I dried them out like crazy so they're quite cruncy, and they have some banana in them so he's all set !!


Here he is also begging for one ;) just kidding, he doesn't beg for anything... sometimes I feel like I'm the one doing the begging!


Well we're finally back home and we couldn't be any happier. My mothers house is all carpet and frankly I think they were starting to get sick and stressed from the moving around and the dust from the carpets! You can definitely tell that both Peter and Pandora fell more secure at home here and they're more playful!

Pandora actually got very sick at my mothers house and threw up, I think it was probably a really bad hairball so I let her out today at home and she got a lot of energy and was definitely feeling MUCH better! I'm so happy to see my kids all healthy! Peter is running around as we speak and I got some good pictures of the both of them at home :)


I'm also trying to train him to stand on command... slowly but surely


I also got some adorable pictures of Panda Bear naturally!! Glad she's all better !! :)
Here is a very startled Panda!!


Also a very playful picture... she wanted to eat my camera case!


And finally her favorite pass time.... crawling into my slippers!!


Recently, I've noticed Peter has made himself a quite comfortable home here. I've noticed him doing dead bunny flops throughout the day :) I'm so happy that he's getting along with all the animals, and that we will have many good years together!

I'm also happy to say that he is finally done molting! I didn't even pay attention to how long it lasted but I would say a good 6-8 months?! Is that too long? maybe he was stressed from the move and the animals before. I don't know but I'm happy not to clean up clumps of hair anymore :)I've also gotten him a hay rack and it seems to be much better than a dish, he's more focused on getting the hay out than eating it and its so much easier to feed that way.

I THINK I'm going to take Pandora for a walk today because it seems warm enough, she's been quite sensitive to the cold since I've had her (I guess its because I like it so hot... ooops lol)I'll be sure to post tons of pictures later :)
omg... cuteness overload... Wow. they look like twins! It's actually my mothers dog, I only get to see him once in a while, I guess this behavior must be a bichon thing! lol
So I finally took Pandora out for her first real "nature" walk as opposed to going in the car and to the vet, store etc. She was so excited! I took tons of pictures of her digging and since I was the only one there, the pictures were kind of blurry. They're still cute as hell though! :)


Look at that tail! ^^ bottle brush :)


Finally after what seemed to be a long time of persuading, she finally walked on her harness.



I swear she would dig to China if she could! It's a shame that I didn't get a picture of her with all the dirt on her face since its white she looked SO cute, naturally she was moving too much for me to get a clear shot :(
You're so sweet, you're always on my blog K, so I'm now going to check out yours in a moment! I'm just always rushing, I read bits and pieces here and there though lol.

Awh, last night we decided to go to my sisters house and have a party (naturally since she just got back from one in Cuba! lol) and I was SO INCREDIBLY HUNGOVER this morning :( I can't remember the last time it was this bad, on the drive here this morning, I wanted to jump out the window (not literally) and then when I got home I had no strength to stand and felt so much nausea! It was such a chore to feed the animals which is usually a very pleasurable task in my opinion but today, I literally half-assed it and just crawled to their cages on my knees (yes it was this bad). After what seemed like an insanely long restless day in bed, (this is how to torture someone you don't like, get them really drunk LOL) I ended up waking up at 4 PM!!! I feel like a crazy sick person, so now Peter is in his favorite place under my bed, I did some cleaning and back to my good old self.... OH what a day....

AND on top of that, I missed one of the nicest sunny warm days we've had since I can remember but when I was in the car this morning it looked like a blizzard out! JUST MY LUCK lol :)
lol! Thank you I think I got some of your "betterness" hugs because I'm feeling top notch right now!

Sooooo.... I totally forgot Panda Bear has a vet appointment tomorrow and she's gonna get 3 needles in her little fuzzybutt! She's getting her final Distemper Vaccine, her Rabies Vaccine and a Vaccine to actually reduce any sort of reactions and shes obviously got a full exam with that too.... They say bunnies are expensive but man baby ferrets are so expensive! I've spent well over $500 in the short 2 months that I've had her on the vet alone, but at least I can ensure her health. Actually Peter is due for a check up soon, they say yearly check ups are good but I think I'd feel safer taking him in every 6 months. All the best for my bun :) I can't have him getting sick, otherwise I would be a MESS. Glad to say all is good in the animal kingdom and everyone is doing their own thing, the birdies are happier than ever since they've been introduced to eachother.

As always I would LOVE to get peter a girlfriend, but I don't have much space in my tiny apartment so maybe once my lease is up in October and we are making a steady income, I can start looking for the perfect match :)
I just love your ferret Panda. I've always wanted one, but never had the guts to get one. So I'll live through you and Panda. Love the stories and the pics.

And Peter is just a gorgeous bunny. What a wise person to actually sit and think of your other animals before rushing out and getting Peter a buddy. I think he would enjoy it but waiting to get a bigger place will give you time to find the right one.

BTW, those cookies really turned out good. How did your crew like them?

And no pics of the budgies?

