My Heart's on Fire for Elvira

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Morgan, good to see the finger is getting back to normal. Read up on H H Holmes, very interested, I´d never actually heard of him...not a very nice character though, always amazes me how people can do this kind of thing.

I sometimes hate mobile phones. I hate how we just lose the ability to talk to each other now or even take notice of each other or our surroundings. I´d be quite happy sometimes if they disappeared tomorrow. I tell you if you took smart phones (yes, where the heck did that name come from) from teenagers today, they honestly couldn´t live, they´ve lost the art of longer have relationships with friends, family, neighbours...just them and their phone. And yes, who cares if you´ve just eaten a bagel or had a coffee or any other piddling little thing that you get up to during the day...I really don´t understand having to tell the world what you´re doing every minute of the day.

Anyway, the shark programme sounds great, must find it, need something interesting to watch. Can´t believe the shark´s named after Nicole Kidman...that is weird.
Missy, now I have to read that book. I'll be honest, I'm a little obsessed with H.H. Holmes now. Creepy I know. I was sad to find that in the special the Holmes "castle" wasn't there anymore. I definitely wanted to go there.
My MIL and SIL live in Chicago, in the suburbs, but I'm not sure which one.
But that guy was nuts, but not in the nuts like he was just being silly killing people. He was SO smart about it.
So apparently I have a racist hen. haha. Sounds insane I know. But she has been attacking these two chicks that are the same color, they're both blue. They won't even stay in the coop anymore, they hid in a clover patch in the barn yard and they won't go anywhere near the hen. Its so sad. But she does't have a problem with the white and black chicks, only the blue ones. So tonight I have to put the little babies in Foo's old cage to keep them safe. They're staying so far away from the coop right now that I think the hawks have spotted them, I heard them flying around and calling today. I also don't know if they're going back into the coop at night because I haven't been out there much lately. So I hope they have been going back to the coop.

Also tonight before I move the babies, I'm going to separate the rooster from the flock. I'm going to put him in a dog crate and separate him, that way I'll be able to get the to the hen and the babies without being attacked by the rooster again. I have to do it at night because they get all disoriented at night and don't usually fight back, so hopefully he'll be pretty calm when I get him out of the house.

Stupid birds, one is a monster and the other is a racist, what am I going to do with them? LOL :)
Oh Morgan, I had so missed your comments which always make me smile. Are you sure the hen´s rascist, maybe she´s just colour blind and there´s something about blue that she doesn´t like. Poor little chicks, hope they´ll be OK, is this the mother hen or a different hen ??

YOu´re probably right to put the rooster in the cage but just go in there prepared just in case and he surprises you and has a go again...the last thing you need is another injury.

I do admit that he was a very clever killler and I bet the book is really good, I must look out for it.
The hen is the mother. I've read that sometimes they become a little racist against some chicks that are different colors. I don't know why. I was thinking maybe she doesn't like the blue because the rooster is white and she is black and thats the only chicken color she's seen, so blue is new and weird. haha.

Exactly how racism starts. LOL
Racist hens. Attack roosters. I thinik I'll stick with bunnies :) Not that they don't come with their own problems :pullhair:
Jenny, that is priceless, it did so make me laugh....rascist hens and attack roosters. Bunnies are definitely safer no doubt.

I feel so sorry for the little chicks, you´ll have to knit them little yellow jumpers so mom doesn´t get annoyed with them...I can just see the blue chicks in yellow jumpers, that would be cool. Hope she doesn´t hurt them.
Hahaha, could you just see these tiny little blue chicks running around with cute little yellow sweaters on, with their blue heads sticking out the top :laugh:
Hahaha. Little yellow sweaters! How funny! I told my husband and he just stared at me. My comment was "****, I can't even knit!" His jaw near hit the floor. LOL.

I'm about to go move everyone around. Hopefully everything goes smoothly and I don't get sustain any injuries! hahaha. Wish me luck everyone!
Oh and the guy is coming to get the roo on Thursday or Friday.

Here are the two baby blues that I had to rescue from their racist mama! haha. They're going through an awkward stage right now, but they're still pretty cute. They're now safely in the shed with food, water and a heat lamp.

