Princess Got Attacked

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Sabine wrote:
That's a shame. A bit odd they took him to a pet shop though rather than giving him to you:(

Ya but we never told them we would take him, it was late last night so I didn't text or ring and thought I got there relatively early today so he would still be there, didn't even think about the pet shop to be honest :(
It appears the dad was serious about having the rabbit out within 24hrs then:(
It seems a bit twisted though the guy being annoyed about you complaining about his dog harming your rabbit. And what does he do: leaves out his anger on a little bunny:X
I was thinking the same thing, I hope he didn't meet a different fate :(
tonyshuman wrote:
If the dog is genuinely dangerous, which it sounds like due to its past attacks on chickens, etc, it would be silly for the people in the town to shun you. I don't know how people there act, but a dog that tears apart chickens in instants may also attack children, and you think they might be worried about that.

there is nothing in common to think that a dog that attacks prey will attack people. Just wanted to say that. That's what starts all the pitbull scares. Dog/small animal aggression has nothing to do with people aggression.

Most dogs get in the killing frenzy because it's FUN! chickens/ducks scream and fly all over the place. If the neighbor's dog runs loose, he's probably eaten a ton of wild rabbits, so just doesn't know that her poor caged bun is any different than those.

For me, I'd just shoot the dog. But that's just me. Here, and in most rural areas, it's legal to shoot any animal "harassing" livestock on sight. If the people are so uncaring about their dog, be sure to file a report with the police first. and do it IMMEDIATELY so that they can document (plus you already have pictures) Be sure to tell them that the dog has been there many times before.

Sure the neighbors will be ticked off. I know that she is your friend, but what will your friendship be like if your bunny ends up dead or seriously injured next time?

I'd take her to the vet and give them the bill. After all, it was their dog and the bill is their responsibility. Might give them a wakeup call that they need to keep him contained. I'm sure the rest of the community would be understanding that a dog that attacks and kills livestock CAN NOT be allowed to roam free. After all, I'm sure a few of them own cats and a dog that prey-driven will definitely kill cats!
Least I kind of got payed back, even though they STILL aren't going to keep them contained. I got two cages that they had their male and female rabbits in (although one looks like a hamster cage). A bag of hay, and a big bag of food (even though I don't use that feed, so no good to me). Also some water bottles and food bowls
That's awful that they can't keep their dog chained up, or within their yard. Do they have a fence?

I'm so sorry that Princess got attacked - that is really awful. Glad she escaped with what she did, but still, it's not fair for her to be outside enjoying her play time and have the neighbors dog run up and attack her. They really should keep an eye on their dog - who cares if he's been there longer, that doesn't mean he should be allowed on your property. Your parents own it, not the neighbors. Sometimes neighbors are just so ridiculous.
I find it sad that if you called the police, you would have to move. That is just completely wrong.

I'm not exactly sure what the laws here in Washington are, but I'm pretty sure that if a dog is loose and chasing livestock, you are also allowed to shoot them.

And really? It's not animal abuse if the dog is chasing and harming your animals. Especially if you have the right to kill the dog because it's chasing/harming them. ;) I mean, being beaten is a heck of a lot better than dying. And I'll probably get flamed for this, but it's my opinion. I've experienced first hand a dog chasing my rabbit, and I'll just say that the dog is dang lucky I got my rabbit first. If I'd gotten the dog first, the owner who was standing my yard laughing at his stupid dog, would have regretted me ever laying hands on his pup.

Thanks Emily,
No nobody has fences around their houses here. We live in the countryside and all houses are well spread out from each other, so nobody bothers with them. I know, the whole situation just sucks. Thankfully, he hasn't come around again. He'll be back eventually though, he usually pops up every now and then.
I am going to put chicken wire around the run, which sucks too cause the run is right in the garden where people can see it, having chicken wire around it is going to make it pretty ugly. Has to be done though to keep her safe.
Princess is my heart bunny, I'd keel over if anything happened to her.
I feel the same as you, I wouldn't grab him, hold him and beat him, but I have no problem hitting him, kicking him, or whatever it takes if he was ripping any of my animals apart.To be honest that is pretty natural behaviour anyway. If an animal is getting attacked, they fight back. I'd just be fighting for them lol! I have never seen anything like him before, seriously, the dog is crazy!
He also doesn't like to be pet or anything :S Like he is just a ball of energy, when your petting him or talking to him he looks right past you, mad to just run off and chase something.

