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Oh man! They are drop dead cute!:brownbunny

I'm not sure exactly why I said 3 instead of 4 :ponder:

That must be a tough decission! they are all so adorable! I really like the sable one, looks abit like a simease cat :)
Just Jack wrote:


Here is what is ACTUALLY happening in the photo:

Picture 1:

Blue doe: How do I get out of here? My alliance mate isn't here and I don't know what to do...

Sable Point doe: (whispering) - Now remember - we're voting off the blue doe. Do you remember how to spell blue?

Orange doe: Well DUH. Of course I do...and you don't have to whisper..she knows she's going...

Picture 2:

Sable Point doe: What do you say we vote off the orange doe and you & I make an alliance? We can still win this thing...we're in the final four...

Blue doe: Right....

Orange doe: (thinking silently..."I wonder if I should vote for the sable point doe since she is so bossy...")

Chestnut doe: How did I make it to final four? What is final four?

(Ok...can you tell I'm a Survivor fan?)


On a different note - the blue doe is maturing a bit - today I caught her binkying around the living room all by herself. I don't know if it is because she knows she might be adopted or what....

The sable point doe went into the fireplace (behind the tv in the fireplace) and flicked us off when we tried to get her out.....

The orange doe is hanging out in the rabbitry this morning - as is the chestnut doe.

I'll try for more photos today....

More photos for you:

(How our rabbits spend a lazy Sunday afternoon - hanging out in the top level of their cage for does)

Are you sure I might have a home? I'm not sure how I feel about this....

I don't know which is my best side...

They have to see my face?

(Chestnut doe in these photos).... I know you caught me napping on the Woody Pet bag...but really - I'm NOT the one who chewed the holes in it...

Are you sure this won't hurt?

My best side?

How about my face? Will that work ok?

wow that is a lot of bunnies in one cage!:shock: They all look very comfortable around each other which is certainly really good :)

I can't wait to see bunnies binky in person. Elsa will just die from the cuteness I'm sure.

Who is that lovely chocolate or chestnut doe? It's not the same one in all 7 pictures cause she would look very different in the first 3. I like the mane on her. Is she a sm or dm?
If you're talking about the pictures I just posted - the first ones were of the blue doe....she is a double mane. I've got to tell you - I can't explain it but there is a certain "something" about her - a sparkle in her eye or something - but she is "special". The more I watch her mature - the happier I am of her. I'm about to take photos of her mom for my website...I'm just hoping my batteries hold on. (Mona Kea finally cooperated for photos so I took several of her - I can hardly wait to get her on the site since she is my tort herd matriarch).

Awww that's the blue one? She looks so brown in that lighting. And she does have something special about her. I think she is our absolute favorite and I really can't wait to meet them all. We're counting down the days till we get to meet the bunnies:bunnydance:
Within the hour - I should have their mamas on my webpage - I'll let you know when they're up!

Consider yourself forewarned...

You mean I WASN'T supposed to open the bag of Woody Pet?

But I'm claiming it as mine....all mine!


she looks like one tough bun. really nice looking too. I'm guessing that one is a dm too (trying to see if I can start recognizing all the particulars)? What color is she?

troublemakers are always the most fun IMO.

I've checked out the new pics on the website and they all look like great parents. You look like you have a really nice set of does and bucks and they all sound like they have great temperaments. I guess that's why they are the lionhead kings, right? :p
Hehe. So cute! Just a note about woody pet, I've been phoning around and I plan to phone the head office (I think). I went to the head office ting (only about 8 minutes away) and it said a note on the door saying "Not sold to the public", so I've been phoning around to see if anybody holds it. I might phone the head office to see if they can sugest someone who they supply for.
Spring wrote:
Hehe. So cute! Just a note about woody pet, I've been phoning around and I plan to phone the head office (I think). I went to the head office ting (only about 8 minutes away) and it said a note on the door saying "Not sold to the public", so I've been phoning around to see if anybody holds it. I might phone the head office to see if they can sugest someone who they supply for.
You can visit their website to find a dealer...

Also - that is the chestnut doe on the bag.....

I'm finally ready to show some pics of what I have dubbed "The Bunny Mansion"!


complete with Super Bunny Look-out!


extra bunny step


and the first floor

it's so big! now I feel I need to get more stuff so it doesn't seem more barren.
Can you say "spoiled rotten"? That is such an adorable little bunny mansion! *Coversr rabbits eyes* Boy, I can already see the rabbits lining up to take dibs on this house! Just wodnering, how much in total (not including toys as this'd probably be more then the actual house hehe;)) did it cost?

Persoanlly, I think there are more than enough toys there but if you wanted to, and this is both my rabbits ultime favourite toy are paper towel rolls stuffed with hay and also a little cardboard box with low sides with a towel in it. They love to tear up the cardboard and scrunch up the towels. Also towels loose in the cage are good to.

