My Heart's on Fire for Elvira

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Yesterday, I got an awesome pair of running shoes! I'm so excited to go run in them! haha. I've been trying to find dog utility vests for my dog, but they're difficult to find and they're expensive! I want him to carry my stuff, like my phone and keys and water bottle. That way I don't have to have a bunch of stuff in my hands or wear a fanny pack(lol). I don't think it would be too much for him to wear the vest, but he IS pretty out of shape too. I think I did find one, but its made more for the poop bags, it has a little dispenser of bags and a place to put the used bags (kind of gross). I probably wouldn't use the pocket for the used bags, but I would put my stuff in there instead. Its machine washable and only like $30 or something. Its not a terrible price as long as the shipping isn't too much. I'm going to keep looking into it though. I think that they come with a liner thing for cold weather, but I live in the south and he has a downy coat, so I think he would roast with a liner! haha.

I would like for everyone to mark it on your calendars that my husband, of 3 years, cooked dinner and...washed dishes last night! I KNOW, I just heard the collective gasp from all you ladies out there! I had to finish organizing my front "storage" room to put some furniture in there. A trunk and an antique vanity that were in the shed getting ruined. I had to run out to get milk and got home and realized it was like 200% humity and this was the day that was the worst for my stuff in the shed. I came in and asked my husband something that I've never asked him before, in a serious way. Would he cook dinner? He looked really surprised but saw my urgency and said yes. He made breakfast. It was delicious! We moved the stuff into the house, I shed a tear for the ruined things and then he washed the dishes! It was pretty amazing. He was like, put it on the calendar, the first time I've done the dishes in 4 years! haha. I'm proud of him. He was like "well, since you asked so nicely and since you do those things most of the time, I thought I should repay the favor." I was like "what do you mean most? More like, every."

My child slept until 9 this morning! I didn't, but he did. I got up at 8 because I was sick of hearing my hubs alarm. I made him get up and we came down to a still sleeping child! How awesome is that?! I got to LAY on the couch, drink my coffee, and watch a show that wasn't animated, based on trains, or Bob the Builder. For a WHOLE HOUR! Its the little things in life. LOL

And last but not least, Ellie. She's been a real monster with her pellet dish lately, so I had to switch it. She went from little plastic bowl to her ceramic carrot dish again(I got it few months ago, I doubt anyone remembers as much as I post! haha) But its flat and harder for her to knock out of my hands or flip over and spill pellets everywhere. She was wasting too many! Anyway, NOW with the new ceramic dish, she slams it against her water bowl which is on a plate. So it makes all sorts of racket and thats her way of letting me know, she wants to be out of the dang cage. haha. I had to run in and let her out this morning, for fear that she wake AJ up with all her noise. She got out, promptly did 3 binkies and flopped out in front of the washing machine. Lazy.
I've been switching her food from Small World to Manna Pro. She's done really well. I've just been doing it REALLY slow, its been weeks. haha. I have like one more week of Small World left, so it might be another week. Actually, I'm out of chicken feed until tomorrow, so the chickens might be eating some Small World rabbit food today. hahha.

Do you think that when AJ goes to school, his friends are going to think having a house rabbit is weird? Because she lives like a cat?

Happy Monday!
Oh Michelle! Thanks you reminded me that I forgot to fill everyone in on the sleep walking issue! My husband hasn't slept walked since those two times. We did the Apple Test, it was inconclusive. Friday night he didn't eat an apple before bed, didn't sleep walk. Saturday night, he ate an apple like an hour and a half before bed, but didn't sleep walk. BUT the nights that he ate an apple before bed, it was literally RIGHT before bed. Like standing in the kitchen, eating an apple, brushing teeth and going straight to bed. So I don't think that the 1.5 hour before bed was the right test, but he wouldn't listen to me! But he did eat a whole bag of apples in like 3 days, I only ate 2! He's pig.
Anyway, it was inconclusive. But we read that there is a chance that if you come from a sleep walker, you'll sleep walk too. Like its hereditary, his crazy ass dad is a sleep walker sometimes. I think his was more sleeping pill induced, but its still happened! haha. And there is nothing you can do for sleep walking, other than take the proper precautions in your house.
Oh well. It makes for hilarious stories and makes me laugh. As long as he doesn't hurt himself or worse, pee in my floor. We're good. :)
I think when AJ goes to school, his friends are going to think that's SO cool to have a house rabbit and I bet they're gonna beg their parents for rabbits and the parents are going to say no, or that you're crazy LOL.
If I need cheering up I just need to come and get a fix on your blog and I´m instantly better.