The rooster is now in his new home, a dog crate. haha. He did not go peacefully and I unfortunately snapped a few feathers grabbing him, but otherwise he is unharmed. He also started crowing, so hopefully no one calls the cops!
Oh my, I think you need anger management! ;) Haha...Yelling at teenagers on their phones and throwing drinks at tailgaters.........girl trust me, life is too short to get mad at everyone who gets under your skin. Just vent to us, no need to act out on those vents in real life!! Believe's not worth it :)

The chicks grow too fast and I can't believe how different they look already! And yes awkward stage is right! Hahahahahahahah
Hahaha! I love that you yelled at those girls! I feel the same way since our mall is always packed with dumb teenagers, but I must say, if that were me and you yelled at me I would've yelled right back and said mind your own f**#ing business :p I've learned to cope with my anger and just breath really deeply when stuff like that happens!!

Its interesting that you watched the show on sharks! I'm pretty sure my boyfriend made me watch a documentary before and they are wicked cool creatures! I love the pictures of the hens and thats wierd that your hen is acting that way. :/ I love stopping by your blog at the end of the day :)
The girls just stood there, I think they needed a dose of truth, because its annoying.

The baby blues(as we're referring to them now) made it through the night well. I checked them at like 10pm they had made a little nest in the hay and were laying under the heat lamp.
It started raining last night, I did cover the roosters new cage with a thing to stop the rain from coming in the top, but I was a little at a loss for what to put on some of the sides. So after is started raining really hard, I went out and put a animal sheet on the cage to keep in dry. The sheet of course isn't waterproof but it would keep the water off of him. He has also settled into his new cage pretty well, making a nest in the hay in the middle of the cage. He was laying down when I went out at midnight in the rain to cover him. At least its warm outside now!

Yes its finally warming up, for how long I have no idea. I'm pretty warm in my flannel plaid shirt though! haha. Hopefully it stays like this. I was able to have my windows opened yesterday and I tell you, the smell of fresh air blowing through your house is an amazing thing! Its the simple things in life that make me happy! haha.
OMG, can´t believe how big those chicks are. I was thinking of cute little yellow jumpers and they´ve have to pretty big now to cover those two. I´m just gobsmacked at how big they´ve grown in just over a week...still darn cute though and their feathers look so soft and downy.

Almost made me feel sorry for your poor rooster all on his ownio stuck outside. Hope he didn´t get too wet or make too much noise.

Was telling my friend about the girls in the mall...I wouldn´t have dared, they´d have either cursed back or got very nasty. Technology has it´s uses but I do tend to think that it´s taking over youngers people´s lives totally until they can´t really live without it.
The rooster didn't get wet at all! haha. I actually used the empty feed bag as the roof on his dog crate, because its waterproof. I knew the sheet wouldn't work to keep the water rolling off, but I knew that he probably wouldn't get too wet under the sheet. I put it out to the sides like a tent so it wasn't directly on the wire, that seemed to work. But it rained REALLY hard last night, so I'm actually quite pleased at my handy work with the sheet in the middle of the night.
He didn't make too much noise, he only crowed twice, but it was at 9pm.
BUT his new person is coming either Thursday or Friday to get him. So Big Boy will have a new home, with a new coop and a new flock of girls to watch over. He was a great rooster and such a great protector but he is so mean to me. I just can't handle it anymore. He probably won't be like that with his new owner, so he should live out a happy life in his new home.

Someone in the chicken world told me why is the way he is with me right now. They said that because he was so sweet and nice when he was younger and so easily handled and I handled him and loved on him all the time, he now considers me his "equal", and he sees me as a rival rooster and he's trying to fight me out of the flock. I didn't do the right thing with him when he was a baby, I wasn't aloof enough with him. His hormones kicked in when he was about 1 1/2 and now he's just gone completely insane and now he really sees me as a threat. Even though I did doctor his ass back up when he got attacked by that raccoon, even though I do feed them and give them COOKED oatmeal and fresh fruit and fresh water. It just makes no sense, but then again I'm not a chicken. So I probably don't make sense to them either.