I do not dare show that to the girls as the ones you don't pick will sulk all the way home.

It's an AWESOME house....they're going to love it. I agree with the suggestion of paper towel rolls stuffed with hay. The girls also love crumpled paper and things like empty oatmeal containers (the Quaker Oats round ones)....and they like baskets and stuff to sleep in....I get the white plastic baskets at Walmart that have holes in the sides and are made by Sterlite - they are maybe 8" X 4" or something like that...

This is a crazy idea - but I would take a pair of socks and wear them for half an hour or so - and then toss them in there (all balled up). It will help them to get used to your scent...and they'll love to move the socks around.

Have you figured out which girls you're leaning towards getting? I know you like the blue one....which others do you like? Any you don't care for?


P.S. I'm going to bring a couple of extra girls I think....just so you can see them and play with them...
the single most expensive thing there is the Rubbermaid mat which was about $36 at Office Depot. What was really unfortunate was that they had just raised their prices on it when I bought it.

The cage consists of two Stacking Cube Sets from Bed Bath & Beyond at $15 each.

The wood flooring and step came from Home Depot. They were cut (at HD for free) from one huge solid plank that was about $12. There were several large pieces of the board still left, including a piece that was too big to fit in my Civic so I left it in the parking lot. lol

Also there are four 3' x 1/2" x 1/2" pieces of hardwood holdin up the 2nd floor and extra step at $1.50 each.

so the total comes out to about $86

if you can go with something else besides the rubbermaid floor mat you can almost eliminate half of the costs.
TinysMom wrote:
I do not dare show that to the girls as the ones you don't pick will sulk all the way home.

It's an AWESOME house....they're going to love it. I agree with the suggestion of paper towel rolls stuffed with hay. The girls also love crumpled paper and things like empty oatmeal containers (the Quaker Oats round ones)....and they like baskets and stuff to sleep in....I get the white plastic baskets at Walmart that have holes in the sides and are made by Sterlite - they are maybe 8" X 4" or something like that...

This is a crazy idea - but I would take a pair of socks and wear them for half an hour or so - and then toss them in there (all balled up). It will help them to get used to your scent...and they'll love to move the socks around.

Have you figured out which girls you're leaning towards getting? I know you like the blue one....which others do you like? Any you don't care for?


P.S. I'm going to bring a couple of extra girls I think....just so you can see them and play with them...
lol, I certainly wouldn't want to have any sad bunnies on my conscience. I'd feel too bad and have to take them all home . So yeah, let's just make it a suprise for them.

So far I've got two toilet paper rolls for them and I'm working to kill off a roll of paper towels at the moment. I'm kicking myself now for buying Charmin Mega Rolls last month but luckily I made one mistake and got single ply so I'm using twice the normal amount. I have a lot of cardboard boxes that I can never seem to get rid of. We also go through 12-paks of Coke quite quickly though I wanted to ask if those are safe. I'll have to see about what I can do to make more "beds" for them.

I dunno about the socks... with me that'd likely kill them. I have some old undershirts that I could put on for awhile and then let them use to snuggle or play with. I guess rolled up socks would be more fun though.

I dunno it's really hard. We definetly love all five of them. They are all so adorable and their personalities only makes us like them more. I don't think there is really anything else we can do but wait and see which ones steal our hearts away... hopefully it's not all of them!
ROFL! That last post made me laugh. Good idea with the shirt. You could also use an old t-shirt.. just wear it for a day. I just tried out shredded newspaper and Pebbles loves it! She snuggles down into it as it's really soft! The coke case shouldn't be toxic or dangerous as I'm trying that too (woohoo!) and going to make a little tunnel out of them (I've seen it done on this site.. looks really cool!)

I'msure you'll click with some. That's like with Pepsi. She was in a litter of three. I was looking at one, then I saw her and I fell in love with her. I felt sad about leaving the little one I was looking at but I knew for sure Pepsi was the one. It's sort of eerie how everything seems to work out.

Wow. Only $86!? (Thoguh it's in USA right? Just a bit more for Canada...) I paid in the sixties for my cage and it's like 1/5 as good! Also, I can't really see but do you have an opening at the top? If you don't, I'd suggest it because soemtimes when my rabbits being a little brat she runs up and down her ramp trying to play chase.

good cause I have like 4-6 empty boxes of those just waiting to be attacked by bunnies

yeah I have a feeling that's the way it will be. right now I'd just want to take them all home :p

it is quite cheap still. with what I've seen at petsmart a cage not even close to that size would probably cost over $200! Also it's not really easy (if at all possible) but the panel in front of the tower is not actually attached. It's just there for display purposes. Today I've hooked up a couple of rings to it and I'll be making it a secondary door. More importantly I have it there cause I need to be able to get to any accidents quickly and easily.

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