Texan Tales (& Tails) - by TinysMom

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I just realized that Athena is due NEXT WEEKEND....when Art & I will be out of town.

"Dear Hotel Manager,

Thank you for allowing me to bring the rabbit to the hotel with us. I'm sorry about the dozen babies that squeaked during the night and set of the alarm system - but at least we made sure no poops were left on the floor. Sorry about the hay under the bed....I couldn't get her to use her nestbox when she saw the space under the bed.

Next time we stay...we'll leave mama rabbit and babies at home..."
TinysMom wrote:
"Dear Hotel Manager,

Thank you for allowing me to bring the rabbit to the hotel with us. I'm sorry about the dozen babies that squeaked during the night and set of the alarm system - but at least we made sure no poops were left on the floor. Sorry about the hay under the bed....I couldn't get her to use her nestbox when she saw the space under the bed.

Next time we stay...we'll leave mama rabbit and babies at home..."

Well - some short updates.

Today I bred Cindy and tried to breed Sher (I'm going to try to have her breed again tonight). Cindy was very willing as was Zuba.....I wound up putting Sher with Finnster and he was upset about losing his toys in his cage and the fact that she didn't cooperate very well. He's got his toys back and I think he'd rather not see her again - but I'm going to try anyway.

I'm not going to breed Sassy right now - she has something going on with her eye and I'm medicating her.

Also - this week I hope to photography some of the rabbits and list them for sale on hoobly. I'm going to try to rehome the three boys from the Mercury/Meatloaf litter (half flemmies) - Sam, Dean & Adam. I'm also going to try to rehome their sister Meatball. Sam & Dean currently live together - so I'm hoping they will go to a home where they can stay together.

Since I'm not going to be breeding steels - I'm also thinking about rehoming Nyx's two sons....but that is going to have to be a "perfect" home....I am not sure I can bear to let them go (I think it is because they are Nyx's kids). I gotta admit - I'm partial to that gal - even if she is a pain in the rear sometimes.

I have been looking at Harmony's litter - they're 9 1/2 weeks old now. I took Harmony away this weekend.

I haven't talked much about her litter - because I haven't been as involved with them as I normally would be. I brought them cheerios (crunchies) the other day and they looked at me like, "Who are you? What's this new treat thing you're talking about?" (Its how I get to know them better and socialize them).

One of the babies I'm worried about - Robin calls him Mr. B. He's not as big as the others and I'm going to start weighing him and stuff. For a bit he had a messy butt a lot...so I really need to watch him. The others are all doing fine - although I don't know why my rabbits don't get to 8 pounds when Dave's do....must be their water!

Something else I'm hesitant to share - I don't want to jinx it....but there MAY be an e-lop .... or two....in my future. I'll know more this weekend...well...sorta. I should know more before then...but I MAY be picking him/her/both up this weekend. Basically - a youth breeder is getting out of breeding due to being involved with rodeo and I think she's a year or so away from college. A breeder I know was posting about this gal's rabbits on the lionhead list....no - I'm not getting any lionheads.

But I have wanted an e-lop for so long...the exploits of Hermann, Raph, Yofi, Daisy and others - just make me want an e-lop for my own.

I talked to Ali - telling her to talk me out of it - to help me be reasonable about this. She knows though that I've wanted an e-lop for a while - as a pet. If I can rehome some of the others - I'd have space and it wouldn't take any extra food.

Anyway - that's about it for now. My blood pressure has been pretty good - I haven't taken it yet today. I am in shock to admit to myself - that I am LOOKING FORWARD to seeing my doctor on Thursday. I am willing to get back on meds - the right meds - and I've got to say that I'm pretty proud of how I'm doing on the DASH diet. I think a lot of the reason my blood pressure is coming down - is partly cause I'm eating better.

I may try to update with photos later.


First we have "as yet unknown" who even made Robin blush when she pulled him off Jar Jar while he was mounting him. I'm considering the name "Toad" but I'd have to explain it to folks...


Jar Jar Binkies aka "Binks"


Ellie Mae

Here is Ellie Mae from the tv show "Beverly Hillbillies"


and here is our Ellie Mae again..

Jar Jar - who loves the camera

Yep - Jar Jar

Jar Jar again
Wabbitdad12 wrote:
They are just beautiful! Peg, how can you stand all that e-lop and flemish cuteness.:inlove:
Its tough - especially since we have new babies too....but more on that in a bit.
TinysMom wrote:
Wabbitdad12 wrote:
They are just beautiful! Peg, how can you stand all that e-lop and flemish cuteness.:inlove:
Its tough - especially since we have new babies too....but more on that in a bit.

:shock: And BABIES TOO!

Flemmies, and Elops, and Babies, oh my! I want to come visit at your house!!!!
Athena had two babies yesterday (long story). She's now digging in her nestbox and pulling fur...she accidentally tossed the babies out of the nestbox.

Methinks she's gonna have more... (especially since she hadn't fed those two yet).
PHEW...that mom has gone to feed everyone else and I snuck out here to say hello.

I know mom shared our pictures with you but I gotta say "hi" and let you know that I'm a SPECIAL bun. I love to perry-scope (whatever that is) and I love to flip one ear over on the other side....and I love to binkies.

My sister is still shy but she may come on here and post later.

Right now we're sharing a cage with a flemish giant named "Mr Bubbles". He's something that's called a "runt" and apparently he may eat better if he only has to fight with us two instead of his five brothers and sisters. The three of us look cute snuggled together - or that is what mama thinks anyway.

