My Heart's on Fire for Elvira

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Awww! Denise, I did enjoy it there, but the city traffic and stuff did bother me. Down here we keep it within 5-10 over the speed limit, but up there its like 20-30 over the limit. I was having serious car anxiety up there! But we drove through Imperial which is where my MIL's family is from. We got to see all the houses and the cemetery that was filled with her family. Then we went to Raccoon Creek State Park, thats where my husband and his grandpa used to fish. I will say though, if you find yourself back in PA and in or near Moon Township, go to Wings, Suds and Spuds. OMG the best wings ever. They were SO good. Its small but everyone is really nice and it was kid friendly, I saw lots of families in there. Best wings ever! haha.
Denise, have you been to the Carnagie Science Center? We had lots of fun, I can't wait to take AJ back when he's older and understands it more. But he did have fun touching stuff.

To me the incline was terrifying. I got in it and realized it was made from wood and built in 1877, it was scary and creaky and wobbly and rickety. The crazy part of my brain was for sure we were going to die. Then the rational part of my brain was like, "no they maintenance this thing all the time, its fine." Then the crazy part was like "f you rational brain, we're going to DIE!" It was pretty bad, I'll never do it again.

Ellie is still pulling fur! I'm so scared she's going to ingest some of it. This poor little bunny. I didn't expect her to be SO hormonal SO fast! Her spay is coming soon! Now she's flopped out like she's totally exhausted from nesting. Is she going to pretend to kindle the kits too? I've never been through this before! Foo made like 1 nest when she was 2 and that was it. But Ellie has made an epic nest! I wonder if anyone in my area has a rabbit who didn't make a good nest and wants Ellie's nest?! haha. I'll share.
And yes, my animals always keep me on my toes. Sometimes I swear, these are the most stressful things in the world.
Lisa, I was on the Mount Washington city over look thing. They're this massive circular pieces of concrete. Here is a picture, this is not my picture. But this is what I was on taking the city shots. They're really cool! They're up on a 450 foot tall hill and you can see the 3 rivers and the city and heinz field and the science center and all the bridges. It was quite breath taking. There was a group of joggers who were eating lunch on the look out, what a nice place to stop and eat! haha.

And no we didn't stay in the city or anything. We stayed about 20 minutes away in Moon Township or one of the townships. We stayed in a Main Stays that was actually REALLY nice! We had the whole kitchen and everything in our room. Our room view was the adorable little courtyard of the hotel. I didn't get a picture.
No, where the look out is, its all houses and apartments and then a row of really nice like 4-5 star restaurants that all have big windows to look out at the city. If you look in the pictures of my hub holding AJ, in the back you can see a really tall building on the hill behind him and that was a HUGE apartment building that had the coolest balconies and probably the BEST views of the city.
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OMG! She's pulled MORE fur! I cleaned her pen and put the pen up. I put her nest in a box for her, I didn't want to throw it out.
Now she is running out pulling her fur out and thumping! She is so loud with the thumping!


She's going crazy.
Maybe she didn't like you messing with her nest :) Just wondering if she is peeing, pooping, and eating ok?
Jenny, yes she is doing everything normally. You know besides building a huge nest! haha. She didn't eat her romaine but she was right in the middle of collecting nest supplies, and then she ate some pellets. She's still eating hay, but not hay from the nest.
This whole thing is so crazy. haha. Silly nest building bunny.
Bahahaa. Lisa, I just seriously cracked up about the EPT! Maybe I should get her to pee on one!
I was thinking about it earlier, remember how they used to use rabbits to as pregnancy tests? They did something to them and the ovaries on the rabbit told the doctor if the woman was pregnant, or something like that. It would be funny because its the reverse thing for pregnancy tests! haha. How funny.
Then it makes me think about this episode of MASH, when Hot Lips thought she was pregnant and asked Hawkeye to do a rabbit test for her, but the only bunny they could find was Radar's pet. So they did whatever to start the test and Hawkeye spayed the rabbit instead of killing it to do the test...and Hotlips wasn't pregnant.
Hahaha. And there is what used to happen you wanted a pregnancy test, rabbits had to die. Times have gotten MUCH easier.

Lisa, the look out was REALLY cool! And really scary! I had to talk myself over to the rail of it. Its really high up.

