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MyBunnyBoys wrote:
You all notice how there was no talk of bunny-napping whenBunnyMommy wasn't active on the board? You all better watch yourbunnies! I tell you, BunnyMommy's the head of the gang. She makes usact like we're all against her trying to steal the bunnies but inreality, she's making us act like that and making us look bad so whenyou bunny owners have your eyes watching us, she can swipe them forherself!

Nudging... oh yes... Guin can be quite insistantwith her nudging. Usually when I am at the computer and shedecides it is time for some grooming. If I dont get down onthe floor with her, she gets really crabby
Both my boys are bad for nudging.:shock:Spice quite firmly does it if I don't get the hint andMocha bites me if I don't take the hint from his slight nudging. Mochadoes it to my ankle when I have food or am picking raspberry from hisside of the fence. It's just begging for attention or food.
Sherman's a firm nudger ... he nudges my ankle... gives me about three seconds to figure out what he wants ... and ifI don't figure it out and react in that period of time ... he NIPSme!!! :(
Your all a HOOT, what a fun thread (and YES, Idid indeed notice the increase of talk about bunny napping assoon as the threads had a little BM avatar next to them *hint hint**grin grin*)

Jezebel is a definite nudger, and very forceful-when she first did itto my mom here, my mom did not know what it was for, or for that matterwhy she was doing it (had to explain and still explaining much of bunnybehaviour to the girl's new grandparents here) Jade on the other handis a non-nudger, just a follower and then a racer and then the BOOMOWWWWWWWWWW "Where the *&^% did that wall come from?" look onher face


(slowly mapping her route to Sebastian's cahoots with MBB)
In cahoots with me?! :shock:Since when?

*Hides Jade and Jez behind her back as she distracts Cherfrom watching their where abouts.*

You mean you're in cahoots with BUNNYMOMMY, not me! I'm innocent and she made me do it!

*Points to BM and straightens her halo.*
BunnyMommy, Perry and Pernod say 'Thanks' - Jan


Oh, oh,oh!!!!! Look at my sweet babies!!!!!

So precious!!! Perry and Pernod are just my sweet little honey lamb baby doll sweetie pies!!!!

I love you, Perry andPernod!

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