Off his food

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I agree with your Dad, M&SMom. Idon't think he needs a vet visit. I suspect, like you said,you panicked and he was getting too many treats.

Keep him on just the pellets and hayfor awhile. Theexcess of treats that he was getting may have upset hissystem.

Glad to hear he's eating more!

I know, it was quite a relief to see his pelletsalmost gone this morning. My parents FINALLY realise they haveto listen to me and can't feed them all those treats, mostly because Imade them feel bad when I blamed it on them (Hey! It worked to stopthem from feeding the treats, all right! I know it was partially myfault too, lol.). The one thing that kept me from worrying 100% is thathe isn't acting odd, he is still binkying around in his run when I puthim out and running to mom for pats.
Hi Laura,

If I were you, I'd get the dried pineapple or papaya. Youwon't waste a whole pineapple and this way, you can give both boys apiece occasionally to 'wash out' their system.

Well I asked my dad, apparently he eats pineapple,we don't buy it because no one else does, but I think my sister andbrother in law do to, so they just have to visit more, lol! I'll runthe idea past my dad tonight, thanks again.


I tried giving my bunny only the new food, but after two days of noteating pellets I gave her the old ones... I know I'm a softy!!! Youshould have seen her face though, she looked at me and then stuck herface in the bowl and started eating. She is the most stubborn rabbitever!! She would probably starve herself before eating something shedoesn't want to.

Afriend of mine has a rabbit so I might sell her the rest ofthe new food and try to find their regular pellets somewhere. I don'twant to have two bunnies eating two different brands of food!!!

Lissa, BlueBelle, and CupCake
What a little queen you have there, BunnyLover! :dude:

Hope the other woman will buy the food from you.

Me too!!! I really have to find the food she likes.

Who knew rabbits had such personalities. My bunnies never fail to amaze me with the stuff they come up with!

Thank you for all of you help Carolyn!

Lissa, Queen BlueBelle, and Queen CupCake

Hello BunnyLover!

Tell me about the personalities! I'm constantly amazed by it as are allmy family and friends at how rich rabbit's personalities are.

It's important to have a good quality rabbit pellet which looks quiteboring to us. The crunchy pretty colored fruits in their pellets typeof food is more sugar than it is what the rabbit needs to remainhealthy. Some names would include: Heinold, Pureena Rabbit Chow,Nutrena, some people like Blue Seal. From what I've read and gottenfrom folks, older rabbits tend to need 15-16% protein while youngerones tend to get the 17-18% level.

I won't overfeed Tucker on his treats because I want him to eat hispellets. He can't have his "chocolate cake" (also known as realvegetables, fruits, and store-bought treats) until he's eaten his"vegetables and meat" (also known as rabbit pellets).

I'm so glad that you posted this Carolyn! It's a wake-up call. :(

Because I've been making extra efforts to bond with Sherman since hehas been here, and since I was trying to help him through the stress ofhaving to take his medication, I'm afraid that I've been overdoing iton the treats ... and he LOVES me for it! :? Headores parsley and raisins, so I've been giving him these as periodictreats throughout the night when he stays up with me when I work.

Unfortunately, I know that treat overdosing is not the healthiest mealregimen for him ... ESPECIALLY now that I'm noticing that he doesn'teat all of his pellets for breakfast any more and on top of this hedoesn't eat much of his dinner either! He just lives andwaits in anticipation of treats! :(

He knows he has me wrapped around his little finger too. Allhe needs to do is look in my eyes and give me a pitiful, baleful look,or stand on his hind legs begging, or nudge me on my ankles with hisnose, and I cave in despite my best efforts atwillpower. (hanging head in shame)

It's going to hurt ... and I know he's going to be angry with me again,but I'm going to have to put a rein on the treats. My husbandsays that soon he's going to be so big that he won't be able towalk!
Aww BunnyMommy, I know exactly what look you aregetting over yonder from Sherman. It just isnt fair I tell ya!:(Well, I wish you all the best in getting Sherman back onhis regular routine (just say the mantra over and over in your head-itsfor HIM, its for HIM..maybe even get him to say it to *wink*)

Well Carolyn, we solved the issue of wasting awhole pineapple to get a few pieces for my bunnies. According to Buck'spost, the dried pineapple has added sugar. Since we have a dehydraterthingy for fruit, we are going to buy a pineapple, and dry someourselves. That way they are a ton healthier for them, and nothing goesto waste! I'm so proud of myself for actually having a good idea foronce! lol, apparently I think better when I'm sick.


