My Heart's on Fire for Elvira

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That is a seriously sore hurts just looking at it...ouch. Hope they´ve given you something really strong for the pain as it looks as though it could be seriously throbbing and that´s not a good feeling.

Ellie is such a cutie, I love here little socks and she looks really settled, Houdini sleeps like that quite a lot when he´s not doing the real flop lol.

I see she´ll forgive you anything for a banana chip, bit like mine, they even hear the bag now before the banana comes out.

I had to laugh earlier as Bandy´s been doing binky 500s the last few days but I just can´t get them on film as he does a complete circuit of the room behind all the furniture...he really is faster than light...I´m getting to think that he´s the Usain Bolt of the bunny world.
Hey, that rooster is lucky he's not the main ingredient in a soup pot right now, lol. He'll just have to be useful and keep busy cleaning the bugs out of the yard.

Well, with the swelling going down, that has to mean something good. The redness would worry me too though. Really, try the neosporin, and change it 3-4 times a day. Couldn't hurt anyways. Plus it always makes me feel good when I have an infected cut, and I pull that bandaid off to change it, and some of the gunky puss stuff, is sucked up into the bandaid. Then at least I know it's working and the cut is getting better.

Isn't it nice to know, all you have to do is brandish a banana chip and all's forgiven, hahaha.
I do put neosporin on the cut, that stuff is my best friend! I love it. When I have simple little cuts that aren't finger/life threatening, what I do is put a glob of neosporin on it and then put a bandaid on it at night. Then in the morning I take it off and let it air out all day then do the same thing the next night till its gone. I've been doing it sort of with this cut on my thumb that I have, its from vegetable peeling my thumb knuckle, it isn't that bad though.
I put a massive blob of neosporin on my finger though and then put a bandage on it. Hopefully, it will help.
I'm not going to tell you guys what I'll have to do though, its pretty gross. Ew.

I don't feel very well today though. I felt okay this morning, but not now. I feel kind of sick and woosey. I don't know whats going on. I don't know if its the pain meds or the not eating well today or the lack of vitamins because I can't take them with my antibiotics. I just don't feel well.

And my cat is crazy and she's chasing Ellie. She's making me nuts.
I was afraid it was bad. I can remember my mother talking about just how much her thumb hurt and it sounded just like you that's why I was afraid your finger might be infected and from her I know it can happen way faster than I would have thought possible but your finger looks worse than I was picturing even in the dark. I know you are keeping an eye on it but if you continue to feel unwell or if the redness spreads further I think you should go back to the docs to be on the safe side.

My neighbor shot his rooster for less. Of course he's one of those really country boys.

What's with husbands? I haven't had to go through that situation yet with my hubby and I would hope he would help but I had surgery when married to my ex. He took off work for the week, told the boss it was to help me out since I was restricted on what I could do. Well for the entire week he did nothing but get in my way and make more work for me. My son was 5 and my daughter 3 so the very next day I was vaccuming, etc.

Aren't buns just the silliest, guess that's why we love them so much.
I have a feeling I know exactly what you've gotta do in this situation, it's not going to be pretty but it does need to be done! You poor thing jesus, thank god you went to the doctor (wow I'm on here too often, I was gonna say vet?!!) when you did!! You're probably just loosing your appetite from the antibiotics, it happens to people and animals right. bleh. :(
Pain meds make me really shaky and horribly sick, even if I eat with taking them, but yeah, the antibiotics will upset your stomach too. Taking yogurt, or probiotics each day, should help. And EAT!!! You need food :)
Okay guys here is a picture of my finger today, just now. Its not pretty. So if you guys can't handle gross then please don't look!
My finger is still swollen, but not AS swollen. My hand isn't as swollen either. The worst part of it is the wound now, its pretty gross looking. But it doesn't hurt nearly as bad as it did before.
Keep in mind I had had a bandage on it, then put a bandaid on it to put my hand in a rubber glove to wash dishes.

My whole hand, you can see its not as red or puffy.