I love the apple test. I wish it had worked and you could have scientifically proved it but good that he not peeing on the floor anymore.

I think that AJ´s pals will think he´s so lucky to have a bunny who acts like anything but and who is so smart. I´m missing pics of her, just loving seeing that cute black and white ball of fluff.

I bought a pair of running shoes as well a few weeks ago but will have to wait until after the summer to try them, couldn´t face putting my feet into closed shoes at the moment in this heat. I do love the summer as my feet look so much better for being in the open most of the time.

And cooking dinner as well, men are just like that, they does things once that you do all the time and think that we should be eternally grateful, sometimes I am so glad I live alone.

I was watching a kids programme on the BBC about a puppet dog called Hacker and it is so funny. Take a look if you can find it.
My husband is just silly. He lives in the 50s and everything is taken care of for him. He thinks some magical fairy comes and washes his clothes for him and cooks his dinner and then in the morning the dishes are magically gone, he thinks that its done by magic. I WISH! haha. He knows that I do all of it, but he said he did enjoy cooking dinner because it was easy for him and he never gets to do it. Not that he would do it often, even if I asked. I think he would probably laugh if I asked him again. LOL I usually don't ask him if he will cook, because most of the time he makes a bigger mess than necessary when he cooks and I have to clean it up. haha. His specialty is peanut butter and jelly sandwiches!

And thankfully, he never did pee on anything, but it was a fear of mine. I was sure that he was going to, because every time he got up he would do something weird then go to pee. So I was sure that he was going to mistake the corner for the potty or something and do it there! But he didn't! Thank god.
You should continue the experiment. After all it is inconclusive so far, and an answer to the problem is certainly needed. Maybe it does have something to do with the peeing thing. Is he also drinking water before bed? Maybe it's keeping him from sleeping soundly, and so doing the sleepwalking thing. Or maybe it is the apples. I think we need further testing to be sure :)

I would think the kids in school would be interested in AJ having a rabbit. Most kids seem to like pretty much any furry pet. I know all the kids in my neighborhood always want to see my rabbits. When he's old enough, he could even bring her for show and tell, if it wouldn't freak her out. If they even do show and tell anymore. They did when I was a kid, but I am getting a little old :) But Ellie may not go for that kind of thing. I know that Flopsy is my only rabbit that I can do that with as he doesn't mind a bunch of noisy wiggly kids.
I don't know if they do show and tell anymore. I really don't remember it from when I was a kid, so maybe not? I'm going to go with probably not. A lot of schools don't even allow you to bring homemade food from home for the class things or bring peanut butter and jelly sandwiches because kids are allergic to peanuts now.
I don't know how Ellie would do. She's hasn't been in the car since I brought her home. She gets a little stressed but not super stressed. I think Foo would have been the best at a show and tell sort of thing. She did really well in the car, eating the whole way. haha. And she was pretty calm about most things, she would have been good. Ellie is a little high strung. Maybe as she ages she'll calm down.
Some teachers still do show and tell but I have never heard of any allowing pets to be brought in. I think the biggest issue there could be liability issues. You know how sue happy some people are these days. I could see some parent raising a complete stink if there child was scratched by a hamster or some such.

I know I got my ferrets rabies vaccinations even though there has never been a case of a ferret being infected with rabies simply so no one could force me to have my ferrets killed because it bit someone. That has happened many times throughout the country.

I remember taking my hermit crab ib. Sucker pinched my finger too during it and he would not let go. My finger was turning purple.

