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Active Member
Sep 23, 2009
Reaction score
DESTIN, Florida, USA
Ive been a rat owner for almost 3 years now, recently added guinea pigs to the mix a couple of months ago, and now a bunny momma thanks to a horrible, nasty, craigslist add. Ive never been a bunny person, I guess because Ive never really been exposed esp. to nice rabbits. Ive only owned a bunny going on 5 hours now, but she is just a doll. I met with the lady at 8 p.m. and after she was released to me, we went straight to the emergency vet. She is a really sick girl. She has an eye infection, upper resp, and is soo flea infested she is bald in multiple areas. In the morning we are going to my exotics vet to get antibiotics, the emergency vet only treated her for fleas. She is 5.5 years old and rather skinny. I only have pictures taken from when we were sitting inside the emergency vet, but Ill be sure post pics once she is a healthy happy girl. I havent totally committed to a name yet.. :? But here is my poor girl.. wish us luck at the vet :inlove:


That poor bunny! :shock:

Any idea if she's always been skinny? Or has she lost weight recently? Is she spayed?

She's probably been so stressed, no wonder she's got the infections.

It was so awesome of you to take her in. Here's really hoping she comes through this healthy and happy.

sas :clover:
I really dnt have much information on her. Her owner didn't seem to phased by her appearance not did she seem concerned, but by looking at her you can see she is a very sick girl. I might find some more out tomorrow from the vet. I wasn't planning on having her pemanently, but I feel like she deserves a home where she will be spoiled means she had had such a hard life. In my opinion she is skinny. I like healthy plump animals :) haha. But she is a total sweetheart no doubt. Very clingy.
:helloand :welcome1to RabbitsOnline. I think its great you have taken her in. Sounds like she could use a loving home, poor girl. I am glad you found the site. RO is a very active, friendly and helpful website devoted to rabbits and their slaves.

Here are some good links to areas of the site you might find interesting, the Library section, full of good reference info, Bunny Blog, where you can keep everyone up to date on your bunny and your life as a bunny slave and if you bunny would like to ask questions of other buns the Bunny Chat is the spot to be. The regional forum is a good way to find a rabbit savvy vet or to post places where you get some of your supplies for your bun etc. For the lighter side and to give you a chuckle or two stop by the go to the Let Your Hare Down section for anything but bunny's.

If you would like to post pictures in your post this link How to put photo's in your posts will help explain that.

I hope I didn't overwhelm you with info. This is a wonderful site and I look forward to seeing pictures of your bun and stories of herprogress.

OH my what a hard story for me to read I am elated she is in a better place with u, even though she looks a bit tattered she is adorable!! good luck!!!!
Poor baby. I'm glad you took her in. Congrats on your new bunny. Hope she gets better soon. Keep us updated.
OMG thank god you have her and are getting her the treatment she needs, no doubt if you didnt get her she would have whithered away un noticed by her current owner, especially if she didnt seem to alarmed or concerned about her current condition. Please let us know how the vet visit goes, hugs to her , and hugs to you for taking her on.

I think you should name her Hope :)
Oh, poor girl! Major good karma on you for taking her in and getting her the vet care she so desparately needs. Please keep us updated on her medical progress, as sometimes it helps to double-check what your vet is saying, and also we can help translate some of the medical-ese that vets use sometimes. She deserves to live out her life in comfort!
Wow... she looks like she's just been soo mistreated =(
And I bet she's gorgeous too, when well cared for. Bless you for rescuing her... people like the one who had her should not be allowed to have more pets.

Welcome to the forum!!!!
This makes me so sad...I don't know how they can be so apathetic. Surely her last owners weren't so ignorant as to ignore least they rehomed her before she died with them and I'm glad that fate led her to you.
Thanks for all the support guys. :) The vet is pushed til tomorrow around 2 since the exotics doctor is out. For some reason Im calling her Shay Shay, and she is pretty responsive to it. She loves attention already. haha. I see her being a very spoiled bunny. She was never housed with another rabbit, in 5.5 years, so would she better off to stay caged alone? Anyways, here is a pic of her with the fleas all gone. She has such a sweet face.


