New Member
We have two rabbits , Momo and Sana (7 months). We recently started rebonding them after they were fixed, with some good progress. We moved them to the kitchen yesterday and they spent the night together with no fights! But, Momo is quite anxious. Whenever Sana runs up to her to fast, she runs away scared to her litter box. In the beginning there was nipping from Sana (no barbering or cuts). There has been some grooming, sharing items and eating together as well. But little cuddling. Sana used to bully Momo when she was younger and I’m thinking Momo just isn’t completely ready to trust Sana yet… but Sana is ready to have a sister again! Yesterday, I saw Sana shove herself next to Momo to cuddle, but Momo did not reciprocate
it hasn’t been 24 hours yet, so I’m holding out hope sisterhood will return… any other tips???