Ugh. I want to take a nap. Is it nap time?
Haha I love that picture of her with all that fur and hay in her mouth, she is such a scream...I´m beginning to wonder now.

Those photos were great and some looked quite the pic of your hubby and son....but where are you ?????
I am always the one BEHIND the camera! I am NOT photogenic in the least, so I don't usually get in pictures. I actually think my MIL has some pictures of me, my hub and AJ. The hub is VERY photogenic, even modeling for clothing from his company in their catalog. I just don't like to be in pictures, I'm never happy with them or the way I look in them.

So while watching Mad Men, this guy just said the best thing I've ever heard. He said "sorry, sometimes my stomach rumbles and it sounds like the F word." HILARIOUS!
I remember seeing a picture of you forever are too photogenic! I think it was just a quick snapshot but I thought it was a great photo! You look like how I thought you would....cute and bubbly :)
Love the pictures although I'm afraid AJ kind of steals the shot!

Miss Ellie sure has something going on. She has so much personality and her little face says alot!
Kaley, right now Ellie's little face is saying "f-you, get away from my nest!" haha. As she thumps at me and runs away thumping. She's being so crazy. She's laying next to her nest like she had kits. WHAT?! Why do they do this? This is the craziest behavior I've ever witnessed.
I kind of want to put little "kits" in her nest and see what she does, but I don't want to encourage this. But really, what choice do I have? I wish I had some little stuffies that were kit sized for her! hahaha.
Well this morning has started out terribly. I come down to Ellie still pulling fur and she now has HUGE bald spots above both of her front legs. And then I go into the fridge to get my son some juice and I noticed that the fridge light wasn't on. I checked the plug and it was plugged in, but somebunny CHEWED THROUGH THE REFRIGERATOR CORD! AHHHH! Really?! She broke my f-ing fridge! I thought I put the wash basket where she couldn't get back there, but I DIDN'T and now I have a non working refrigerator. Its amazing, that thing runs for 40+ years and then you put it up against a 2 lb totally insane rabbit and it loses! OMG WHAT AM I GOING TO TELL MY HUSBAND?! I haven't called him and I don't really want to either. I just don't know what to do?! What would possess her to do that? OMG what a bad bad rabbit!
I wish she hasn't chewed through the cord in such a noticeable way, I could just tell him that it died on its own not with help from tiny rabbit teeth. UGH I'm really mad right now.

OH and her bald spots, omg they're huge. She's been pulling fur all night I think. Then I pulled this HUGE amount of fur from her mouth! She's making me insane. I think that she is the kind of rabbit that HAS to be spayed to be able to be in the house and be out of a cage. She is WAY more hormonal than Foo ever was. She is going insane and making me insane. Too bad, she just killed my fridge and now I have to bring up spaying while we get a new fridge. Thankfully my FIL just got a fridge from his mom thats only a few years old and he'll let us have it! So we don't have to pay for a fridge in money only in...FIL bucks. Which is more expensive than money, because you're pretty much making a deal with the devil. He's the kind of person that if he does something for you, you have to do 10 times more stuff for him. He's terrible. Ugh.

Why can't I be a better pet owner and pay more attention to things? This is ridiculous.
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The fridge that my FIL now has from my husband's grandmother was a garage fridge for the last few years. She kept it to keep her liquor and beer cold! hahha. Sad, but true. She's the kind of lady that will drink, but she doesn't want it in plain sight for the other elderly neighbors. So she kept her booze in the garage fridge. Its nice, I've seen it. But hopefully it doesn't come with too much "cost" from my FIL. I want to jump of a cliff. haha.

I texted my hub and told him that the fridge died. I didn't go into detail and I'll let him "find" the chew marks. It will be easier than me having to TELL him that she did it. I'll just say that I didn't moved the wash basket because I didn't think I needed to and hopefully he'll understand that Ellie is in the total crazy place right now. Hopefully he'll look at her crazy eyes and her bald spots and be more accepting of her killing our much needed refrigerator.
I just hope he understands a little bit. I don't know how he's going to react though. Ellie might become either a caged bun or an outside bun. But she is definitely not getting free run again until she's spayed. She is getting monitored out of cage time until then! She will not kill the new fridge!

