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Going to work on taking some soon -- after showseason wraps up for me after a double show thisweekend. Having the weekends off will free up a lotof time for me to play with my bunnies!

This is my first time to this thread. You have GORGEOUS rabbits. :love:
Okay! Sounds like a plan. I'll look forward to it.


Lissa wrote:
Thisis my first time to this thread. You have GORGEOUSrabbits. :love:

Thank you Lissa :) This little guy won a Best In Show the very first time he was shown . . .


hmmmmmmmmmmmmm Looks likeits Bunny Nappin time , we'lljust put a bit longer ears on himand pretend lol , He is acutie for sure .
Elf Mommy wrote:
the snub noses really make them look unique :)
My husband says our Holland, Baby looks like she ran full-speed into a brick wall. :mad:

He's so mean!

How can you not love the smush face? I just don't get it.


Laura wrote:
My husband says our Holland, Baby looks like she ran full-speed into a brick wall. :mad:

He's so mean!

Take the nearest heavy object you have handy and bop him on the head!!

They are such cuties with their little faces!!

Pam All your pics are great they are beautiful looking bunnies.;)
Wow, I wish there was a breeder around here withHollands that adorable!! I'm thinking about a Holland in the nearfuture :) You know of any reputable Holland breeders in southwestmissouri?
FlopsnWills wrote:
Wow, I wish there was a breeder around here with Hollandsthat adorable!! I'm thinking about a Holland in the near future :) Youknow of any reputable Holland breeders in southwest missouri?

I was at a show in Holt over the weekend and got some cards from acouple breeders...not sure where they are in relation to you...shoot mea pm if you'd like the info and I'll provide it for ya. ;)

P.S.- yes we NEED more pics!!!! Thanks Pam! ;)


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