None of the girls friends seem to think it's odd that we have indoor buns. But maybe that's because most if not all of our friends like animals and have pets. I think with kids there is less chance of them thinking it odd or strange, I think it would be more adults that view buns as an outdoor pet or not a pet at all that would think it strange.
My dad didn't understand why I had Foo in the house. He was a little freaked out to see a rabbit running around the kitchen. It took him a little while to get used to and then asked a lot of questions.
My in-laws on the other hand, hate rabbits for some reason. They don't understand why my rabbit is inside and not outside. I hate that. Other than just disliking them totally, I hate the way they see animals.

Anyway! I'm pretty sure that I found the cause of the gnats. I put all the food in the fridge that was on the counters. The tomatoes from the garden, the bread. So they didn't have anything to lay eggs on. So then one day I was standing next to my fridge looking out the window and noticed like 5 gnats fall out of the ice maker thing. We don't have a water hook up for the ice maker, so we don't use it. So I filled the little tray thing up with vinegar and caught and killed like 40 in the first few hours. I cleaned it out, and did it again and only caught like 10. Then I noticed that the gnat population had gone down considerably. I made sure the take the trash out as soon as it was nearly full, to keep it from being a gnat attractant. I think thats helped so much! There are only like 2 gnats now. I'm pretty sure I fixed the problem. I just wish I could block off my ice maker thing.

And last night, I'm pretty sure that I sent the most redneck text of my life. I said "Y'all like cherry pie?" Not, 'DO y'all like cherry pie, do you guys like cherry pie, would y'all like some cherry pie'. No, y'all like cherry pie. haha. Sometimes my southern comes out and I can't control it. I'm going to my idiot friends house, who just had the baby and whenever I go to someones house, I have to bring food. Like a crazy person. I don't know if its all a southern thing or a woman thing, but everywhere I go I have to bring something homemade and wonderful. haha. So I made a cherry pie last night, thats actually pretty delicious, so I'll take that to my friends house.

Last thing, right now we're watching Bob the Builder LIVE. Its like people in suits and the machines and stuff. Its actually pretty cool. But the best part of it is the kids in the audience. At one point Bob was stuck on some scaffolding and didn't have a ladder, the looks on the kids faces was genuine worry! It was crazy. And right now, the cat, Pilchard has gone missing so Wendy asked everyone to yell 'Pilchard' when they see the cat. So the cat pops up from the tool box and these kids are going freaking nuts! Like, neck veins popping they're yelling so loud that they've seen the cat. But I guess it wasn't the time to find the cat yet because neither Bob nor Wendy acknowledged the kids screaming. I think my favorite thing of this is the machines. They're like real driving machines, the people playing Bob and Wendy can actually stand on them. They're SO cool! hahaha. I would totally take AJ to see Bob the Builder Live!

I think Ellie is molting or something! She's got lots of tufts of fur coming from her butt! I just pulled a huge chunk of fur out! She's got a cactus butt going on.
Yesterday I had to follow my friend to drop her car off and take her home. So we just hung out the whole day. I dropped AJ off with my dad at like noon, then I was kidless for the rest of the day! Can you guys believe that. I felt weird and a little useless, like I had nothing to do. BUT we pulled out my friends old car, like the one we drove as teenagers and drove around. Haven't been in that car in 3 years, it was like being a teenager again! haha.
Then I went and walked with my husband. I walked like a mile, then caught up with him while he was playing disc golf and walked the rest of the course with him. I was already tired from the day, then walking on top of it I was exhausted. But I felt pretty good about though.
Then we came home, I didn't have to cook because there was no child here and my husband ate left over pasta. So I made some hard cooked egg/avocado salad with tomato. Then laid down in the floor and promptly went to sleep. LOL I went to bed at like 10.

I woke up at like 8 though, and listened for AJ and realized that he wasn't here and I could...SLEEP IN! I slept in until like 11! hahaha. It was wonderful. Me and the dog and the Fat Cat all slept in. How great is that?!

So now, I'm sitting in the floor with Ellie because I don't have AJ here to worry about. She has been binkying and popcorning the whole time I've been in the floor. She's also started this new thing where she will jump up a little bit and do a complete 360 turn. Its SO funny. She popcorns like 2 feet in the air sometimes. She's so cute. Maybe I'll take some pictures. She just thumped at me because I looked inside her ear. haha. Now she's flopped out taking a rest.