Don't get me wrong, I love dogs, but he has a ton of behavioural problems that need to be addressed. Doesn't help that his owners refuse to get him neuteured, which makes him wonder away from the house and onto peoples land even more.
It's a terrible thing to say but maybe a farmer with lambs in the field may do you a favour and shoot the dog if he starts chasing his livestock. The owners obviously don't care all that much about him anyhow. I really love dogs too but I feel my responsibiity is to keep my animals safe. Having said that when a dog came around our place chasing the rabbits I couldn't even bring myself to throw stones at him directly or do more than threaten with a stick (which had absolutely no effect):(
Ya the farmer across from us would have no problem, he said he would shoot ours if he caught them in his field, doesn't matter if they are doing nothing. I'd hate to see that happen though :( Lovely dog if his owners would keep him under control, and get him neuteured! To be honest, all the dog owners around here are awful.
I'm shocked at the number of people who admit that they would shoot a dog that has wandered onto their property :shock:

Is there any type of animal control that you can call? The owners of the dog should not be letting him wander as it's just as dangerous for the dog to be loose as any others animals he may harm while loose. And seriously, who doesn't spay and neuter their dogs these days? IMO only those who don't truely care about their pets :(
luvthempigs wrote:
I'm shocked at the number of people who admit that they would shoot a dog that has wandered onto their property :shock:

They have to do what they have to do in order to protect their livestock. ;)

My perspectiveused to be different though.There's a book called "The Summer of Riley" which is about a dog that chases a horse and faces being put to sleep. When I read that book I was on the dog's side, and I read the book several years ago, back when I was in middle school, but now, my perspective on this whole situation is different, and I wouldn't be on the dogs side.

But anyway, back on topic. That's good your putting chicken wire around the run to protect her when she's out exercising.
Is there any way you could catch the dog the next time it comes onto your property and maybe take it to the pound or something? It might be difficult, if you say the dog only comes around every couple months, but since he's already attacked Princess once, he knows where to go again, so he might show up sooner than later. I would just keep my eyes out for him and if you even see him on the road, at least call your neighbors and tell them there dog is near your property, and if he comes onto it you will take him to the pound. That might scare them into keeping him on their property. :)


luvthempigs wrote:
I'm shocked at the number of people who admit that they would shoot a dog that has wandered onto their property :shock:

Here is why I am on the "shoot them" side of the fence. When we lived in WV, we had a pet goat. The kids (age 9 and 4 at the time) named him Bubbles. We went to the fair and came home that afternoon. My oldest went to fill Bubbles water bowl and she just started screaming. The neighbor's dogs had disemboweled him and tore off his head. There was blood and chucks of meat/fur every where. She had nightmares for weeks after that.

We had warned him before about the dogs because they were bothering the chickens. We called the cops and were told, because there isn't a leash law, to just shoot the dogs. The cop who filed the report went to give him an official warning. We didn't shoot them, but someone else probably did. In WV, stray dogs usually don't last long. At least not in rural areas. Any dog seen running deer will ALWAYS be shot on sight. Cops and/or Game Wardens will come out to take care of a dog that is after deer. Usually isn't necessary, though, as the hunters usually get the dogs first.

It's just a fact of life - if your dog is left to roam, he will probably be shot.
bengal77 wrote:
Yield wrote:
this is why i hatteee dogs. :I i mean i like them, but they're such dumb animals, always on a killing spree. my dog got in my room and went after solara but i grabbed him by the harness and threw him (instant motherly reaction, i have to protect my baby!) and he's 53 lbs.. i had a crazy burst of strength to do that! i'm glad princess is okay :)
Seriously you guys! What is with the dog-hatred? My rabbit Lily is 100% fine and safe with our two big 50-pound dogs. She hops right up to the x-pen and sniffs noses with them. While there are some breeds (terriers, greyhounds, etc..) that probably shouldn't be unsupervised around a small animal, if there is a problem it's the owner's fault. Dogs are very smart creatures and almost any behavioral issue can be fixed with training. Would you tell someone that it's okay to shoot a rabbit, even just with a BB Gun? Why is it okay for a dog?