Gotsta hop but I wanted to say "hi".
Here is some :clover: and a special :carrot for the momma, Athena.

Lovin' the e-lops! Especially JarJar Binks.
Can I just say what a super adorable and awesome name that is?
I'm having a hard time with names for the older guy - who seems to have just woken up and is now wanting to PLAY (at almost 2 am).

He looks so much like a basset hound that I'm looking for names of famous bassets..some I've found are:

Fred - from the comic strip Fred Basset

Lafayette - from the Aristocats

Toby- from The Great Mouse Detective

Sherlock - Elvis Presley sang a song to a basset hound named Sherlock on the Steve Allen show

Dog - from Columbo

Flash - from the Dukes of Hazzard (the alternate fake dog in unsafe circumstances was named "Flush")

Anyway - I got the ideas from here.
I think I'm going to share about my weekend here before I go to bed.

Ever had a weekend where you wanted it to go really well - and everything that could go wrong - went wrong? Plus more besides?

I was hoping for a really nice romantic weekend this weekend...well...here is what I posted on Facebook on Sat. about 10:30 am...


Saturday at 9:15am

Ok....so this is NOT the weekend I thought it would be...or hoped it would be. Not anything like it at all - to be honest.

First of all - I wasn't able to get the hotel reservations where I wanted because by the time Art's pay hit the bank - the hotel was full. After doing some last minute searching - we wound up at a hotel that is 20 miles from Art's class - 7+ miles from the Riverwalk....and 3 seconds from boredom. No...make that right ON boredom alley...

So we get to the hotel room - and two lights don't work. I can deal with that....I really can.

But the internet is DOWN? And they have no idea how long it will be down? In fact - everyone I talk to seems to be an idiot?

Yeah.....great weekend. NOT!

So I'm not exploring the Riverwalk (I hate driving in San Antonio) - although today I do have the car for a LONG trip - which I'm about to explain.

I'm not doing the fun stuff I wanted....

Instead - here I am at a rest area off the highway with hi fi internet - sitting in the moderately hot sunshine (age of the Geek Eric - I keep thinking of your comment that time we traveled together) writing this note. I'm so glad I found the rest area....and decided to stop. I just wish I could be writing it from my hotel room - know what I mean?

So what AM I doing today? I'm driving about 2 hours to go pick up two (or more?) English Lops to add to my herd. I've always wanted to experience the joy of an e-lop.....the ones on the forum are so hilarious....now I get to do so. A youth breeder is getting out of them....so I am hoping to get a young doe (think....just weaning) and an older buck. No - at this point in time I'm NOT planning on breeding them - I'd just like to experience the breed from having both a buck and a doe.

Who knows - maybe I'll stop at this rest area on the way back and update with photos...but I doubt it. We'll see.

Anyway - with the way I'm feeling about this weekend - its tough. I wanted a romantic/fun weekend. Instead - we're wiped out and watching tv....which is fun when you consider we don't have cable and have to watch our shows on hulu and iTunes. (Speaking of iTunes - be watching your mailbox Eric....).

But I find myself constantly saying - I can choose how I spend the rest of this weekend. I can focus on the negatives....and trust me - there are some - or I can focus on the positives. For instance- we have a nice frig and microwave in our room. We have a king size bed....which is really comfy. For once I can lay across the bed to read and not have my feet hang off the sides (don't ask me why I have to lay across the bed to read - I don't know - its just a "thing" I have to do).

I got to see Haven's current episode - when it first showed! Yeah.

I get to spend time with Art....

So I'm deciding to not focus on the whine (which I feel like doing) - but to instead- pretend there is a platter of cheeses to go with that whine....yummy little blocks of cheese in various flavors to snack on....so that I don't have to focus on the whine.

In fact...I just got an awesome idea. On the way back to the room - I'm gonna stop at HEB and get a platter of snack cheeses, meats and crackers - plus some non-alcoholic sparkling grape juice....and have that when Art gets out of class tonight.

That way -we can both focus on the cheese...instead of the4 whine.

And hopefully....by then...the internet will be back up.

If not....I'll still try to dine...and not whine.

Its my choice - right?

So I wrote the note and went to get the rabbits. I did great getting there - but got turned around and lost on the way back and went about 20 miles out of my way.

While I was at the breeder's place (where you can't get good cell phone reception) - Robin was frantically calling me to tell me about Athena having two kits - but not pulling any fur. When I didn't get back to her -about the fourth call - she started thinking I'd been in a wreck.

I finally talk to her (which is how I got lost - talking to her while driving)...and she calms down a bit.

I get back to the hotel - finally - and start to rest - when the phone rings. Its Art - he's ready to come back.

Its a long ugly story and I'll simply say that he decided to take the motorcycle driving course somewhere else. That is probably a good idea...

So we decided to go ahead and come home early...and we did.

I still feel like whining - but I'm trying to tell myself that one's character is "made" in the tough situations like this and I can choose to either whine about it or complain about it...or try to find the good in the situation.

So I've decided to tell everyone...the hotel we stayed at - had a BIG FRIG!!! :biggrin: It kept our sodas cold!

And I sure am glad that the weekend is over...
What a weekend! :p Who knows? Maybe when Art takes the motorcycle class elsewhere, it will be ina location that you would like to visit with him...and have the weekend you were hoping to have!

And, well...you also got 3 gorgeous Elops! I would count that on the PLUS side. :biggrin:
He's actually going to take the class in September up in Alpine at the college there....that's where Eric lives.

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