Poopy paws

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Aug 10, 2015
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Hey guys! First post!!

I have a Snow White bun who I just rescued a few weeks ago, and I find that even though is cage is super clean his paws are always yellow and flecked with poop. Anything I can do to help keep him clean?
Is the yellow staining from new urine stains or old? Are you seeing any mushy poop in the cage or on his bottom, dried or wet? What is his cage and/or litter box set up like? What's his diet like?
I'm too sure about what do to in regards to poop, but if it is just pee stains, it should fade with time.

My first bunny had pee stains when I got him - I just kept him in healthy, clean environment and made sure he was well groomed. They faded in no time :)
It might very well be pee stains.

His diet is mostly hay. 1/3 cup of pellets a day, and a small amount of veggies every day.
Fresh water as well.

His litter box is a bed of newspaper pellets and hay on top, changed every single day. His cage is also pretty pristine. I wouldn't want to live in a dirty home so neither should he!
Try putting more hay on top of the pelleted litter. The hay can keep him from direct contact with the soiled litter.

If you put a generous amount of hay on top of the litter twice per day, not only will it keep him from contact with the litter, but it also means that you won't need to change it every day. The extra hay seals in the odor while still providing ample hay for munching. Doing this will keep him clean and allow you a twice a week litter clean out.

(One of my buns has white paws and this works like a charm with her.)
It might just be you have a case of lazy-pig-rabbit like me. Pandora had white paws and they were pristine, Aki has white and dark grey paws and they are pristine. Tybalt, who lives with Aki, on the other hand... I had to give him a "paw bath" last month because when I don't do it, the fur under his paws feels like dreadlocks and poo keeps getting stuck under them. And the only reason is that the lazy bum won't wash himself. There is no reason for it , he is not overweight nor old and has no special condition. He just doesn't feel like washing his paws. I swear I saw Aki smell his back paws, look at him in disgust before WASHING THEM HERSELF. And she has always been the top rabbit, she's just a clean-freak. No matter how many time I clean the litter box, I think Tybalt won't ever have white paws... ^^'
Hi -- this is my way of keeping my housebunns--I know it's only one of many ways--I have a plastic underbed storage box with 6 inch sides. I put a thickish layer of newspaper or other material on the bottom. Then I put a "sink protector" (which one puts at the bottom of a kitchen sink to keep glasses etc. from breaking--it has little risers and holes in the plastic for drainage). Then I put a layer of "pet screen" (a little heavier than regular screen, so that cats/dogs don't scratch holes in the fiberglass screen door-- I thought bunns might chew at the edges but they never have). On top of the screen, I put their hay.

My three bunnies' poop rolls around, the pee mostly soaks into the botttom layer, and more hay stays fresh for them to lounge on, or eat. I've been doing this for years, and although there's an initial setup expense, everything lasts long years. I clean with undiluted vinegar, soaking as necessary. The white feet stay white.

I question your judgement that your bunn is "lazy". Cecotrophs are usually taken from the anus, but sometimes they aren't and they get stepped on. That's gooey. But the fecal pellets shouldnt be gooey. Im wondering if they are pee-soaked. In that case, the living quarters involving the latrine can be at fault and should be changed! Bunns can get sick from reingesting fecal messes, either their own or a companions'.

On pinterest and other foto sites
there are nifty ideas for making
pee screens for litter boxes. Ill chase them down for you if you're
interested. Please let me know. I've picked up many pointers myself from this forum!

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