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You may want to get a couple of extra litterboxes because as I shared in email - these gals love to sleep in the litterbox.

I took them out of "lockup" after they spent a night in the cage....and they've still gotten along and been just fine. I needed the cage for a doe who had babies since it is a larger cage...

These girls are so hilarious though...I think they know something special is in the works....and the harlequin doe has really started coming out of her shell. She was binkying through the dining room this morning and then took off to investigate something.

Anyway - that's my suggestion - a couple more small litterboxes since they seem to love to sleep in something..

BTW - did I tell you that after the food bowl got dumped - one of them curled up in it to sleep?

lol I really want to see some binkying in person so bad! I can just imagine them gossiping with each other trying to figure out what it is all about.

I've got some extra boxes as I described in my new thread. Hopefully they won't be used for litter boxes though.
It is so much fun to watch them when they first start learning to binkie. I haev some babies out tonight that were born 2/19....and they're starting to run and binky and you'll see a big rabbit run by and then this little teeny tiny baby running behind it as fast as it can...almost as if its saying, 'Wait up! Wait up!"

That's just so crazy. I just can't picture in my mind a place with all these cute lil things running around all the time. It sounds like total chaos! Cute chaos though.
Just Jack wrote:
That's just so crazy. I just can't picture in my mind a place with all these cute lil things running around all the time. It sounds like total chaos! Cute chaos though.

What is funny is that a baby will watch an older bunny binkie - and then try to do it. 90% of the time they either run into a cage or flop on their tummy. Then they start trying to do their own type of binkie...some like longer jumps...some like higher twists, etc. So they'll try to perfect their binkie and once again - they wind up running into someone or a door or something.

What is really funny though is to see one from a litter take off and its littermate go, "Oh..I can do that" so then it will take off when the first one stops and then the first one will have to one-up the 2nd one and a third one will join in. The bigger the litter the more the competition.

I do enjoy letting my little ones play. From the time they start coming out of the nestbox until they are weaned - I try to start letting the ltiters have time TOGETHER so they get used to other bunnies...and I'll try to let them out with does that aren't their mamas so there is no fighting.

But it is cute to see a baby go up and try to nurse off an older weanling...


Edited to add: One of the babies came up to the blue doe and tried to nurse off her. I was a bit nervous as the blue doe is frequently timid...but she backed away and when the baby tried again she started grooming it and the baby settled down. The other rabbits (except for the sable point) pretty much just outran the babies and left them alone - the sable point has been grooming them though...
Even though you get to see that all the time I just bet that it never gets old. All cute and hysterical at the same time.

I can imagine the blue doe is thinking "Hey kid, I haven't even hit puberty yet... but your cute so I'll play mommy a lil bit." Besides all little girls want to play mommy when they are growing up.

Sunday, Sunday, Sunday! I'm getting so anxious. It's so close yet it feels so far away too. Time flies but at the same time it is standing still. I'm just looking so forward to meeting y'all and seeing all the bunnies. It still feels kind of surreal that it is finally happening. Saturday night I'm just not going to be able to sleep!

P.S. Elsa's mother wants to come to see the bunnies. That and of course she is being protective of her daughter traveling so far from home! lol She speaks only a little bit of english but she's very nice. I dunno but Elsa said that her father might try to go on this lil road trip too. We're praying that he won't... hopefully if Elsa's little sister stays at home so will he.
Just Jack wrote:
P.S. Elsa's mother wants to come to see the bunnies. That and of course she is being protective of her daughter traveling so far from home! lol She speaks only a little bit of english but she's very nice. I dunno but Elsa said that her father might try to go on this lil road trip too. We're praying that he won't... hopefully if Elsa's little sister stays at home so will he.
I know the road trip would be really fun if you and Elsa were alone - but the nice thing is - if they do come along and see the various rabbits, etc ~ they may grow to understand your "rabbit habit" as it will probably become! I'm really dying to see you two interact with the rabbits and see who you pick. I won't be surprised if the blue doe is the first choice....but they really are all cute in their own way and she's pretty shy at first. (Watch her make me out to be a liar now).

If its hot out - (well - you probably have air conditioning - but if you dont') - bring some money to buy a cold soda so the rabbits can lay against the bottle. Also bring a little container to put water in for them to a margarine bowl or cool whip bowl or something.

I'm going to be bringing water from our place - probably 2-3 small bottles. For the first day - give them our water - then mix it half and half w/ bottled water for a day or two - then mix half and half bottled water with your water for another day or so...just to help them adjust since we live so far apart. Of course, I tend to be overprotective about stuff like that...