The weather has been so nice here the last few days. I've turned my AC off and opened my windows. Its been so nice. I realized that I should probably turn the AC off because it was cooler outside than it was inside on Wednesday. But it rained today so it feels a little damp in the house, its not terrible but I might have to bring a fan into the living room to dry it out. But Ellie's fur is like puffy now because of the humidity! haha. Its so funny. Not to mention that she is shedding a little bit right now. She feels puffy and SO soft. LOL

I also picked up my bridesmaid dress yesterday. Its really pretty, but its too big! haha. I put it on and she was like "oh my god, you've lost more weight! Its got to be taken in like 3 inches!" haha. Makes me feel good, but its costing me a fortune in dress money! I have to spend a ton of money to have it altered now. My husband was like, "look you better not get that thing altered until like a week before the wedding, because I refuse to have it altered more than once!"
Thats what I plan on doing, like a week or two before the wedding, depending on how long it will take to have it altered. Then that way it will surely fit. I have a month or so until I have to have it altered. haha.

Now off to do some stuff before my child comes home! I haven't heard from my dad, so I guess they're having a good time! Well, good for them. haha. I feel like a bum when he's not here though, like I'm not supposed to be here because I should be at work. Make sense? haha.

Happy Friday! I hope everyone has a good day!
I get you with the family that doesn't like pets. My ex's family, well mostly mother was like that. She didn't believe in pets and definitely not inside. When we were living in Germany we came back for a month long visit and had a german sheppard at the time. Since we were only going to be there for a month we stayed with the in-laws, it's not like it made sense to rent something. She refused to let the dog inside. Not even in the flippin basement so I had to tie her outside. I spent plenty of time with her everyday, good excuse to get away from everyone. After we went back to Germany anytime I left home even if my ex was there the dog tore up the trash. She never did that before she had to be outside.

I guess I have been busy as I just realized I missed a couple of days of your post but I guess you didn't post much either.

Yay for you on keeping up with the exercising and for losing some weight!

Isn't it wonderful to have some kid free time and to get to sleep in. Don't let it make you feel too much like a bum, enjoy it when you can as you have a lot of years left of being a parent.
It is wonderful having kid free time! Until he comes back, gets a good night sleep and wakes up acting like a little brat because he's been somewhere else where they cater to his every whim. It makes me crazy when he comes home like that. Like, he was asking for a sandwich, and I was like...'no. Its breakfast time, you have cereal and blueberries, you don't need a sandwich.' And I'm not going to make him something special, I had already made his breakfast. But he'll get used to being here again soon enough! hahaha.

Last night I walked with the dog. Like a mile or so. I was going to walk a little more, but at one point towards the end I realized that I was the only person walking around like that, and its a huge place. So I got a little freaked out. There were a lot of places for someone to hide and then pop out to kidnap me. Thankfully I had the dog, but he isn't very aggressive. But when we walk he looks crazy! haha. I looked at him yesterday and he goes into 'hunt' mode when we're walking and his ears are set at a weird angle, he's like hunched over and skulking. So he looks a little aggressive and nuts, so hopefully that would stop someone from kidnapping me. LOL It felt really good to walk too! The weather was perfect! It was like 65* with no humidity. I had on a 3/4 length sleeve shirt and I was a little sweaty but pretty comfortable. It was nice and breezy too. I really enjoyed it. We're going back today, my husband is going to play disc golf and I think I'm going to walk with him, different terrain works different muscles!

Its nice that I've lost weight too. I can't really tell, but the inches show it! haha. My friend who is getting married though, does not think its nice. She was a little unhappy when I put the dress on the other day and the dress lady was like "oh, well its like 3 inches too big. You've lost a good bit of weight...again." My friend was like, "you're killing me!" haha. She's the one on the nutri-system and I think she's having a hard time. But she's not exercising! I've haven't really changed my diet too much, other than less processed food, like no processed food actually. But I still drink like 3 milkshakes from Sonic a week! hahaha. Oh well. I just have to wait until the last minute to have the dress altered! LOL

