O/T: Surgery Tomorrow

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Goodluck PGG !!!!!!! I am sure the surgery willgo smoothly and you will come out with flying colors!!! Take advantageof your re-coop time...let the boys do the work for awhile:pIm sure Corky will be by your side the whole time makingsure you are okay!!
Surgery got moved to 11:15....so I gotta bethere at 10:15.....my son decided to come with cuz he's decided he'llworry to much and wants to make sure I'm ok...such a SWEETkid!!!! He was gonna go hang at his friends for the day...sothat'll help knowing he's out there waiting for me too!

I'll try to post a quick update sometime tomorrow!

Thanks for the good wishes/thoughts/prayers! You guys rock!

Know that you'll be in our thoughts and prayers all day, Dear Heart.

ill be doing loads of thinking about you today!! hope the surgery goes well and you recover fast!

ill watch for ya to be on to see how your doing :rainbow:
Just got home...have a pup injecting pain medsinto the wound, one removing fluid and another thing around my legthats hooked to a cooler full of ice/water to circulate cold wateraround the leg to reduce swelling...things HAVE gotten better since thelast one I had 11 years ago!

Got some pretty good pain killers and hubby is off fillin that script now...

A home nurse will come tomorrow to remove the pumps and show hubby how to take care of the wound dressings....

Other than that, I'm sore, but its livable...and I'm pretty tired!

Thanks everyone for the good wishes, I really appreciate it!
I'm so glad that you are back home without complications! I wish you a speedy recovery!
Yay! so happy to hear you came out well! ....didyou act wierd coming out of anethesia? .. the one and only time i hadto go under when they woke me (i saw and felt them taking the tubeoutta my throat that was wierd and hurt) i was hysterical..i couldntstop crying..i wasnt in pain or sad ..it was like i was 5 all overagain and throwing a fit!! ...they gave me a teddy bear and a promptshot of demerol!! LOL .. i was so embarrased by time i fully cameto...even better this was only like a year n a half agolol............how cool is that with all the pumps n stuff....my dadhad hisspine fused like 3 months ago and he has to wear thiscrazy magnet thing...hes got wires sticking outta him!! they claim ithelps the nerve and bone better incorporate with the titanium.....crazystuff they have these days !!

most important, make sure you get PLENTY of rest...if you tire yourbody it will take energy away from the healing process and have funwith those pain killers :p! :pink iris:
PGG, I am so glad you are home andrelaxing. I am so glad you are not in horrendous pain. I hope you getto feeling better real soon. Hugs to you and Corky.

You take care of yourself, and let Corky take care of you too.


Get your rest and let whatever isn't done fall through the cracks.

Will pray for your speedy recovery.



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