Princess Got Attacked

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Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2008
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Clare, , Ireland
So yesterday night my Dad was outside locking in the chickens and ducks and stuff when he heard this mad squealing noise. It was pitch dark (where I live, at night you can't see your hand in front of your face)so he ran towards the noise and shined a torch over. He saw my neighbour's dog with his mouth stuck in through the bars of the rabbit run holding on to Princess' side. As soon as the dog saw my Dad, he legged it (my Dad has belted him with a brush a few times). My Dad brought Princess' inside. THANKFULLY the Dog didn't break the skin, but she has huge, totally bald patches on her left side :(
My poor baby girl, I brought her inside and cuddled her for ages and when I put her down on my bed, she started licking me so I knew she was ok.

The neighbour's dog is CRAZY, when he gets into a killing frenzy, there is usually no stopping him. He'll rip apart 10 chickens in 1 minutes (he's done it). I wish they would keep their dog chained this time, once he knows they are here, he'll keep coming back :grumpy:
I wanted to say i am sorry. She had to go through that, is there a way for you to keep the dog out?

It sounds like this may be a on going problem.

Maybe build a NIC pen around there cages so the dog has to try and get through that first.

I hope you figure something out.

How scarey!! My foster Snowball was attacked by a Jack Russell through the bars of her pen at an adoption event a couple of months ago. Like Princess, he only got fur and didn't break the skin. In typical Snowball fashion, she was totally unfazed by he event. Mommy was more traumatized than she was!
That is scarey!...happy to hear Princess is doing ok.
Im so sorry!! That stupid neighbour :grumpy:

But.. you ARE really lucky that Princess is still alive!
(Since the dog HAS killed 10 chickens before)

Does she have any injurys?
That's absolutely awful! I am so glad Princess is okay.

Is there any way she can live inside? Or perhaps in a locked shed, if there is such a vicious dog living near you?

:O I am so shocked that people actually own dogs like that!
I don't know how it works in Ireland but her in the US if another person's animal comes onto your property habitually you can call animal control to come talk to them about restraining their pet. Dogs are not allowed to roam around here. You may not have any leash laws like that over there, though it's worth checking into. Maybe a fine from the police would make them think twice before letting their dog run loose. In the mean time, is there any way to build a perimeter or fence around the animals? Or perhaps you could buy or build a shed that can be locked. Even just attaching a very fine wire mesh to the outside of the run could keep him from getting his jaw through the rabbit run. I hope you figure something out!
We have leash laws here in the city. Out in the countryside, if somones animal is out of control, they can be put down by animal control and you can also do the same to protect your property and animals. I had a fish pond and something killed my largest Koi, so, I set a snare to keep it from happening again and found out we had a Opposum problem--this was when we used to live in California. I'd suggest talking to the neighbor as well as whatever agency is responsible for animal control. Also, strengthening your pen and making a double wall could work wonders. Good luck.
bengal77 wrote:
Dogs are not allowed to roam around here. You may not have any leash laws like that over there, though it's worth checking into. Maybe a fine from the police would make them think twice before letting their dog run loose.
Yeah, in Ireland your dog isnt aloud to be out without a leash on him (unless if it's your property of course)

I think you should say it to your Dad about contacting the guards Grace. If there isnt much proof though, I doubt they will make the neighbours pay the fine
Thanks guys!
Well she usually isn't out in the run, she was just out excercising when he got her. So I'm making sure not to let them out for awhile until I know he won't be around.

They won't keep him locked up, these are the same people I got my Misty off, bald patches and pregnant, and have been trying to get me to take another female from them. The thing is, we just can't report the dog. Like can't, we would have to move, and I would have to move school. The girl is like my best friend (besides the animals, she is a really good friend) and the whole community would shun us (weird, I know).

When my Mother text her telling her about the dog, all she said was ''F him for a dog, he's more like a lion'' and left it at that :S
Legally here, not sure if anywhere else, you can shoot any animal that comes onto your property off leash. It is nothing I would do unless said animal harmed my animals, though. Here in the country things are diffrent though. Two years ago, I believe it was, some guy was forewheeling on privet property when he wrecked. The owner refused to let anyone on his property to get the boy off to take him to the hospital. The police could only wait on a judge to sign a search warrent type deal so they could legally go on the property and get the boy. It is just how things work here :/

I keep a bebe gun by the door at all times. I had our whole goat herd murdered a few years back by domestic dogs who ganged up with feral dogs and have had dogs in the rabbitry last year getting into the food. I do not tolerate strange animals on the farm that I feel pose a threat. If they are bothering anything they get a few bebes in their bum. Nothing to seriously injure them but better some bebes in their butt than them kill a rabbit/chicken/dog/cat and me have to strange them with my bare hands! I do not believe in abusing animals but if they pose a threat to me or the animals I am willing to shoot, kick, beat them with whatever it takes to keep me and my family safe. The animal control does NOT do anything here so it is everyone fending for theirselves.
Ya you can shoot them, but gun laws are very strict here, I only know one person with a gun. It costs hundreds for a licence and you have to be in a hunting club. Of course, I would never shoot him. My Dad has beat him a few times, but it doesn't stop him from coming around. He just runs off when he sees him.

I wish they would just keep their stupid dog in their own property :(
About everyone here has a gun, except us. Whether it is law for a license or not I am not sure. There is a lot of gun trading and stuff going on. Hunting and Cock(game rooster) fighting is what most people around here do for fun. Sickening.
Ya I know over there ye even have gun shops :0 lol!
LOL, yep. Everyone loves their guns here. Makes things scarey though, being threatened someone will shoot you if you step back on their lawn again. I know *shudders* Some whackos here.
Ya I saw this documentary about people and their guns over there, some of them were scarily obsessed with them. Mostly down South, not sure if Kentucky is in that area.
Oh yes, Kentucky - center of the "bible belt". Everyone loves their guns, eating their animals, gossiping and going to church on sunday. Hick central here, hillbilly born and bred. God, I hate this place.


Can you maybe get a really loud cap gun? Anytime the dog comes near make a really loud noise? Or you could always, you know, make it *disapear* in the middle of the night. That is usually what happens here, you leave or go to bed and come back/wake up and it is magicly gone.
this is why i hatteee dogs. :I i mean i like them, but they're such dumb animals, always on a killing spree. my dog got in my room and went after solara but i grabbed him by the harness and threw him (instant motherly reaction, i have to protect my baby!) and he's 53 lbs.. i had a crazy burst of strength to do that! i'm glad princess is okay :)
Aw, guys, lay off the hicks! LOL. I've lived in the South my whole life. Not everyone owns a gun or drinks sweet tea.

Okay, humor aside, please don't hurt the dog! I know that he is coming onto your property and tried to hurt (and maybe kill) your rabbit but you really need to be defensive, not offensive. The dog is doing what dogs do. It's the owner who is at fault for letting him run around unsupervised. I would suggest that instead of getting a gun, buy an air horn. When you see the dog in your yard blow the air horn and scare him off. Eventually he'll learn to leave you and your bunny alone. Also, build another wall around the run so that even if he does manage to get to her he won't be able to reach in and hurt her.

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