And for the person who said her father beat a dog - that is absolutely the most disgusting thing I've ever heard in my life. That is animal ABUSE. I don't care if the dog was terrorizing your rabbit. There are more humane ways to scare it off. Or just call the local law enforcement in your area and have the dog picked up and the owners fined. But please don't advocate the abuse and maiming of animals.

I can understand what you are saying, but unless you've ever been attacked by a dog, I am not sure you could understand that there are not 'humane' ways to scare off a dog that has 'turned'. A dog starts chases you (and I'm not talking about a chiuaua), and you will be utterly lucky to be alive half an hour later. I don't think you'd have time to call the animal enforcement.............

Yes, a lot of dogs can be trained very well, etc. but many breeds eg. Pitbulls, just retain that little part of their brain that is totally wild. It is most probably dormant, but sometimes it can just flair up for no reason! And they can go utterly feral for a while. Even a loving family dog.

Do you not read the stories about the little girls etc. that have a lovely family dog that has never hurt a fly, and suddenly, for absolutely no reason (seemingly), the dog rips their face apart? Of course the parents are going to do anything (including hurting the dog) ANYTHING to save their baby.

I am an extreme animal lover. I wouldn't hurt an ant. Every bug that I find, is safely transported to a safe place. I use human mouse traps etc. etc. I would never EVER want to hurt any animal, and it makes me cry my eyes out when I see animals being hurt etc.. I believe there should be mutual respect for every single animal, small or big, dangerous or safe, and noone has the right to hurt them.

However- if an animal was attacking any of my family, or any of my pets, I would do anything in my power to protect them. If (heaven forbid), a pittbull was trying to attack my rabbits/dogs/cats, I WOULD stop it, by any means necessary. Same for a human. Any being that tries to hurt my loved ones, let's just say the next time they think of hurting someone/something else again (if they can) they will think twice about it.

HOWEVER- in saying that, here in England dogs don't roam wild etc. It's very uncommon for a dog to just be wandering. The only animals I have to worry about are foxes really, and I've only ever seen one in our garden, nose to nose with Benji (through bars obviously). So my Dad smashed on the window and bellowed, giving it a chance to run before he went outside, and it did run. Since then, he has 'bunny-proofed' the garden, so I don't think any more foxes could get in.

Jen :)

ETS- I know I have used the example of Pittbull twice now, but I am obviously not against the breed. It just happens to be one of the breeds that seems to more easily revert back to its wild instincts of 'KILL KILL' than other breeds. However, I would have absolutely no opposition to getting a Pittbull of my own if I wanted to, becuase any animal can 'turn'. They are all from wild ancestory, so u can't be absolutely positive 100% that any animal is completely safe (but most probably are). Just wanted to clarify before someone said 'why do pittbulls get such bad comments etc.- animals are individuals etc', lol, because I am not saying that. ;)
I feel like the opinions of "pit bulls are way more likely to attack" or that they have an extra dose of "wild animal" in them hasa lotto do with reading too many news stories and not enough to do with reading actual statistics on dog bites and studies on breed aggression... that's all I'll say because I don't want to de-rail the topic or break forum rules with an argument. But if you want to know more about media reporting vs. actual breed culpability in dog attacks, PM me. Really bothers me to see comments like that, even if not ill-intended, because it is truly just false.

If the dog comes by again, and if the dog is at all friendly with you, I'd seriously consider snapping a leash on it and dumping it off at the pound, then calling the owners and letting them no where they can pick their dog up. If your community holds dogs in so low regard that they are free-roaming, un-neutered, and shot on sight when trespassing, I have a feeling that whatever stink is created by reporting them or their dog would blow over quickly and you wouldn't suffer the major social reprocussions you're expecting. If anyone gives you lip, say the dog was attacking livestock; sounds like they'd be sympathetic.

At any rate, I'm glad the bun is OK and the fencing is more secure. Hopefully the dog will stay well away and you won't have further incident.
RandomWiktor wrote:
I feel like the opinions of "pit bulls are way more likely to attack" or that they have an extra dose of "wild animal" in them hasa lotto do with reading too many news stories and not enough to do with reading actual statistics on dog bites and studies on breed aggression... that's all I'll say because I don't want to de-rail the topic or break forum rules with an argument. But if you want to know more about media reporting vs. actual breed culpability in dog attacks, PM me. Really bothers me to see comments like that, even if not ill-intended, because it is truly just false.

