Sound like a false pregnancy?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2010
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Webberville, Michigan, USA
My 2 yr old dwarf hotot doe is messing around with her hay. She was bred, 15 going on 16 days ago. Now, when we first bought her she shoved all the hay in her move one night and set it in one corner of the cage, but then started to eat and didn't show any signs after that.

Now, about 2 days ago she went on a hay spree in her cage and spread hay EVERYWHERE. Then nothing, she eat just fine every morning and every night. Now she started back up again. She doesn't build a 'nest' just spreads it everywhere. She's not the most social bunny, but when I go in to add more hay she's the friendliest thing you ever did see.

I don't know how to descirbe it, no building of a 'nest' she just acts like there's a job to do but doesn't know where to start. (and yes she's been bred before and proven) I put a nesting box in there for her to mess around with for the night to see if she'll do anything, worst thing is that I'll take it out and clean it tomorrow I guess. I know its common for dwarf breeds to have a bit of a hard time breeding butI'm just puzzled.:?

False pregnancy?


I just took a peek at her, its been no more than 5 minutes since I put the box in there and she's nesting like a mad woman, so I'm thinking its false. ah well.

Another very unlikely possibility could be that she was bred prior to sale...but I really don't think that's the case, but I bought her on the 15th of last month, so there could be a chance...but again I don't think so. Its just a thought lol
Well, she did some nice handy work on the nest, must of worked on it while I was at work. (again she worked like a mad woman)

Here's another question:
She hasn't pulled any fur, but can they pull even with a false pregnancy? I tired palpating, but granted I'm no expert and she has a bit of a tummy (she's more of a 3 lb *maybe slightly higher* dwarf hotot) but I really couldn't feel anything. At 16 days though, what would I be feeling?

Again, I'm doubting she's going to kindle, but I'm watching her all the same. :-/
Yes, It sounds like a false pregnancy, false pregnancy last for 14 - 16 days then nothing they stop next building and settle down again.
Well, after reading a bit more, I tried palpating again, I think I was too worried the first time that I would hurt her, she was a bit more relaxed this time, and I did feel something, about the size of a grape between my thumb and fore finger in the center below her back in the space between her ribs and her pelvic bone, but not sure if it was possibly just an organ? lol This is trial and error I guess. ;)
Day 23

:( I feel bad. She hasn't touched the nest in a day or so and has been eating the alfalfa hay out of it. So I decided to clean it out and add fresh bedding and hay to part of it.

I pulled out a chunk and threw it out and went to grab more hay to find that she built the nest all the way to the back and had pulled some hair and everything. So here I went in and destroyed it.

Luckily, she doesn't seem to have care since I put fresh hay in and her hair back to what it mostly was. She simply hopped over smelled her hair and pigged out on the hay a bit :p

Once my tans start eating the hay i put in the nest box I usually just try to breed them again. I try to refrain from putting in a nest box until Day 26. I think less about it and it saves me from having to clean any mess if they make one.

I have not palpated my rabbits ever since the litter i lost because the vet said she wasnt and then mom decided he was wrong. But you're supposed to start feeling babies around 14 days.

Good Luck though
Eh its day 25 going on 26 and she has had no interest with the nest and has destroyed/eat almost all of it :p So I'm planning on just rebreeding her in the next couple of days.

Poor Tye though, when we first bred them she ran in circles around him and he was utterly lost and very dizzy for the most of it :biggrin:
Day 26 going on 27

I cleaned the nest box out since the hay and bedding was old. I put it back just in case after I put down a new layer of bedding (no hay). It was a day or two since I did this, THEN this morning I left for work right after I did the morning feedings, only to catch Momma stuff a huge amount of hay in her mouth. -.-

Returned from work and went out for a bit, then as I came home I found another lovely nest that she made.

Does this still sound like a false pregnancy? Today (since it is just after 12am) will be her 27th day. :p

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