My brain hurts. My jaw REALLY hurts. I've been having some mega TMJ issues lately and I can't barely open my mouth. I can't even yawn right! I have to make a crazy face because my jaw is popping when I open it and it feels like its trying to unhinge itself. I think its from eating bagels, to be perfectly honest. I think that the chewiness of the bagels had made my jaw out of align or something. Its very uncomfortable and it makes my ear hurt too and it makes my teeth feel like they're going to fall out. I don't know if anyone else has jaw problems, but it sucks! Almost as much as losing your fridge to a rabbit!
I think I've done enough complaining! LOL.
I wanted to share this morning before I came down to the horror, that the weather here is wonderfully beautiful! I've had my windows open since Monday and I plan on having them open until the middle of June, I refuse to turn the air on! haha. I do it every year.
Anyway, we slept with the windows open last night and it was like 63* last night. We had the medium weight comforter on the bed and I tell you what, that was the best night sleep I've gotten in a while! The nice breeze that smelled like fresh cut grass and daffodils, it was just cool enough. It was wonderful.
I highly suggest sleeping with the windows open if you can!

Oh and more good news, the hen has seemed to have made an almost full recovery. She is eating more now, she's scratching and pecking again and drinking well. She seems to be more aware of whats going on. But she is still dozing off a little, but not as much as she was before. She's also dust bathing again and she isn't attacking the chicks. They're out together and they were all eating together. They're scared of her but she isn't attacking any of them. To be honest, I don't think she knows their hers anymore. Like when a cat can't hear the kittens meow anymore, she doesn't her them cheep anymore. I just think its great that she isn't attacking them anymore.

YAY for good news!
I have tmj problems too, and actually had to have my bite adjusted cause my jaw was popping all the time. I think years of grinding my teeth at night is what caused the bite problems, so now I have to wear a mouthguard when I sleep.

I can't believe she did that! But all is not lost. It should be pretty easy to replace a cord on a fridge, if your hubby is handy at all. Your fridge is older right? So I don't know if that will make it any more complicated or not. Home depot may carry replacements, or you may need to get one from an appliance repair supply, but it shouldn't be too hard. Just unscrew the back panel, find where the plug wire is screwed in, unscrew the wires, screw the new wires in, replace panel, and you're done.

Edited to add: Do make sure that the power cord is unplugged when you do this. If you haven't already unplugged it, you will want to do that right away. I can't believe Ellie didn't get fried doing that. I mean, I'm really glad that she didn't, but I'm always worried about bunnies and power cords, cause they just seem to be magnetically drawn to them.

I don't know if it's normal for Ellie to be nesting this long or intensely for a false pregnancy. When Dakota used to do it(before her spay), she would only do it for part of a day, then she was done. When she started doing it pretty non stop for several days, I got really worried about uterine cancer, took her in and got her spayed. But with Ellie being so young, I doubt uterine cancer is a concern, but maybe something else is going on there, causing pain in that area, that is making her think she is having babies. You may want to at least call your vet and see what they think. You could also post in the rabbitry and showroom, to get the opinion of the breeders on here, if this kind of prolonged false pregnancy is normal. Maybe give her a huge pile of hay too, so she can stay busy gathering hay and building a nest with it, and distract her from pulling any more fur out, before she makes herself completely bald.
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Its my grandmother in law that hides her booze. My MIL doesn't care one bit, they have a full bar in their house complete with a kegerator and fully functioning tap. haha. Its awesome.
My grandmother in law is very...prude-like. I don't know, she's a look down her nose, do as I say not as I do, kind of woman. She's very nice, but she's just from a totally different generation. I don't know about her sometimes. Thankfully she lives in Florida and I don't have to see her all that often. Or any of them all that often, I just don't have the patience for grand parents. LOL

I think that Ellie has calmed down. I put her back in her cabinet and I think she's calmed down quite a bit. Shes not pulling fur anymore, thank god because there isn't going to be much fur to pull soon. haha.

My poor child is so congested and his nose is running so bad. He hates when I booger suck his nose, but it has to happen. I feel so bad for him and his little hoarse tiny voice. haha. And his terrible cough. Hopefully the antibiotics are nippy his ear infection in the bud, because they don't help for colds! haha.

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