I know it has been a few weeks since we have updated. Since then we obviously removed the split of the cage due to Bennie's high-jump skills. Also they have chewed completely through their house, so I made a new one that is a little larger to accomodate 3 buns. They haven't quite understood it's a place for all of them to get into yet but time will tell.
We need to contact our backup Bunny sitter, Brandi, due to Sara, Christina and myself will be gone for Ohayocon from Thursday to Sunday night.
Why does good bunny food have to cost $9 a bag? Sure, I guess $18 isn't bad a month for bunny food but geeze the other crappy food is only $5 a bag. Timothy Complete is like twice as much, sure it's good for the buns and they are worth it but is it supply and demand? Timothy hay is pretty cheap since now I found a provider but the food is costly.
Back on the bright side of things. We found a 2lb pack of Romaine at GFS for $5 and got some other things, of course carrots, so we can treat our bunnies.
I try to get the buns a salad or a big carrot a day so they get their vitamins. It also makes them all happy so I am all for that.
So yesterday I spent 2 hours cleaning the cage due to the holiday, so it went unkept for a week. All I can say is wow... After a week of not being cleaned, it's a disaster. I need a power scrubber or something because barehanded scrubbing doesn't get all of the discoloration off the coroplast. I use a lot of vinegar, thank goodness Aldi's is cheap for vinegar.
Before I started cleaning the cages, I was trying to get Bennie and Rocket out of the cage. I would grab Bennie and stick her on the couch, do the same thing with Rocket. And then when Rocket was on the couch, Bennie would hop back in the box before I could close the gate. This went for 3 rounds before I gave up, of course all of them left the box when I left then I immediately closed the gate. Muhahaha! I tricked the bunnies!
So after I cleaned the cage, I shook the food bag and poured it in the food dish, both Bennie and Rocket binkied into the cage and started scarfing down the food. Emily was in her favorite hiding spot, under the recliner. So I chased her for 15 minutes and gave up. She waltzed in when she wanted and started eating. I closed the cage then and went to bed, it was nearly 8am when I went to sleep.
Sure, cleaning the cage was a 2-hour project but corralling the buns is also a 2-hour job.
Well, I am gonna get back to work, I have a lot to do before Thursday.