I know Elsa's mom will have fun on the trip. Also that way we can split the driving between her mom and me (Elsa doesn't drive). I can't wait to interact with those little critters. I've been practicing my nose wiggle and everything :p Elsa will probably just cry and gush over how cute they are. You'll laugh, she gets so cute when she is looking at cute little loveable critters.

I guess it depends on which car we will be taking. Mine has very nice AC that really can chill things down quickly. I'll have to check and see how the AC is working in their SUV if we end up taking that. If anything that might be a deciding factor in which vehicle we will take.

That sounds like it would be a good idea. Water does certainly cary quite a bit from place to place.

Now if we can only pack some of your air too! lol
Yup binkies are very cute. My little one is jsut getting the hang of them although they look more like running and jumps in the air but hey she's still learning. When I say something high pitched she looks at me and runs and does her little jump thing. I'm trying to get her to binky on command Hehe:D! I think when she hears my voice she just gets excited though!

Come on Sunday only 4 more days!:bunnydance:
I dunno about teaching a bunny to binky on commend. Seems like it would defeat the whole purpose of that expression. I'd rather have them suprise me with a random extra happy binky whenever they feel like it. But either way that's really cool that your bunny is so constantly happy that she's doing them for you all the time.

tomorrow is my last day of class before spring break. then we just have to wait till Sunday! got a few more days to prep and a few more days to go nuts in anticipation.
You think you're going nuts? :shock:

We've had one litter born today - I think I have three does that are nesting...and the sable point doe started mouting another rabbit and I was like, "NOOOOOOOO!!!! You were just a female yesterday!"

She still is thank goodness. Eric doesn't know who the other rabbit was for me to check him/her to see if she was trying to mate (she didn't look ready) or if the other doe was trying to mate. When one girl is ready...the other girls will practice mounting....not that it does any good.....

But that's far more than you needed to know probably.

Now I get to decide whether to stay up and wait in case Titania has her litter or go to bed.....she's not had a successful litter before so I'm nervous. (Stella was different today...she started pulling hair and nesting at 5:30 and by 6:30 she had 5 healthy babies squiriming around....)


BTW - depending upon the weather - I *may* bring along a couple of the younger babies so you can see what they look the broken torts and maybe a tort from Mona Kea.

lol and just the other day you were trying to convince me of becoming a breeder!

I hope Titania's litter comes out ok. That's got to be so depressing for her and you when they don't.

Those babies are so cute. I was showing them to Elsa today and she positively adored each and every one of them!

As for me I need to stop procrastinating and write my first draft for tomorrow morning before I get to go to bed.
Naw....wasn't trying to convince you to become a breeder...was just saying that if you decided you WANTED to breed...I'd be glad to help y'all out....

I was just kidding Peg :p I know you would just want to help in case we started leaning towards a desire to breed bunnies.

Though I meant to say last night that one problem I think I would have being a breeder is that I would be so over-protective of my bunnies that I would have to quiz and certify that I was selling to someone who would give them a good home.
Woohoo! It's officially the start of our Spring Break. No more classes for me till March 21st! Now I can spend all of my time obsessing and preparing for bunnies.:bunnydance:

So glad I can finally relax for a spell.
only 28 hours and 20 mins till it's time for the great bunny trip!

everything's ready including the pies :p

predicted high for Sunday in Alpine will be a very comfortable and sunny 74 degrees with the temperture forcasted to be 66-69 degrees between the hours of 12PM-2PM.

And I thought I'd just mention that our anniversary had officially started since midnight :) As any good boyfriend should I'll be taking her to a nice romantic resteraunt (Dominic's Italian Resteraunt) and showering her with love, attention, affection, and a few nice presents. :D
:bouquet:Happy anniversary! Waiting isso exciting! Counting down the hours seems like the longest time! Ittakes forever. But, if you don't think about it too much it seems tofly. Pretty soon you'll be meeting the new littel guys!

Be sure to post pictures and have a fab time today!
Well - their food and medicines are packed andI've got TEN does in a cage to bring you. I'm bringing threechestnuts 'cause I don't know which one was the one I took I'm bringing some blacks for you to see. Actually- it may be eleven...I just realized we have the wrong harlequin inthere....

These girls are all the same basic age and pretty much the samesize. They've lived together in the rabbitry and dining roomfor a bit..

I'm also emailing you their suggested treat schedule so they don't get greens too early, etc.

Anyway - they're all together and not in a very good mood right now about the trip....but they should be fine!

Just Jack wrote:

look out guys cause here we come!:happydance :lol:
Yeah - they worked all night on their alliances and who they wanted to vote out and who they wanted to be the final two to be...

....and then mom comes along and splits them up into 2 carriers......they're a bit grumpy right now.

I'm still debating on tossing a broken tort in there for you to look at- a bit nervous about stressing them out with the ride at this agethough.....then again - they'd be with "friends"...


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