I totally agree with kids relying too much on technology. I have a smart phone and I have a laptop, but thats about it. We don't have cable, only a playstation with netflix thats enough for us. haha. What I really don't like, is how kids don't play outside anymore. My husband when he was growing up, he was never in the house. He was up from sun up till sun down. I rode horses and helped on a farm when I was a kid, so I wasn't inside much either. Kids with video games and phones and all that, it makes me crazy.
We do watch tv, but AJ doesn't like cartoons, so now i just put on national geographic stuff and let him watch that stuff. So hopefully he'll learn some stuff through osmosis. haha.
Some pictures of the animals. haha.

The roosters new digs, temporary of course. That is a dog crate for a large dog, like the bigger crate. He's pretty big, but he has room to open his wings, move around, dig and lay down.

And here's some baby chick love. All but the baby blues, who are still in the shed. Yes all the babies are going through a really awkward stage filling out their adult feathers. They're weird looking.

And Little Elvira. She's like "what, you talkin' to me?"

Then I told her she was getting something special in the mail and then is what she looked like... "you said a treat? For ME?!"

And last but not least, my finger. It looks MUCH better, so don't be afraid.

See what I did there, I started off happy with the animals then I threw the finger in there at the end. hahaha. It was to lighten the load of the finger. It still hurts and I have like 97% mobility back. So we're doing MUCH better now!
Ellie looks like she has filled out, from the time when you were thinking she looked skinny. She looks all grown up too! They're not our babies anymore :( Roo has grown so much. She started off this tiny little runt, and now she is bigger than Libby, and isn't even done growing yet. She's 2 1/2 lbs right now, Libby's 2 lb. I took them out to play on the grass today(Yay for grass!!! The snow is mostly gone :) ). They were a little nervous at first, but had fun hopping around, but Libby just looked so tiny out there. She's the smallest of all my bunnies.

Finger's looking good :) I'm sure it's nice to be able to use it again, for 'whatever' you would need to use a middle finger for, haha.
I haven't taken Ellie outside yet, but I think I might if the nice weather keeps up like this. I bet she would really like it, now that she's bigger, shes so brave!
Maybe this weekend I'll let her out!

Jenny, I can't believe Roo is bigger than Libby now. I bet they're cute! You should post some pictures! I want some hotot baby love!
Oh yes, Ellie has filled out quite a bit. Its the walmart food. BUT I have to say that her fur is SO soft! I don't know if its from the food of what, but she's so soft now. I kind of think she is in a light molt or something because she's shedding but I don't know if she's going into a FULL molt. God I hope not. Well, I take that back, since my dog is gone this is NO fur in the house. haha. Its pretty amazing, so I think I could handle an Ellie molt. haha. I think she's grown a little bit which I do accredit to the food, so I'm glad for that.

She's also way too smart. When I come in and start messing with stuff on the counter(because one part of my counter is a cluster-f.) She comes to me and tries to climb up my pants because she knows either craisins or banana chips. Her two favorite things. She knows they come from the counter. haha.

And I have to tell you guys about my kid real quick. He has started making this face. When I tell him no or to stop, he furrows his brow and looks SO sad. I don't fall for it because he's ridiculous and trying to work me over. Like 3 seconds after I don't fall for it, he starts to smile this really evil little baby smile and starts laughing. Its so scary! haha. He knows he's doing something wrong and he thinks the sad face will get him out of it. But it just makes me laugh. The sad face is SUPER hilarious.

And now I'm done. I woke up in a terrible mood and I'm drinking old coffee. :foreheadsmack:
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Ellie looks like such a big girl! And your finger is looking so much better.

I can't wait for nice weather too. We just got snow on Monday. Bleh. I want to take the buns outside too. I had Arch out to groom him yesterday and I showed him the snow. He was NOT interested in that cold, wet stuff at all. He gave me a dirty look and sat in the corner grooming himself after. Hehe.
Hahaha. Lisa, I bet he did. He seems like such a grudge holding bunny.

It seems pretty nice today, so maybe I'll take Ellie out after I finish eating lunch. Its not overly warm, but the sun is out and its nice in the sun. She loves the sun anyway.
I moved the Baby Blues out of the shed and into the sun today, so they could warm up. I put a little blanket over a part of the cage so they could get out of the sun too. But I figured it would be nice since it got a lot colder last night than I thought it would. Thank god they have a heat lamp and each other. All the other babies are in the coop laying in the sun with the hen.

Spring is in the air. Thank god!

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