Another question. Can bunnies have mange? Im pretty sure she has hair loss from the fleas, but my sister suggested the mange idea, kinda worried me. :/
Just in case yall wanted to see how I discovered her.. and why I HAD to get her. I thought, if someone is gonna post their animal in that bad of condition, that animal needed outta there asap! She is sitting in puddles.. But here is the ad, I dont know if its within the rules, if not, mods please remove. thanks!!!
Awwww she already looks loads better... bravo!!!!!

I would think that once she's had a chance to settle in then you can look into whether or not she'd like a friend. Do you know if she's been spayed? If not that will be the first place to start... as an unspayed female has an 80+% chance of developing cancer. After she's spayed (one month post op) then you can take her to a shelter, to let her "bunny date"... i.e. see if any bunny sparks some interest in her. Most rescues will be able to help you with this.

Best of luck... she's finally getting the love she deserves!!!!!
Really? Im sure if she wasnt fed or even given dry bedding, there is no way in... that she was spayed. Im not even sure if its a female.. The lady told me she was female.. but I really dont want to rely on anything she has told me. Obviously, her word is of no value. I guess I need to start saving my money! I have a male guinea pig that I would love to get neutered as well. Ill talk to my vet tomorrow about a price range. She is atleast 5.5 years old, is she still ok to be spayed?
So, Ive been checking on her, and she hasnt drank a drop out of her watter bottle. Im sure she knows what a water bottle is, she came with an empty one. How can you tell if she is dehydrated and how do I make her drink?
Yes, older female bunnies can still be spayed. The vet may want to check her for uterine tumors though, in case spaying doesn't make financial or medical sense. I don't want to sound too harsh, but it's pretty common for older females to get uterine tumors. If she has uterine cancer and it has spread, it may not be worthwhile to undergo surgery. I'll hope for your and her that 1) she's actually a boy (neuters are cheaper and less invasive) 2) she doesn't have any uterine problems or if she does they're restricted only to the uterus.

But don't let a vet tell you older bunnies can't be spayed--as long as they have bloodwork done to check liver and kidney function, the anesthesia shouldn't be a problem. Also, it may take her longer to recover than a young bunny, but I'm sure she can, plus it's just too risky at this point to leave that uterus in there!

I really don't want to make you feel scared about her well-being, but it's a possibility. In any case, you have already saved her from lots of problems, if she had stayed with the previous owner, or worse, released to the wild!

Plus, 5.5 isn't really that old for a bunny. Many of the more popular breeds can live 10 years or more. There was recently a dutch/dutch mix who reached 14, I think, and your adorable Shay Shay looks like maybe a Holland lop (or mini lop), which are really popular breeds and tend to live long, I think.

Yes, rabbits can get mange. They can also get other parasites of the skin, such as fur mites and ear mites. Some flea treatments also treat mites and mange. The best thing to do is have the vet do a skin scraping to determine what may be there.

By the way, you may get more answers to medical questions if you ask in the Infirmary. ;)
Thanks!! Im kinda lost.. haha. :) I was going to ask what type of bunny she was, thanks so much for the info! Ill ask about everything at the vet appt tomorrow!! I would love if she was a he!! haha!!
You can check for dehydration by tenting the skin at the nape of the neck, like you'd do to see if a person's dehydrated on the back of the hand. It should bounce back quickly.

I'd offer her a bowl of water as well, in case she never learned how to use the bottle. Some bunnies are like that. I had Tony for about a year and a half before I realized he preferred bottles. You can also get water into her by giving veggies, if she'll tolerate them--no more than 1/2c to start out with. Parsley or romaine or spring mix would be a good one to start with.
You can soak the veggies first before giving them to her... for like half an hour, so that they absorb more water, and she will in turn be injesting more water. Let us know how the vet visit goes!!!

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