Ugh. I woke up with a headache, hopefully if I shower I'll wash it away.
Have a good Saturday everyone! I hope that everyone gets a lot of stuff done!
Ugh. Monday again!
We had a pretty busy weekend. Went grocery shopping, thats an all day affair since I go to two stores. BUT we did get the best deal on crab legs! They were on sale for $5.99 a lb, which is a good price. So we were looking at bags and neither one of us wanted to spend like $20 on a few lbs so we were trying to find a smaller bag since it was just us eating them and they would be a side to some steaks. So I saw one bag in the very bag of the case that said $5.45 I was like, oh thats perfect its only like a pound! I pulled it out and it was mislabeled! It was really over 3 lbs, but the tag said $5.45 rather than the $20 it was supposed to be. So we were like, screw it! Lets cheat and get it! haha. I know its sort of like stealing, but we really think that someone was saving it for themselves for later or they put it out for a friend to get on the down low for super cheap!
Plus, we still spent like $60 in there for other things, and I go there every week. Thats how we justified it. AND they were delicious! My husband and I went to the store and got some big beers, like 4 different kinds and came home. I made the crab legs, all of them. I spread some paper in the living room floor and we went to town and ate 3 lbs of crab legs, drank our beers and watched a movie. It was like indoor adult camping! It was great! We had such a good time.

Saturday, I walked with my husband while he played disc golf. I had my headphones in and was listening to music and dancing around a lot. I was really getting down to some old Kelly Clarkson when my husband turned around an stared at me from like 30 feet away. I didn't know he was watching so when I opened my eyes, he was looking at me. It was so funny. It was my jam from like age 16. hahaha. I had to get into it! But it started to really rain when we were in the woods and we were soaking wet! My new running shoes are not made for wet grass or wet woods, they have breathable sides of them and the water just pours in! haha. I have a pair in mind for hiking shoes.
Yesterday, I walked a mile with the dog, he was exhausted. It wasn't hot out but it was really humid because it was going to rain. So I was sweating up a storm. Then I cleaned the house yesterday since I put it off like most of the weekend to do other things. So like 45 minutes of running around cleaning, with no AC on because it wasn't hot out but it was stuffy in the house; I was sweating like crazy. I had to take a cold shower to stop sweating. haha. I don't mind sweating, but at one point when I was doing something my husband was on the computer on the floor and he was like, 'is it hot in here?' I stopped and looked at him and the sweat dripped off my nose. He was like, 'oh, I guess it IS hot.' I just laughed at him. haha.

AJ spent the night on Saturday night with Grandma. He had a really good time. As always. She's so much more fun than I am. LOL Oh well, is it ever really fun to be home when you're not an adult? haha.

I ordered Woody's utility vest. I hope it gets here before the weekend because I want to go hiking and I'll definitely need him to wear it!

Well, I guess thats it. How was everyone else's weekend?
Happy Monday!

Oh shoots, I took some really cool pictures of where we were playing disc golf on Saturday. The course in an old plantation ruin, so there is stuff all around from the plantation. I'll show the pictures later. I hope they came out okay though, since I took them with my phone and it was raining!
Sounds like you had a great kid free time. You got a real bargain with the crab, it does sometimes happen where they mark things wrong. I think that if that happens, it was meant to be so why should I pay more. Crab and beer sounds like a great time was had by you both.

I´ve been sweating non stop since the beginning of the month and it´s really annoying me now. Sometimes it just drips off my face and I´m soaked. I really could just spend the whole of August with my face stuck in the freezer lol. Too hot to do anything.

Boys have been behaving at least so although I´ve been really busy, nice to get home and just have some peace and quiet.
It sounds like you and your hubby really got to enjoy your free time. I'm glad ya'll did. That's a good bargain on the crab. I have shoes like yours and had the same problem last weekend at the races as it poured and you couldn't do anything to avoid walking through the puddles. When it's not wet then the sand gets in. It feels like I'm walking on a beach barefoot.

I think most people would leave you alone walking with a dog especially a medium sized dog or larger. Most people are more afraid of dogs then they are other people. Like criminals will take on a cop but throw a police dog in their and they turn chicken.