The under side of my finger, its not red anymore. Its skin colored again!
It does look ALOT better! The redness and infection looks more localized to right around the site of the wound. A really good thing :) I bet you're feeling more relieved too, to see the infection going down.
Yes I am relieved it looks better. Its like every time I take another antibiotic, my finger gets better! But if its not A LOT better that it is now on Sunday night, then I'm going to go to my regular doctor on Monday.
I went to an urgent care in town the other day and they're the ones who saw me but it was terrible. They were so rude and the doctor didn't listen to me at all. I'm allergic to sulfa based drugs and I wrote it down on 2 pieces of paper and told him to his face and he wrote it down and STILL prescribed me a sulfa based antibiotic! The pharmacist caught it and had them change it, but I could have died! Like no joke, I had a really severe reaction to sulfa when I was 15 and the doctor told me if I took it again I would either have second degree burns all over my body from the rash or I would die. So that on top of this really terrible infection would have probably killed me and my already compromised body. What a moron. But its okay, I got the right stuff, so its alright.

Anyway, I got back on to say that Ellie is super obsessed with my slippers. She keeps trying to eat them while they're on my feet. She's so crazy about my slippers! Its so weird. She's such a funny bunny.
It's starting to look better but man it still looks so painful.

Hubby and I were watching a show with funny videos in it and one was a rooster attacking this guy. Everyone was laughing, it was suppose to be funny but i was like oh thats NOT funny! My rabbit friend Morgan has an infected finger because of a rooster!!!
Glad you wrote Graphic on made me shiver when I looked at it....that does look so sore but better than I expected it to look. I was going to look back now but don´t think I can take a second look in my delicate condition lol.

Good that your pharamacist caught the doctor´s mistake...seems like they´re just running a production line and seeing as many people through as they can without taking much notice of them or their needs, that is such a shame...nothing nice that TLC when you´re feeling lousy.
So my finger is a little better today. I almost have full mobility back but if I try to use it too much it starts to hurt really bad again so I've been taking it easy with it. My hand itself is still a little less swollen than yesterday and now its super ITCHY! AHH. I just want to claw my hand. I need to find my good lotion so I can rub it just on the back of my hand. But the back of my hand is so sore, it feels so bruised and terrible.
I think by Monday I should be 100%. Thankfully.

My husband likes to race RC cars, like the small gas powered cars. He's been doing it since he was like 12 and he still really enjoys it. He hasn't been racing in a long time, but he decided to go today. My son and I went with him this morning until this afternoon when my in-laws showed up and took my son then I left like an hour later.
But on the car ride home, I was thinking about what big plans I had for the house. I was thinking about how I was going to clean the toys up from the living room and pick AJ's room up and vacuum and sweep and mop...but then, the warm sun hit me on the drive home and I realized while so warm and fuzzy how tired I really was. I got home at 2:40 and said, 'hmm..I can nap for an hour, get up and do some stuff then go pick up AJ' So I laid down, 3:45 rolls around my alarm goes off and I was like 'better make that tired'. 4:15 rolls around, alarm goes off and I go to taco bell for a burrito. I got AJ, came back and now I'm here on RO not doing anything in my house. I feel like I could take another nap because AJ is taking a nap but I have to go back and get my husband. I should probably at least shoo the toys out of the living room and put them in AJ's room to make it LOOK like I did something, then actually do something when I get back. haha. Thats probably want I'll do!

I'll post pictures of my finger later. Maybe, if you guys can handle it. Because I'll be honest, I don't even know if I can handle it sometimes.

I want to crack that middle knuckle SO f-ing bad right now! Ahhh. I feel like if I do though, my finger is snap off. That would be bad. :p
I'm glad you are feeling better. Take it easy while you have an excuse to, no one else will make it easy for you...not being a mom and wife :) Don't snap off your finger, sometimes situations call for flipping two fingers 'cause one's just not enough!
Ellie stretches out!


She's so cute! And she let me walk right up and take those pictures, I was so shocked she didn't jump up.

I would also like to say that spring is sort of in the air here. My favorite part of spring time here is the daffodils on the side of the road. All down my road there are tons and tons of daffodils. I love it. Its my favorite part.

I'll share some pictures of my daffodils in my yard tomorrow, they are 100 year old bulbs my mom brought down from Tennessee. So they're like heritage bulbs, they're blooming pretty well!

