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PS: I even got rid of the pink bar just for you. :tears2:
I think Pam is refering to the dark green bar where it says Forum, Topic, Posts, etc. in black lettering. That is difficult to read. (And thank you for removing the pink...:biggrin2:)

edited to add: And where the black lettering runs into the dark green shading
I'm basically doing this by colouring in a screen, don't make me colour in all the lettering, just try and imagine it with the light fontor a highlight behind the letters. :pleaseplease:

I did colour in a few... just for Pam. ;) And lightened up the top bar considerably. But that's it. Rest is up to the REAL designers. ;)

But I really took out the pink for Cathy. :biggrin2: (And sorry Bo... but we'll just make surethere's still a touch of pink) ;)


Hey sas, why you are doing all this? I thought thats what you paid this woman for? If shes not doing what you want and youre having to do everything yourself maybe she should give you your money back?

It just seems like, as usual, youre having to do all the work :(
Oh, and Pam, we also have this appropriate little number ... it's even in your favourite colour -- tangerine!



Haley, we are using Nancy's bathroom motif as well. We can have as many themes as we want (although three is the easiest to deal with). We'll eventually solve everybody's migraine issues and might even have Barbie throw up on one yet. ;)


Barbie throw up.
pamnock wrote:
Sweet - can we get a more professional looking bunny without the pink?
Oh, reminds me... on a serious note, I tried to use your Hotot in a heart drawing, but it pretty much disappeared when it was shrunk down that size, was going to ask if you had anything else.(Preferably with ears). (Perferably pink). ;)

I also have an idea for the 'read' and 'unread' icons -- the 'unread' being a bunny front, the 'read' a bunny butt. ;) The forum moves so fast, few forums will have read threads, so won't be used as much.

Pipp wrote:

Ummm... I really like this one Pipp... :biggrin2: And the "Not listening"....

(I'm still laughing over the Barbie throw up!!!!!!)
Pipp wrote:
Okay, I cna't decide...

solid side boxes... (except I'd rather see them with no texture, just a flat colour)


or white side boxes


I haven't followed this page because (1) I can't view pictures/images at work due to an entirely unfair firewall;and (2) I spend all my time at home on zootoo right now.

I was stressing with zootoo and decided to calm down by cruising a few random posts. Little did I know that I would see my Scooter's face on the opening page!!!!! Thank you for making me smile.
Pipp wrote:
pamnock wrote:
Sweet - can we get a more professional looking bunny without the pink?
Oh, reminds me... on a serious note, I tried to use your Hotot in a heart drawing, but it pretty much disappeared when it was shrunk down that size, was going to ask if you had anything else. (Preferably with ears). (Perferably pink). ;)


You can look on my site and see if there's anything you like

I'll see how far I can shrink down the hotot in a heart.

It doesn't show up well with the white background - maybe try experimenting with some different background colors? I think it's really too detailed to use for small stuff.

pamnock wrote:
...maybe try experimenting with some different background colors?
You're really out to get me, aren't you? :stikpoke

The otherproblem is your rabbit ain't got no ears. ;) We may understand 'Hotot', but newbiessigning on may ask whya rabbit site is using a prairie dogfor an icon. :huh

I'll keep looking. (I checked your site before, but I'll check it again, thanks).

s :laughsmiley:

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