I have been sweating like that all summer even in the house with AC on. ha! I'm surprised I haven't grown mushrooms yet. Hot flashes don't help either. Funny thing, having your tubes tied can bring on early menopause. So I have been super hot even when it wasn't super hot.
My husband and I try to enjoy ourselves when we don't have AJ. We had a really good time playing disc golf. Even though it rained. He likes to play disc golf and I like to walk and be in the woods, so it was good for both of us. Plus, I carry his disc bag for him, so its nice for him! hahha.

The crab legs were so good! We made pigs of ourselves! haha.

Here are the two pictures from the disc golf course we went to on Saturday. The grounds for the park used to be a plantation. So there are "ruins" everywhere and a lot of the trains are the old irrigation ditches of the plantation.
This is a root ball of a fallen tree. I thought it looked really cool!

And this is one of the better "ruins" of the park. Its the chimney from, I think, the Big House. Its a two story chimney. It was super cool.

It was raining and wet so the pictures are a little wonky. I want to get some pictures of the other trees in the woods. They were weird.
And there were trees that grow a thing called a "hedgeapple". At least thats what I think it is. They were funky!
Last night I learned a little bit about Ellie. I was sitting in the floor with her and trying to take some pictures. She was across the kitchen, so I laid down in the floor to try to get some good action shots of her coming to me. Well, no such luck with the pictures. I didn't get many good ones at all! haha.
Anyway, I was petting her while laying down and she put her head down to be groomed. So I pet her head and then thought to myself, what if I put MY head down? Would she groom? So I did, I put my head down in front of her. At first she was trying to put her head under mind, then when I didn't move she started to sniff my hair. Then she nibbled on my head! hahaha. Which HURTS still, but she was grooming me! She licked my hair. It was so funny. BUT I learned that she's not really dominate or submissive with me, shes sort of both! So its like, she wants to be groomed first, but if she can't be, then she will groom. I wonder if it would be the same with another rabbit? Or would she be dominate first and stay that way?
But she groomed my hair! hahaha. My husband walked in and was like, 'uhh...this is weird.' Then walked back out of the kitchen! I was like, 'we're bonding! What do you want? A snack? You don't need a snack anyway!'

Yesterday I re-read the rabbit language website because I wanted to learn what Ellie's tail flicking meant, but I couldn't find it. But as I was reading, I remembered that you could do the things that rabbits do any they'll understand and it helps you bond. So as I was sitting in the floor, I did a "head-flick" and Ellie across the room returned my head-flick then did a binky! I think she understood me. It was pretty cool! So we were talking to each other and bonding!
I still don't know what her tail flicks mean though. Its like when she's happy, she flicks her tail really fast back and forth a few times. I guess its because she's happy? Its really cute though!

I did take some pictures of her, but its so hard to take the pictures when she's excited. She's just all over the place.
And I just went in there to get a picture of her stretched out, but she got up when I came in. She's not in the mood for pictures right now I guess! haha.

She's shedding really bad too! I just ran my hand down her back and there was a poof of fur!

A super close up of ears!


You can see the little wet spot from her licking my pants. And her whiskers look long here!

This is how she lays a lot of the time. She curls her feets under her or only curls one under. Kind of cat like.

Hope you guys like the pictures, even though they're not great. They're like different body parts! haha. Its like an Ellie collage.

Happy Tuesday!
Lol awh this is adorable! Phoenix is the exact same way with me and the head grooming, we totally talk to eachother too!!

Those pictures are so cool from the discgolfing!! :)
I enjoyed the pictures. She's so cute laying there with only one paw under her. Thump always has either both under or both out.

I liked the other photos as well. It looks like a very interesting place to be. I would enjoy walking around there. I love nature and also like finding things like the old chimney as well.

I have no idea what disc golf is. I should look it up.

I am allergic to shell fish so can't eat crab and have no idea what it tastes like. I keep thinking I should get tested to see if I'm still allergic as I outgrew my other food allergies but I hate going to the doctors. I have no patience for it. Hubby loves shell fish though. We go to a Chinese restaurant at times that has a buffet and they do crab legs, all you can eat for a little extra so he does that and my goodness does he eat a lot. Eating crab legs is like watching a barbarian eat. Ha!

Maybe her flicking her tail is her way of wagging it like a dog.

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