This just in! I post too much, lol. 4 weeks of being a part of this board and already over 200 posts.

So, M&SMom,

Is Mocha back on his feed regularly again now?

*High-Five* for working out the pineapple ordeal! Way to Go, and Thank You Buck!

* * * * * * * *

Dear BunnyMommy,

We all have done that. Don't beat yourself up over it, but you do needto stop now. I know of a rabbit that got so heavy, it just tipped overand died one day. The diagnosis: obesity. A rabbit that's too heavycan't clean itself and then that can lead to other problems, let alonethe strain on it's body.

Look the other way when that chunky monkey comes up to you with thatlook. It's so hard not to give them treats because they get so excitedabout it. Sometimes I think I love giving Tucker treats more than heloves getting them. All that fancy footwork they do, and then to watchthat little mouth work as fast as it can to gobble it down. Too Cute!

Believe me, they'll get psyched about the pellets when that's the foodthat's coming their way. Sherman won't ever hate you. He's a mush andhe loves you. Look at him! He's livin Large, how could he not love youand your husband and your home? You've turned over all your power tohim. The both of you! It's really heartwarming.

Well, since you got past the medicine stage, the diet is a piece ofcake! No more treats until Sir Sherman bows down and eats a proper mealbefore he gets snacks.

What A Con you've got! You're house is so much like mine!

He's still a bit off Carolyn, but it's been so hottoday that I wouldn't doubt his lack in appetite was partially due tothe heat of today also.
Yes, Carolyn, you're absolutely right!

From now on we're going to run a tight ship around here!!! :)

Uh, oh ... here he comes ... LOL!

Well, M&SMom, keep up the good work!

* * * * * *

BE STRONG, BunnyMommy!


If your local supermarket has a salad bar, you can sometimes find freshpineapple cut up into small pieces, which you can buy by the pound,therefore you need not have to buy and process a whole pineapple onyour own. Just buy what you want, or need and quaranteedfresh everyday.

Good news everyone, Mocha is completely back tonormal today! He ate all his normal amount and I'm so relieved. I dobelieve he was trying to go for a hunger strike because I wouldn'tallow him to have treats, lol, but his hunger got the best of hislittle tummy. We're still going to get some pineapple, he probablyneeds his system cleaned out anyways.

One more thing, my dad suggested that perhaps it was the vanilla in hiswater that's doing it, but he was still drinking it. Could this havehad anything to do with it? I use the right amount, and I use vanillaextract (the fake stuff).


I applaud you, M&SMom!! :dude:

I truly believe that the vanilla water was not why he went off hisfeed; I'm convinced it was that he was getting too many treats.

Keep up the good work! It's awesome that you noticed it, acted on it, and corrected it. Way to Go!

Your experience will help others when you share it.

* * * * * * * * *

Excellent suggestion, Buck, about the salad bars!

lol, thanks for your help Carolyn, I was soworried about my first baby being sick! I'm very aware of his normaleating and all that. Being around animals, it becomes second nature tojust automatically do a check over them and their normalhabitswhen you handle then, clean their cage, and feed them.When Mocha and Spice were together it was a lot harder to tell becauseI just assumed they were eating the same. Now that they are seperatedyou really get to know their habits and so on (such as who chews on themost wood, Spice, lol).

Thanks for your input, I didn't think it was the vanilla in the water,but I thought itcould have beena possible reasonsince I started giving him the vanilla about the same time he lost hisappetite.

On another note, Spice is becoming way more friendly with me.:)He comes up and gives me kisses and always wants pets, hewasn't like that so much even in January. We've bonded a lot more sincethe boys were seperated!

And yes, thanks for the idea Buck! I will run it past my parents andsee what they think. But seeing as how we are having a lot of guestsover soon, a pineapple probably won't go to waste. :)It's agood suggestion though and will remember it for next time.