Thank you :) My mother has also fallen in love with Pandora but would never actually get a ferret. She's quite a little wild child.

As for Peter, I think he is gorgeous inside and out and extremely complex. Before him, I had a Netherland Dwarf when I was 8 years old and I guess I got lucky because he was EXTREMELY social, as a child I took him down the slide with me and on long walks so for me Peter's personality was so drastic. I feel as if I have made such a huge accomplishment with establishing our bond, he has so much trust in me its crazy!

The cookies actually turned out very dry, too dry for my liking because they're hard to portion out properly. Peter definitely loves the crunch though so I guess I can't complain :)

As for the birds I'm actually surprised I haven't posted one of them yet, they're the cutest love birds :) Here's a picture of Picasso and Prada cuddling... Notice how bright his feathers are compared to hers, he's green and she's blue. Hopefully her feathers drastically improve from all the vitamins.


here's Picasso swinging on his favorite toy, I love this picture of him :)


And here's Prada hanging out and basking in the light. Their cage now officially looks like a rain forest, it's adorable.


They have actually gotten into the habit of taking long walks on our floor since Prada had her wings clipped. We don't clip Picasso's wings so he likes to make a round of our apartment every once in a while. They're just so cute together and definitely bonded!

Definitely a huge accomplishment when you can bond with a bunny. Congratulations.

And thanks so much for posting pics of Picasso and Prada. They are absolutely beautiful. Picasso is so striking. And sweet Prada with that blue. I can't wait to see what the vitamins do for her.

Ah... after doing a lot of reading on social budgie behavior and body language, I am sort of down. We got Picasso a friend because the poor thing needed one, but now I am reading that if they want to lay eggs, they will even lay eggs on the floor and do not need a nesting box. If that happens, you take the eggs out and crush them into the females food for some calcium and replace them with fake eggs so she doesn't keep relaying. This part has me concerned since I feel so bad about taking the eggs away, but at the same time I don't know the first thing about hand raising babies and am certainly not a breeder! I don't want to get rid of her though, (I hope to god she turns out to be a he but I'm pretty sure her cere is turning pink) I hear there is a shot that the avian vet can give her if she does decide to keep laying eggs. She hasn't laid one yet so I'm hoping she won't, first off I think she is too young but I've seen her starting to hollow out their wooden shelter which is what they do for nesting :/ I really would feel bad about separating them! I guess that is something pet stores do not tell you. When they are young, you cannot tell the sex until they are old enough then their ceres either turn blue for males or pink/brown for females and the stores tell you that they certainly will not nest until they have a nesting box (again, not true :/)

I guess I just have to wait and see, I am so impatient sometimes but I Peter is slowly teaching me about that lol. I love it when bunnies like to test your patience, it gives them a certain spunk.
Calm, listen to some relaxing music. Shh. There. Take out some other books on budgies or Wiki it. Just because one book says you have to crush the eggs does not mean that that's so. Try and find a budgie forum or something and tell the professionals your problem, they will probably have a better idea and if not go to your vet the very next day.
Jj :)
JjGoesBounce wrote:
Calm, listen to some relaxing music. Shh. There. Take out some other books on budgies or Wiki it. Just because one book says you have to crush the eggs does not mean that that's so. Try and find a budgie forum or something and tell the professionals your problem, they will probably have a better idea and if not go to your vet the very next day.
Jj :)

Excellent advise Jj. It is a shame that pet stores don't tell you much. They seem to be as clueless with budgies as some are with rabbits.

lol thanks guys. I've actually searched a bunch of sites and forums which is how I got my info, my vet didn't really say too much because he's not too into birds as he doesn't feel very comfortable working with them. It's really a shame that people aren't too educated in pet stores but I suppose the ones that are educated on animals study on to become vets or technicians as opposed to actually staying at the store. Although I must say a lot of the best people in the pet stores I have spoken to are currently studying either zoology, training etc. so at least thats a plus if you just happen to stumble upon them!
Yesterday was a better day, I spent most of the day at the restaurant doing some last minute cleaning since we're opening on Friday and I got to mingle with our vets for a little bit since they're in the same plaza and I like to bring them some food samples when I have them :) They were like OH if you give us food we'll give you free vet care.. NOT lol.. but that would be nice, wouldn't it?!

When I got home first thing I did was let Peter out, he actually laid in between my boyfriend and I while we were on the computer which I thought was super sweet. He seems a LITTLE more trusting this week after me clipping his nails a few days ago (at the time he seemed mortified, poor thing). I think we're making progress. :)
Stress, stress, stress and just when you think its done... MORE stress... It seems my animals and my supportive boyfriend are the only things keeping me sane! I love my little critters more than anything in the world and don't know what I'd do without them! They are so compassionate and caring, they listen without judgment and I love that they are so dependent upon my care because it reminds me that just when I've had enough, they keep me strong, they remind me that I need to be there for them and such in return are there for me.

I can say that animals have probably been the biggest source of therapy for me within my life, they cannot inflict pain that humans can. My lovelies are my best friends and I wouldn't trade that for anything in the world :heartbeat:

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