My husband is wearing sweat pants right now, he just pulled the waist band out as far as it would go and was like "oh, I could gain like 70 lbs in these pants!" hahaha. I just stared at him. He's dumb. :)
My rabbits have a thing with my slippers too. They either think they are another 'critter' to chase around when I'm walking, or a chew toy when I'm sitting on the floor with them. I try to discourage that kind of thing, but that doesn't stop the damage they do with the first snip. I have several seams coming unravelled already.

I know! Spring is FINALLY around the corner. It's supposed to get up to the 60's this week here. I'm sooo excited!!! I may even take a few buns out to play on the grass. Now that it's not buried under snow anymore :)
Okay, so I was just scrolling through the national geographic part of my netflix and found the special on H.H. Holmes. I got WAY too excited to watch this! haha. He was such a crazy person...but jeez, you have to wonder what goes on in a mind like that. Like I'm not totally right in the head but my crazy is like Disney crazy compared to some other peoples crazy. But he was America's first serial killer and thats history! haha. I don't know if he house is still standing in Chicago, but I want to go to it! If you don't know who he is, google him.

This happened yesterday but I was too tired to tell about it. Well, my friend, her sister and I went to the mall yesterday. We were walking back into jc penny and we were behind these two girls who were REALLY over dressed to be in our little po-dunk mall. Anyway, we walked behind them and couldn't really get around them. But they were walking so slow because they were both stuck in their phones! They couldn't walk like normal humans because they were doing whatever on their phones. So I had to hang back a little bit because I had this really really overwhelming urge to kick this one girl in the back. I mean, she was like 16 and I didn't kick her, but I almost did. I was very close. So we get to a place where we can separate from these girls and I yelled at them, "why don't you put your phones away and walk like regular human beings! Facebook doesn't care that you just walked into jc penny. No one cares. People don't care that you just ate a cookie for lunch. SO PUT YOUR PHONE AWAY!" I swear to you guys, I got an applause. There weren't many people in the store, but they were all a little older than I am and they looked almost relieved that someone actually said something to the teenagers! That stuff makes me completely insane! I just can't take it and thats why I don't go anywhere, because I want to mush peoples heads together when I go places.

This time change has totally messed me up! I think when I was younger it didn't matter as much, but now I feel all out of sorts. It'll get better in a few days though!
I have like 90% mobility back in my finger. I still can't really move the top two segments of my finger but I can move it more than before. Its also not as bent anymore, I can straighten it out but keeping it bent a little bit makes it feel better. It does still hurt though. Its getting better everyday though! My wound hurts though and is pretty red still, but it looks SO much better.

Alright this is long enough. I have a H.H. Holmes special to watch, its so interesting.
So right now I'm watching this special about this great white shark named Nicole, after Nicole Kiddman who is apparently a shark lover; who know?
Anyway, I'm not trying to give you guys a show by show update of what I'm watching, but I wanted to share this because I wanted to tell everyone that they need to watch this. Its amazing. I'm finding myself totally invested in this shark and when they showed some sharks on a finning line, I was in total hysterics because I thought that it was Nicole on the line. But great whites are these totally amazing animals, they're so smart with so much internal animal technology, just these truly incredible creatures.
She traveled 6000 miles in like 100 days, she went from the southern tip of Africa to the northwestern coast of Australia. Totally amazing. Everyone needs to watch it. Even if you don't like sharks that much or whatever, you need to see this to understand that there is something so special about these animals that everyone is scared of or so set against. They aren't just mindless killers, they're just...sharks.
I have found this new love for sharks.
The special is called The Great White Odyssey.
The special I watched on H. H. was pretty interesting. Have you read "Devil in the White City"? I love that book. I had to read it as part of a Chicago History elective in college, and I'm hooked. What a **** creep. Crazy how many native Chicagoans don't know that the elevated track was built during the Columbian Exposition and that people took it out to the burbs to stay in places like Holmes' hotel. I was born in the suburbs, but now I live right on the border of the actual city, and have been learning more about it since I started college in downtown Chicago a couple years ago.

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