Sweet D Bunny B

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saidinjester wrote:
ohbunnies wrote:
I owned a Himalayan named Minnie when I was younger. I loved her to death! They are good pets. :) You're lucky your bun loves snuggles. Mine hate them. I can "hug" Fat Pants, but she won't let me pick her up for the most part lol.
I love that your bunny is named Fat Pants!  I think I'd be sad if he didn't like to snuggle.  Although, maybe he doesn't like it, but just puts up with it bc I've been forcing him into it since the day I got him, lol. :confused2:

I don't even know where her name came from, really. One day my boyfriend made a joke that if she keeps eating so much she'll have to wear fat pants. It came up a few times then we stuck with it lol. We would let her sleep on us when we laid on the couch when she was little and she never minded. Then she got older and decided she's too good for that. lol. She tolerates being hugged if she's on the floor. She puts her paw up on our arms, and we can give her a hug and a kiss and then she hops away. :)
He has such a bunny 'tude hehe. Glad you had a pee free Tuesday. Matthias has started peeing at the top of my basement stairs. I keep the dust pan and broom one step down from it and he must smell the other rabbits droppings that I sweep up.

Samara wrote:
saidinjester wrote:
Had a nice relaxing weekend hanging out at home w/ my guys. Sweet D loves this green run and always stretches out on it...



He cracks me up because he always tucks his front legs under himself, but stretches out his back legs. He's so long and skinny - typical Himmie. :)

So here's something that will make you laugh (at me, with me?). Groggy after a late night, I was getting ready for work this morning and on my bathroom counter, were these two spray bottles:

One is human hair detangler. The other is rabbit shampoo. The detangler smells like strawberries. The rabbit shampoo smells like baby powder. The bottles are different size, shape and color. I grabbed a bottle, sprayed it all over my head and then froze. Baby powder scent filled my nose. Yup. Sprayed rabbit shampoo all over my head. Happy Monday!!!

:hearts Jes & Sweet D

I am in love with this posting hahahahaha

Haha, thanks :p
I want a Himalayan wicked badly; my husband and I made a pact that for the next 6 months no new pets. We agreed that we want to get through everyone's spaying and neutering successfully first. Makes sense, but man. GIMME GIMME!!

I DO have days where I miss my first rabbit Bailey when it was just he and I on our own. I miss that connection you know? It sounds like you and Sweet D are just like we were :)

I still have bonds with my bunnies now, but it puts in perspective that adding a 5th bunny would only compound this feeling. SO on my wish list though!! :D

Dead bunny! :confused2:

Ok, obviously not really. But I really LOVE/HATE when he does this. Love it because *omgsqueehowcute*. Hate it because every time he just up and keels over like this, a tiny part of my heart stops and thinks, that maybe this time, he really did just keel over dead. I can't be the only one?

Happy Thursday.

:hearts Jes, S.D. & The Harv
I remember when I got my first OH MY GOD [RABBIT NAME HERE] IS DEAD COME HOME RIGHT NOW! phone call. Turns out the little buttface was only sleeping like this.

My heart stops every time I see it too.

My lop was like that. Walk along then kerthump, keel over. He would lay so still. He eventually got used to me coming over and poking him.
Usually when I put D back in his pen at night, he's respectful of the fact that I'm going to bed. He munches on his branches and generally stays quiet so I can sleep. Last night he woke me up several times using his little bunny teeth to rattle the bars of his pen like a desperate jailbird. He'd rattle, I'd yell "shutup" and roll over and go back to sleep. This morning I got up and realized what the deal was. My Sweet little Doofus (Sometimes that's what the D stands for...) in a fit of what I can only describe as carrot induced glee had thrown his carrot mid-nom outside of his pen. It was about 4 inches outside his pen and try as he might, he couldn't reach it. He was trying to tell me about it all night - hence the rattling - but I would not be disturbed. LOL So I returned his carrot and he munched happily as I got ready for work.

Happy Friday, ya'll!

:hearts Jes, Sweet Doofus & The Harv
Q-tip gets poked, whistled to, or called every time she flops because it freaks me out too....

I love your blog!

Poor bunny...the carrot must have been tormenting him all tonight!
This is D's new favorite toy, a cardboard tube. He likes to hop over it, chew on it, run through it, and push it around the room. The fact that it rolls seems to fascinate him.


He also loves to read Rachel Ray's magazine. And by read, I mean "chew on":


He's eating pictures of fresh veggies. That's practically the same as the real thing... :confused2:


Ah, even when he's doing something "bad" I can't help but pause to take a pic because he's just so darn cute.

In other news, I didn't post yesterday because I was home in bed w/ a horrible migraine. Boo. :X

But I'm feeling much better today so, happy Tuesday!

:hearts Jes, Sweet D and The Harv
Aww such a cute boy!!

Sorry about the migraine. My husband's home sick today with one. Blerg. They're no fun.

I have resigned myself to removing any and all staples from any magazines that enter our household. Because inevitably one of the 4 bunnies gets them and demolishes them.


Samara wrote:
I have resigned myself to removing any and all staples from any magazines that enter our household. Because inevitably one of the 4 bunnies gets them and demolishes them.


Haha, good idea! I'm gonna have to do this because he would NOT leave this magazine alone last night! lol

I have on the bottom shelf in the living room a stack of notebooks, some used some new, waiting for grocery lists or that sort of thing - these get pulled out and chewed every night.

And my poor magazine rack? Toast. LOL

My Luna loves her tube.

And very fortunate, all my bunnies leave my books and magazines alone. But give them a telephone book, and watch them have at it! Paper shredders galore. lol

Samara wrote:
Ohh yes. Matthias has a phone book. Had. Had a phone book.

lol, Willard made sure he peed onthe phone bookso that the others knew it was his. Recycled that one pretty fast. Now he gets his own personal yellow pages. No peebut lots of shredding. The boy loves to dig.


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