If the dog comes by again, and if the dog is at all friendly with you, I'd seriously consider snapping a leash on it and dumping it off at the pound, then calling the owners and letting them no where they can pick their dog up. If your community holds dogs in so low regard that they are free-roaming, un-neutered, and shot on sight when trespassing, I have a feeling that whatever stink is created by reporting them or their dog would blow over quickly and you wouldn't suffer the major social reprocussions you're expecting. If anyone gives you lip, say the dog was attacking livestock; sounds like they'd be sympathetic.

At any rate, I'm glad the bun is OK and the fencing is more secure. Hopefully the dog will stay well away and you won't have further incident.

Oh dear- it did clearly say that I didn't have anything against Pitbulls, to avoid offending anyone who took my post in the wrong way and got themselves all het up about it. I was using the Pitbull as an example.

It is a fact that some breeds kill more people/animals than others. Why? Natural ferociousness that hasn't been 'bred out' yet could be one. A very IMPORTANT reason why Pitbulls and other breeds like it are so mentioned in the press for being "dangerous" dogs are not the number of ATTACKS but the number of KILLS! If a yorkie tried to kill me, I think I can safely say I would win (doesn't mean I wouldn't get hurt though!!!), but if a Pittbull, a Mastiff, or another large, very strong and muscley breed tried to kill me, er.....I think they would perhaps win....hands down.

Also, Pittbulls and other animals of that similar breed are often used for dog fighting. So obviously some weird and strange people train these dogs to be aggressive. If these dogs escaped......people would be in danger.
Noone really trains a daschund to be in a dog if a daschund ran off and found a baby....I'm not sure anything would happen, therefore no news.

If I am correct...the American Pittbull is actually illegal to own in this country.

Many many fatal dog attacks on humans can be traced back to either the dog or the owner being involved in illegal dog fighting- and which breeds of dog do they use for dog fighting? Large, extremely strong dogs for a "good" fight. The Pitbull is ideal for this kind of disgusting hobby, as it's jaw muscles are incredibly strong, and it's all-round a very strong and heavily built dog.
Temperments- these are obviously generalised for the breeds, but they do exist. Hence, different breeds have different general temperments. It just so happens that more Pitbulls (and Chowchows!!!!!, just so I don't get attacked by pittbul lover lol) hurt people than some other breeds, like daschunds.

As I clearly said before, I would have no problems with owning a Pitbull. I love the breed, and know people with these dogs who have the absolute kindest, softest temperments. My ex boyfriend's best friend had a female Pitbull, and I think i can safely say she was the soppiest, dopiest, kindest little thing that just wanted love.

However, I read in the paper yesterday of a little girl who needed over 30 stitches in her face because the family Pitbull attacked her for no reason. She can't look in the mirror, and it mentally scarred for life, as well as physically.
So it leads you to wonder that perhaps certain breeds are more closely in line with the wild breeds- they haven't been bred far out of the 'line' yet, so are more likely to retain some of those wild instincts needed for a predator to survive in the wild.

My two cents, and my general wonderings and opinions.

Again, I don't want to de-rail this person's topic with a debate. But it is simply a factual falsehood to suggest that pitbulls are less domesticated/more related to wild animals than other dog breeds. Even the comment about pit bulls having "incredibly strong" jaw strength is a falsehood; it's been tested and is no more significant than that of comparable sized breeds. And again, media reports of pit bull attacks (including fatalities) routinely do not accurately reflect dog bite statistics. That is all I was saying; you seem to be good intentioned but I see some misinformation in your posts, and that waswhat bugged me.

Like I said, we can definitely discuss this in PM if you'd like to debate it so as not to muck up the thread. :)
Hey guys,
The whole pit bull thing has come up before. Thanks for the comments on Princess, but if you start going off topic and discussing pit bulls back and forth like that. A mod will lock the thread, please agree to disagree or take it to PM :)
Don't mean to be rude but I don't want it to turn into pages of an off topic discussion and be locked


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